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1900 to 1950) READING LIST Please note that there are two lists below. The first is the full list with the core readings in bold; the second is the core list separated out. You are responsible for all core readings and may incorporate readings from the full list into your tailored list. Unless otherwise noted, selections separated by commas indicate all works students should know. A. FICTION Beckett, Samuel. ne of the following! Murphy, Watt, Molloy Bennett, "rnold. Clayhanger Bowen, #li$abeth. The Heat of the Day Butler, Samuel. The Way of All Flesh %hesterton, &.'. The Man Who Was Thursday Conra ! "o#$%&. Heart of Darkness AND on$ o'( Lord Jim! The Secret Agent! Nostromo! Under Western Eyes For ! For Ma o). The Good Soldier For#t$r! E. M. Howards End! A assage to !ndia (%*+# t&$ $##a,# -.&at I B$*/$0$1 an -T&$ C&a**$n2$ o' O+r T/3$#1 /n Two "heers for Democracy) &alsworthy, (ohn. The Man of Property Gr$$n$! Gra&a3. On$ o'( #righton $ock! The ower and the Glory! The Heart of the %atter )u*ley, "ldous. Brave New World "o,c$! "a3$#. D&'liners! A ortrait of the Artist as a (o&ng %an! Ulysses 'ipling, +udyard. Ki La4r$nc$! D. H. T4o o'( Sons and Lo)ers! Women in Lo)e! The $ain'ow! The l&med Ser*ent ,ewis, -yndham. Tarr, manifestos in B!A"T . Man#'/$* ! 5at&$r/n$. -6r$*+ $!1 -At t&$ Ba,!1 -T&$ Gar $n 6art,!1 -T&$ Da+2&t$r# o' t&$ Lat$ Co*on$*1 (/n "ollected Stories) Or4$**! G$or2$. +,-. (or A* o+# H+)*$,! Bra0$ N$4 .or* ) -ells, ). &. ne of the following! Ann #eroni$a, Tono%Bungay, The New Ma$hiavelli .$#t! R$7$cca. The $et&rn of the Soldier .a+2&! E0$*,n. On$ o'( /ile #odies! A Handf&l of D&st! #rideshead $e)isited .oo*'! 8/r2/n/a. T4o o'( The /oyage 0&t! Jaco'1s $oom! %rs2 Dalloway! To the Lightho&se! 0rlando! #etween the Acts (%*+# t&$ $##a,# -Mr. B$nn$tt an Mr#. Bro4n1 an -Mo $rn F/ct/on1 /n "ollected Essays) B. 6OETR9 The poems below are a/ailable in either The !ong an Anthology of British !iterature or The Norton Anthology of British !iterature. Pre0-orld -ar 1 Poets T&o3a# Har ,. Ha%! N$+tra* Ton$#! Dr+33$r Ho 2$! T&$ Dar:*/n2 T&r+#&! T&$ R+/n$ Ma/ ! T&$ Con0$r2$nc$ o' t&$ T4a/n! C&ann$* F/r/n2! In T/3$ o' ;T&$ Br$a:/n2 o' Nat/on#!< A&! Ar$ 9o+ D/22/n2 on M, Gra0$=! H$r$ /t,! D+r/n2 ./n an Ra/n! A't$r4ar #! H$ N$0$r E)%$ct$ M+c&

