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Day to Day Enlightenment

Exploring the magic and possibility of existence

Developed and produced by Enlightening Studios. Copyright 2008 Written by JJ Jackson with contribution by Tim Kies and Don LaRoche

Much love and thanks to Ryan, Bly, Mandy, Dylan, Ken, Jesse, Amy, John and all the rest of our families, friends and special people in our lives for being who you are, imparting your knowledge and sharing the journey with us.


Introduction: Living Enlightenment

An Environment of Enlightenment Understanding the Tenants of Enlightenment Existence, Spirituality and Religion

Tenants of Enlightenment:
Category One: Belief, Trust and Faith in Yourself, in Others and in the Universe Category Two: Loving Expression Category Three: Positive Thinking

A Unifying Theory: The Process of Contextual Life Attraction

How the Tenants of Enlightenment make up the process of contextual life attraction How applying positive contextual life attraction will better our individual lives and our society

The School System: Examining How Authority Affects Field of Intention Tones of Communication Innate Destiny and Chosen Destiny The Renaissance of the Human Spirit The Four-Step Cycle of Enlightenment
Media Index: More to help you on your journey

Introduction: Living Enlightenment

hat is enlightenment? Is there a difference between enlightenment and

Enlightenment? There is no set definition as to the particulars of what enlightenment feels like, as the feeling of becoming enlightened is affected by cultural, geographical, social, political, technological and spiritual associations and identities. The experience of enlightenment is very personal and will be different for every person. However, there are common themes of experience that accompany the feeling of becoming enlightened. It gives you a greater sense of purpose in life and deeper understanding as to why we might be here, right now, on this planet. It brings a greater sense of joy about being alive, as it puts you in greater touch with the deeper parts of our human experience - such as creativity, love and destiny - that provide more gratification than the materialistic pursuits our present, media-dominated culture conditions us to pursue. It gives you a greater love and appreciation for the people and environments in your life. It gives you confidence and ambition in knowing that there is more to seek in our life experience than what any authoritative figure, organization or construction has told us was true in the past. Truth is subjective. And finally, enlightenment gives you the conviction to pursue your own truths about the nature of reality and your human experience. We say finally merely because this is currently the last point we can make about common themes of the enlightenment experience. However, the themes and characteristics of the experience can be described as infinite as well, as the experience of enlightenment is never-ending. There is always more understanding to be gained. And there are always more opportunities (some so new we cant even begin to describe them) to become even more enlightened.

An Environment of Enlightenment
The experience of enlightenment involves psychological, social and action-oriented processes that are broken up in this book into the three categories that make up the Tenants of Enlightenment. These Tenants were developed out of analyzing and being conscious of what was taking place, and what could be learned, from experiences during the year-and-a-half or so leading up to the writing of this book.

During that time period, we, the authors, along with a group of our very close and personal friends, experienced a great transformation (or perhaps a better term might be evolution) in our perspective about what it meant to be alive and about what parts of our life experience were of true importance. In fact, the best term to describe our experience was a trans-evolution. There were parts of our perspectives that were completely transformed as we came to understand the flaws in our previous perspectives, which we discovered were conditioned in us by society and/or various other systems of authority that attempt to instill in the masses notions of what is right/ wrong, true/false, important/unimportant. At the same time, there were parts of our perspectives that grew and evolved, that were merely awakened and given the confidence to ripen and bear fruit. This trans-evolution is still continuing. We initiated this trans-evolution unconsciously but rather intentionally, as well. (It seems like a paradox, we know, but the processes of how this is possible will be explained later in this book) We did it first by creating an open, non-judgmental environment that accepted anyone and everyone that came into it and that fostered the creativity of everyone involved. This environment allowed for the positive and liberating and inspiring exchange of ideas through conversation. As with much of the younger generations today, we all felt a certain restlessness about our lives and our place in society, in the world, in existence. The encouraging environment we created inspired us to bring these restless feelings into our consciousness to figure out where the feelings were coming from. As we became more and more conscious about our perceptions of existence and reality, we had many questions and we shared these questions with each other inside this loving environment. We werent afraid of being judged for the ways we thought and this allowed us to embrace our individual ways of thinking. As we shared our thoughts and feelings with each other, we discovered that each one of us could offer at least some insight into the questions the rest of us had. We learned with each other and we came to collectively discover truths about our shared reality and our individual and collective experiences in this reality. The things we learned together make up the three categories of the Tenants of Enlightenment and these Tenants showed all of us what is possible inside an outlook of love and positivity ANYTHING!

Understanding the Tenants of Enlightenment

There are a few terms that need to be explained in order to fully grasp the ideas talked about in the Tenants. Here we give a brief definition of the main processes at work. More about how these processes work and their relationships to the human experience will be revealed as you read into the Tenants.

Synchronicity: This is a term, coined by psychologist Carl Jung, describing the psychological process of finding meaning behind coincidences that happen in life that are always present and potential. It attempts to describe a phenomenon of experience that is indescribable and intangible: the aligning of present existences of people, objects and situations. It happens when vibrations of existence are in harmony. Any time you think, feel or act something, you send out a vibration, or energy. The source and motive of the activity determines the nature of the vibration. The vibration of a thought rooted in hatred is going to clash with the vibration of a thought rooted in love, for example. To achieve synchronicity of vibrations is to enhance the synergistic potentials of the vibrations, that arent possible without achieving the harmony between them. There is truth related with synchronicity. When you experience it, the experiences have a level of authoritativeness that, if we are aware and open to the experience, can teach us some truth about the nature of our observed reality and our involvement in this reality. It is our belief that synchronicity is what guides humans along their path to destiny. The Law of Attraction: This is a law rooted in quantum physics. It states that energy is attracted to like energy, positive energy attracts positive energy and negative energy attracts negative energy. Field of Intention: This is a term used to describe the energy field that surrounds a human being. This energy field is comprised of, and the nature of it is affected by, the thoughts and emotions we have and by the actions that we commit.

