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Nh gii dm thi AV 2011

loai dao tao: THAC SY
Ma de thi B113
Thoi gian lam bai: 90 phut
Choose the word and phrase which best completes each of the following sentences:
1. The businessmen discussed the contract at length but never actually signed
A. anyway B. anyone G. another D. anything
2. We have decided to your income vith a monthly bonus.
A. implement B. compliment C. supplement D. compartment
3. At election time, every speech is calculated to win ..
A. preferences B. wishes C. votes D. choices
4. When the computer analyst realized what a task it was, he immediately added two
more staff to the project
A. formidable B. superfluous C. short D. precise
5. The human resources department is..........for the hiring and care of our personnel.
respondent B. responsible C. responding D. responsive
6. Ms. Oliver wishes to express her concern the decision not to review the safety
A. regard B. regarding C. regards D. regardless.
7. The from the survey was very useful for the marketing team.
A. feedback B. extent C. factor D. calculation
8. The won on his face when he the lottery was amazing.
A. lag B. activist C. fluid D. expression
9. f we had seen the demand in advance, we surely on the cookbook.
A. would stock up B. have stocked up
C. would have stocked up / D. had stocked up
10. While you set up the display at the of the store, 'll unpack the rest of the goods.
A. prominence B. forward C. ahead D. front
11. The department's mission is to inform? employees of new regulations and
management of ways to ensure compliance with them.
A. advise B. advice C. advisor D. advisory
12. The use of pesticides is having a ... effect on the groundwater.
A. devastate B. devastating C. devastated D. devastation
13. Your credit history shows that either several loan payments were late the bank made
a huge error in reporting them.
A. and B. but C. or D. nor
14. The Consumer Price ndex lists ....
A. how much costs every car B. how much does every car cost
C. how much every car costs D. how much are every car cost
15. The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot............
A. must be restorored B. must be restoring
C. must restore D. must have been restored
16. She thanked so kind.
A. us to be B. us for being C. that we were D. our being
17. Mrs. Choor has managed the department so well that she'll be up for a promotion
than she expected.
A. big B. bigger C. more D. most
18. The manager arrived after we for him for ten minutes.
A. was waiting B. have waited C. had waited D. waiting
19. Her husband talked so much that all people in the room had to be quiet.
A. the other B. another C. other D. the others
20. " can't understand how you missed the exit.
"Well, it was so dark that "
A. we could see the road signs hardly B. hardly could we see the road signs C. we could hardly see the road
signs D. we could see hardly the road signs
PART CLOZE TEST (Questions 21-40)
Passage 1
The ecosystems of the earth provide (21) array of free public services
(22) are essential for the support of civilizations. They maintain the (23)
of the atmosphere, provide food from the sea, manufacture and replenish soils,
recycle wastes and nutrients, control (24) overwhelming majority of crop pests
and disease vectors, and so on. People have no idea (25) to talk over these
activities satisfactorily.
They do know, (26) 1 that the theory once advanced in the nineteenth
century - that the productivity of the land can be infinitely increased (27) the
application of capital, labour, and science - is wrong. History has shown that once the (28)
. life support system of a civilization has been sufficiently damaged, they, cannot
usually be (29) The ancient deforestation and overgrazing of the Mediterranean
region is a famous example. And, today, a global civilization is ruining the (30) ........
21. A. a B. an C. some D. the
22. A. when B. those C. that v D. whose
23. A. amount B. quality C. quantity D. qualifications
24. A. all B. some C. the D. that
25. A. which B. when C. how D. what
26. A. though B. even C. despite D. however
27. A. by B. from C. thanks D. since
28. A. natural B. nature C. creation D. environment
29. A. repaired B. prepared C. improved D. progressed
30. A. earth B. world C. planet D. global
Passage 2
Rome and the Roman Empire had a huge impact on Western (31) Rome had
been (32) over many centuries, turning from a small (33) into a
large (34) t had developed because of its large armies, great rulers, and
excellent engineers. t managed to withstand (35)... from a number of other
empires, such as Persia and the Carthaginians. Rome continued to develop over the centuries,
reaching its greatest (36) in the third century AD. The two (37)
commonly attributed to the decline of the Roman empire are Christianity and the military,
though some believe these are not (38) responsible, but played a secondary role
in the empire's collapse. Other historians believe that a decline in the (39) of
living, as well as a decline in morals, caused the eventual collapse of the empire. Whatever the
reason, the (40) of the Roman Empire was one of the greatest in human history
and is responsible for guiding the way people think, even to this day.
