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Holy Holy- Days Talk Renewal

copyright Robert Adams Infinity Institute subject to international copyright laws May not be reproduced without permission nor publicly presented

Beauty and Renewal

Student Series Home Study

Holy Days Talk

Our Mission on this Earth is to be of Service to Humanity The Original Dialogues of Robert Adams copyright Robert Adams Infinity Institute Printed with permission courtesy of The Infinity Institute for Compassionate Living

The children are laughing. What a Wonderful World

Good afternoon. Isnt it a wonderful day? This is an interesting time. It is spring. People all over the world are celebrating Easter and Passover. And other holy days. Here, it is Easter time. The birds are singing. The sky is blue. The children are laughing. Everyone is happy. Isnt that a song? (laughter) (Note: Roberts favorite song is What a Wonderful World, which his family played often in his last days and was often heard in their household as Robert smiled and rested his body during his illness.) Of course, tomorrow the sky may be cloudy. And the birds may not be singing. How will that affect you? In a way, that is what Easter is telling us. These things will change. Be born and die. So called. However, as we know, there is no death. And Christ showed this to people in an age when darkness was paramount. There is no death. Isnt that beautiful? Today I went to an Easter brunch with my family. Everyone there had just gone to church. Many people on this path say to me, Oh, we do not celebrate that, we do not care about such things. Yet, all of these things, all of these holy days, they all have something to show us. Something holy. Today, people are honoring the teaching of Jesus Christ. The teaching of love. Of no death. Of renewal. Of a beauty, a Truth, that cannot be put to death. What does this mean to us?

And so we celebrate Easter to be reminded that there is no ending to Joy.

If you really understand this, this can be very powerful to you. What actually did Christ do? He came to show people how to live. That this world is not real. That death is not real. That love is stronger than so called death. And that is very important to know. At the time, people lived by the law of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. They were not at the spiritual level of understanding that anything else existed. Christ taught them this. Then, when they became aware of the laws of love, when they begin to experience this, he left them. Or so it seemed. But that was not the end. This has a happy ending. And so we celebrate Easter. For we must be reminded that there is no ending. There is no ending to joy. There is only joy. There is no ending to Truth. There is only Truth. It is good to remember these things. I mean really remember. Really experience it. It brings you up. It feeds you. This is important. How deeply this affects you is up to you. Sometimes it is necessary to participate in activities, celebrations, gatherings, to cement this in your consciousness. Just saying it isnt enough. 2

ICL Student Series


It is beautiful outside, but it is even more beautiful inside.

Just saying you believe this is not enough. Just saying I heard it, and now I am finished with it is egotistical. Hearing it and knowing it are two different things. What do you know? So, we celebrate this. It is beautiful outside, but it is even more beautiful inside. This is a beauty that will not change with the weather. With your circumstances. With your age. With your appearance. It is permanent. You ask me, Should I celebrate Easter? There is no reason why you should not. But it is even better to incorporate it into your very being. On a permanent level. This is the beauty that cannot change. It never did. What appears as death, is not. This rebirth is within you. So we celebrate Easter. Question: Did Christ really give up his life for us? Robert: (Pause). He was aware that the consciousness of the people he arrived to teach, was at a certain level. When you tell people you must be loving and behave yourself, act certain ways, to progress, rather than simply follow outward religious laws, this makes them mad. Especially when they are very religious. Their ego is prideful. They are very respected by others. They have grand titles. So. Did he give up his life for us? In this sense, yes. He was aware of the primal state of consciousness of the people. And he arrived to save them from this state of suffering. To bring light. Truth. Understanding. He came for that purpose. He knew what the response would be. But his love was strong. So for the few people that listened, that really understood, that received the deep truth, he accepted what would follow. The easiest way to understand this is a mother giving up her life for her child because she loves him so much. Or going hungry so he will be able to eat. He allowed this to happen so that others would Awaken. It is the path of love.

Forget what happened yesterday. Nothing that has ever happened to you has touched you.
Question: And so we eat Easter Eggs!? (laughter) Robert: This makes the children happy. Making children happy is important. Question: Where did the Easter eggs come in? Robert: We can go into the history of pagan practices, of nature cycle celebrations, and all those things, but then the Easter Bunny wont come. (Laughter) Spring reminds us of renewal. Everything is coming to life again, on this plane. I have told you to start anew each day. Do not give up. Never give up. It does not matter what happens to you. With all the storms and earthquakes and disasters, spring comes again. Life comes anew, with baby bunnies and glorious flowers. And this inspires our being to continue pursuing Awakening from this earthly sojourn. So you can enjoy all of these things, but remember to become what they represent. 3

ICL Student Series

Holy- Days

Everything that creates confusion is like a shadow. It has no substance.