Existence, Spirituality and Religion

When we, the authors, were initially developing and analyzing the ideas that inspired this book, and what these ideas could mean to humankinds individual and collective life experiences, we would also discuss these ideas with other people who hadnt been directly involved in the experiences with us that inspired the forming of these ideas. We would tell them about our experiences and what we learned about the nature of reality and how we can affect (really, essentially create) our life experience inside our observed reality. We would tell them what we thought humans were capable of. From talking with some, we discovered that there were many people out there who were dealing with the same things in life that we were: searching for meaning, looking for more under the surface, wanting to find some answers or at least some understanding, longing for a way to see through the pressures of a superficial culture; and knowing that we werent alone in the universe with what we were going through

opened us up and gave us the confidence to pursue our own truths and figure out what life really meant to us. We received the expected range of reactions to our ideas, from agreement to disbelief; but a surprising reaction that turned out to be unexpectedly common was that some people thought we were trying to start our own religion, or frighteningly, a cult. This was, and is, not our intention. Probably, the religious interpretation of our ideas, of our message, comes from the use of the word spirituality. Yes, spirituality is a large part of many religious beliefs, but that doesnt mean that it is confined strictly to religion. We dont have to be religious to understand that there is a spiritual side to human existence. And believing in a spiritual nature to existence doesnt necessarily mean that we have to adopt a particular religion, or more specifically, support the way organized religion is practiced. Religion is simply a belief system that attempts to describe and explain how spirituality is experienced, how it is involved in our current worldly existence and what it might mean for us after we die. However, organized systems of religious belief and practice have historically been corrupted by the quest for power and authority to the point where they become systems of judgment and control of people. Religion has even been used to justify some of the most horrific and enormous taking of human life. We do not feel it is wrong or bad to interpret our ideas with religious undertones. We just want to make the point that interpretation is always in the hands of the observer to make that own personal choice for him or herself. Whether we are religious or not, the ideas presented in this book can be of benefit in the quest for discovery and the journey of enlightenment. It is possible to not be religious and to still embrace the human spirit. Whether we are religious or not, if we are to deny the human spirit, we deny all that is possible in human existence. The human spirit is what drives human ability. Every time we feel inspired to create, every time we feel motivated to succeed, every time we feel encouraged to make connections with people, our spirit is coming alive and our potential is being actualized. The message is to think for yourself. You are the creator of your own reality. Everything to your destiny is at your fingertips. The choice is always up to you.

Tenants of Enlightenment
Category One: Belief, Trust and Faith in Yourself, in Others and in the Universe
It is okay to be you. It is more than okay. It is wonderful. You are good. You are holy. Be the hero of your own life story. No one else can play the part as well as you. You are the only person who will ever get to be you. Dont sell your spirit short. Be the leader of your own destiny. Hide not your light under a bushel. Anything is possible when you realize your full potential and bring it into full consciousness. Believe in the power of your Self, the power of others and the power of the universe and a world of endless possibilities opens up in front of you. The best defense against doubt is to believe in yourself (and, in relationships, to also believe in your partner). It takes confidence and faith to overcome uncertainty. Follow the leading and inclinations of your spirit, and trust that your holy spirit will lead you to goodness. Trust what your intuition tells you because it is what guides you along your synchronicity. Always expect and trust that your synchronicity will guide you along the right and righteous path. Follow the synchronicity in your life and it will lead you to blessings formerly unimaginable to you. Never take the word of another as truth. Know thyself and know for yourself. Always trust what you know to be true, but always be open to consciously considering what others believe to be true as this contemplation may reveal more insight into your own truths. Always trust what you know to be true love ALWAYS. Always expect the best and most positive out of every person and every situation. Always look for the higher expression and higher wisdom of every person and situation. And remember, all individuals are on their own journey of awakening and enlightenment. Always be content with your present state of existence but never be content with stagnation. Always progress, always learn and always mature. Appreciate and embrace all opportunities. Eliminate all hindrances. Everything pays off when you work hard. Follow your bliss and do the work you are destined to do. Remember, a profiteering mindset leads to subjugation,

separation and dehumanization. A unifying mindset leads to an affirmative perspective and fosters the amplification of all positive output into the universe. Everything is energy. Energy is all. Everything is connected in the web of existence. The Earth is a living being; we are but components of its body. Every living thing on Earth is connected and there is knowledge to be gained by observing all living things. Lower-level animals feel the subconscious need to kill and/or dominate each other because of their desire for survival. Because of this desire, they are always competing for resources. They dont have the intelligence to understand that by sharing and evenly distributing resources that every member can survive. However, humans are capable and intelligent enough to understand this concept, yet we still tend to revert to our evolutionary desire to hoard resources selfishly. We, as humans, must rise above our traditional rhetoric and revolutionize our perspective to where we seek to share all resources available to us so that every person has the chance to survive prosperously. The universe consists of patterns, principles and tendencies that replicate and compound upon each other, from the most miniscule levels to the level of the cosmos and beyond. The Great Mysterious part of existence will provide for you. Through the leanest of times it will provide enough for you to get by. Trust in it. An appreciative spirit will receive compounding blessings. The simple gifts and blessings of every day will nourish the grateful spirit. One of the most valuable gifts the universe continually presents us with is the opportunity to show true love and compassion to those around us.

Category Two: Loving Expression

Love everyone and everything unconditionally. Love like there is no tomorrow. Love will always prevail, for positive and loving expression is far more powerful than negative and hateful expression. Always leave someones presence on a positive tone. The most important aspects to human interaction are love and respect. Everything comes down to love and respect for all people and all things, for no person is better or worse at life, there are only the asleep and the awake. It is our job to awaken those who are asleep. Give whenever you recognize a need or a chance to show love. Dont hesitate to give at your own peril. The universe has your back. Hug a tree. Place your palms on the leaves, branches, stems, trunk, roots and fruit of the trees and plants around you. Say, thank you. It will do your heart good. You manifest your reality through the choices you make and the perspectives you employ. Your spirit manifests itself in your reality through the energy you output. Always be aware of your surroundings and the people who are in them. Every person brings their own energy to a situation, and the best possible ways to harmonize these energies is through the open, honest and loving expression of every individual. If the energies are lacking in any of these categories of expression, the harmonization of energies cant reach its full potential because not being open can foster judgment, not being honest can erode trust, and not being loving denies any evolutionary enlightenment from taking place. The progress of our nature is to be in harmony with our existence. To do this doesnt mean trying to be an individual, it means being yourself. By complicating an open, honest and loving expression of your own energy, you ultimately bring negative energy and disharmony to the situation. Recognize when you made a mistake and accept responsibility, and always learn the positive lesson. Learn something from every situation, for there is wisdom and positivity inside all circumstances. If you make a mistake, take full responsibility and accept the consequences. Then, forgive yourself and move with the wisdom and confidence to do the right thing next time. True and complete freedom is the inherent right of every individual from birth, but it must be earned and kept through the passage of time through the execution of right, just, positive and loving behavior. Every moment greets us with options, but always there exists one or several options of utmost beauty. We must choose to make these moments beautiful and

holy. Our purpose is to create as much beauty in the world around us as we can, be it in art or action. Whatsoever you do unto the least of men, you do also for the benevolent universe, the All, the One, God. Take only what you need and be grateful for it. Be grateful for all the beauty that you have. Humans make society makes humans. Enlightened minds make for enlightened people, which make for an enlightened society.