A.E. Ho+#3an. Lo0$*/$#t o' Tr$$#! .&$n I 4a# On$>an >T4$nt,! To an At&*$t$ D,/n2 9o+n2! On .$n*oc: E 2$! ./t& R+$ M, H$art /# La $n! T$r$nc$! T&/# /# St+%/ St+''! E%/ta%& on an Ar3, o' M$rc$nar/$# -orld -ar 1 Poets O4$n! ./*'r$ . Ant&$3 'or Doo3$ 9o+t&! A%o*o2/a 6ro 6o$3at$ M$o! M/n$r#! D+*c$ $t D$cor+3 E#t! Stran2$ M$$t/n2 Ro#$n7$r2! I#aac. Br$a: o' Da, /n t&$ Tr$nc&$#! Lo+#$ H+nt/n2! R$t+rn/n2! .$ H$ar t&$ Lar:#! D$a Man<# D+3% Sa##oon! S/$2'r/$ . -T&$,!1 T&$ R$ar>G+ar ! G*or, o' .o3$n! On 6a##/n2 t&$ N$4 M$n/n Gat$ -. B. Yeats T&$ Ma n$## o' 5/n2 Go**! Do4n 7, t&$ Sa**$, Gar $n#! T&$ La:$ I#*$ o' Inn/#'r$$! T&$ Man .&o Dr$a3$ o' Fa$r,*an ! A a3<# C+r#$! No S$con Tro,! T&$ Fa#c/nat/on o' .&at<# D/''/c+*t! S$%t$37$r 191?! T&$ ./* S4an# at Coo*$! Ea#t$r 191@! T&$ S$con Co3/n2! A 6ra,$r 'or M, Da+2&t$r! Sa/*/n2 to B,Aant/+3! L$ a an t&$ S4an! A3on2 Sc&oo* C&/* r$n! In M$3or, o' E0a Gor$>Boot& an Con Mar:/$0/cA! CraA, "an$ Ta*:# ./t& t&$ B/#&o%! La%/# LaA+*/! Un $r B$n B+*7$n! T&$ C/rc+# An/3a*#< D$#$rt/on T. S. #liot T&$ Lo0$ Son2 o' ". A*'r$ 6r+'roc:! G$ront/on! The Waste Land! T&$ Ho**o4 M$n! T&$ "o+rn$, o' t&$ Ma2/! 3o&r 4&artets (%*+# t&$ $##a,# -Tra /t/on an t&$ In /0/ +a* Ta*$nt!1 -T&$ M$ta%&,#/ca* 6o$t#!1 -.&at I# a C*a##/c=!1 an -Ulysses! Or $r! an M,t&!1 /n Selected rose of T2 S2 Eliot) The .234s and .254s .. H. A+ $n. On T&/# I#*an ! S%a/n 19?B! M+#$$ $# B$a+) Art#! L+**a7,! In M$3or, o' .. B. 9$at#! S$%t$37$r 1! 19?9! In 6ra/#$ o' L/3$#ton$! T&$ S&/$* o' Ac&/**$# St$0/$ S3/t&. I# It ./#$=! O+r Bo2 /# Doo ! Not .a0/n2 B+t Dro4n/n2! T&$ N$4 A2$! T&o+2&t# a7o+t t&$ 6$r#on 'ro3 6or*oc: St$%&$n S%$n $r. Icar+#! .&at I E)%$ct$ ! T&$ E)%r$##! T&$ 6,*on# D,*an T&o3a#. T&$ Forc$ t&at t&ro+2& t&$ Gr$$n F+#$ Dr/0$# t&$ F*o4$r! A't$r t&$ F+n$ra*! F$rn H/**! Do Not Go G$nt*$ /nto t&at Goo N/2&t! A R$'+#a* to Mo+rn t&$ D$at&! 7, F/r$! o' a C&/* /n Lon on C. DRAMA "uden, -.)., and %hristopher 1sherwood. The Dog Beneath the "&in B$c:$tt! Sa3+$*. Endgame! Waiting for Godot 6%asey, Sean. 'uno and the Pay$o$& sborne, (ohn. !oo& Ba$& in Anger S&a4! G. B. T4o o' t&$ 'o**o4/n2( %rs2 Warren1s rofession! %an and S&*erman! ygmalion! %a5or #ar'ara S,n2$! ".M. lay'oy of the Western World -ilde, scar. The ( portan$e of Being )arnest

Yeats, -.B. Cathleen ni Houlihan D. RECUIRED SECONDAR9 SOURCES AND CRITICISM 7epending on your familiarity with modernism, you may want to consult the introductory te*ts under section # before turning to these re8uired secondary sources. "#ST)#T1% 9 +: "o#$%& Fran:. -S%at/a* For3 /n Mo $rn L/t$rat+r$.1 (S$ct/on# I! II! III! 8I! 8II). In The Widening Gyre6 "risis and %astery in %odern Literat&re. N$4 Br+n#4/c:( R+t2$r# U6! 19@?. A*#o #$$ r$D+/r$ $##a,# */#t$ +n $r 8/r2/n/a .oo*' an T. S. E*/ot. T)# %1TY Ra,3on ./**/a3#. -M$tro%o*/tan 6$rc$%t/on# an t&$ E3$r2$nc$ o' Mo $rn/#3.1 In The olitics of %odernism6 Against the New "onformists. Lon on( 8$r#o! 19E9. ?B>FE. T)# %U,TU+# 1;7UST+Y ";7 :"SS %U,TU+# T&$o or A orno an Ma) Hor:&$/3$r. -T&$ C+*t+r$ In +#tr,( En*/2&t$n3$nt a# Ma## D$c$%t/on.1 The Dialectic of Enlightenment. Tran#. "o&n C+33/n2. N$4 9or:( S$a7+r,! 