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Locke (Two treatises on Govt) people in original state were happy possessed natural rights of life, liberty and

and property social compact to create govt theory of education tabula rosa (Blank tablet) Roman law republic - natural laws, 12 tables, preserved idea of democracy checks and balances Machiavelli - author of (The Prince) - analysis of whether princes should keep their word. Republic Representatives create laws, constitutions determine law of nation and rule of law is held in supreme regard. Grand jury evidence goes to trial some jurisdictions today use a preliminary trial. Prime minister - most sr minister of cabinet executive branch of govt in parliamentary system Theocracy Govt by a religious group Interregnum time between the kings Habeas corpus the right to appear before a judge Charles II Puritans wanted to purify the Anglican church of Roman Catholic elements Trew law by James I expressed ideas about divine right Cromwell ruled as a dictatorship lord Protector of the Commonwealth supported rights of Parliament Cavaliers landowners, nobility, Anglicans, clergy royalists controlled house of lords supported kings right to divine rule Roundheads Puritans (Controlled House of Commons) Commonwealth citizens (the people) Precedence being considered more important than someone/something else priority in rank - earlier Rule of Law foundation of constitutionalism no person is above the law Henry VIII established Anglican church wanted divorce from Catherine & access to the Catholic churchs wealth and land holdings Charles I ruled arrogantly with claims of divine right absolutism rules w/o parliament then needs help then is beheaded in Puritan rev. James I ruled arrogantly with claims to divine right absolutism William and Mary issued the Bill of Rights - 1689 Civil rights and liberties CR right to be treated = under the law to have = opp. govt cant discrim., right to vote , each vote is = CL the protection the law gives for freedom of thought and action Freedom of speech, religion, press Elizabeth I daughter of Henry and Anne Boleyn refused to marry king of spain reestablished Protestantism established English as a world power defeated the Spanish Armada most powerful navy in world. Great Renaissance Queen Reason Democracies base decisions on reasoned logical arguments, not on tradition or emotion Greece Athenian Democracy, everyone capable of reason and logic, natural laws, Plato, Aristotle, Early principle of democracy Balanced Polity Tudors forceful monarchs who seldom consulted Parliament but ruled Parliament Cabinet - represents parliament official policymakers. Common Law based on precedent cases applied to all people = Magna Carta (Great charter) King John 1st modern constitution limited kings power agreed to the basic idea that everyone is subject to RoL foundation of constitutionalism Mary legit daughter of Henry and Catherine attempted to bring back Catholicism Bloody Mary unpopular Tudor Taxation without representation when a govt imposes taxes on particular group without consent Secular separation of church and state Utopia Plato philosopher king a perfect community/society Montesquieu (the spirit of the Laws) govt powers separated among 3 branches Adam Smith Wealth of nations laissez faire father of modern capitalism Voltaire promoted religious freedom, freedom of speech, & believed insistence upon authority prevents human progress Encyclopedia Diderot French philosopher Enlightenment Rousseau (Emile) theory of education (Social contract) noble savage if govt corrupt, people can overthrow & replace rule of majority is supreme disregards minority. Laissez faire govt stay out of business let market determined production and price General will will of majority (Rousseau) Beccharia (on crimes and punishment) argued that punishment should be appropriate, speedy, and effective. Divine right right to rule derived from God Constitutional monarchy Monarchy with a legislative branch follow the rule of law Enclosure laws forced peasants into cities Entrepreneur businessmen Cottage/domestic system Karl Marx (Das Kapital and Communist Manifesto) predicted a violent overthrowing of govt by proletariat working class father of communism Collective bargaining, unions, strikes, boycotts for better working conditions Three factors of production land (natural resources) labor capital Rural to urban migration from country to city peasants Agricultural revolution change from primitive tools to modern farm-production materials Cottage/domestic system during farming slowtimes families weave cloth for entrepreneur with capital sell at market Steam engine James Watt revolutionized industry and travel railroad and steam ships - trading Bessemer process process of making Iron into steel easily steel become backbone of IR Sources of energy IR wood, coal, steam, electicity, petroleum, atomic energy Bolivar the liberator of SA Waterloo (battle of) napoleon defeated again in Belgium exiled to St. Helena Versailles where the royal family lived France huge palace Restoration 1660 the kings are back Order of events in English democracy (Glorious Revolution, etc.) Magna Carta, Protestantism, unpopular stewarts, Puritan Revolutinon civil war Oliver Cromwell, Interregnum, Restoration, Glorious Rev., English Bill of Rights, Hanover dynasty cabinet system st Bill of rights 1 10 amendments to the US constitution. Declaration of independence written by Thomas Jefferson declaration of independence from the British Empire Copernicus heliocentric theory of the universe Bacon founded scientific method Newton invented calculus and formulated the laws of motion and the law of gravitation Progress its possible through change and intervention humans possessed natural rights and society can be improved - philosophes Social Contract people entered into a social contract w/themselves agreed to surrender all rights and submit to gen. will govt is a necessary evil to carry out the gen. will. Scientific Methods (Steps) logical method of state a Q, forming hypothesis, observe, experiment, and draw conclusions Universal gravitation Newtons law of Universal gravitation everything is attracted everything else Stamp act tax British -> US colonies printed materials taxed Direct and indirect democracy direct people vote directly indirect representatives of the people vote Social responsibility and Judaism/Christianity duty to follower law, participate in govt, and care for less fortunate. Twelve tables written laws (Codified) natural laws known as the law of nations and applied to citizens equally Dictatorship govt controlled by one individual who seizes power through support of military Communism govt controls economic system owns and controls all aspects of production absolute economic equality. Fascism State is all important govt can do no wrong Rule of law law is more important than individual Codified laws written laws provide consistency and protection against changes in govt and interpretation Plato - (The Republic) best form of govt - philosopher king Aristotle and the middle class importance of middle class golden mean, rule of law (Politics) Ten Commandments mosaic law morality and ethics foundation of modern law Wollstonecraft advocate of womens rights (A Vindiction of the rights of men/women) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd estates clergy, nobility, and everyone else clergy (No taxes) nobility (No taxes) everyone else bourgeosie, professionals, merchants, artisans, urban workers, peasants (paid all taxes) Congress of Vienna goals and leader goals redraw nat. boundary lines of Europe, create balance of power, restore pre-napoleonic monarchs to thrones leader Prince von Metternich of Austria. July 14, 1789 storming of the Bastille official beginning of FR Slogan of revolution Liberte, egalite, fraternite (Liberty, equality, brotherhood) Declaration of the rights of man French constitution Reign of terror leader, guillotine, goals Robespierre, attempted to create total equality, 20K beheaded st Napoleon Military dictator coup detat overthrew the Directory, became consul 1 Consul of the Consulate proclaimes himself emperor in 1804, accomplished code napoleon, conqured Holy Roman Empire, encouraged nationalism, centralized govt, pub. Education. Russia greatest military defeat, lost of army Glorious revolution bloodless overthrowing of James II in 1688 Scorched earth Czar Alexander when napoleon attacked burn everything Civil constitution of the clergy pope had no authority and clergy had to take a loyalty oath - France 100 days the 100 days Napoleon was out of exile Radicals, liberals, conservatives, reactionaries Radicals not afraid to use violence, highly liberal, reactionaries, the same, except highly conservative Bourgeoisie, proletariat bourgeoisie middle class. Proletariat working class. Estates general admission Louis XVI was not absolute Robespierre one of the French Revolutions leaders Reign of Terror Great fear peasant uprisings throughout france burning records, destruction of land March on Versailles Oct, 1789 women marched from paris to Versailles forced monarchy to move to paris under house arrest