To feel that you are eternal. To feel that love that cares for others. To feel to renew yourself totally and completely. With your Practices. The Transcripts. Forget about what happened yesterday. How you felt. Correct what you did and start anew today. Brand new. It is never too late to start new. Fresh. Pure. For you are Purity. Nothing that has ever happened to you has touched you. Nothing that anyone has ever done to you has changed you. Has hurt you. The you that it has affected can be completely renewed by awakening to your True Self. The little you will find great comfort and renewal in this. It will be a great relief. You will see that you have a much greater Source, reality, over everything that has happened to you than you ever imagined. For everything that scares you, that creates confusion, all of it is like a shadow. It has no substance. This is what Christ taught. In those days it was called unclean spirits and darkness. Because they were dissipated in the light of Truth. But the reason this angered some people is because they thought they could just do whatever they pleased and live in Truth. When he told them their was nothing greater they could do than give up their life for their brother, this did not make them happy. How can this be? When he said to give what you have to the poor and follow him, this did not make them happy. When he chased the money changers out of the sacred temple made for honoring God, this made them angry. Now anger and jealousy, of course, was the impetus for the crucifixion, on a human level. It is interesting. In the Bible it says never to befriend an angry man for he will be trouble for you. As some of you know, I dont often quote from scriptures, because this encourages the ego of many people. It distracts you from changing yourself. As I say, it creates many learned pundits who do not know God. But they know a lot of scriptures. Therefore, I refrain from this. But sometimes it is good to hear Truth.

Turn Away From These Three Things

It can fill you up. In the Bhagavad-Gita, an ancient scripture, there is another verse on anger. For you see, the people became very angry at Christ in his humility. In his purity. It made them angry. And this lead to the crucifixion. For they saw that to have what he had, they would have to become the same way that he was. Do not confuse anger with the righteous indignation of throwing the money changers out of the temple. You know it is anger when it is all about you. The spiritual quality of so called righteous indignation is rarely authentically used by most people. It is to protect others. So the people became very angry at Christ. Today is an auspicious time to ponder this. Why this happened. How does this affect you? These things that we are speaking of, that lead up to this situation, constitute the often mentioned Threefold Gates of Hell. We are told to abandon this entirely. This is what traps almost every body into staying in the Dream of Suffering. In delu4

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You can enjoy the beauty, but you are focused completely on the Supreme.
sion. For we do not believe that the results of this entrapment will arrive, and place us into chaos. It is not a matter of guilt. If you veer off of the road, you will crash. (Robert then has a student read this verse:) Lust, Anger and Greed. These constitute the Threefold Gates of Hell leading to the destruction of the souls welfare. These three, therefore, man should abandon entirely. O Son of Kunti! By turning away from these three entrances to the realm of darkness, man behaves according to his own highest good, and thereafter reaches the Supreme. (The verse is written thus): Trividham narakasyedam dvaram nasanam atmanah Kamah krodhas tatha lobhas tasmad etat trayam tyajet Etair vimuktah tamodvarais tribhir narah Acaraty atmanah sreyas tato yati param gatim Lust, Anger and Greed. These are the primary causes of human suffering. Of so called ruined lives. Lust, Anger and Greed. If you really explore Christs Teachings, you will see that he emphasized the importance of releasing these things. Why? Because everything comes back to this. Everything that causes suffering on the material plane. The lower states of consciousness. Lust Anger and Greed. In the Western culture, The Ten Commandments. The Seven Deadly Sins, etc. It is all the same. Of course, if you realize that this is simply a brief earthly sojourn, that all the things you desire will not go with you and that everything that seems so important is simply a breath of God that passes, then Kama-Lust Krodha-Anger Lobha-Greed Robert continues.

You do not know why. You just feel it. It is revealed to you.
those things are a joke to you. It would disgust you to be attracted to such things. This does not mean that you do not want the best for those you love and to enjoy Gods creation. If means simply that you enjoy its beauty but you are focused completely on reaching the Supreme. This message of this holy-day, inner immortality, is Truth. But you must become an asset to the world. You begin by asking yourself Who am I? As you keep practicing this, something very interesting is going to ensue. You are going to find that you are becoming happier and happier. That you are acquiring a feeling of immortality. You do not know why. You just feel it. All these truths become revealed to you. You start to understand that there was never a time when you were born, and you do not even prevail now as a body. There will never be a time when you will disappear. You as Pure Consciousness. Omniscient Awareness, have always existed as Absolute Reality. This will all come to you.