Category Three: Positive Thinking

Find the beauty of every moment. Your mental imaging your thoughts, feelings (emotions), intuitions, interpretations and judgments determines your perspective and the nature of the energy you are outputting. The energy you output influences the energy you receive because energy attracts like energy (The Law of Attraction). You must always be conscious of your mental imaging so that you will be conscious of the energy you are outputting, and always focus on the positive. See through the eyes of the observer. Reality is observed. We create our reality through what we observe. There is a duality to the nature of existence. Everything in reality is essentially empty and devoid of any inherent existence. There is a physical nature of existence to all things and there is a metaphysical nature of existence to things through the meaning we apply to them. Always seek to manifest a positive reality through positive thought, but stay detached from any particular outcome, for every potential outcome always exists at any given moment and is being influenced not only by the energy you are emitting but also by the energy everyone else is emitting. To be attached to any certain outcome blocks your energy output and the energy output of others and denies the synchronistic process from happening. When we fully and consciously accept and acknowledge that all outcomes are potential, we can fully focus our positive expectation on the outcome that will bring the most benefit to ourselves and others. Your individual synchronicity is influenced by your expectations of how you want your synchronicity to guide your life and your human experience. If you expect your synchronicity to guide you along a certain path and you act in accordance with your expectations, your synchronicity will open up to you and offer you chances for your life to unfold in-synch with your expectations. Your synchronicity might not unfold to you exactly according to your expectations, but if you expect positively and you act positively and in accordance with your expectations, your synchronicity will unfold in ways that will offer you the chance(s) at attaining the most positive outcome(s) for whatever stage of your life you are in. If you hold to your positive expectations and continue your positive behavior in accordance with your expectations, you compound your positive field of intention and your synchronicity will unfold in positive ways that will continue to grow closer and closer to matching your positive expectations. It is important to not get over-anxious in your expectations of yourself and other people, because it must be remembered that everyone (including you) is on their own individual journey, and to get over-anxious in expecting a particular outcome of yours or

someone elses journey puts too much pressure on the journey of you and/or someone else, and that pressure can stifle progress along the journey(s). Accept and embrace whatever present stage you and someone else are at on your individual journeys, and by expecting the best and being open and willing to let the synchronicity of your journeys unfold naturally, you can better align the journeys of you and someone else if that is what you so wish. And remember, success cannot be defined or determined by any external source. You are the only one who can interpret your success along your own journey of awakening and enlightenment. If your synchronicity seems to be bringing you negative circumstances, dont seek to place blame on outside forces, for doing this only compounds the negative energy surrounding you and your circumstances. Instead, look inside the contexts of your field of intention to see what could be attracting this negative energy and what you could change about your field of intention to attract more positive energy and reduce your attraction of negative energy. Just like your mental imaging can influence your circumstances, your circumstances can influence your mental imaging. If you allow seemingly negative circumstances to poison your perspective, your negative mental imaging will compound the negative energy you are receiving in your circumstances. Hold to positivity at all times and always find the positive in every situation. You can influence your individual synchronicity by controlling your field of intention, but you cant dictate the universe be the flow and immerse yourself in the experience of living. Fear, mistrust and self-doubt are the forces that keep us humans from reaching our full potential. Doubt comes into your perspective when you let yourself be consumed by your Fear. (Fear with a capital F is different than fear with a lowercase f, as Fear refers to your specific motives and feelings that scare you and fear refers to the general feeling of being afraid.) To extinguish doubt you must extinguish your Fear, and not let either influence your mental imaging. When fear and doubt are allowed to influence your mental imaging, it is easy to expect the worst. And when you expect the worst, you influence the worst into manifestation. Recognize your sources of fear and doubt, and always expect the best. Never allow yourself to be disrespected by someone elses Fear or let it block you on your own journey. Your Fear must be overcome to fully awaken your full potential. It takes honest self-reflection to pinpoint the source(s) of your Fear, and courageous humility to take responsibility of your thoughts and actions. When you overcome your Fear, you energize your spirit to all thats possible within your affirmative perspective. Expect every day to be a day where the divine energy of the universe flows into and through you and inspires you to achieve your full potential.

The extent to which you trust yourself influences the extent to which you can trust others. If you cant trust yourself, you cant trust others. If you can trust yourself, but you cant trust others, there is likely a source of fear from your past that is affecting your ability to trust other people. This past fear source is also likely affecting your ability to trust yourself. You must let go of that past experience(s) and move on in order to not let that past source(s) of fear affect your ability to trust. Every person is their own person and people of your present must not be grouped in with people of your past, unless their behavior proves to match the behavior of people of your past. It is important to remember that your expectations about a persons behavior will influence your ability to trust that person; and consequently, your ability (or lack of ability) to trust a person will influence the actual behavior of that person. And the consequent behavior of a person (which is influenced by your ability or inability to trust that person) can either reinforce or degrade your ability to trust. However, it is also important to remember that although your expectations about a person will influence their behavior, that persons behavior is ultimately controlled by that person, and you must not degrade yourself or think yourself at fault if that persons behavior doesnt match your positive expectations. Expect the positive but accept whatever outcome results, and forgive a person if their behavior is negative; but be open, honest and loving about how a persons behavior affects you. Every person we meet is a fresh person in our human experience and should be greeted with a clean slate and the chance to prove the goodness of humankind. When you expect something out of someone, especially when you have positive expectations, you must still respect that persons space and their right and ability to make their own decisions. Dont be cocky and/or arrogant in your expectations of positivity. To be cocky and arrogant is to hold yourself above the workings of the universe and your synchronicity will be negatively reinforced. To be humble and accepting of the workings of the universe will attract your synchronicity to be positively reinforced. Always positive reinforcement ALWAYS. Time can destroy or enhance your path of actualization the choice is always up to you. It is not time that moves past us while we watch, but our consciousness that moves through various psychological timelines and experiences. We must learn to live in the present, not to live according to the scripts that we have constructed within the framework of our past experiences. Sometimes, we try and force ourselves to see things that arent there, but if we just opened our eyes we would see everything consciously exists around us. Today is the only day we have. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not yet granted. Make every today the best day of your life TODAY. Dont confine yourself to the old ways of