31. A. culture/ B. world C. civilization D. society
32. A. growing B. prospering C. expanding D. spreading
33. A. place B. area/ C.county D. settlement
34 A. empirical B empiricism C. emperor D. empire
35. A. invasions B. undertaking C. control H D taking
36. A. extent B. extension C. extend D. extending
37. A. impact B. majors C. influences D. factors
38. A. implicitly B. indirectly C. directly D. explicitly
39. A. measure B.span C. criterion D. standard
40. A. age B. time C. stage D. periods
Read the following passages and choose the most suitable answers to each of the questions given after
each passage. Mark your choice in the answer sheet.
Passage 3
Each society has its own beliefs attitudes, customs behaviors, and social habits. These give people a sense
of who they are, how they are supposed to behave, and what they
shold or should not do.
People become conscious of such rules, when they meet people from different cultures. For example, the
rules about when to eat vary from culture to culture. Many North Americans and Europeans organize their
timetables around three mealtimes a day. n other countries, on the other hand, it is not the custom to have
strict rules like this -people eat when they want to, and every family has its own timetable. When people visit
or live in a country for the first time, they are often surprised at the differences that exist between their own
culture and the culture in the other country. For some people, traveling abroad is the thing they enjoy most in
life; for others, though, culture differences make them feel uncomfortable, frightened, or even insecure. This
is know as "culture shock".
When you're visiting a foreign country, it is important to understand and appreciate cultural differences. This
can help people avoid misunderstanding, develop friendships more easily, and feel more comfortable when
travelling or living abroad.
41. The world "conscious" in line 4 rnqst nearly means
A. doubtful B frightened p C aware D. known
42. Jn many cultures, the eating timetables are generally
A different B. busy C. the same D. popular
43. The world "behave" in line 2 most nearly means
A. act B. walk C. talk D. Perform
44. According to the passage, travelling abroad is...
A Painfijl for many people
B. A good chance to have a great time
C. Very boring because the means of transportation is not so convenient
D. Very expensive because one has to pay a large amount of money
45. When travelling abroad, few people
A are influenced by culture shock B. have a good time because of culture shock
C respect other peoples1 cultures D. fully aware what culture shock is like
Passase 4
Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was. The Crystal Palace which was built
for the Great Exhibition of 1851, it was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron
and glass. t was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to
see it. A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world. There was also a
great deal of machinery on display. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth's steam
hammer. Though in those days traveling was not as easy as it is today, steam boats carried thousands of
visitors across the Channel from Europe. On arriving in England, they were taken to The Crystal Palace by
train. There were six million visitors in all, and the profits from the exhibition were used to build museums
and colleges. Later, The Crystal Palace was moved to South London. t remained one of the most famous
buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.
46. The Crystal Palace differed from all other building ,of the time because
A. it was very big B. it was in an exhibition
D it was made of unusual materials D. it was in Hyde Park
47. According to the passage, traveling to England in those days were
A. Very difficult because one had to row across the Channel 1
B Very difficult because one had to row across the Atlantic Ocean
C Very difficult because most people in Europe feared crossing the sea by steamboat
D very difficult because the means of transportation were not so convenient and fast as they are today
48. The Great Exhibition of 1851 was
A. a failure B. not very profitable
C. highly successful .D spoilt by a fire
49. The word "various in line 5 most nearly means
different B. most C. all D. unlike
50. The phrase "burnt down in line 11 most nearly mean
A. burnt to the ground B. burnt completely
C. burnt out D. burnt to ashes.
Passage 5
The relationship of economics to history is rather different from that of the other social sciences. Curious as
it may sound, this relationship in many respects comes close to that between history and literature.
Economics, after all, is the science (in the broad meaning of the term) of something which men actually do.
