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1 Niraj Naik http://www.NirajNaik.


The Ancient Indian Science Of Healing

How To Balance Your


2 Niraj Naik

Medical Disclaimer: While the information in this book was prepared to provide accurate information regarding topics related to general and specific health issues, the information contained in the Site is made available with the express understanding that Niraj Naik is not dispensing medical advice and do not intend any of this information to be used for self diagnosis or treatment. ! "#$ %&'( &N" )$(S* #NS #+ ,#N,(+NS &-#$* "#$+ %(&.*% &N/ -(!#+( S*&+* N0 #+ S*#11 N0 &N" *+(&*2(N* #+ &,* N0 $1#N N!#+2&* #N ,#N*& N(/ N *% S -##3, "#$ S%#$./ ,#N*&,* "#$+ #WN 1%"S , &N #+ %(&.*% ,&+( 1+#' /(+.

3 Niraj Naik

About The Publisher Niraj Naik, has had a roller coaster ride through a multitude of life and entrepreneurial experiences. In early 2010 he was finally diagnosed with ulcerative colitis due to a very stressful period in his life and had previously suffered from its symptoms on and off for several years. Using a com ination of natural treatments and following the principles of !yurveda he has finally ro"en free from the urdens of this illness and is currently still in remission without re#uiring medication. $his has allowed him to completely reinvent his life and discover a new passion for helping others to do the same. $he stress of modern living is what he elieves is the real cause of disease and ad health. $he treatment egins with a change in perception% that your illness is a gi& and not a urden. 'e still en(oys ma"ing music with his new and called am!ya and is co)founder of some of the most popular meditation music we sites online. h*p+,,www.! h*p+,,www.! h*p+,,www.$ email+ support/nira(nai".com

4 Niraj Naik

Table of Contents
About The Publisher............................................................................................................................. 3 What Is Your Dosha?............................................................................................................................ 5 What is Vata? ....................................................................................................................................... 7 i!"s that #ou "ee$ to bala"%e Vata..........................................................................................& 'ala"%i"! Vata Dosha( Diet......................................................................................................& Dietar# re%o))e"$atio"s......................................................................................................... * u!!este$ +oo$ ,hoi%es -or Vata $osha.................................................................................1. 'ala"%i"! Vata $osha( /i-est#le..............................................................................................11 A#ur0e$i% te1ts re%o))e"$ the 2ri"%i2le o- o22osites -or re$u%i"! the le0el o- a $osha that has be%o)e a!!ra0ate$. i"%e the %hara%teristi%s o- Vata i"%lu$e $r#"ess3 %ool"ess3 rou!h"ess3 li!ht"ess a"$ %o"sta"t )otio"3 4ualities that are o22osite to these i" $iet a"$ li-est#le hel2 restore bala"%e to Vata $osha............................................................................ 11 /i-est#le 5e%o))e"$atio"s................................................................................................... 11 What is Pitta?...................................................................................................................................... 13 i!"s that #ou "ee$ to bala"%e Pitta....................................................................................... 14 Dietar# re%o))e"$atio"s....................................................................................................... 14 u!!este$ +oo$ ,hoi%es -or Pitta Dosha................................................................................16 'ala"%i"! Pitta Dosha( /i-est#le............................................................................................ 17 /i-est#le re%o))e"$atio"s.....................................................................................................17 What is 7a2ha?...................................................................................................................................1& i!"s that #ou "ee$ to bala"%e 7a2ha.................................................................................... 1* Dietar# re%o))e"$atio"s....................................................................................................... 2. The A#ur0e$i% Well"ess 8ui$e...............................................................................................21 u!!este$ +oo$ ,hoi%es -or 7a2ha $osha............................................................................. 21 'ala"%i"! 7a2ha $osha( /i-est#le.......................................................................................... 22 /i-est#le re%o))e"$atio"s.....................................................................................................22

5 Niraj Naik

What Is Your Dosha?

