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1997 Rules on Civil Procedure 2001 Edition <draft copy. pls.

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Rule 43 Appeals from the CTA and Quasi-Judicial Agencies to the CA

Rule 43 APPEALS FROM T E !O"RT OF TA# APPEALS A$% &"AS'()"%'!'AL A*E$!'ES TO T E !O"RT OF APPEALS Let us now go to Rule 43 which governs Appeals from the Court of Tax Appeals and Quasi-Judicial Agencies to the Court of Appeals Ta!e note that under "ection # of $% &'#( the CA has the exclusive appellate )urisdiction to review decisions of all RTC and Quasi-Judicial Bodies( and Rule 43 is the governing rule on appeals from *uasi-)udicial +odies "o( +efore this( appeal to the CA of Tax cases is supposed to +e to the "C ,ow it is reverted to the CA( and also *uasi-)udicial agencies -hat was the prior law. /t is Revised Administrative Circular ,o &-#0( which was promulgated on Januar1 &( &##0 ,ow it is Rule 43 2 the circular was actuall1 *uoted here ver+atim "o( 1ou can no longer go to the "C( even on pure *uestions of law( ha3 4ecisions of *uasi-)udicial agencies must pass first to the CA even on pure *uestions of law ,ow what are these *uasi-)udicial +odies. The1 are enumerated in "ection &5 Sect+o, -. Scope. Th+s Rule shall apply to appeals fro. /ud0.e,ts or f+,al orders of the !ourt of Ta1 Appeals a,d fro. a2ards3 /ud0.e,ts3 f+,al orders or resolut+o,s of or author+4ed 5y a,y 6uas+(/ud+c+al a0e,cy +, the e1erc+se of +ts 6uas+(/ud+c+al fu,ct+o,s. A.o,0 these a0e,c+es are the !+7+l Ser7+ce !o..+ss+o,3 !e,tral 8oard of Assess.e,t Appeals3 Secur+t+es a,d E1cha,0e !o..+ss+o,3 Off+ce of the Pres+de,t3 La,d Re0+strat+o, Author+ty3 Soc+al Secur+ty !o..+ss+o,3 !+7+l Aero,aut+cs 8oard3 8ureau of Pate,ts3 Trade.arks a,d Tech,olo0y Tra,sfer3 $at+o,al Electr+f+cat+o, Ad.+,+strat+o,3 E,er0y Re0ulatory 8oard3 $at+o,al Teleco..u,+cat+o,s !o..+ss+o,3 %epart.e,t of A0rar+a, Refor. u,der Repu5l+c Act $o. 99:;3 *o7er,.e,t Ser7+ce ',sura,ce Syste.3 E.ployees !,sat+o, !o..+ss+o,3 A0r+cultural ',7e,t+o,s 8oard3 ',sura,ce !o..+ss+o,3 Ph+l+pp+,e Ato.+c E,er0y !o..+ss+o,3 8oard of ',7est.e,ts3 !o,struct+o, ',dustry Ar5+trat+o, !o..+ss+o,3 a,d 7olu,tary ar5+trators author+4ed 5y la2. <,= "o( ver1 specific3 The latest addition there are decisions of voluntar1 ar+itrators %rior to that( it can +e +rought +1 certiorari to the "C( +ut +ecause of a decided case it is now +e +rought to the CA 6ne case under Rule 43 which / want to discuss with 1ou is the case of LEPA$TO !ERAM'!S vs. !O"RT OF APPEALS >3; S!RA :-? @-??4A FA!TS5 This involves appeals from the $oard of /nvestments 7$6/8 ,ow( as provided in the original 6mni+us /nvestment Code of &#9& during the :arcos era( decisions of the $6/ are appeala+le directl1 to the "C $ut 1ears later it was nullified +1 the Judiciar1 Law +ecause all decisions of all *uasi-)udicial +odies are appealed to the CA ;our 1ears later the Constitution too! effect /n Jul1 &#9< during the term of Cor1 A*uino( she promulgated = 6 ,o ''>( the so-called 6mni+us /nvestment Code of &#9< where provisions from the old code were merel1 lifted And among those included is the provision on appeals from the $6/ where 1ou go directl1 to the "C The position of Lepanto is( the new law 7= 6 ,o ''>8 has modified $% &'# +ecause the old law was modified +1 $% &'# And since this is a new law( +inali! na naman ang appeal sa "C "o na modif1 ang $% &'# EL%5 ,6 Lepanto is wrong +ecause when Cor1 A*uino issued = 6 ,o ''>( the ,ew Constitution has ta!en effect And under the &#9< Constitution( 1ou cannot increase the appellate )urisdiction of the "C without its consent and concurrence /n effect( the new law 7= 6 ,o ''>8 increased the wor! of the "C without its !nowledge and consent therefore the "C did not agree The "C re)ected the provision that decisions of the $6/ are appeala+le directl1 to the "C


