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International conference Prague, Czech Republic, 5-7 March 2014

Integrated Management of Groundwater Resources and Dependent Ecosystems Second announcement and call for abstracts

Groundwater in Europe and elsewhere face increasing pressures due to water abstraction for irrigation and other water uses, which is aggravated by land use and climate changes. Water pollution and decline of water levels have occurred in many regions, producing a host of undesirable economic and environmental impacts. The European Water Frame Directive and Groundwater Directive outline principles of protection and management and sets groundwater quality standards, as for example threshold values for nitrate and pesticides concentrations. The aim is to prevent the deterioration of the status of all bodies of groundwater, reverse negative trends in pollution and to achieve a good groundwater quantity and quality status, promoting a long-term sustainable water use and the enhancement of the ecosystems relying on groundwater. Due to increased pressures on groundwater systems, future management must include better understanding of how land use affects groundwater quantity and quality. Additionally, the impact of future climate change on groundwater systems must be better understood and considered in management scenarios. Better understanding of the key role of groundwater in ecosystems must rePDLQ DOVR DV D VFLHQWLF FKDOOHQJH WKDW LV D NH\ WR D VRXQG LQWHJUDWHG JURXQGZDWHU PDQDJHPHQW Through the design of the proper institutional, legal and operational framework, the management of JURXQGZDWHU V\VWHPV VKRXOG WDFNOH WKH DOORFDWLRQ RI UHVRXUFHV DPRQJ FRQLFWLQJ XVHV ZKLOH HQVXUing a sustainable management of water and associated ecosystems. Proper management of GDEs requires that they are included in the risk assessment and management schemes. Procedures for this should be further developed. Decision making in groundwater quantity and quality management is often complex because of heterogeneous stakeholder interests, multiple objectives, different opWLRQV DQG XQFHUWDLQ RXWFRPHV &RQLFWLQJ VWDNHKROGHU LQWHUHVWV DUH RIWHQ DQ LPSHGLPHQW WR WKH realization and success of any regulations, policies, and measures. In the quest to develop mitigation and sustainable adaptation measures in land use and groundwater management practices, we must also consider the socio-economic consequences of such measures, as well as the potential role of economic instruments in balancing supply and demand and promoting a sustainable use of the resources. To target future actions to maintain good status of groundwater systems, groundwater bodies and dependent ecosystems must be understood in an integrated way. This requires better methods to assess groundwater systems vulnerability from hydrologic, economic and ecosystem perspectives. Various methods can be used to study groundwater systems ranging from environmental tracers, hydrological and ecological research to numerical modelling and management methods. During the conference, different procedures and methods to manage groundwater systems will be discussed in an interdisciplinary framework. New research results from a large scale research project GENE6,6 ZLOO EH SUHVHQWHG :H DOVR ZDUPO\ ZHOFRPH RWKHU VFLHQWLVWV IURP YDULRXV HOGV RI JURXQGZDWHU research and management as well as professionals from policy, administration or enterprises to submit abstracts. We cordially invite you to participate in the conference. Bjrn Klve, Bioforsk (Norway), University of Oulu (Finland), GENESIS project co-ordinator Hans Kupfersberger, Joanneum Research (Austria) Manuel Pulido-Velzquez, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia (Spain) Marco Trevisan, Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) 3U]HP\VDZ :DFKQLHZ $*+ 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6FLHQFH DQG 7HFKQRORJ\ )DFXOW\ 3RODQG

Conference themes
The conference covers major aspects of integrated groundwater research and the main topics are: *URXQGZDWHU RZ FKDUDFWHULVDWLRQ Contaminant load and modeling the leaching to groundwater Groundwater dependent ecosystems: groundwater-surface water interaction Integrated modelling of groundwater systems Impact of land use and climate change *URXQGZDWHU V\VWHPV PDQDJHPHQW VFHQDULRV ULVN DVVHVVPHQW FRVWHIFLHQW PHDVXUHV DQG legal aspects

Abstract submission and call for abstracts

Abstracts are invited on the topics outlined in the conference themes and others falling within the scope of the conference. Abstract submission for oral and poster presentations is 15 December  1RWLFDWLRQ RI DFFHSWHG DEVWUDFWV ZLOO EH E\  -DQXDU\ Template for abstract and how to proceed is given at the conference web site: ZZZELRIRUVNQRJHQHVLVQDOFRQIHUHQFH

Special issue
All writers are strongly encouraged to submit their full papers to be published in a special issue of: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) special issues on Groundwater resources and their ecosystem services: new methods and management practices with deadline of submission of papers end of May 2014. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN) special issues on From the assessment of the pollutant input into groundwater systems to the measures for protecting them, via the assessment of the effect of climate and land-use change with deadline of submission of papers end of February 2014.