&ccording to &yurveda, the five fundamental elements that make up the universe44space 5&kasha6, air 5'ayu6, fire 5&gni6, water 5&pu6 and earth 51rithvi644also make up the human physiology. %ow do these elements work within us7 .ooking at the elements from the point of view of what they do in the physiology, rather than what they are, &yurveda describes three biological humors or psychophysiological energies called doshas. *here are three doshas, called 'ata, 1itta and 3apha, and each is mainly a combination of two elements. 'ata dosha is made up of space and air. 1itta dosha is a combination of fire and water. 3apha dosha is made up of water and earth. (ach of these doshas is further divided into five sub4doshas. *ogether, the doshas orchestrate all the activities that occur within us.

*he combination of the three doshas that you inherit at conception is called your prakriti or original constitution in &yurveda. While it is not unheard of for people to have nearly e8ual proportions of the three doshas or just one very predominant dosha as their prakriti, most people have two doshas that are more or less e8ually dominant, with the remaining one less dominant. *hus, there are ten classic types of prakriti possible44'ata41itta43apha, 'ata 5where 'ata is much more dominant than either of the two other doshas, 1itta, 3apha, 'ata41itta 5where 'ata and 1itta are the two major doshas with 'ata being slightly more dominant than 1itta6, 1itta4'ata 5where again 'ata and 1itta are the two major doshas, but 1itta is slightly more dominant than 'ata6, 'ata43apha, 3apha4'ata, 1itta43apha and 3apha41itta. #f course, each of us has a uni8ue doshic thumbprint, and an ayurvedic healer performs an ayurvedic pulse assessment to discover that uni8ue doshic make4up and the exact nature of imbalances in order to recommend a very individual program for restoring balance.

!or good health and well4being to be maintained, the three doshas within you need to be in balance. *hat does not mean they need to be e8ual, unless you were born with e8ual doshas9 it means that you need to maintain your original doshic make4up or prakriti through life as much as possible to maintain good health. $nfortunately, factors such as the dietary choices you make, the lifestyle you lead, the climate where you live, levels of environmental pollution, the work you do, the nature of your relationships with people and even just the passage of

6 Niraj Naik time can cause one of more of the doshas in your prakriti to increase or decrease from its original level in your constitution, creating vikriti or imbalance. f this imbalance is not corrected, you eventually lose your good health. *hat:s why restoring balance is the central theme of the ayurvedic approach to health. While it is ideal to follow a personal program of balance laid out by an ayurvedic healer after an ayurvedic pulse assessment and a 8uestion4answer session designed to discover your precise needs for balance at a given time, a well4designed 8uestionnaire can help you assess for yourself if you need to balance one or more doshas, and diet and lifestyle tips and herbal formulas can help maintain or restore balance.

7 Niraj Naik

What is Vata
'ata is made up of the two elements space and air.

*he most revered ayurvedic text, the ,haraka Samhita, defines the characteristics of 'ata dosha; dry and rough 5rookshaha69 cool 5sheetoha69 light44lacking weight 5laghuhu69 very tiny, penetrating molecules 5sookhshmaha69 always moving 5chalota69 broad, unlimited, unbounded44akash means unbounded space 5vishadaha69 and rough 5kharaha6.

1eople with more 'ata in their constitutions tend to be thin, with a slender frame and prominent joints, delicate skin that is naturally dry, and dry voluminous hair. *hey are 8uick and lively in thought, speech and action, and make friends easily. *here is an element of airiness to their step, a 8uality of lightness in their laughter. ,hange is usually their second name. *hey are light sleepers and gravitate towards warm environments. ,reativity and enthusiasm are hallmarks of balanced 'ata.

f your prakriti or original constitution has more 'ata in it, you will exhibit many of the characteristics and 8ualities of 'ata when you are in balance than people who have more 1itta or 3apha in their make4up. &nd that:s natural. -ut if the 8ualities become extreme, or more pronounced than usual at a given time, then the 'ata in you has in all likelihood become aggravated or imbalanced, and needs to be brought back into balance. &nd if a predominantly 3apha or 1itta person starts exhibiting many 'ata 8ualities, that indicates a 'ata imbalance in that 3apha or 1itta body type. n both cases, it is then time to follow a 'ata4balancing diet and lifestyle to help restore the level of 'ata in the physiology to its normal proportion.

