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The Effect of Using Drama Technique on Students Speaking skill Development for Tenth Grade Student of MMAI at Mathlabul

Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep 2011-2012

ABSTRACT Tina Febri Wahyuni, 2012, The Effect of Using Drama Technique on Students Speaking skill Development for Tenth Grade Student of MMAI at Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep 2011-2012. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, the State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan, Advisor: Abd. Ghofur, M.Pd. Keywords: Drama Technique, Speaking Skill. Drama technique is one of teaching method to improve speaking skill. Which this technique, give student opportunity to speak. Actually, speaking is not easy for language learner because not only focus on memorizing vocabularies but, speaking needs much practice. With drama performance, students can practice their speaking in front of their friends. Eventless, drama is interest and enjoyable. As Francis and Nigel stated that, drama as a context for speaking and listening. There are two problem statements in this study. The first one is Does the drama technique influence the students speaking skill at Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep. The second one is how the significance level of using drama technique on students speaking skill development at Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep. This study is to find out the influence of drama technique on students speaking ability at Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep. And to find out the level significance of drama technique on students speaking skill at Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep. There are two variables in this study; they are drama technique as independent variable (variable X), and students speaking skill as dependent variable (Variable Y). The former was found by employing documentation and the latter was measured by employing test. In this research the researcher used quantitative approach. The population of this research is tenth grade students of MMAI at Mathlabul Ulum consisting of 112 students. While the sample, the researcher take 32 students. Research instrument which are used are documentation and test. Documentation is gotten from drama performance value and speaking skill test score. To know whether there is or no effect of using drama technique on students speaking skill development for tenth grade students of MMAI at Mathlabul Ulum, the researcher was analyze by using correlational Product Moment formula by Pearson. The result showed that there is an effect of using drama technique on students speaking skill development for tenth grade students of MMAI at Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep. And the effect of using drama technique on students speaking skill development for tenth grade students of MMAI at Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep is statistically significance at the level of 0,729. It is proven that the obtained rvalue is greater than rtable (0,729 > 0,349). And also have enough effect of using drama technique on students

speaking skill development for tenth grade student of MMAI at Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep. It is proven with comparing r value of this research with table of interpretation r product moment. Which is r value of this research is 0,729 and the table of interpretation "r product moment is (0.600 0,800). Based on the result above, it is suggested for English teacher to improve students speaking skill use drama technique and to be creative teacher in teaching learning method. It is suggested for students to practice their speaking for improving their speaking skill.

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