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Aiyo Ojomoh Destiny Lewis Onyi Olewe Judith Anyanwu Ms.

Escorcia World History AP 11 Dec 2013 The Last Straw: Biafran War

Introduction Thesis: Before The Biafran War from 1967 to 1970 ethnic tension between the Nigerian Government Hausa/Fulani and the Igbo people were enhanced when the Nigerian Government took away the accountability of the Igbo's; which was better represented in the 1962 census counting Igbo's as 2/3 of the original population. This triggered a war between the Igbo southeast and the Hausa north creating greater social collision, political corruption, and a economic low for the Country. Background: For 59 years 1901 to 1960 Nigeria was under British rule, but with new independence came new responsibilities as well. However this did not come easy for Nigeria, because of cultural difference each ethnic group had during the British rule; that counteracted with their new independence.

(Before Independence) Ethnic Groups were split into different sectors by the British government. The Igbo in the southeast, Hausa/Fulani in the north, and Yoruba in the Southwest. These groups didnt have much interaction with one another before the split, but were conjoined when the British government gave them independence. Once the British left Nigerias Ethnic GroupsIgbo ethnic groups were heavily divded by cultural differences. The Major groups Igbo, Hausa/Fulani, and Yoruba each affected the Turmoil within each major sector of Yoruba ethnicity. The reason for this was, because of all the political corruption with Nigeria not allowing the Igbos to have a say Hausa/Fulani in social and political interactions. These lead to a chronic political power imbalance within the country and economic diffusion for each ethnicity. Social: Igbo Political: Egalitarian Society; a belief in elders and the word of the wise. Economy: Slave trade Social:Yoruba Political:Monarchy Political:Monarchy Economy:Farming Economy:Farming Social: Hausa/fulani

The Igbo people held the position as the victim, because there were no other Nigerian sectors that were on their side. The Igbo people faced political and physical trial, because they had no say and they were being killed off with starvation.

The Yorubas were more against the line of neutrals, because they didnt involve themselves with the War. Though they did create a turn over when the left the loyalty of the Igbos in order to sustain their land in fear. By doing so allowed the Nigerian Government to have more power with 2 against 1.

The Hausa people were mainly in power in the North, they had more access to goods and military supplies. They began fighting with Biafra, because of their need to keep political power and stability in Nigeria. During the war they used harsh tactics; most notably seen in the blockade sent out in Port Harcourt.

Body: Context: The reason the Biafra war began was due to political corruption The Nigerians were beginning to realized loss in freedom they once had such as the right to assemble and the right to have an uncensored press. More political corruption and ethnic division contributed to the first regime of the upcoming Biafra which was shown in the 1966 when Ibo officers launched bloody coup in which the president was killed. By them doing so the rest of Nigeria launched a strike against Igbos that lasted many months and lead to a back and forth battle between the Southeast and the North. Key events:

Biafras Succession July 6 1967

Port Harcourt captured

May 24, 1968

Biafran forces surrender January 15 1970

Biafras succession was a turning

The Hausas completely changed the

The responsibilities of the Nigerian

Analysis/conclusion: Igbo People Now the Government has taken its responsibility of making sure all parts of Nigeria are equally represented and including all ethnic groups to participate. There is not as much tension between the ethnic groups as they were before. Economy Nigerias economy after the war was very fast, because of their mass production of crude oil exports. Though immediately after the war both groups lost money, it wasnt much of a problem to deal with. Political There is still a lot of political corruption in Nigeria, but its not as bad as it once was. Now there is more of a respected democracy and the country is no longer as separated as it once was.

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