!actors that can cause 'ata dosha to increase in the physiology include a diet that contains too many dry or raw foods, over4consumption of ice4cold beverages, and exposure to cold dry winds, a variable daily routine, too much travel, and mental overexertion.

& Niraj Naik Signs that !ou need to "alance Vata &re you constantly worried, anxious, overwhelmed, and fretful7 /o you feel tired but find yourself unable to slow down and relax7 /o you find it difficult to settle down and fall asleep at night7 s your sleep restless when you do manage to fall asleep7 s your skin feeling dryer than usual, stretched taut or flaking7 s your hair more brittle, with split ends happening oftener7 &re your lips raw and chapped7 s your throat constantly dry7 s your digestion irregular7 /o you experience problems with abdominal gas7 /o you feel like you cannot sit still, that you need to be constantly moving7 /o you feel <spaced out<7 s it harder to remember things for more than a short period of time7 s your attention span shorter than usual7 s it harder to focus7 /o your bowel movements occur less than once daily7

f you answered yes to many of the 8uestions above, following a 'ata4balancing diet and lifestyle can help restore balance to 'ata.

Balancing Vata Dosha: Diet Ayurvedic texts recommend the principle of opposites for reducing the level of a dosha that has become aggravated. Since the characteristics of Vata include dryness, coolness, roughness, lightness and constant motion, qualities that are opposite to these in diet and lifestyle help restore balance to Vata dosha.

* Niraj Naik Dietary recommendations

nclude foods that are li8uid or unctuous in your daily diet to balance dryness, some <heavy< foods to offer substance and sustained nourishment, foods that are smooth in texture to offset roughness and foods that are warm or hot to balance the cool nature of 'ata. So what exactly does this mean in terms of foods you should choose and foods you should stay away from7

%ere are some specific dietary tips;

=. f you need to balance 'ata, a fat4free diet is not for you. ,ook foods with a little ghee 5clarified butter6 or include some olive oil in your diet every day. #live oil cannot be heated to high temperatures without destroying its healing value, so dri>>le olive oil over fresh soft flatbreads, cooked grains, or warm vegetable dishes. 0hee can be heated to high temperatures without affecting its nourishing, healing 8ualities, so use ghee to saut? vegetables, spices or other foods. &void too many dry foods such as crackers, dry cold cereal and the like.

@. ,ooked foods, served hot or warm, are ideal for balancing 'ata. 1ureed soups, cooked fruit, hot cereal, rice pudding and hot nourishing beverages such as nut milks or warm milk are excellent <comfort< foods and help pacify aggravated 'ata. &void or minimi>e raw foods such as salads and raw sprouts.

A. *he three ayurvedic tastes that help balance 'ata are sweet, sour and salty, so include more of these tastes in your daily diet. 2ilk, citrus fruits, dried fruit or salted toasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds make good snack choices. (at less of the bitter, pungent and astringent tastes.

B. Nuts are wonderful 'ata4pacifiers. Soak ten almonds overnight. -lanch and eat in the early morning for a healthy burst of energy. Walnuts, ha>elnuts and cashews make good 'ata4 pacifying snacks.

C. ,arrots, asparagus, tender leafy greens, beets, sweet potatoes and summer s8uash such as >ucchini and lauki s8uash are the best vegetable choices. *hey become more digestible when

1. Niraj Naik chopped and cooked with 'ata4pacifying spices. 'egetables can be combined with grains or mung beans for satisfying one4dish meals. &void nightshades and larger beans.

D. -asmati rice is ideal for balancing 'ata. ,ook it with a little salt and ghee for added flavor. Wheat is also good4fresh flatbreads made with whole wheat flour 5called atta or chapatti flour and available at ndian grocery stores6 and dri>>led with a little melted ghee combine well with cooked vegetables or 'ata4balancing chutneys.

E. 2ost spices are warming and enhance digestion, so cook with a combination of spices that appeals to your taste buds and is appropriate for the dish you are making. &yurvedic spices such as small 8uantities of turmeric, cumin, coriander, dried ginger, black pepper and saffron offer flavor, aroma and healing wisdom. F. /rink lots of warm water through the day.