The Conference on Integrated Management of Groundwater Resources and Dependent Ecosystems will take place in the National Technical Library in Prague, Czech Republic. The library is close to the city centre and easily accessible from the international airport. The National Technical Library Technick 6 160 80 Praha 6 - Dejvice

There are many options for accommodation close to the venue, and pre-booking has to been done at the two following hotels: Hotel Diplomat: Book on-line before November 30. and use the group code GENESIS to get special rate of 85 /night. Hotel Silenzion: Single room 52 /night. Double room 60 /night. Apartment 88/night/2 persons. For availability and booking contact: Other options include: Hotel Denisa Masaryk Dormitory

Fees and registration

Participant: 300 Student: 200 Conference dinner: 50 The conference fee includes the welcome reception, daily lunches and coffee breaks. For registration go to the conference website at: ZZZELRIRUVNQRJHQHVLVQDOFRQIHUHQFH Registration must be completed before 31 January.

How to get there


Pre-conference course
A two day pre-conference course Hydrogeology of groundwater dependent ecosystem (GDEs): novel techniques for hydrological and ecological monitoring and analysis will be given 3-4 March, 2014 before the conference start. For whom: PhD students or similar with background in hydrology, civil engineering, ecology etc. Cost: No participant fee Credits: 1 ECTS Maximum number of participants: 25 (students registered to the conference are given preference to participate in case of received applications above 25). More details: ZZZELRIRUVNQRJHQHVLVQDOconference

Programme outline
Monday 09:00-18:00 Pre-conference course

Tuesday 09:00-18:00 Pre-conference course

Wednesday 10:00-10:30 Opening session 10:30-11:15 Key note Environmental tracers as indicators of groundwater reliance DQG YXOQHUDELOLW\ RI *'(V 3U]HP\VDZ :DFKQLHZ 3RODQG Key note Groundwater dependent ecosystems: future challenges for groundwater management, Bjrn Klve (Finland/Norway)


12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:30 Parallel session 1 14:30-15:00 Coffee 15:00-16:30 Parallel session 2 16:30-18:00 Poster session and ice breaking reception

Thursday 09:15-10:00 Key note Pollution of aquifers by pesticides and nitrates from land use, Marco Trevisan (Italy) 10:00-10:45 Key note Modelling of groundwater systems: impacts of land use and climate change, Hans Kupfersberger (Austria) 10:45-11:15 11:15-12:15 Coffee Parallel session 3

12:15-13:45 Lunch 13:45-14:45 Parallel session 5 14:45-15:15 Coffee 15:15-17:30 Poster session 19:00-23:00 Conference dinner

Friday 10:00-10:45 Key note Contribution of hydroeconomic models as DSS for a sustainable groundwater management, Manuel Pulido-Velazquez (Spain) 10:45-12:15 Parallel session 5 12:15-13:45 Lunch 13:45-14:45 Parallel session 6 14:45-15:15 Poster session 15:15-16:00 Conclusions and closing of conference

Keynote speakers
Bjrn Klve (Finland/Norway) works as a professor at University of Oulu, Finland and senior researcher at Bioforsk, Norway. He leads a research group of 30 persons that focus on water and land resources research and hydrology. The research includes studies on hydrology of groundwater, river systems and wetlands. He has 15 years experience on cold climate and peatland hydrology research with focus on impacts of various land uses. A long term objective for the research is to develop an integrated understanding of hydrological, sediment and nutrient transport processes for better water and land management including also impacts of climate change. The research methods used LQ KLV UHVHDUFK JURXS UDQJH IURP HOG DQG ODERUDWRU\ REVHUYDWLRQV LQ hydrology, hydraulics and soil physics to environmental tracers and numerical modeling. The work is interdisciplinary with close collaboration with research groups e.g. in ecology and sociology. Bjrn Klve leads the GENESIS project and several national and Nordic projects. He is the leader of Finnish doctoral programme VALUE in Integrated Catchment and Water Resources Management. Manuel Pulido-Velazquez (Spain) is Associate Professor in the Department of Hydrologic Engineering and Environment at the Technical University of Valencia (UPVLC), Spain, and a senior researcher within the Research Institute of Water Engineering and Environment (IIAMA). His research focus on the developments of methods and tools to support integrated management of water resource systems, with special emphasis on the integration of hydrology and engineering with economics and system analysis techniques through the so called hydroeconomic models. He has published several papers on hydroeconomic modeling in different top journals, with applications to issues like: the analysis of water markets and groundwater banking, optimal conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, economic analysis of WKH (8 :)' GHQLWLRQ RI RSWLPDO SURJUDPPH RI PHDVXUHV GHVLJQ RI LQFHQWLYH SULFLQJ DQG FRVW recovery policies, or the economic impact of water conservation policies in irrigation (the latter, in PNAS, 2008, led to comments in The New York Times, The Economist, and Science News, among others). He has been involved in the development of hydroeconomic simulation and optimization models for different case studies in Southern California, Rio Grande, Tigris-Euphrates basin, and in several river basins in Spain and France. Recent collaborating organizations include the Jucar and Segura River Basis Agencies, the Spanish Ministry of Environment, ONEMA, SIWI, BRGM, and VHYHUDO HFRQRPLF DQG HQJLQHHULQJ FRQVXOWLQJ UPV 5HVHDUFKHU LQ VHYHUDO QDWLRQDO DQG (8 SURMHFWV related to water management, water economics, groundwater management, climate change impact and adaptation, and drought mitigation, Prof. Pulido-Velazquez currently leads the UPVLC research team in the EU project GENESIS (FP7) on implementation of the EU Groundwater Directive and assessment of climate change and land-use impacts on groundwater and related ecosystems, coordinating the work package on groundwater economics and management. Manuel also co-chairs the session Advances in Modeling of Coupled Hydrologic-Socioeconomic Systems at the annual EGU conference in Vienna since 2011.