19BG. An r$a# H+,##$n. -Ma## C+*t+r$ a# .o3an( Mo $rn/#3<# Ot&$r.1 After the Great Di)ide6 %odernism7 %ass "&lt&re7 ostmodernism. B*oo3/n2ton( In /ana U6! 19E@. - +,7 -"+ 1 6a+* F+##$**. The Great War and %odern %emory. Lon on( O)'or U6! 19B5. HC&a%t$r# I! III! 8IIII "a3$# Ca3%7$**! -Co37at Gno#t/c/#3( T&$ I $o*o2, o' F/r#t .or* .ar 6o$tr, Cr/t/c/#3.1 New Literary History ?0.1 (./nt$r 1999)( G0?>15. Sara& Co*$! -Mo $rn/#3! Ma*$ Int/3ac,! an t&$ Gr$at .ar.1 ELH @E.G (S+33$r G001)( F@9>500. &#;7#+ San ra M. G/*7$rt an S+#an G+7ar. No %an1s Land6 The lace of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth "ent&ry. 8o*. 1. T&$ .ar o' t&$ .or #. N$4 Ha0$n( 9a*$ U6! 19EE. HC&a%t$r# 1 an 5I R/ta F$*#:/! The Gender of %odernity. Ca37r/ 2$! MA( Har0ar U6! 1995. HIntro +ct/on an C&a%t$r 1I 1:P#+1",1S: Fr$ r/c "a3$#on. -Mo $rn/#3 an I3%$r/a*/#3.1 In Nationalism7 "olonialism7 Literat&re. B, T$rr, Ea2*$ton! Fr$ r/c "a3$#on! an E 4ar Sa/ . M/nn$a%o*/#( U o' M/nn$#ota 6! 1990. F?>@@. "$ E#t,. A Shrinking !sland6 %odernism and National "&lt&re in England . 6r/nc$ton( 6r/nc$ton U6! G00F. HIntro +ct/on an C&a%t$r 1I E. INTRODUCTIONS TO MODERNISM (NOT RECUIRED) 1n addition to the sources listed below, students would be well ser/ed to sur/ey back issues of the following <ournals, to orient themsel/es to recent critical debates on modern British literature and its key authors! Modernis *Modernity, Modern Fi$tion "tudies, Novel, )!T+ )nglish !iterature in Transition, and Twentieth%Century !iterature . Bradbury, :alcolm, and (ames :c9arlane, eds. Modernis + A ,uide to )uropean !iterature./01%.021. =" classic but now somewhat dated collection of essays>

%hilds, Peter. Modernis . =" useful and concise introduction to central issues of modernism> 'enner, )ugh. The Pound )ra. ,ewis, Pericles. The Ca 3ridge (ntrodu$tion to Modernis . =" more e*tensi/e introduction, with useful chapters on #liot and (oyce.> ,e/enson, :ichael, ed. The Ca 3ridge Co panion to Modernis . =" collection of essays with helpful introductions to modernist fiction, poetry, drama, cinema, /isual art> ,e/enson, :ichael. A ,enealogy of Modernis + A "tudy of )nglish !iterary Do$trine- .01/%.044 . ;icholls, Peter. Modernis s+ A !iterary ,uide. Trotter, 7a/id. The )nglish Novel in History ./05%.041. :odern ,iterature and %ulture, Society, Politics #agleton, Terry. )6iles and 7 igr8s+ "tudies in Modern !iterature . =" somewhat dated but helpful o/er/iew of modern British writers and their politics> )uyssen, "ndreas. After the ,reat Divide+ Modernis - Mass Culture- Post odernis . =" groundbreaking study of modernism6s relation to mass culture> 'ern, Stephen. The Culture of Ti e and "pa$e- .