Suggested Food Choices for Vata dosha *he following list of suggested foods is by no means all4inclusive, but offers starting guidelines if you are new to ayurvedic dietary principles. We will add to this list regularly, so please check back oftenG

0rains; +ice, wheat, 8uinoa, oats, and amaranth, all cooked until tender 'egetables; &sparagus, tender greens, carrots, peas, green beans, white daikon, >ucchini, lauki s8uash, parsnips, sweet potatoes, all cooked !ruits; &vocado, pineapple, papaya, peaches, plums, grapes, mangoes, oranges, cherries, all kinds of berries, limes and lemons, apples if stewed, coconut, fresh figs, raisins 5soaked6 .entils; 2ung beans, urad dhal, mung dhal, masoor dhal, toor dhal, red lentils, all cooked until butter4soft /airy; Whole milk, cream, butter, fresh yogurt 5cooked into foods6, lassi, cottage cheese, fresh paneer cheese.

11 Niraj Naik

#ils; 0hee, olive oil, sesame oil, cold4pressed nut oils such as walnut %erbs; !resh ginger root, cilantro, curry leaves, parsley, fresh basil, fresh fennel, mint Nuts and Seeds; &lmonds 5soaked and blanched6, cashews, walnuts 5soaked6, pistachios, ha>elnuts, pecans 5soaked6, pine nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds Spices; &jwain, dried ginger, asafetida 5hing6 in small 8uantities, fenugreek, turmeric, cumin, clove, cardamom, coriander, fennel, black pepper, basil, ,hinese cinnamon, nutmeg, mustard seed, mint, rosemary, thyme, lemon and orange >est, oregano, rock salt or sea salt, black salt, dried mango powder, pomegranate seeds or powder #ther; +ice milk, soy milk, poppy seeds, sucanat, turbinado sugar, raw honey, and tofu in moderation 5diced small and cooked with spices6

Balancing Vata dosha: Lifestyle Ayurvedic texts recommend the principle of opposites for reducing the level of a dosha that has become aggravated. Since the characteristics of Vata include dryness, coolness, roughness, lightness and constant motion, qualities that are opposite to these in diet and lifestyle help restore balance to Vata dosha.

Lifestyle Recommendations

=. Since 'ata dosha is characteri>ed as restless, constantly in motion and irregular, the primary lifestyle recommendation for balancing 'ata is to maintain a regular routine. *hat means rising and going to bed at roughly the same times each day, eating three meals at about the same times each day, and following a similar pattern of work and rest from day to day.

@. /o not skip meals. (at a nourishing lunch at mid4day and lighter meals at breakfast and dinner. Sit down to eat each meal, eat in a peaceful atmosphere with your attention on your food, and sit 8uietly for a few minutes after your meal. f your digestive fire is irregular,

12 Niraj Naik practicing these eating habits will help make it more regular.

A. /aily elimination is very important to prevent ama from accumulating in the body. *riphala +asayana helps promote regularity as well as toning the digestive system. Since *riphala is gentle, not habit forming and not depleting, it can be taken indefinitely to maintain regularity.

B. *o pamper dry skin, to promote circulation and to nourish and tone muscles and nerves, indulge in an ayurvedic massage every morning before you bathe or shower. $se almond or jojoba oil for your massage. f you like, you can add A4B drops of a pure essential oil such as lavender or sweet orange to @ o>. of massage oil. 2ix well before use. *wo or three time a week, massage your scalp with warm oil, and let the oil stay for an hour or two before you shampoo. &fter your shower or bath, apply a generous coating of a pure, gentle moisturi>er all over your body to keep your skin feeling smooth all day long.

C. 1rotect yourself from the cold and wind. Stay warm and toasty in cold weather by wearing several layers of clothing. Wear a cap and scarf when you go out to protect your ears and throat. Wear lip balm to prevent lips from getting dry and chafed.

D. Walking is the ideal exercise for balancing 'ata. Walk in the early morning, for about @H minutes every day.

E. "ou may have to regulate your sleep if 'ata dosha is aggravated. t is important to get to bed early, so that you can get ade8uate rest each night. & cup of warm milk, with a pinch of nutmeg, can be helpful before bedtime.

F. Set aside about AH minutes each day for meditation, to help calm the mind and enhance body4mind4spirit coordination.

13 Niraj Naik

What is itta?
1itta is made up of the two elements fire and water.