Keynote speakers continued

Marco Trevisan (Italy) has studied the environmental fate of pesticide and the behaviour of pesticide residues on crop and food since 1983. +H LV H[SHUW LQ WKH HOG RI SHVWLFLGH HQYLURQPHQWDO IDWH DQDO\WLFDO GHtermination and consumer health. His activity is documented by 103 ISI paper (h-index of 20). Trevisan was involved in several European SURMHFW LQ WKHVH HOGV +$,5 686$3 $3(&23 3(*$6( $UW:(7 LIFE (06 ENV/F/000133) Mitigation of agricultural nonpoint-source SHVWLFLGH SROOXWLRQ LQ DUWLFLDO ZHWODQG HFRV\VWHPV DV :3 OHDGHU GENESIS (Contract number: 226536) Groundwater and Dependent (FRV\VWHPV 1HZ 6FLHQWLF DQG 7HFKQLFDO %DVLV IRU $VVHVVLQJ &OLmate Change and Land-use Impacts on Groundwater Systems as leader of WP3. +H KDV EHHQ HOG HGLWRU RI $JURQRPLH $JULFXOWXUH DQG (QYLURQPHQW VLQFH  KLV HOG LV G\QDPLFV RI SROOXWDQWV LQ DJURHFRV\VWHPV PRGHOOLQJ HOG DQG ODE VWXGLHV +H LV MRLQHG DV LQGHSHQGHQW expert, on Version Control Group and on Groundwater of FOCUS (Forum for the Co-ordination of pesticide fate models and their Use) which is devoted to help the pesticide registration procedure at European level using models. From 2009 to 2011 Trevisan was member of the External Review panel of EFSA and in 2011 he became coordinator of a team involved in the evaluation of pesticide dossier for the Health Ministry of Italy. Dr. Hans Kupfersberger (Austria) is a senior researcher at the Institute of Resources at Joanneum Research in Graz and also a lecturer at the Civil Engineering Faculty, Graz University of Technology. His major research interests generally lie in the area of numerical groundwater modelling. Recently, he and his co-workers developed a coupled scheme to model nutrient input and fate in the unsaturated and saturated zone at the aquifer scale to delineate sustainable agricultural management practices. Furthermore, he is involved in research to predict the impact of climate and land use change on groundwater quantity and quality considering associated uncertainWLHV ,Q KLV FRQVXOWDQF\ ZRUN KH GHYHORSHG YDULRXV HOG VROXWLRQV WR limit the impacts of hydro power plants on groundwater dynamics. 3U]HP\VDZ :DFKQLHZ (Poland) works in the Environmental Physics Group at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. His research focuses on application of stable and radioactive isotopes to study the hydrological, biogeochemical and geomorphological processes in the environment. He led and was involved in several multidisciplinary national and international research projects and currently coordinates one of Work Packages of the GENESIS project RQ JURXQGZDWHU RZ FKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQ

Important dates
December 15, 2013 January 15, 2014 January 2014 February 2014 March 3, 2014 March 3, 2014 Abstract submission due date 1RWLFDWLRQ RI DEVWUDFW DFFHSWDQFH Registration close 5HOHDVH RI QDO SURJUDPPH Start of pre-conference course Start of conference

The GENESIS Final Conference is organised by the GENESIS project. GIS-GEOINDUSTRY, s.r.o is the local organising partner.

Project partners

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