thinking, the old limitations, the old constructs, and the same old slumber. You are awake. Let go of last nights nightmares. Take hold of your dreams today. We are already dead. Now we can live. All knowledge is connected and can be applied to and instituted with each other in theory and in practice. Never assume that one piece of knowledge can never have a relationship with another piece of knowledge. It is highly possible and very likely that learning one piece of knowledge can help you understand a piece of knowledge you have already learned, no matter if a connection between the bits of knowledge doesnt seem readily apparent. Open yourself to all areas of understanding. Its okay and important to admit to yourself that all of lifes answers wont be readily available. You are not always going to understand everything right away. Sometimes events, situations, feelings and behaviors need to run a course before understanding can come; especially when trying to understand people. The quest for understanding is an honorable and enlightening venture; but in your quest to understand, dont let yourself fall into the trap of over-analyzing situations, events, behaviors and circumstances. Sometimes the knowledge that is to be gained takes time and you must be patient for certain knowledge to be gained. By over-analyzing, it is easy to be blinded by the outcome you want most, and when actions or events seem to conflict with this particular outcome it is easy to read too far into things to try and figure out why. The course of human interaction will always provide you with insight youre your human experience, so always stay open to the contexts of what you experience, staying detached from any particular (and sometimes selfish) outcome, and the knowledge you will gain will always enlighten your perspective.

All experiences in life affect us based on our interpretations of the experiences. All experiences can be interpreted at any point on The Interpretive Spectrum and they will affect us in the nature aligned with the point of interpretation along the spectrum. Experiences, as with all reality, are inherently empty of nature, they are neither inherently good nor inherently bad; they are merely experiences perceived by our human consciousness, which then assigns an interpretation to the experience as being either good or bad, positive or negative, affirming or disaffirming. Affirming experiences are those that reinforce and progress us along our spiritual life path of creative and loving fulfillment. Experiences that we interpret as disaffirming negate in our consciousness that any progression took place through the experience. This means that with the right perspective and through the right interpretations, literally nothing bad can happen to us. The

Interpretive Spectrum stretches beyond the polarity of good/bad, positive/ negative, affirming/disaffirming because as our consciousness, spiritual awareness and oneness evolves and progresses, our interpretive experience of reality will no longer be bound by this polarity of interpretation. After all, there is only one ultimate, underlying interpretation: that all particles of existence are merely condensed energy that exist unified as one and each particle experiences itself and its surroundings subjectively; that there is no such thing as life and death, only a continuum of vibratory energy, and our current experience as humans is just one point, one stop, one phase along this continuum. Intuition is a spiritual notion and to trust intuition is to trust the spiritual nature of existence. Our intuition tells us that there is more to our human experience than what any authority dictates to us. Trusting this intuition is what guides us along the continuum to a higher vibration of our energy. If we trust our intuition and bring it into full consciousness, we will bring into our reality and our experience all we need to progress along the continuum. This is synchronicity, field of intention, The Law of Attraction and contextual life attraction (which we will see in the next section) all working as one. There are no ordinary moments, only extraordinary opportunities to witness the beauty and magic of existence. It takes courage and confidence to walk the road to awakening and enlightenment, but with each step you take, you are affirming your destiny of achieving all the positive creation you are capable of. Balance is the guide wire to life. It is up to you to take the steps. Expect that everyday is an epiphany. It may take time to notice, but inside every moment is an opportunity to realize all that is possible ANYTHING!

LIFE: Turn ontune inand jump in headfirst.

A Unifying Theory: The Process of Contextual Life Attraction

he possibilities inside of existence are limitless when we realize that we are truly

capable of anything we set our minds intention to. We are truly free when we embrace our natural human potential and set it into positive motion. We are destined for success when we align the actualization of our human potential with the Law of Attraction and our only struggle becomes how to utilize the vast amounts of positive energy we facilitate through creating a positive contextual life attraction simply defined as the contexts of the life experience we create through the energy we emit and attract.

How the Tenants of Enlightenment make up the process of contextual life attraction
Essentially, enlightenment is the actualization of the process of contextual life attraction. To actualize the process, you need to internalize and actualize the Tenants of Enlightenment. You need to believe in the Tenants down to the core of your being. When you employ the three categories that make up the Tenants when you believe in yourself, in others and in the universe, when you express yourself lovingly, and when you employ positive thinking you send out positive energy into the universe and, in turn, attract positive energy. Contextual life attraction says that the interaction of this energy determines how you experience being alive. As we have seen, the Law of Attraction states that energy is attracted to like energy. Everything in the universe is composed of energy through the natural movement and behavior of electrons at the subatomic level. As electrons move through their natural processes, they emit energy and this energy interacts with the energy in the environment. When we think, feel emotion and enact behavior, we send out energy into the environment, into the universe. This energy comprises our field of intention. The mental imaging we create through our thoughts affects our emotional perspective, and in turn influences our behavior. Through our field of intention, the energy we emit abides by the Law of Attraction. If the nature of our field of intention, the nature of the energy we emit, is positive, our energy will attract like energy and draw us positive energy; and vice versa. This energy makes up the context of the life we experience and our ability to utilize this energy determines the life experience we create. The process of positive contextual life attraction works like this: we think positive thoughts, these thoughts give us a positive emotional outlook, our positive outlook causes us to enact positive behavior, and our positive behavior leads us into positive situations and events. The

positive energy we emit throughout this process attracts positive energy from the environment. This means that as we think, feel and act positive creating positive situations and events we attract positive thoughts, feelings and behaviors from other people and we attract more positive situations and events in our lives. Therefore, the key to happiness in our lives is to control our field of intention to attract positive energy. In order to control our field of intention, we must be conscious of the nature of our thoughts, emotions and behavior. We have complete control of what we think, what we feel and how we behave, and this control over our field of intention is necessary to making the process of contextual life attraction work to our benefit. It is important to remember that this process is always occurring; it is up to us to make it work in our favor, to make the process positive in nature. The process of our individual synchronicity works to bring us opportunities and experiences that are aligned with the energy we are sending out into the universe. Society conditions us to perceive these events as being coincidental, or out of our control, but in reality these events are being attracted to us and are influenced by our field of intention. Therefore, we see that our synchronicity is influenced by what we think, what we feel and how we behave. Our synchronicity helps guide our lives along the path that will bring us the most positive results, the most positive contextual life attraction. When we facilitate a positive contextual life attraction, our synchronicity brings us opportunities in life to fulfill our inherent creative potential. Creativity is the ultimate expression of the dynamic human spirit and ability. Creativity is expressed in many different forms and each one of us is inclined toward one or more particular forms of expression of the human spirit through the creative process. By finding, embracing and expressing our inherent creativity, we further synch our life experience with the motion of the universe and deepen the actualization of our human potential. When we encourage and express our creativity, we attract vast amounts of positive energy from the environment and in turn emit strong positive energy. By facilitating our individual creativity, we enhance our contextual life attraction and put ourselves in a more active, open state where we are better able to recognize our individual synchronicity. In other words, to affirm our creative potential is to affirm our spiritual potential. By pursuing creativity with an outlook of love and positivity, and having a positive field of intention, you attract positive energy from the environment (Law of Attraction) and the environment/universe opens up opportunities through synchronicity to allow you to further your creativity and for you to actualize your destiny. To embrace your creative potential is to embrace all the good you have to offer to society.