Even if the science did not exist, men would still make economic decisions, economic predictions, and
participate in various forms of economic organization which, in part, it is the economist's function to
describe. Similarly, the disciplined study of literature is concerned with something with men would also do
anyway even if the disciplined study did not exist: compose poems, act out dramas, write novels and read
them. Political science, or the discipline of politics, has, it is true, many similarities to economics, particularly
where it is concerned with generalization about political structures.
51. Studying literature involves.
A much hard work' B looking at some normal activities of man
C. reading and writing novels D putting poems and plays to music
52. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A The similarity between economic and politics.
B History and literature's curious relationship.
C A definition of economics.
D Economics interrelationship with other subjects.
53. Economics looks at
A people's real-life behavior B. all kinds of decision making
C broad aspects of organization over time D. the description of historical events
54. The word "that in line 1 refers to
economics B. history
X. the relationship D. the other social sciences
55. History is related to economics
A. in many different kinds of ways
B. in a different way from its relationship to literature
C. in the same way as it is related to literature
D. just as political science is related to economics.
Passage 6
Despite the fact that too much fat can be harmful, a moderate fat intake is actually essential to the
maintenance of good health. Some of the symptoms of fat deficiency include flaking skin' emaciation.
reduced functioning of the immune system, and fertility problems. Recent studies have linked, fat-free diets
to increase stress and aggression, and note that those who try to eliminate fat completely from their food
intake may be at risk for developing eating disorders: a small amount of fat in a meal will produce a feeling
of satiety which lasts much longer than the sensation of fullness produced by protein or carbohydrates.
At least two teaspoons of fat per day is needed in order for the digestive system to absorb vitamins A, D, E
and K, which are fat soluble. These vitamins are essential for healthy hair, skin, teeth and eyes. Without the
ability to absorb these vitamins, children run the risk of developmental and neurological disorders. Adults
need these vitamins to manufacture fertility hormones.
Some types of fat actually help to reduce harmful cholesterol levels. Polyunsaturated fats such as corn,
soybean and sesame oil, and monounsaturated fats like chicken fat and olive oil, seem to lower blood
cholesterol, while saturated fats - those found in red meat dairy products and tropical oils - seem to raise the
level of the kind of cholesterol which accumulates as plague on arterial walls. Paying attention to the type of
fat consumed is just as important as reducing total fat intake.
51. What did the paragraph preceding this passage most likely discuss?
A. methods of reducing one's percentage of dietary fat B. moderate fat intake C. health problems linked to
fat consumption D. general health guidelines
52. According to this passage, the most harmful type of fat would be found in
A steak and cheese B. fish,and vegetables
C. corn oil and olive oil D. chicken Med in soybean oil
53. All of the following are mentioned as signs of fat deficiency EXCEPT
A. a feeling of satiety B. fertility problems
C reduced immunity D. flaky skin
54. What is tjie author's mai purpose in the passage?
A. to prove that alow fat diet is inherently harmful
B. to compare three kinds of cholesterol
C. to discuss some positive aspects of dietary fat .
D. to analyze recent studies linking fat intake to disease
55. According to the passage, an individual who wishes to stay healthy should
A. eat a fat-free diet
B. eat a small amount of fat each day
C. take vitamin supplements
D. eat equal amounts of the three different types of fat
A For questions 61-65, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which has the nearest meaning to each of the
given sentences.
56. "Stay in bed for a few days, the doctor said to me,
A. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days,
B The doctor said me that stayed in bed for a few days.
C The doctor told me that stayed in bed for a few days.
D The doctor ordered me that stayed in bed for a few days.
57. Handicapped people find shopping in supermarkets difficult.;
A t's is difficult for handicapped people to do shopping in supermarkets.
B. t's is difficult for handicapped people shopping in supermarkets.
C. Handicapped people think that supermarkets are difficult to do shopping.
D. Handicapped people are difficult to do shopping in supermarkets.
58. The national theater doesn't have very comfortable seats. t doesn't have air conditioners, either.
A The national theater either has comfortable seats or air conditioners.
B. The national theater either has comfortable seats nor air conditioners.
C The national theater neither has comfortable seats or air conditioners.