//1%.0./ . =" fascinating cultural history of technology6s impact on modern life and art> ;aremore, (ames, and Patrick Brantlinger. Modernity and Mass Culture . =See the introductory essay, ?Si* "rtistic %ultures,@ for a helpful conte*tuali$ing of modernism and other art forms in the early twentieth century> ;orth, :ichael. 9eading .044. =" literary and cultural analysis of modernism6s climactic year> Trattner, :ichael. Modernis and Mass Politi$s. -illiams, +aymond. Culture and "o$iety .:/1%.051 . =Parts 11 and 111> A. The Politi$s of Modernis + Against the New Confor ists . %ritics for Particular "uthors %ritical editions published by ;orton and Bedford are especially useful in highlighting the shifting debates surrounding particular authors, te*ts, and genres, as is the Ca 3ridge Co panion series Bto :odernism, Twentieth %entury 1rish 7rama, Beckett, %onrad, #liot, (oyce, Shaw, and -oolf, with others forthcomingC. ;e*t to each literary figure below are authors of important books, articles, and collections, presented in roughly chronological order with early critics first. %onrad! "/rom 9leishman, Dd$islaw ;a<der, #dward Said, ;orman Sherry, 1an -att, Benita Parry, 9redric (ameson, (.). Stape, %hristopher &o&wilt, wen 'nowles and &ene :oore #liot! 9. . :atthiessen, ;orthrop 9rye, )arold Bloom, 9rank ,entricchia, +onald Bush, (ohn Paul +i8uelme, :ichael ;orth, "nthony 7a/id :oody, (oshua #sty 9orster! ,ionel Trilling, -ilfred Stone, P.;. 9urbank, Paul "rmstrong, +obert '. :artin and &eorge Piggford (oyce! )arry Blamires, +ichard #llmann, )ugh 'enner, %olin :ac%abe, Bonnie 'ime Scott, 7on &ifford, :orris Be<a, 7erek "ttridge, Eincent %heng, #nda 7uffy, (oseph Ealente 'ipling! (ohn :c%lure, Bart :oore0&ilbert, (ohn :cBratney

,awrence! 9.+. ,ea/is, 'eith Sagar, Philip )obsbaum, :ichael Bell, "nn 9ernihough -oolf! (ames ;aremore, Fuentin Bell, +achel Bowlby, Bonnie 'ime Scott, "le* Dwerdling, &illian Beer, 7ouglas :ao, 'athy Philips Yeats! 9rank 'ermode, )arold Bloom, +ichard #llmann, +ichard 9inneran, :ichael ;orth, (ahan +ama$ani ther Topics -omen and &ender! Sandra &ilbert and Susan &ubar, Bonnie 'ime Scott, Shari Benstock, Su$anne %lark, "nn "rdis, :arianne 7e'o/en, +ita 9elski, Sarah %ole +ace and #mpire! Patrick Brantlinger, #dward Said, Benita Parry, 9redric (ameson, Sara Suleri, %hristopher ,ane, :arianna Torgo/nick, 1an Baucom, (oshua #sty -orld -ar 1! Paul 9ussell, "llyson Booth, Eincent Sherry, Sarah %ole