How applying positive contextual life attraction will better our individual lives and our society
It is pessimistic and negative to think that the expression of our creative potential cannot be utilized, lucrative and given top priority in contemporary society. To believe this contributes to a negative contextual life attraction. A society is made up of individuals and each individual induces a particular contextual life attraction. If each one of us contributes a positive contextual life attraction, our pursuits will contribute to a positive nature to society. Society can and will flourish through setting up society to serve the creative expression of every individual. Necessary jobs needed to sustain our society can and will continue, while at the same time serving our creative potential, when the goals of the jobs are to serve the community as a whole and to serve the creative process working inside the individuals who perform the jobs. In the case of American society, this means that the business model of American society must shift to serving the benefit of the community and not the benefit of individual corporations. American societys current business model of capitalism, which defines that private or individually controlled corporations control the means of economic wealth and the consequent profits, does not serve to benefit the community as a whole. By operating business with a priority on making profits, business decisions are made to maximize profits, no matter what the consequences are for society or for the individuals living in society. This outlook is what is leading to the depletion of our societys natural and human resources. American society cant thrive if corporations continue to exploit natural and human resources. Human labor is what drives the operation of business and this labor must be utilized in balance with the day-to-day labor potential of humans for both business and for their creativity. It is not uncommon for American labor workers to be on the job for upwards of 70 hours or more a week and this is not healthy for the encouragement of their creativity and motivation. Unfortunately, many Americans feel they have to, and sometimes rightly so, work these long hours in order to sustain their lives as citizens. They feel this pressure because they have to make so much money to pay for their home and car, pay their bills and keep food on the table and clothes on their backs. However, this pressure can be relieved and these long work hours can be reduced if corporations didnt drive to have such high profit margins. This would allow for individuals to balance time working with time spent pursuing their creativity, while still earning enough money to

sustain comfortable lives. The workers that sustain the existence of corporations cant thrive on low wages while the corporate executives grace themselves with six-figure incomes and more. These executives keep this polarization of wealth growing because it is necessary to separate and subjugate the lower classes of the masses in order to institute control and keep workers serving the interests of the executives. In essence, the workers that sustain businesses are contributing to a negative contextual life attraction by forfeiting their creative potential and their motivation to encourage what inspires them, so that the executives of these businesses can continue to maximize profits for themselves at the expense of the workers integrity, which also contributes to negative contextual life attraction. This shows that the current business model of capitalism contributes to an immense amount of negative contextual life attraction, contributing to the attraction and facilitation of an immense amount of negative energy, which has a detrimental effect on the spiritual nature of all people involved in the process. The facilitation of this negative energy contributes to low worker morale, low worker motivation and low worker desire to perform to their potential. By propagating the same business practices, the same negative contextual life attractions, the negative energy continues to bring workers negative situations and harmful events, continuously bringing down the outlook of the workers and poisoning their perspectives. Its a vicious cycle that we perpetuate by having such a work-focused, productoriented and production-minded lifestyle. We work so much, which causes our personal relationships to decline and break down because we arent involved and putting as much of our loving, positive energy into our personal relationships as we can. This causes misery in our personal lives so we try to escape our personal lives and the problems that come with them by seeking more work and becoming more invested in a professional or work-related lifestyle. What we need to understand is that whats being done to us by our society and how we are being affected by how our society operates is a direct result of what we have done consciously and what we have allowed to happen in and through our society, be it aspects of our society that we have consciously created or aspects that we have allowed to be created by either turning a blind eye, being ignorant or by reinforcing aspects that have been created by the authorities. The mass media is an example, in particular advertising, which has created the false idea of beauty. We reinforce this false ideal through our acceptance and encouragement of advertising by buying the products that are being advertised. This happens in many other aspects of our society, where a concept is created by those in the authority position, which they create these concepts with the direct purpose of controlling the masses into supporting a particular idea or to follow a certain path or commit a certain action. We allow ourselves to succumb to their beliefs and their reasoning, and so we end up buying into that idea or committing that action they want us to commit and by doing this we reinforce that ideal that is propagated by the authorities in order to control the masses.

In essence, as we induce our free will, paradoxically we are allowing ourselves to be controlled. So is it really free will? Yes, we are voluntarily making a choice and we can choose to make a different choice, which is important to remember because we can choose to not let ourselves be controlled; but by making the choice that the authorities want us to make, we are allowing ourselves to be controlled by the agenda of the authorities. Instead, through employing the Tenants and pursuing our creativity, we create for ourselves a positive contextual life attraction, which shapes our perspective and shapes the nature of the reality we observe and hence create. Through a positive contextual life attraction, we create a positive reality for ourselves and we attract positive situations and create positive events to happen to us. So, as an individual, when you employ the Tenants and pursue your creativity, you send out positive energy into the environment, into the universe. This positive energy you send out has an effect on the other people in your environment, in your life. So, not only do you create a positive reality for yourself through creating a positive contextual life attraction, but you are also influencing others to create their own positive reality. Of course, the nature of reality for others depends on what they observe, and much of their satisfaction and happiness in their own life experience has to do with them finding the confidence and courage to employ the Tenants and pursue their own creativity themselves. However, by sending out your own positive energy you are aiding others into finding their own path of discovering how to create a positive reality for themselves. If you dont believe in employing the three categories, or you do the opposite, you send out negative energy which restricts you and other people from creating a positive reality. The ultimate meaning of all this is that if everyone can create a positive contextual life attraction by adding their own talents and their own positive energy through their own pursuits, it will encourage a collective positive contextual life attraction. When this happens, everyone is going to benefit, everyone is going to be involved, and everyone is going to become more enlightened. As we know, enlightened people make for an enlightened society and if we are all contributing to a positive contextual life attraction for everyone, all putting in our collaborative energies and synergizing our potential, then we are creating a positive contextual life attraction for society as a whole. When we can start attracting this positive energy on such a large scale, everything about enlightenment that we have known up to this point that we can experience individually will be increased ten-fold, a hundred-fold, a million-fold. We cant even fathom the goodness and the positive effect we can bring to society as a whole and every individual in society when we collaborate and synergize all of our positive energy and connect all of our positive potential together, working together, unified in creating the utopia that we all deserve and that we all know is possible. This is a noble adventure and one that has strong potential for creating a future for our world that is amazingly and beautifully rich with love. But throughout our quest