D The national theater neither have comfortable seats nor air conditioners.
59. f 'd realized what would happen, wouldn't have accepted the job.
A Had realize what would happen wouldn't have accepted the job.
B Have realized what would happen wouldn't have accepted the job.
C Had realized what would happen wouldn't have accepted the job.
D. Had realized what would have happened wouldn't have accepted the job.
60. He not only spent all his money; he even borrowed some from me.
A Not did he only spend all His money, but he also borrowed some from me.
B Not only did he spend all his money, but also he borrowed some from me.
C Not only did he spent all his money, but he also borrowed some from me.
D. Not only did he spend all his money, but he also borrowed some from me.
B. For questions 66-70, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which corresponds to the best sentence that can
be created from the given words and phrases.
61. football / match / will /have /postpone / bad /weather
A The football match will have had to be postponed because of the bad weather.
B The football match will have to be postpone due to the bad. weather.
C. The football match will have to postpone due to the bad weather.
D. The football match will have postponed due to the bad weather.
62. t / expensive/repair /damage / cause /human beings:
A. t is expensive repairing the damage that caused by human beings.
B. t is an expensive repair to the damage caused by human beings.
C t is expensive to repair the damage caused by human beings.
D t is expensive to repair the damage that caused by human beings.
63. she / interested /be flight attendant / because / like/ travel
A She interested in being a flight attendant because she likes travelling.
B She was interested in being a flight attendant because she liked travelling.
C She is interested in being a flight attendant because she likes travelling.
D She has interested in being a flight attendant because she likes travel.
64. We/ should/take / advantage / available/free /sources/such/ waves and wind.
A We should take advantage the availability of free sources such waves and wind.
B We should have taken advantage of available free sources as such waves and wind.
C We should take advantage of availability of free sources such waves and wind
D We should take advantage of the availability of free sources such as waves and wind.
65. ' Why don't you meet to discuss the pay offer?
A. suggest that you should have a meeting to discuss the pay offer.
B. suggest you could have a meeting to discuss the pay offer.
C. suggest you to have a meeting to discuss the pay offer.
D suggested that should you have a meeting to discuss the pay offer.
This is the end of the Reading and Writing section.
PART (Questions 71-76)
You will hear some information about WRTNG. Listen carefully and choose the most appropriate answer to
each of the following questions. You will hear the recording twice. Mark/Write the answer choice on your
answer sheet.
71 1. What aspect of writing academic essay does the professor mainly discuss?
A. Quotations
B. Conclusions
C ntroductions
D. Cliches
72 2. How does the professor emphasize her point about not using direct quotes in introductions?
A. By explaining why direct quotes are usually not relevant
B. By stating that quotes are sometimes confused with cinema scope introductions By showing how direct
quotes can be confusing
D. By stating what professors prefer to see in an introduction
(2 marks) 3. According to the professor, what are 2 key features of a good introduction? Choose 2 answers
A. Being brief
B. Being informative
C. Being wide in scope
D. Being interesting
74 4. What does the professor advise students to do?
A. Think about their professors' interests
B. magine themselves as readers
C. Explain everything in very simple language
D. Ask other students what they would like to read about
Page 8 of 9
75 5. Why does the speaker say that the cinema scope introduction should be avoided?
A. because it can sound too general or cliched
B. because it is typically confusing to the reader
C. because there is a danger that the reader will not be familiar with the movie mentioned
D. because the cinema is not an academic topic that should be discussed in essays
76 6. What does the professor imply when she says " ..?
A. Students tend to forget to include body paragraphs and conclusions in their essays
B. Students sometimes forget how many words to write.
C. Some students think that having the right number of words is all that really matters s
D. She wants to explain why the introduction is so important
PART (Questions 77-79)
Listen carefully and choose the most appropriate answer to each of the following questions. You will hear
the recording twice. Write or mark your answer choice on the answer sheet.
77 1. What kind of activities are offered at this resort?
A. ndoor activities
B. Both indoor and outdoor activities
C. Outdoor activities
D. Only children's activities
78 2. Which water activity is offered?
A. Swimming
B. River rafting
C. Scuba diving
D. Water polo
79 3. Who should guests contact with questions?