Cor$ L/#t( 6r/3ar, So+rc$# Unless otherwise noted, selections separated by commas indicate all works students should know. ". 91%T1 ; .. (oseph %onrad. Heart of Dar&ness ";7 one of! !ord 'i , The "e$ret Agent, Nostro o, ;nder Western )yes G. 9ord :ado* 9ord. The ,ood "oldier 3. #. :. 9orster. Howards )nd, A Passage to (ndia Bplus the essays ?-hat 1 Belie/e@ and ?The %hallenge of ur Times@ in Two Cheers for De o$ra$yC 5. &raham &reene. ne of! Brighton 9o$&, The Power and the ,lory, The Heart of the Matter H. (ames (oyce. Du3liners, A Portrait of the Artist as a <oung Man, ;lysses I. 7. ). ,awrence. Two of! "ons and !overs, Wo en in !ove, The 9ain3ow, The Plu ed "erpent J. 'atherine :ansfield. ?Prelude,@ ?"t the Bay,@ ?The &arden Party,@ ?The 7aughters of the ,ate %olonel@ Bin Colle$ted "toriesC K. &eorge rwell. .0/= Bor "ldous )u*ley, Brave New WorldC 2. +ebecca -est. The 9eturn of the "oldier .4. #/elyn -augh. ne of! #ile Bodies, A Handful of Dust, Brideshead 9evisited ... Eirginia -oolf. Two of! 'a$o3>s 9oo , Mrs? Dalloway, To the !ighthouse, @rlando, Between the A$ts Bplus the essays ?:r. Bennett and :rs. Brown@ and ?:odern 9iction@ in Colle$ted )ssaysC B. P #T+Y

The poems below are a/ailable in either The !ong an Anthology of British !iterature or The Norton Anthology of British !iterature. .G. Pre0-orld -ar 1 Poets Thomas )ardy. )ap, ;eutral Tones, 7rummer )odge, The 7arkling Thrush, The +uined :aid, The %on/ergence of the Twain, %hannel 9iring, 1n Time of LThe Breaking of ;ations,6 "h, "re You 7igging on :y &ra/eM, )eredity, 7uring -ind and +ain, "fterwards, )e ;e/er #*pected :uch ".#. )ousman. ,o/eliest of Trees, -hen 1 was ne0and0Twenty, To an "thlete 7ying Young, n -enlock #dge, -ith +ue :y )eart is ,aden, Terence, This is Stupid Stuff, #pitaph on an "rmy of :ercenaries .3. -orld -ar 1 Poets wen, -ilfred. "nthem for 7oomed Youth, "pologia Pro Poemate :eo, :iners, 7ulce et 7ecorum #st, Strange :eeting +osenberg, 1saac. Break of 7ay in the Trenches, ,ouse )unting, +eturning, -e )ear the ,arks, 7ead :an6s 7ump Sassoon, Siegfried. ?They,@ The +ear0&uard, &lory of -omen, n Passing the ;ew :enin &ate .5. -. B. Yeats. The :adness of 'ing &oll, 7own by the Salley &ardens, The ,ake 1sle of 1nnisfree, The :an -ho 7reamed of 9aeryland, "dam6s %urse, ;o Second Troy, The 9ascination of -hat6s 7ifficult, September .2.3, The -ild Swans at %oole, #aster .2.I, The Second %oming, " Prayer for :y 7aughter, Sailing to By$antium, ,eda and the Swan, "mong School %hildren, 1n :emory of #/a &ore0 Booth and %on :arkie/ic$, %ra$y (ane Talks -ith the Bishop, ,apis ,a$uli, Under Ben Bulben, The %ircus "nimals6 7esertion .H. T. S. #liot. The ,o/e Song of (. "lfred Prufrock, &erontion, The Waste !and, The )ollow :en, The (ourney of the :agi, Four Auartets Bplus the essays ?Tradition and the 1ndi/idual Talent,@ ?The :etaphysical Poets,@ ?