to create a utopia, we must never forget to always live in the present moment. We get so worried about not having enough time, but we need to realize that time doesnt really exist. Time is just a psychological construct that we create in order to catalog various present moments. We can get so caught up in getting things done that we dont take time to appreciate where we are, where we have been and our potential for where we can go. We always need to have a balance between productivity, where we are physically accomplishing tasks, and reflection, where we stop to take stock of what we have been accomplishing and analyze for ways in which we can improve. Always live in the present moment, for it is the only moment that truly exists and the greatest opportunity for your true potential to shine.

The School System: Examining How Authority Affects Field of Intention

our field of intention makes up the energy field that surrounds you. What

comprises your field of intention determines the size, nature and context of the energy field that surrounds you. We hypothesize that young children have the biggest, perhaps strongest energy fields, from ages of about 3 to 6-years-old. The reason they have such a large energy field, such a pure field of intention, is that they are uncompromised by any outside authority. They have such strong curiosity, willingness, openness and intention to learn about their world and to discover things that they are constantly seeking input and stimulation from their environment, from other people and from themselves. This attitude, this outlook, this perspective is very positive for their field of intention and it increases their energy field around them to attract more of the like energy, more of the same positive intentions and more of the same positive stimulation from their environment and from other people. When were born, we come into the world untainted and uncompromised by any outside authority and our field of intention and our energy field grows as we develop our consciousness until we reach about 5 to 6-years-old, when we start to develop the beginnings of an identity. At this point, we move on to school, which is where many of us experience the biggest halt of our field of intention and the biggest drop in our energy field and our contextual life attraction. However, this point is subjective and situational because it all depends on the individual cases of the students and their relationships to their school, to their parents, to their teachers and to their peers all this affects how much their field of intention, their energy field, is affected. What typically happens in most situations is that once children enter the school system, it is their first experience at being conformed, their first experience at being judged, at being graded, at being forced into categories it is their first experience with this conforming type of authority. The first years, from about 0 to 4-years-old, children are obviously under the authority of their parents, but the authority of parents from 0 to 4-years-old is different in nature from the authority of the school system from 4 to 18-years-old. During these early years, parents use their authority to keep their children out of harms way and to provide them with sustenance. These formative years are very important in the development of a childs intelligence and consciousness and the parents can use their energy to help their child start to develop skills and understanding and values, but the positive conduction of this interaction would be for the parents to give justification for what and why they are teaching their child. If these justifications are to rear their child into a kind, creative, open and ambitious human

being, then the authority the parents employ to instill their teachings is positive in nature. However, when children enter the school system they are immersed into a very different structure of authority. They are put into an authority that commands they conform to the teachings of the system, whether any justification is provided or not. In school, children are expected to institute the beliefs and information handed down by the authorities of the school system as truth, and can even be punished if they disagree with what they are being exposed to as truth. Many structures of school systems do not allow for the individual discovery and interpretation of their students. Experiencing this type of authority structure from the school system halts childrens curiosity and their willingness and openness to discover things in a unique and positive way. They are forced to learn what information the school system tells them is right, instead of learning information for themselves. In most cases, children succumb to an assumed reality, one that is taught to them, instead of creating their own reality. This is not to suggest that the traditional education system can and does not provide any positive stimulation and aid in the development of young minds. There are many important experiences and much important information that young people are exposed to in school. In school, students learn how to positively and respectfully socialize with others. They learn information that will help them be effective, educated participants in society. What is important for educators to remember is that each student is a unique human being, they learn in unique ways and they can have beliefs and interpretations that are different from the authorities of the educational system. Each student must be valued as a unique learner and information must be presented in a manner that allows for each student the ability to make their own judgments and interpretations. Naturally, the educators feel they are presenting beliefs, judgments and interpretations that are the best for students to learn, but the educators must do so while providing justification to why they feel the beliefs, judgments and interpretations are good for students to learn and how the students can benefit from this learning. But students must be allowed to make up their own minds about information presented; and if students, on their own, come to different beliefs, judgments and interpretations, their opinions must be respected. If differences of opinion are respected, this will allow for the engagement of open interaction and communication and both students, as well as the teacher, will grow and develop as enlightened human beings.

Tones of Communication

he most important aspect to the vitality of relationships between people is

communication; and in the process of communicating, the content expressed by each person must be completely loving, open and honest if the relationships are to prosper. Sometimes the things that are said might not be what another person would like to hear or believe, and sometimes the words might sting a person with pain or disillusionment. However, if a person is communicating in a loving, open and honest way, the truth expressed will not only set free the person who is speaking, but the person being spoken towards will be set free as well, because he or she will know that the feelings and emotions being expressed towards him or her are true and not laced with any assumptions or judgment on the part of the person speaking. When all people are communicating openly, honestly and lovingly, there is no problem that cant be worked through; and many problems can be prevented because a lot of the problems that occur in relationships stem from one person convincing him or herself of a false reality or a false possible reality. This may happen from a person misinterpreting the nature of an action from another person, or it could result from one person not being conscious of his or her actions and what signals those actions could be sending to another person. In either case, a potential conflict can be avoided if all people are conscious and open about their emotions throughout the process of their actions. By hiding true feelings, potential misinterpretations or false realities are allowed to simmer in a persons consciousness. By allowing these negative thoughts to stick around, they get reinforced because there is no communication going on to stifle the negative thoughts and to assure the true reality of the situation. If this occurs, forgiveness is an important virtue to hold because humans are imperfect creatures and very capable of making mistakes. However, when mistakes happen, forgiveness and open, honest, loving communication will dissolve any potential conflict. Problems can also occur from one person becoming defensive towards the action of another person being totally open and honest. Its a shame that in our present culture people are conditioned to feel uncomfortable at experiencing truth, since we are constantly being fed lies and false interpretations by society. Combine that with a relationship history that has experienced many facades, fronts and walls put up by one person or another, and it can be easy to distrust that a person is being genuine. But if we strive to be loving, open and honest in every action we pursue we will develop an enlightened perspective that knows that what is expressed by someone is the truth. Another important aspect of communication is the tone in which emotions are expressed. Even open, honest and loving emotion can be mis-expressed, and consequently misinterpreted by another person, if the emotion is expressed with a negative tone.