A. The hotel manager
B. The front desk
C. The activities coordinator
D. The clerk
1. Tm phn t ln th k
Cho 1 mng gm n s nguyn. Hm findKth(int a[], int n, int k) tr v gi trj ca phn t ln th k trong
mng a (vi k t 1 n n).
1. Hy ci t hm trn.
2. Hy ci tin ci t hm sao cho phc tap l O(n).
2. #include<iostream>
int A[8] ={1,3,7,2,6,8,,!"#
int ma$, % =3 ,&os='#
(or( ) =1 # )<=%# %** )

ma$ =+32768#
(or(int i='# i< 8# i**)
i( (ma$<A[i] )
ma$= A[i]#
A[&os] = +32768 ,, $oa &-an tu lon n-at
&rint((.&-an tu lon t-u /d la A[/d] co 0ia tri /d., %,&os,m
3. Cu a
C nhiu cch gii quyt bi ton ny.
Phn t ln th k ngha l c hang l k.
Cch 1: phc tap O(n
Tao mng c gm n phn t vi c[i] l hang ca a[i]. Khi ta dng 2 vong lp lng nhau tnh c[i] nhu
1. int (ind1t-(int a[], int n, int %) {
int i, ), 2c = ne3 int[n]#
(or (i='# i<n# i**) {
c[i] = '#
(or ()='# )<n# )**)
i( (a[i] <= a[)])
(or (i='# c[i]4=%# i**)#
delete[] c#
return a[i]#
2. Cu a
C nhiu cch gii quyt bi ton ny.
Phn t ln th k ngha l c hang l k.
Cch 1: phc tap O(n
Tao mng c gm n phn t vi c[i] l hang ca a[i]. Khi ta dng 2 vong lp lng nhau tnh c[i] nhu
PHP Code:
int (ind1t-(int a[], int n, int %) {
int i, ), 2c = ne3 int[n]#
(or (i='# i<n# i**) {
c[i] = '#
(or ()='# )<n# )**)
i( (a[i] <= a[)])
(or (i='# c[i]4=%# i**)#
delete[] c#
return a[i]#
Cch 2: phc tap O(nlogn).
Dng Quick Sort xp gim dn mng a. Khi kt qu chnh l a[k-1].
1. Cu b
S dung phuong php chia trj gii quyt bi ton ny vi chi ph O(n) nhu sau:
Chon x l gi trj ca phn t c vj tr gia (n/2). Ta tin hnh phn hoach mng a thnh 2 phn. Phn bn
tri gm nhng gi trj ln hon x v phn bn phi gm nhng phn t nh hon x. Gi s vj tr ca phn t
c gi trj x l l th x c hang l l+1 (v c l phn t bn tri ln hon x).
V l phn t bn tri x u c gi trj ln hon x nn c hang nh hon l+1 v cc phn t bn phi x c hang
ln hon l+1.
o Nu k = l+1 th kt thc v tr v a[l].
o Nu k < l+1 th ta goi quy vi mng a gm l phn t t a[0] n a[l-1] vi hang cn tm
vn l k.
o Nu k > l+1 th ta goi quy vi mng a gm (n-l-1) phn t t a[l+1] n a[n-1] vi hang
cn tm l (k-l-1).
Khi , phn ci t hm nhu sau:
1. int (ind1t-(int a[], int n, int %) {
int l=', r=n+1, $=a[n,2]#
3-ile (l < r) {
3-ile (l < r 55 a[l] > $) l**#
3-ile (r > l 55 a[r] < $) r++#
i( (l < r) {
int t = a[l]#
a[l] = a[r]#
a[r] = t#
i( (% == l*1) return a[l]#
i( (% < l*1) return (ind1t-(a, l, %)#
return (ind1t-(5a[l*1], n+l+1, %+l+1)#
2. Tnh phc tp. Ta c: T(n) = 1.T(n/2) + n
v t bi ton ban u, ta chia thnh 1 bi ton vi
kch thuc gn gim na vi chi ph l n (phn hoach mng).
Theo jnh l ch trung hop (1) l log21 = 0 < 1. V vy phc tap l O(n).

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