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Weaknesses of the human anatomy Part 1:

Strikes to the Head and Neck

This volume (and the ones to follow) concentrates on the 43 major pressure points of the ody! "f course# there are $uite a few more# ut these are the asics! %ll of the points are classified into & cate'ories: Numerical Alphabetical ( ) rain*skull (( )sense or'ans ((()life support# cardiorespiratory# major or'ans , tracts (/ )muscular functions , nerves / )mechanical functions# skeletal# -artila'es , joints % )immo ility from pain + )immo ility from structural or or'anic dama'e - ).nconsciousness from nerve or or'anic dama'e 0 )death from physiolo'ical dama'e

The ventral transverse plane consists of the face# the front# top# , sides of the head# the neck# , the upper torso# includin' the collar one! There are 11 pressure points in this area as follows: 1! -oronal suture ()&! Tri'eminal nerve , frontal one ()0 3! Temple , fossa temporalis ()0 4! 2yes (()+ 1! 2ars (()+ 3! 4astoid (()% 5! 6eptal cartila'e (()% or (()0 7! anterior nasal spine ()% 8! Temporomandi ular joint /)% 19! Tip of mandi le ()11! 6ternocleidomastoid re'ion ((()0 1&! %nterior neck re'ion ((()0 13! +rachial ple:us , trape;ius muscle (/)14! 6uprasternal notch ((()0

11! -lavicle /)+ 1 This re'ion lays on top of the head# more towards the forehead! (t is also known as the soft spot on a ies! (t is the space etween the skull ones that is covered with a mem rane that close up usually y 17 months# ut the coronal structure is still weaker than the rest of the skull! 0irectly eneath this is the sensory portion of the rain , under that the optic cavity! % downward strike of a out 41 de'rees dependin' on the force could cause concussion# temporary lindness# unconsciousness# rain haemorrha'e# even death (very powerful low)! ! This re'ion is located just elow the centremost point of the forehead The nerve is on the outside of the skull thus when the one is struck it will trap the nerve! This could result in jarrin' the cere ral hemispheres# concussion# unconsciousness# impaired vision# , paralysis! (f and only if ma:imum impact is applied# death could result from rain haemorrha'e! " (<m sure we all know where the temple is ut for those of you that don<t know it is located on a hori;ontal plane across from the top of the ear! (t is the recessed part on each side of the head! (t is actually the one tip of the sphenoid! The tri'eminal nerve runs throu'h the temple! This nerve controls several facial functions! %lso passin' throu'h is the middle menin'eal artery# which is the lar'est ranch supplyin' dura matter! % direct hit could reak the tip off the sphenoid causin' it to enter the rain! The menin'eal could urst! -ontact to the tri'eminal could result in loss of control of facial functions! -ompression of the rain# haemorrha'e# concussion# shock# , death are likely results of strikin' the temple with a hori;ontal low directed towards the opposite temple! # The eyes are located!!!uh ( think you know! The eyes are very sensitive even to the sli'htest touch! They are held in y fascia ul i (a soft mem rane) and eye muscles! This makes them easy to pop out! They are also very soft# and if a low reached the vitreous ody (centre of eye) the eye all would collapse! "ther than causin' temporary or permanent loss of si'ht a deep thrust could puncture the rain causin' death! $ These are located on each side of the head! %ir is easily trapped in the e:ternal acoustic meatus (the tunnel from the outer ear to the inner ear) and forced into the eardrum causin' it to ust! This in turn ruptures the hammer or malleus within the middle ear! 0ama'es would cause severe pain# loss of hearin'# leedin' from the mouth and ear# and leedin' into the throat via the

internal auditory tu e! %lso# the inner ear is the centre of e$uili rium ( alance) for the cere ellum! a forceful strike could leave the victim sprawled on the 'round with no alance= The low should e delivered hori;ontally drivin' into the ear! % The mastoid is located directly ehind the earlo e! (t is the recessed area where the skull meets the neck! (t is filled with air pockets which are used to communicate with the middle ear! % thrust should not e used> rather apply pressure with a knuckle or thum nail in an upward direction! Prolon'ed pressure could cause dama'e to the auditory system! & ?nown more commonly as the nose the septal cartila'e is the su stance that makes up the nose! Two strikes are used here for different measures ''(A a hori;ontal strike causin' reaka'e of the septal cartila'e and @asal one which ruptures the an'ular vein producin' a lot of lood alon' with 'reat pain# however# not enou'h to stop some attackers ''(D an upward 41)de'ree strike forcin' the septal cartila'e throu'h the internal nasal cavity and crista 'alli (a small one formation etween the nasal cavity , the rain) into the rain! 0eath would e instantaneous ecause of compression of the rain! ) This is located eneath the nose and a ove the lips! (t is the area etween the & lines runnin' from the nose to upper lip! 4any of the facial nerves run throu'h this area! % direct hit would cause the sensory fi reAs to relay the shock to the pons# causin' di;;iness! % hit would also cause dama'e to the ma:illa one# which holds the 'ums , teeth! This could cause e:tensive leedin' possi ly scarin' the victim a out the lood loss! % strai'ht low in needed to achieve this aimin' towards the ack of the head! * This is the joint that holds the jaw one in place! (t connects with the skull in front of the ear! The joint is really made up of & separate joints# thus dislocation can e unilateral or ilateral! With a 41 de'ree downward strike (prefera ly with the mouth open) will dislocate the mandi le (jaw one)! %n easier way to reak the one is to strike the joint itself or anywhere on the jaw one really while the head is turned to one side or the other! This reduces the a sorption of the low y the neck! This method re$uires the least amount of force!