Tone of communication can be related to tone within musical theory. In a musical composition, tones are related to each other through various tone structures called keys. In a particular key, there is a scale of notes, or tones, that elicits the most harmony, and it is these tones expressed together and in relation that are most pleasing to the overall composition. When we communicate with someone, we must do so with a tone not only in harmony with the key of our own present state of being, but also in harmony with the key of being of the person, or people, we are communicating with. If we express ourselves with a tone that isnt in key with either our or another persons state of being, we create dissonance within the interaction and this will lead to disharmony in the relationship. If we communicate in tones that are in harmony with the relationship and all people involved, we will create beautiful melodies of interaction that will energize the spirits of all people involved in the interaction. When we communicate in loving, open and honest harmony with people, there is no conflict that cant be worked through because the interaction will be peaceful, as there is no dissonance being created within the interaction. Harmony must be our quest in every interaction we pursue for when we create and foster this harmony, differing opinions and perspectives can be shared positively and productively, and all people involved in the interaction will come out of it with a higher understanding of our own perspective and that of the people we are interacting with. With this higher understanding, our relationships will soar to greater and more intimate heights and the song of our shared life experiences will be expressed with all the beautiful love and positivity that we humans are capable of expressing.

Innate Destiny and Chosen Destiny

here are many different interpretations as to what destiny means. Ultimately, as

with any other psychological and spiritual concept, you create the meaning of what destiny means to you. You are the creator of your own destiny and you interact with the universe in this creation. We feel there are two sides to destiny: innate destiny and chosen destiny. Every person creates their destiny along these two faces and they can conflict and compliment each other. All potential destinies have the chance at coming to fruition. Every outcome of your destiny is possible. The ultimate goal of the playing out of your destiny is for you to align and unify your innate and chosen destiny.

Innate Destiny
When we are born into this world we come into it with talents, perceptions and inclinations that are embedded into our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual makeup. James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy book series, believes that our spiritual energy chooses when, where and through what set of parents we are born into the world. He believes we make this choice to set our physical lives as humans up so we learn exactly what we will need to in order move us along our destined path and fulfill our mission on Earth. We choose our parents because their worldly perspectives are our first stimulation and they give us the foundation on which to structure our lifes pursuits. And it is up to us to evolve our parents perspectives and institute the positive aspects of their perspectives into our own, thus creating our own individual perspective that best gives us the chance at fulfilling our destiny. Whether you believe this concept or not, it is hard to deny that there are parts of our personality that are embedded us in at birth. Take the old adage of being born to do something. Clichs like this have at least some basis in the reality of human behavior. This is evident in how some people pick up certain activities and understand certain concepts with very little effort and they seem to jump right in and be good at them, as if they were born to do it. These talents, these perceptions, these inclinations that we gravitate towards have a role to play in our destiny. They may have a direct connection to the playing out of our destiny, as in a career, or they may play more of a support role in helping us to discover our destiny by guiding us along our synchronistic path in order to understand the questions that drive our lives. We come to these questions through our various life experiences and they come to define what our lifes mission is. Pursue and the question(s) will find you. When you

understand what your spirit wants to know/ask about existence, you can then pursue your own answers and your own fulfillment and you will help evolve human existence/destiny through actualizing your individual destiny. But of course, the creation of your destiny can either work towards or against the evolution of human existence and the actualization of our collective human destiny it all comes down to your choices.

Chosen Destiny
If innate destiny is what were born to do with our lives, chosen destiny is what we decide to ultimately do with our lives. Every choice we make has an impact on the creation of our destiny as they each influence, to a greater or lesser degree, what our synchronicity brings us in life. This doesnt mean we should become paranoid about making the wrong choices, just that we need to be conscious that were making the right choices and making choices that will help us each actualize our destiny. When making choices in life it is important to trust your intuition as it is what guides you along your synchronistic path. Sometimes your intuition will guide you into making choices that will influence your synchronicity into bringing you seemingly negative results, but dont get discouraged, you did not make a bad choice. (Remember The Interpretive Spectrum.) When this happens, your intuition likely is calling you to learn something about life and sometimes we need to experience something seemingly negative in order to learn important lessons; but if we walk away learning those lessons, then the outcome of the experience is positive and we are further actualizing our destiny. So, in order to actualize our destiny we must make choices that contribute to a positive contextual life attraction, progressing us in a positive way towards fulfilling our creative potential. Our talents, perceptions and inclinations that drive us to fulfill our innate destiny are what inspire our creativity, and aligning them with the positive choices we make will bring our ultimate destiny into full, conscious manifestation.

The Renaissance of the Human Spirit

t this present point in human history, many people are beginning to realize the

power of their intentions and positive thinking and how approaching life with a loving outlook can bring many synchronistic miracles and life affirming events. This evolution of perspective can be described as a Renaissance of the Human Spirit. We are beginning to discover and embrace that we have limitless, untapped potential inside of our ambitions. Those focusing their energies on furthering the cause of actualizing a positive destiny for humankind can be thought of as spiritual warriors but not as related to the traditional concept of a warrior. The traditional warrior, or soldier, we picture uses violence to purport an agenda of domination and control, attempting to instill and enforce a particular perspective, belief and/or interpretation. Spiritual warriors, however, understand that all perspectives, all beliefs and all interpretations are valuable and necessary to the growth of human spirituality and interconnectedness, and that violence can never create peace, acceptance or unity and it only serves to perpetuate the traditional materialistic worldview of domination and control. Instead of using violence as a means to an end, the new spiritual army employs an arsenal of love and positivity to fight against the tyrannical onslaught waged by the authorities against those who dont occupy positions of power. These people who are the victims of the onslaught, who are made up largely of the lower and middle classes, see and feel the effects of this tyranny first-hand as much of the oppression that exists serves as an attempt to exert control over them and dictate their destiny. But what separates this new spiritual army apart from many progressive efforts of the past is that the spiritual warriors understand that what they are fighting against are the actions, agendas, beliefs and structures perpetuated by the authorities, not the authorities themselves. It is important for all of us to remember that those who abuse positions of power and perpetuate tyranny and oppression they are humans also, and they deserve love and respect, and we must uplift them into seeing the higher wisdom of existence just as we would those who are very close to us. There is a progression inside the spiritual evolution that makes up the Renaissance of the Human Spirit. For those starting out on their quest for enlightenment, this spiritual renaissance must first take place within each individual. In order to make a change inside the nature of society and ultimately the nature of existence, a change must first take place inside each individual. The effects of intention, perception, perspective and action will only change for the better when the motives for these psychological, physical and social constructs shift toward focusing on positive outcomes. As long as there are individuals who hold to the traditional materialistic modes of thinking, contributing to a negative contextual life attraction, their negative