1 , 2 , 3rd phase of revolution Nat. Assembly constitutional monarchy. 2 reign of terror. 3 the Directory Nationalism, imperialism patriotic feeling Pride in state control by a powerful nation over underdev. one Lousi XVI the King of France during FR Sepoys the natives of India that upraised against the BEIC Jewel in the crown India was the Jewel in the crown for Britian Berlin conference conference about the division of Africa first come first pick Otto von Bismarck Suez Canal canal dug through Africa to help trading with Asia easier Gandhi almost singlehandedly forced British to create india as ind. state Extraterritoriality, spheres of influence, colony E- European who committed crime against native only can be tried by own people. SoI- economic control of specific areas, C- powerful nation formally takes over and governs another country Reasons for imperialism IR new sources of raw materials and markets, political nationalism Ideological religious, humanitarian, exploration adventure, research Boxer rebellion anti-foreign movement in China opposing imperialism and Chrstianity. opposed Qing dynasty and Britain Unequal treaties signed by Asian states with British opened up ports, gave land, taxation etc Opium war Chinese govt against British merchants addicting people to opium Lin Zexu Open door policy access to china, but no one controlling it Sun Yat Sen Chinese revolutionary Father of Nation republic Social Darwinism ideology that society applies same concepts of Darwinism evolution survival of the fittest Kipling and the White Mans Burden civilize those less fortunate Apartheid results in Africa of Imperialism white minority rule over black majority oppressive rule Japan First Asian country to industrialize Assembly lines dividing work between a lot of people more effective Automation use of machines to optimize productivity in the production of goods Rape of Nanking between WWI and WWII japan invaded China Nanking Japanese killed, raped women, etc Reincarnation transmigration Hindus believed that soul purification may take many times





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