*he most revered ayurvedic text, the ,haraka Samhita, defines the characteristics of 1itta dosha; hot and a little unctuous 5sahasnehamushnam69 sharp, burning 5tikshnam69 li8uid and acidic 5dravamlam69 always flowing in an unbounded manner 5saram69 pungent and sharp 5katuhu6. 1itta contains fire, but it also contains water. t is the source of the flame, but not the flame itself. ,ompare 1itta to gasoline44it is not hot to the touch, but it can be the source of flames.

1eople with more 1itta in their constitutions tend to be of medium proportions, with a frame that is neither petite nor heavy, warm skin that is very fair or ruddy and may be sensitive, and fine hair that tends towards premature graying or thinning. *hey are sharp and determined in thought, speech and action. *here is an element of purpose to their step, an intensity to their voice. &mbition is usually their second name. *hey are moderate sleepers and gravitate towards cooler environments. Self4confidence and an entrepreneurial spirit are hallmarks of balanced 1itta.

f your prakriti or original constitution has more 1itta in it, you will exhibit many of the characteristics and 8ualities of 1itta when you are in balance than people who have more 'ata or 3apha in their make4up. &nd that:s natural. -ut if the 8ualities become extreme, or more pronounced than usual at a given time, then the 1itta in you has in all likelihood become aggravated or imbalanced, and needs to be brought back into balance. &nd if a predominantly 3apha or 'ata person starts exhibiting many 1itta 8ualities, that indicates a 1itta imbalance in that 3apha or 'ata body type. n both cases, it is then time to follow a 1itta4balancing diet and lifestyle to help restore the level of 1itta in the physiology to its normal proportion.

!actors that can cause 1itta dosha to increase in the physiology include a diet that contains too many hot or spicy foods, fasting or skipping meals, over4exposure to the sun or to hot

14 Niraj Naik temperatures, and emotional trauma. Signs that !ou need to "alance #itta &re you constantly critical, impatient, and irritable7 /o you feel obsessed by work or a project, unable to stop for a break7 /o you wake up in the very early hours of the morning and then find it difficult to get back to sleep7 s your skin feeling irritated or more sensitive than usual, breaking out or feeling inflamed7 s your hair falling when you shampoo or comb it7 /o you have problems with heartburn or excess stomach acid7 s your tolerance of other people or provoking situations lower than usual7 /o you have temper outbursts over minor aggravations7 /o you often feel frustrated7 /o you feel hot even when you are indoors7 /o you feel thirsty all the time7 &re your eyes red7 s your speech often biting and sarcastic7 /o you find yourself getting into arguments easily7

f you answered yes to many of the 8uestions above, following a 1itta4balancing diet and lifestyle can help restore balance to 1itta.

Dietary recommendations

nclude a few dry foods in your daily diet to balance the li8uid nature of 1itta, some <heavy< foods that offer substance and sustained nourishment, and foods that are cool to balance the fiery 8uality of 1itta. So what exactly does this mean in terms of foods you should choose and foods you should stay away from7 %ere are some specific dietary tips;

15 Niraj Naik =. f you need to balance 1itta, choose ghee, in moderate 8uantities, as your cooking medium. 0hee, according to the ancient ayurvedic texts, is cooling for both mind and body. 0hee can be heated to high temperatures without affecting its nourishing, healing 8ualities, so use ghee to saut? vegetables, spices or other foods.

@. ,ooling foods are wonderful for balancing 1itta dosha. Sweet juicy fruits, especially pears, can cool a fiery 1itta 8uickly. 2ilk, sweet rice pudding, coconut and coconut juice, and milkshakes made with ripe mangoes and almonds or dates are examples of soothing 1itta4 pacifying foods.

A. *he three ayurvedic tastes that help balance 1itta are sweet, bitter and astringent, so include more of these tastes in your daily diet. 2ilk, fully ripe sweet fruits, and soaked and blanched almonds make good snack choices. (at less of the salty, pungent and sour tastes.

B. /ry cereal, crackers, granola and cereal bars, and rice cakes balance the li8uid nature of 1itta dosha, and can be eaten any time hunger pangs strike during the day.