1997 Rules on Civil Procedure 2001 Edition <draft copy. pls. check for errors>

Rule 43 Appeals from the CTA and Quasi-Judicial Agencies to the CA

/n the case of FABIAN vs. DESIERTO ?4ecem+er &>( &##9@( a provision under RA >><A( which provides that decisions of the 6ffice of the 6m+udsman in administrative disciplinar1 cases( was declared unconstitutional +ecause the appellate )urisdiction of the "C was increased without its advice and consent Another case is :AT=6 vs CA 7'4< "CRA '94 ?&##0@8 This is +efore Revised Administrative Code ,o &-#0 As / have told 1ou +efore( rulings of different constitutional commissions( C"C( C6A( C6:=L=C should +e direct to the "C That is wh1 the case of :A,C/TA vs $ARC/,A" 7'&> "CRA <<'8 is deemed a+andoned +ecause the new procedure is that decisions of the C"C are now appeala+le to the CA Sec. >. Cases not covered. Th+s Rule shall ,ot apply to /ud0.e,ts or f+,al orders +ssued u,der the La5or !ode of the Ph+l+pp+,es. <,= "ection ' refers to decisions of ,LRC and the "ecretar1 of La+or Their decisions can +e +rought directl1 to the "C +1 wa1 of petition for Certiorari under Rule >0( not +1 appeal 7Rule 438 Sec. 3. !ere to appeal. A, appeal u,der th+s Rule .ay 5e take, to the !ourt of Appeals 2+th+, the per+od a,d +, the .a,,er here+, pro7+ded3 2hether the appeal +,7ol7es 6uest+o,s of fact3 of la23 or .+1ed 6uest+o,s of fact a,d la2. <,= Sec. 4. "eriod o# appeal. The appeal shall 5e take, 2+th+, f+ftee, <-:= days fro. ,ot+ce of the a2ard3 /ud0.e,t3 f+,al order or resolut+o,3 or fro. the date of +ts last pu5l+cat+o,3 +f pu5l+cat+o, +s re6u+red 5y la2 for +ts effect+7+ty3 or of the de,+al of pet+t+o,erBs .ot+o, for ,e2 tr+al or reco,s+derat+o, duly f+led +, accorda,ce 2+th the 0o7er,+,0 la2 of the court or a0e,cy a 6uo. O,ly o,e <-= .ot+o, for reco,s+derat+o, shall 5e allo2ed. "po, proper .ot+o, a,d the pay.e,t of the full a.ou,t of the docket fee 5efore the e1p+rat+o, of the re0le.e,tary per+od3 the !ourt of Appeals .ay 0ra,t a, add+t+o,al per+od of f+ftee, <-:= days o,ly 2+th+, 2h+ch to f+le the pet+t+o, for re7+e2. $o further e1te,s+o, shall 5e 0ra,ted e1cept for the .ost co.pell+,0 reaso, a,d +, ,o case to e1ceed f+ftee, <-:= days. <,= Sec. :. $o% appeal ta&en. Appeal shall 5e take, 5y f+l+,0 a 7er+f+ed pet+t+o, for re7+e2 +, se7e, <;= le0+5le cop+es 2+th the !ourt of Appeals3 2+th proof of ser7+ce of a copy thereof o, the ad7erse party a,d o, the court or a0e,cy a 6uo. The or+0+,al copy of the pet+t+o, +,te,ded for the !ourt of Appeals shall 5e +,d+cated as such 5y the pet+t+o,er. "po, the f+l+,0 of the pet+t+o,3 the pet+t+o,er shall pay to the clerk of court of the !ourt of Appeals the docket+,0 a,d other la2ful fees a,d depos+t the su. of P:CC.CC for costs., fro. pay.e,t of docket+,0 a,d other la2ful fees a,d the depos+t for costs .ay 5e 0ra,ted 5y the !ourt of Appeals upo, a 7er+f+ed .ot+o, sett+,0 forth 7al+d 0rou,ds therefor. 'f the !ourt of Appeals de,+es the .ot+o,3 the pet+t+o,er shall pay the docket+,0 a,d other la2ful fees a,d depos+t for costs 2+th+, f+ftee, <-:= days fro. ,ot+ce of the de,+al. <,= Sec. 9. Contents o# t!e petition. The pet+t+o, for re7+e2 shall <a= state the full , of the part+es to the case3 2+thout +.plead+,0 the court or a0e,c+es e+ther as pet+t+o,ers or respo,de,tsD <5= co,ta+, a co,c+se state.e,t of the facts a,d +ssues +,7ol7ed a,d the 0rou,ds rel+ed upo, for the re7+e2D <c= 5e,+ed 5y a clearly le0+5le dupl+cate or+0+,al or a cert+f+ed true copy of the a2ard3 /ud0.e,t3 f+,al order or resolut+o, appealed fro.3 to0ether 2+th cert+f+ed true cop+es of such .ater+al port+o,s of the record referred to there+, a,d other support+,0 papersD a,d <d= co,ta+, a s2or, cert+f+cat+o, a0a+,st foru. shopp+,0 as pro7+ded +, the last para0raph of sect+o, >3 Rule 4>. The pet+t+o, shall state the spec+f+c .ater+al dates sho2+,0 that +t 2as f+led 2+th+, the per+od f+1ed here+,. <>a= Sec. ;. E##ect o# #ailure to co'pl( %it! re)uire'ents. The fa+lure of the pet+t+o,er to co.ply 2+th a,y of the fore0o+,0 re6u+re.e,ts re0ard+,0 the pay.e,t of the docket a,d other la2ful fees3 the depos+t for costs3 proof of ser7+ce of the pet+t+o,3 a,d the co,te,ts of a,d the docu.e,ts 2h+ch should,y the pet+t+o, shall 5e suff+c+e,t 0rou,d for the d+s.+ssal thereof. <,=


