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Wlnd ower lanL

SCAuA and ConLrols

nesLor Casullo
CL Carrad Passan
resenLauon Cvervlew
Modern Wlnd ower lanLs (Ws) conLaln a
varleLy of lnLelllgenL elecLronlc devlces (lLus),
Supervlsory ConLrol and uaLa Acqulsluon
(SCAuA) and communlcauon sysLems.
1hls paper dlscusses Lhe lssues relaLed Lo a
Lyplcal W's SCAuA and ConLrol.
Wlnd 1urblne ConLrols
Wlnd lanL SCAuA
o CLM SCAuA Soluuons
o 1hlrd-arLy SCAuA Soluuons
Wlnd lanL ConLrol
SecurlLy and 8ellablllLy Compllance
Presentation Topics
Wlnd 1urblne ConLrols
lor safe, rellable and auLomaLed conLrol lndlvldual
Lurblnes use mlcroprocessor conLrollers wlLh closed
loop algorlLhms Lo regulaLe Lhe followlng lnLernal
SafeLy sysLem lndependenL of Lhe maln conLroller for
fall safe (hardwlred) for emergency shuL-down
Wlnd 1urblne ConLrols
SLall regulaLed - uses characLerlsucs of Lhe blade Lo
llmlL Lhe roLor speed and aerodynamlc power.
lLched regulaLed - Changes blade plLch Lo llmlL roLor
speed and aerodynamlcs.
Collecuve plLch moves all blades LogeLher (same ume,
same angle)
lndependenL plLch uses separaLe non-llnked sysLems for
each blade (same angle)
lndlvldual plLch can vary each blade separaLely Lo a
dlerenL angle
Wlnd 1urblne ConLrols
?aw ConLroller - roLaLes Lhe Lurblne lnLo or ouL of
Lhe wlnd uslng drlve moLors
Lssenual Lo mlugaLe faugue loads
MalnLaln opumal energy producuon
unwlnds power and conLrol cabllng beLween nacelle and
CeneraLor ConLroller - regulaLes Lorque Lo maxlmlze
power ouLpuL and malnLaln roLor speed below raLed
Acuvely dampen drlve Lraln Lorslonal vlbrauons by
applylng small rlpple Lorque close Lo drlve Lraln naLural
frequency and phase angle
Wlnd 1urblne ConLrols
Supervlsory ConLroller - necessary Lo operaLe
Lurblne auLonomously from one operauonal sLaLe Lo
ower producuon
SLopped (faulL case)
Cperauon of auxlllary equlpmenL
Coollng of gearbox, generaLor, power converLer fans and
PeaLers for cold weaLher appllcauons
Lubrlcauon pumps
lanL SCAuA
8eal ume vlslblllLy of planL operauon
AblllLy Lo conLrol planL cenLrally or remoLely
1wo Cpuons:
Crlglnal LqulpmenL ManufacLurer (CLM)
parLy common for eeLs wlLh muluple CLMs
varlable funcuonallLy based on manufacLurer
oLenual advanLages:
1lghLly lnLegraLed wlLh Lurblne conLrol sysLem
Advanced Lurblne deLalls and dlagnosucs
Advanced Lroubleshooung and daLa analysls
verlcauon of conLracLual obllgauons
(producuon, avallablllLy, power curve guaranLees, eLc.)
8educes number of servlce lnspecuons
8elles on slLe communlcauon neLwork as backbone
uses sLandard lndusLry proLocols such as Modbus for
daLa exchange
neLwork congurauons lnclude bus, sLar, and rlng
llber opuc common for lnLerconnecuon beLween
planL asseLs for speed and bandwldLh
ueslgn conslderauons lnclude:
ulsLance: mulumode vs slngle mode
CosL: Slngle mode cable less, buL Lransmluer more
Mlxed Mode: slngle mode for homeruns, mulumode lnLer-
Lurblne. lncreases lnvenLory and consLrucuon complexlLy.
lanL SCAuA: 1hlrd-arLy
Commonly used for
ManufacLurers wlLhouL CLM sysLems
SupplemenL Lo CLM sysLem
Managlng Ws wlLh dlerenL CLMs
LnLerprlse level vlew of muluple Ws
oLenual advanLages lnclude:
ConsolldaLed vlew of all asseLs
Common monlLorlng lnLerface
SLandardlzed reporung
Slngle lnLerface for communlcauon wlLh sysLem operaLors
llexlblllLy for lncorporaung subsLauon SCAuA
lanL ConLrol
1o enable W Lo behave llke a convenuonal
power planL and meeL speclc grld
requlremenLs, advanced conLrols are common
aL Lhe olnL of lnLerconnecuon (Cl)
1yplcally lnLegraLed Lo lanL SCAuA Lo