C. ,arrots, asparagus, bitter leafy greens, fennel, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and -russels sprouts, green beans and bitter gourd 5in very small 8uantities6 are good vegetable choices. *hey become more digestible when chopped and cooked with 1itta4 pacifying spices. 'egetables can be combined with grains or mung beans for satisfying one4 dish meals. &void nightshades.

D. -asmati rice is excellent for balancing 1itta. Wheat is also good44fresh flatbreads made with whole4wheat flour 5called atta or chapatti flour and available at ndian grocery stores6 combine well with cooked vegetables or 1itta4balancing chutneys. #ats and amaranth are other 1itta4balancing grains.

E. ,hoose spices that are not too heating or pungent. &yurvedic spices such as small 8uantities of turmeric, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom and fennel offer flavor, aroma and healing wisdom.

16 Niraj Naik

F. /rink sweet lassi with lunch to help enhance digestion and cool, not ice4cold, water to 8uench thirst.

Suggested $ood %hoices for #itta Dosha *he following list of suggested foods is by no means all4inclusive, but offers starting guidelines if you are new to ayurvedic dietary principles. We will add to this list regularly, so please check back oftenG

0rains; +ice, wheat, barley, oats, amaranth, sago, all cooked until tender 'egetables; &sparagus, tender and bitter greens, bitter gourd, carrots, fennel, peas, green beans, >ucchini, lauki s8uash, artichoke, parsnips, okra, celery, -russels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, sweet potatoes, all cooked, small 8uantities of raw lettuce, carrots or cucumber !ruits; &vocado, pineapple, peaches, plums, grapes, mangoes, melons, pears, pomegranates, cherries, all kinds of berries, apples, coconut, dates, fresh and dried figs, raisins 5soaked6, all ripe and sweet .entils; 2ung beans, mung dhal, red or brown lentils, small portions of garban>os, lima beans, black beans, all cooked until butter4soft /airy; Whole milk, cream, butter, fresh yogurt 5cooked into foods6, lassi, cottage cheese, fresh paneer cheese #ils; 0hee, olive oil, walnut oil %erbs; ,ilantro, curry leaves, parsley, fresh basil, fresh fennel, fresh mint Nuts and Seeds; &lmonds 5soaked and blanched6, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds Spices; *urmeric, cumin, cardamom, coriander, fennel, small 8uantities of black pepper, ,hinese cinnamon, mint, saffron, dill, sweet orange >est #ther; +ice milk, soy milk, sucanat, turbinado sugar, date sugar, and tofu in moderation 5diced small and cooked with spices6

17 Niraj Naik Balancing #itta Dosha: &ifest!le A#ur0e$i% te1ts re%o))e"$ the 2ri"%i2le o- o22osites -or re$u%i"! the le0el o- a $osha that has be%o)e a!!ra0ate$. i"%e the %hara%teristi%s o- Pitta i"%lu$e shar2"ess3 heat3 a"$ a%i$it#3 4ualities that are o22osite to these i" $iet a"$ li-est#le hel2 restore bala"%e to Pitta $osha.

Lifestyle recommendations

=. *he primary lifestyle recommendation for balancing 1itta is to stay cool44both physically and emotionally. &void going out in the heat of the day, especially on an empty stomach or after you have eaten tangy or spicy foods. &void exercising when it:s hot. Walk away from situations that make you see red. @. /o not skip meals, do not fast and do not wait to eat until you are ravenously hungry. Start your day with cooked fruit, followed by some cereal. (at a sustaining meal at lunch, and a lighter meal for dinner. !or snacking, choose sweet juicy fruit44fully ripe mangoes, sweet pears and sweet juicy grapes are excellent 1itta4pacifying choices. /elaying meals can cause excess acidity, so eat on time every day. *he &malaki +asayana helps enhance digestion without aggravating 1itta dosha. t also helps balance stomach acid. A. /aily elimination is very important to prevent ama from accumulating in the body. *riphala +asayana helps promote regularity as well as toning the digestive system. Since *riphala is gentle, not habit forming and not depleting, it can be taken indefinitely to maintain regularity. B. *o soothe sensitive skin, to balance the emotions and to nourish and tone muscles and nerves, indulge in an ayurvedic massage every morning before you bathe or shower. $se coconut oil for your massage. f you like, you can add A4B drops of a pure essential oil such as lavender or rose to @ o>. of massage oil. 2ix well before use. *wo or three time a week, massage your scalp with warm oil, and let the oil stay for an hour or two before you shampoo. &fter your shower or bath, apply a pure, gentle moisturi>er all over your body or spray your skin with pure rose or sandalwood water to keep your skin feeling cool all day long. C. 1rotect yourself from the heat. Stay cool in warm weather by wearing loose cotton clothing. Wear a wide4brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect your eyes when you go out. /rink lots of room temperature water.