Student Series


You will try to share this yet you will not be able to for there are no words that can describe it. What has happened to you is that you have merged in Consciousness. You have become the Self, and you realize that the whole Universe is none other than your SELF (Divinity, rather than human personality.) There are not two selves or three selves or four selves. There is only one Self and you are That. It becomes very clear and very evident to you. Then you become an asset to the world, for you treat everyone as you would treat yourself. This is all done automatically. I am going to use words to explain it. When it happens to you those words become foreign. You become the Physical Universe. I am not my situation. I am not my body, my mind. Therefore who am I? That is the question. You never answer. You merely remove the obstacles. It is only when your mind becomes quiescent, calm, like a motionless lake. A motionless lake reflects the stars, the moon, the sun. But a lake that is noisy, vibrating, reflects absolutely nothing. In the same

instance, a being whose mind has become motionless, whose mind has become calm, relaxed, peaceful, begins to reflect his own Divinity. A person asks, Am I to give up the world? Am I to give up my profession? My family...go meditate in a cave? Of course not. You want to give up things mentally, not physically...It is interesting. It was said The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Yet how many of us really believe this? How many people think about this? Of course you realize, after you have been experiencing Truth for awhile, that the Bliss Consciousness of Love within, is the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why the people were told to go within. This does not mean that there is not a heavenly dimension or realm that you experience upon leaving this form. For they are one and the same. How can this be? Your Consciousness changes. Your Awareness changes. The obstacles disappear.

Your eyes of perception will begin to open

The illusion that is distracting you from perceiving what is really happening disappears. This happens when leaving the body. For some it happens at a greater level than others, according to their spiritual development. Therefore, some will open their inner eyes to angelic hierarchies, beautiful rainbows, the Goodness of the heavenly realms described in ancient religions. They now perceive it. Yet this is within. The saints and sages perceive it within, on the way to completely Awakening. To the Bliss of what Christ called the Heavenly Father. This is why you do your daily Practices. These things will begin to happen to you. Your eyes of perception will begin to open. Yet this is nothing compared to Awakening. This is simply a nice view. Of course, for most peoples consciousness, to become a selfless enough person to awaken from leaving their physical bodies to experience this, is not that common. For this is the dimension of Goodness, after conquering, so to speak, the lower human qualities. Why? I speak of these things because we are speaking of the teaching of Christ. Of The 6

ICL Student Series

Holy-Days Talk

The path of Love is a very powerful spiritual path.

Kingdom of Heaven within. The primary thing to remember is that what you think you are now, does not exist. It is mass hypnosis. Christ came to tell people this. He told them in words that they could relate to. In stories common to their lives. This was a path of love. Therefore, he showed them that God is Love. If they just got this one thing, this one aspect of his teaching, they got everything. How can this be? Because, you see if you understand this, if you experience it, then you treat others with love, you become love. And God is Love. You do not have to make a big deal about it, you just do it. Simply. Then you have stopped creating incoming suffering. This is a major progression. Events of great suffering have stopped being created. This is very rare for people to accomplish. Then love creates surrender. When you are experiencing the ending of incoming suffering from past actions, you have surrendered everything up to God. To the Father. You are practicing constant communion with Him. So you are able to offer up the suffering and it dissipates. It does not have such a strong pull on you. You are able to observe it much better, without identifying with it. What follows is good doing. By doing good, you are able to rise above this plane of barbarianism and perhaps obtain the boon of continuing your existence or spiritual path in a higher plane or dimension of consciousness. Of awareness. With others of similar caliber. Therefore, the path of love is a very powerful spiritual path. But you must know who you are to truly benefit from this. Find out who you are. Find out if what I am saying is true. Do this today. I will be with you. We are always together. Those attracted to this talk are pulled inside for a reason, from something very deep inside. We are on the same origin of spiritual brotherhood. And we will always be

You must know who you are to truly benefit from this.
together. We will always find one another in love. And we will laugh to think that we thought we were human. But love will reveal our True Natures. The Self that was never born and will never die. Let us remember this today. Let us remember, and do something about it. And in doing so, you will find joy supreme.

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