-hat 1s a %lassicM,@ and ? ;lysses, rder, and :yth,@ in "ele$ted Prose of T? "? )liot .I. The .234s and .254s -. ). "uden. n This 1sland, Spain .23J, :usee des Beau* "rts, ,ullaby, 1n :emory of -. B. Yeats, September ., .232, 1n Praise of ,imestone, The Shield of "chilles Ste/ie Smith. 1s 1t -iseM, ur Bog is 7ood, ;ot -a/ing But 7rowning, The ;ew "ge, Thoughts about the Person from Porlock Stephen Spender. 1carus, -hat 1 #*pected, The #*press, The Pylons 7ylan Thomas. The 9orce that through the &reen 9use 7ri/es the 9lower, "fter the 9uneral, 9ern )ill, 7o ;ot &o &entle into that &ood ;ight, " +efusal to :ourn the 7eath, by 9ire, of a %hild in ,ondon %. 7+":"

.J. Samuel Beckett. )ndga e, Waiting for ,odot .K. &. B. Shaw. Two of the following! Mrs? Warren>s Profession, Man and "uper an, Pyg alion, MaBor Bar3ara .2. (. :. Synge. Play3oy of the Western World Cor$ L/#t( S$con ar, So+rc$# .. "#ST)#T1% 9 +: (oseph 9rank. ?Spatial 9orm in :odern ,iterature.@ BSections 1, 11, 111, E1, E11C. 1n The Widening ,yre+ Crisis and Mastery in Modern !iterature. ;ew Brunswick! +utgers UP, .2I3. G. T)# %1TY +aymond -illiams. ?:etropolitan Perceptions and the #mergence of :odernism.@ 1n The Politi$s of Modernis + Against the New Confor ists . ,ondon! Eerso, .2K2. 3J05K. 3. T)# %U,TU+# 1;7UST+Y ";7 :"SS %U,TU+# Theodor "dorno and :a* )orkheimer. ?The %ulture 1ndustry! #nlightenment as :ass 7eception.@ The Diale$ti$ of )nlighten ent. Trans. (ohn %umming. ;ew York! Seabury, .2JG. "ndreas )uyssen. ?:ass %ulture as -oman! :odernism6s ther.@ After the ,reat Divide+ Modernis - Mass Culture- Post odernis . Bloomington! 1ndiana UP, .2KI. 4. - +,7 -"+ 1 Paul 9ussell. The ,reat War and Modern Me ory. ,ondon! *ford UP, .2JH. =%hapters 1, 111, E111> (ames %ampbell, ?%ombat &nosticism! The 1deology of 9irst -orld -ar Poetry %riticism.@ New !iterary History 34.. B-inter .222C! G430.H. Sarah %ole, ?:odernism, :ale 1ntimacy, and the &reat -ar.@ )!H IK.G BSummer G44.C! 5I20H44. H. &#;7#+ Sandra :. &ilbert and Susan &ubar. No Man>s !and+ The Pla$e of the Wo an Writer in the Twentieth Century. Eol. .. The -ar of the -ords. ;ew )a/en! Yale UP, .2KK. =%hapters . and H> +ita 9elski, The ,ender of Modernity. %ambridge, :"! )ar/ard UP, .22H. =1ntroduction and %hapter .> I. 1:P#+1",1S: 9redric (ameson. ?:odernism and 1mperialism.@ 1n Nationalis - Colonialis - !iterature.

By Terry #agleton, 9redric (ameson, and #dward Said. :inneapolis! U of :innesota P, .224. 530II. (ed #sty. A "hrin&ing (sland+ Modernis and National Culture in )ngland . Princeton! Princeton UP, G445. =1ntroduction and %hapter .>

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