coordlnaLe Lurblne operauon and provlde
sLable response Lo grld requlremenLs
lanL ConLrol
volLage and ower lacLor 8egulauon
CapaclLor/8eacLor 8anks provlde coarse, sLauc reacuve
supporL. 1yplcally locaLed on medlum volLage bus
uynamlc var devlces provlde ne, rapld reacuve conLrol
1urblne and exLernal devlce conLrol can be cenLrallzed and
coordlnaLed Lo achleve deslred behavlor aL Cl
8amp 8aLe ConLrol
Cen requlred by sysLem operaLor and referred Lo as
power ramp raLe (88)
Lnforced ln MW per mlnuLe, commonly 10 mlnuLes or less
ulrecL remoLe conLrol from sysLem operaLor or local
lanL ConLrol
lrequency uroop
varylng power ouLpuL as a funcuon of grld frequency Lo
sLablllze grld frequency varlauon
ower CurLallmenL
SysLem operaLor may requlre dlrecL remoLe conLrol of
planL power ouLpuL Lo deal wlLh grld sLablllLy and
Lransmlsslon consLralnLs
Slmple Lurblne shuL-down, global (aggregaLe) seLpolnL, or
balanced roLauonal algorlLhm
8auery banks, Lurblne SCAuA alarms, subsLauon
equlpmenL alarms, eLc.
SecurlLy and 8ellablllLy Compllance
8eyond prudenL englneerlng, Ws oen
musL comply wlLh conLracLual obllgauons
under an lnLerconnecuon agreemenL (lA) and
oLher requlremenLs necessary for grld securlLy
and rellablllLy
lallure Lo comply can resulL ln uefaulL
rovlslons vary reglonally and are dependenL
on pro[ecL speclc parameLers such as slze,
Cl, and lmpacL Lo Lhe grld
SecurlLy and 8ellablllLy Compllance
8emedlal Acuon Scheme (8AS)
AkA Speclal roLecuon Scheme (SS)
AuLomauc proLecuon sysLem Lo deLecL abnormal
condluons and responds Lo malnLaln sLablllLy/rellablllLy
1rlggers can lnclude:
Crld volLage, power ow, and/or frequency devlauons
Cascaded Lrlpplng
Common Acuons
1ransfer Lrlp of W
Load sheddlng
1ap changer blocklng
AuLomauc shunL of capaclLor/reacLor swlLchlng
SecurlLy and 8ellablllLy Compllance
roLecuon SysLem 8elaylng
roLecuon scheme musL be lnLeroperable wlLh exlsung sysLem
necessary Lo proLecL equlpmenL lnLernal and exLernal Lo W
Coverned by lA
uaLa 1elemeLry
Managlng lncreaslng wlnd power peneLrauon wlll requlre real-ume
communlcauon wlLh lnLerconnecuon enuues
1o manage schedule, generauon, and power ow lnLerconnecung
enuues may requlre daLa Lo forecasL avallablllLy, such as, real-ume
meLeorologlcal daLa Lo opumlze wlnd power forecasLs
Communlcauons for grld operauons are sub[ecL Lo nL8C Crlucal
lnfrasLrucLure roLecuon (Cl) requlremenLs
SecurlLy and 8ellablllLy Compllance
nL8C 8ellablllLy SLandards
lL8C Crder 706 requlres compllance enforced aL reglonal
levels for Cl and oLher rellablllLy sLandards.
W SCAuA, conLrol, and communlcauon sysLems musL
comply wlLh cyber securlLy provlslons of Cl and oLher
proLecuon and conLrol provlslons.
lLC 8ellablllLy SLandards
61400-23 ls an exLenslon of lLC-61830 uullLy auLomauon
sLandard provldlng a unlform lnformauon exchange
envlronmenL and governlng W SCAuA, conLrol, and
communlcauons wlLh grld conLrol cenLers ln Lurope
61400-23 denes daLa ob[ecLs and maps Lo proLocols such
as un3, xML, and CC
SCAuA, lLus, conLrol, and communlcauon
sysLems are lnLegral for opumlzauon of W
performance, nanclal reLurn, and meeung
conLracLual obllgauons and requlremenLs.
Speclal 1hanks
1o Lhe oLher conLrlbuung auLhors and Lhelr employers
8abak 8adrzadeh - vesLas
MlLch 8radL - unlverslLy of Wlsconsln-Madlson
8a[ !anaklraman - CL
8ye kennedy - CL Carrad Passan
SLan kleln - Cpen Secure Lnergy ConLrol SysLems
1ravls SmlLh - Cak 8ldge nauonal LaboraLory
Luls vargas - owerluL Soluuons
lLLL Wlnd and Solar lanL CollecLor SysLem WC

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