1997 Rules on Civil Procedure 2001 Edition <draft copy. pls. check for errors>

Rule 43 Appeals from the CTA and Quasi-Judicial Agencies to the CA

Sec. E. Action on t!e petition. The !ourt of Appeals .ay re6u+re the respo,de,t to f+le a co..e,t o, the pet+t+o,3 ,ot a .ot+o, to d+s.+ss3 2+th+, te, <-C= days fro. ,ot+ce3 or d+s.+ss the pet+t+o, +f +t f+,ds the sa.e to 5e pate,tly 2+thout .er+t3 prosecuted .a,+festly for delay3 or that the 6uest+o,s ra+sed there+, are too u,su5sta,t+al to re6u+re co,s+derat+o,. <9a= Sec. ?. Contents o# co''ent. The co..e,t shall 5e f+led 2+th+, te, <-C= days fro. ,ot+ce +, se7e, <;= le0+5le cop+es a,d,+ed 5y clearly le0+5le cert+f+ed true cop+es of such .ater+al port+o,s of the record referred to there+, to0ether 2+th other support+,0 papers. The co..e,t shall <a= po+,t out +,suff+c+e,c+es or +,accurac+es +, pet+t+o,erBs state.e,t of facts a,d +ssuesD a,d <5= state the reaso,s 2hy the pet+t+o, should 5e de,+ed or d+s.+ssed. A copy thereof shall 5e ser7ed o, the pet+t+o,er3 a,d proof of such ser7+ce shall 5e f+led 2+th the !ourt of Appeals. <?a= Sec. -C. Due course. 'f upo, the f+l+,0 of the co..e,t or such other plead+,0s or docu.e,ts as .ay 5e re6u+red or allo2ed 5y the !ourt of Appeals or upo, the e1p+rat+o, of the per+od for the f+l+,0 thereof3 a,d o, the 5as+s of the pet+t+o, or the records the !ourt of Appeals f+,ds pr+.a fac+e that the court or a0e,cy co,cer,ed has co..+tted errors of fact or la2 that 2ould 2arra,t re7ersal or .od+f+cat+o, of the a2ard3 /ud0.e,t3 f+,al order or resolut+o, sou0ht to 5e re7+e2ed3 +t .ay 0+7e due course to the pet+t+o,D other2+se3 +t shall d+s.+ss the sa.e. The f+,d+,0s of fact of the court or a0e,cy co,cer,ed3 2he, supported 5y su5sta,t+al e7+de,ce3 shall 5e 5+,d+,0 o, the !ourt of Appeals. <,= Sec. --. Trans'ittal o# record. F+th+, f+ftee, <-:= days fro. ,ot+ce that the pet+t+o, has 5ee, 0+7e, due course3 the !ourt of Appeals .ay re6u+re the court or a0e,cy co,cer,ed to tra,s.+t the or+0+,al or a le0+5le cert+f+ed true copy of the e,t+re record of the proceed+,0 u,der re7+e2. The record to 5e tra,s.+tted .ay 5e a5r+d0ed 5y a0ree.e,t of all part+es to the proceed+,0. The !ourt of Appeals .ay re6u+re or per.+t su5se6ue,t correct+o, of or add+t+o, to the record. <Ea= Sec. ->. E##ect o# appeal. The appeal shall ,ot stay the a2ard3 /ud0.e,t3 f+,al order or resolut+o, sou0ht to 5e re7+e2ed u,less the !ourt of Appeals shall d+rect other2+se upo, such ter.s as +t .ay dee. /ust. <-Ca= Sec. -3. Su*'ission #or decision. 'f the pet+t+o, +s 0+7e, due course3 the !ourt of Appeals .ay set the case for oral ar0u.e,t or re6u+re the part+es to su5.+t .e.ora,da 2+th+, a per+od of f+ftee, <-:= days fro. ,ot+ce. The case shall 5e dee.ed su5.+tted for dec+s+o, upo, the f+l+,0 of the last plead+,0 or .e.ora,du. re6u+red 5y these Rules or 5y the !ourt of Appeals. <,= -o6o-


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