energy will work against the affirmation of the positive pursuits of the new spiritual army. In order to reach our ultimate goal of creating a utopia on earth, we must all be concerned with and focusing our energies on supporting and uplifting the collective. Once each individual has developed and instituted positive motives and intentions for existing, the Renaissance of the Human Spirit can evolve into working towards common goals for the collective. Weve seemed to have lost our sense of community and collective-mindedness in our present pursuits. In order for us to reach our goal of creating a utopia, we need to bring back the communal feel and mindset of spiritual togetherness. By focusing our mindset on the affirmation of egoistic, individualistic pursuits, we shut ourselves off from each and the outside world and we end up shutting ourselves off from ourselves because our spiritual energy and ambition comes from being connected with each other and with the divine energy of the universe. In order to actualize our human destiny, we need to awaken to the connectedness between ourselves, our families, our friends, the rest of the people in the world and our environments. We need to realize the power of unity and how much stronger and how much more positive energy and potential exists inside the unification, rather than the separation, of souls. The unification of souls creates a synergistic potential far more powerful than the potential that exists inside an individual person. The unification of souls lies within the acceptance and encouragement that everyone has something valuable to offer to our collective spiritual destiny. Every person plays a part in our pursuit of utopia and everyones energy must work together in order to actualize all that we are capable of as spiritual beings.

The Four-Step Cycle of Enlightenment

hroughout your quest for enlightenment, societal conditioning may try to drain

your energy and influence you back into focusing your attention and concentration back to the unimportant, material aspects of our culture in attempts to mold your structure of thinking into a pattern that serves the oppressive domination of the authorities that command the culture. This oppression calls for your complacency and acceptance so the authoritative agenda can continue unopposed. This agenda seeks separation among people in order to enforce control, blocking your flow of energy and restricting your pursuit of your creative, spiritual destiny. To keep your energy flow positive and spiritually fulfilling, and to positively energize yourself against the oppression of the authorities, follow The Four-Step Cycle of Enlightenment. The Cycle will aid in your spiritual progression and enhance your experience along your quest for enlightenment.

Step 1: Exploration
Explore your world. Experience all you can. We have such an inspiring and stimulating environment here on Earth and every inch of it can bring us loving fulfillment. Make an effort to experience as much of the natural world as possible as there exists amazing divine energy amidst the environments on Earth that have been untouched by man. Find these places (they can be found even in your own community) and immerse yourself in this energy. Let the energy flow through you. Let it inspire you. Explore your mind. Get in touch with your spiritual side. Discover your Self. Understand what drives you to be alive and let this understanding inspire you. Explore all that exists inside your potential and how you can best bring beauty to the universe. Explore other peoples minds. Pick their brains. Explore and try to understand what drives them to be alive. Let them inspire you. Allow yourselves to grow with each other. Explore your creativity. Let it inspire you. Learn to be open to all forms of expression and to all meaning and understanding that is available. Explore all the potential that lies within your creative process for creativity is the breeding ground of creation.

Step 2: Education
Constantly seek knowledge and seek truth. Exercise your inherent liberty of being able to decide for yourself what you know to be true, always seeking to find the most positive perspective while being open, honest and loving to understanding other perspectives. Seek discovery from as many sources as you can. Allow as much discovery from inside and outside of yourself to inspire and enlighten you. Always seek to progress your understanding. Learn from yourself and from others and from the universe. Remember that education comes from many other sources other than the traditional educational system of the school, college or university. There are many things to learn about life that cant be learned in the classroom and must be learned through experience. Take advantage of these experiences and learn all you can.

Step 3: Embrace Existence

Believe in the potential of yourself and the potential of others and believe in the potential of the universe to bring you blessings and the chance to fulfill your destiny. Always expect the best out of every person and every situation. Love yourself and love others. Embrace being alive and all the beauty life brings you. Embrace your creative side and let it inspire you.

Step 4: Enlightenment
Realize and understand the power of intention and expectation. Use the power of your field of intention to bring you a positive contextual life attraction. Act to yourself, to others and to the environment with love, and always trust your intuition and be open to understanding and following your own synchronicity.

The Cycle
When starting out in your quest for enlightenment, follow The Four-Step Cycle of Enlightenment along its sequence of steps until you begin to reach an initial level of enlightenment. From there, cycle back through each of the steps in your consciousness. As you begin to become enlightened, it doesnt matter if you cycle back through the steps in the chronological order as each step will keep you progressing and attaining more and more enlightenment. Just be sure that you are holding each step in your consciousness and you will continue to make discoveries about life and how your spiritual nature wants to grow and evolve. If you find yourself in a rut, feeling down about life and feeling unconfident, focus on the steps in whatever order your intuition is leading you. As you progress and develop along your path of enlightenment you will find that the steps will become integrated into your consciousness to where they are a single unit of experience. Continue developing your understanding of everything you have read in this book and embrace that what you have discovered about life up to this point has all been an important part of allowing yourself to become the enlightened and invincible spirit that you are.

Life is at your fingertips Take it for a ride.

Media Index: More to help you on your journey

Books The Celestine series by James Redfield (The Celestine Prophecy, The Tenth Insight: Holding the vision, The Secret of Shambhala: The search for the eleventh insight, and The Celestine Vision: Living the New Spiritual Awareness). Published by Time Warner Book Group The Power of Flow: Practical ways to transform your life with meaningful coincidence by Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom. Published by Three Rivers Press. The Power of Coincidence: How life shows us what we need to know by David Richo. Published by Shambhala Publications, Inc. 5 Steps to a Quantum Life: How to use the astounding secrets of quantum physics to create the life you want by Natalie Reid. Published by Winged Horse Publishing. Movies What the Bleep Do We Know? A Peaceful Warrior Waking Life Zeitgeist Alex Grey: CoSM (Chapel of Sacred Mirrors) Andy Goldsworthy: Rivers and Tides The Corporation Web sites

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