1+ The mandi le is the jaw one and of course the tip is located on the very end of the chin! +o:ers use this point for a $uick ?!"! Bittin' this area sends a shock sensor to the cere ellum causin' unconsciousness! Bit this point with an upward low! 11 This is the area at the frontal sides of the neck! The sternocleidomastoid muscles run from ehind the ear down to the clavicle ones! +eneath these muscles lie the ju'ular vein and cartoid artery which supply lood to the heart , rain! This are is very sensitive! Try pokin' yourself there! % medium strike results in di;;iness! % more forceful low could lister# swell# collapse# or urst 1 or oth of the loodlines! This could easily cause death ecause of lack of o:y'en to the heart or rain! % strike should e done on an upslopin' plane at 41 de'rees on either side of the chin in the neck area! 1! Ceferred to as the windpipe or throat> is located in the centre portion of the neck! This is a tu ular passa'e runnin' from the mouth to the stomach , lun's! When a strai'ht on low is delivered the thyroid cartila'e (%damAs apple (the lump in your throat)) and the hyaline cartila'e (hold the windpipe in a cylinder shape) are pushed throu'h the laryn: and*or trachea resultin' in lood drownin' or partial or complete o struction of the vital air passa'es! The cartila'es act as cuttin' devices! 1" The muscle is the one that runs from the ase of the neck to the shoulder! (t raises up on most people! The rachial ple:us is a nerve centre# which supplies info a out the shoulder , arm down to the wrist! (t runs throu'h the trape;ius! 6trikin' the trape;ius (from either front or ack) with a downward 41)de'ree motion could paralyse the arm , shoulder temporarily! With a ma:imum low unconsciousness , paralysis could e attained! 1# This lies etween the collar ones> it connects them! % low here could dislod'e the collar ones from the sternum# collapsin' the shoulders! +ut there are etter tar'ets ehind the sternum! 6uch as the aorta# the superior vena cava (major loodlines to the rain)# and the trachea all these pass directly ehind the sternum! % forceful low would follow these reactions: dislod'e oth clavicles from the sternum# the sternum would split# the & clavicles , sternum would e forced a'ainst or puncture the aorta and vena cava# the cartila'es , ones would then e forced a'ainst or puncture the trachea! The strike should e delivered at a downward 41)de'ree an'le! The suprasternal notch is a 4%D"C death tar'et! 1$ This is the one on each side of the ody that runs from the shoulder to

the centre of the chest! (t supports the shoulder so reakin' a clavicle (collar one) would result in the collapse of the shoulder! (t is possi le for the roken one to puncture a lun' or possi ly the heart or one of the thin's mentioned in E14! % simple reak would immo ilise the victim due to structural dama'e , pain! %n inward , down motion should e used when attackin' also at 41 de'rees! That concludes Part (! ( hope you have learned from this lesson in human anatomy! Please use this information wisely for ( take no responsi ilities in the misuse of these facts! This was intended for informational purposes only! That means ( don<t really e:pect you to 'o out and eat the hell out of someone (unless they need it=)! Today<s valua le lesson is on the vulnera le spots of the human ody! Typically the human ody is divided into three killin' re'ions! The head and neck# the trunk# and the lim s! +elow is a listin' of the most vulnera le parts in each re'ion! Head and Neck a! eyes ! nose c! adam<s apple d! temple e! side of neck f! nape '! upper lip h! ears i! ase of throat j! chin Trunk a! 'roin ! solar ple:us c! spine d! kidney e! collar one f! floatin' ri s '! stomach h! armpit ,imbs a! instep of foot ! ankle c! knee d! shoulder e! el ow f! wrist '! fin'ers

%ll the spots a ove are e:tremely sensitive to killin' lows! % word of caution these spots should only e attacked if you are intent on doin' serious odily dama'e! Bell= (f youAre readin' this then you want to fuck someone over anyway! %lso# when practisin' lows to these areas with a trainin' partner e sure to strike li'htly until you master the manoeuvres! (n future articles we will discuss in detail the e:act methods of strikin' the vulnera le areas! Fook for our ne:t file on Bead and @eck ?illin' Techni$ues!

6pecial thanks to Poor 4ans Dames +ond for providin' us with countless hours of amusement!


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