1& Niraj Naik D. Water4based activities are ideal exercise for 1itta4dominant people. *ry swimming or a8ua4 aerobics to stay fit but cool. Strolling after sunset, especially along a waterfront, is also a soothing way to fit some leisurely activity into your day. E. f 1itta dosha is out of balance, you may find that you can fall asleep without much trouble, but you wake up in the very early hours and find it difficult to get back to sleep. t is important to get to bed early, so that you can get ade8uate rest each night. & cup of warm milk, with some cardamom, can be helpful before bedtime. F. -alance work and play. Set aside some time for +I+ every day, and do not get so absorbed in a project that you are unable to detach from it. J. Set aside about AH minutes each day for meditation, to help balance the heart and emotions and to enhance body4mind4spirit coordination.

What is !a"ha?
3apha is made up of the two elements water and earth.

*he most revered ayurvedic text, the ,haraka Samhita, defines the characteristics of 3apha dosha; heavy44both water and earth are heavy elements 5guru69 cold 5sheetoha69 soft 5mridu69 unctuous, offering lubrication 5snigdha69 sweet 5madhura69 stability, offering immunity 5sthira69 and slippery 5tikshila6. 1eople with more 3apha in their constitutions tend to be of larger proportions, with a robust frame and padded joints, thick smooth skin that may tend towards oiliness, and rich, wavy hair. *hey are stable and calm in thought, speech and action, and are easy4going and supportive in relationships. *here is an element of steadiness to their step, a 8uality of serenity in their smile. .oyalty is usually their second name. *hey are long, heavy sleepers and uncomfortable in damp, clammy environments. ,alm and sweetness of disposition are hallmarks of balanced 3apha. f your prakriti or original constitution has more 3apha in it, you will exhibit many of the characteristics and 8ualities of 3apha when you are in balance than people who have more

1* Niraj Naik 1itta or 'ata in their make4up. &nd that:s natural. -ut if the 8ualities become extreme, or more pronounced than usual at a given time, then the 3apha in you has in all likelihood become aggravated or imbalanced, and needs to be brought back into balance. &nd if a predominantly 'ata or 1itta person starts exhibiting many 3apha 8ualities, that indicates a 3apha imbalance in that 'ata or 1itta body type. n both cases, it is then time to follow a 3apha4balancing diet and lifestyle to help restore the level of 3apha in the physiology to its normal proportion. !actors that can cause 3apha dosha to increase in the physiology include a diet that contains too many deep4fried, sweet or heavy foods, over4consumption of ice4cold foods or beverages, exposure to cold and damp, daytime sleep, and lack of exercise. Signs that !ou need to "alance 'a(ha

&re you gaining weight easily, even though you feel like you don:t really have an appetite7

/o you feel tired even though you are not performing any physical activity7 /o you find it difficult to awake even after long hours of sleep7 /o you wake up feeling unrefreshed, tired7

s your skin feeling oilier than usual, with breakouts7 s your hair oily and streaky even with regular shampooing7 &re you heavy and congested in your throat, head and chest7 s your digestion slow7 /o you feel heavy and lethargic after a meal7 /o you feel like you just want to sit and be a spectator7 /o you feel withdrawn7 s it difficult to deal with change7 /o you constantly feel the need to <cling<7

/o you feel mentally unmotivated7

f you answered yes to many of the 8uestions above, following a 3apha4balancing diet and lifestyle can help restore balance to 3apha. A#ur0e$i% te1ts re%o))e"$ the 2ri"%i2le o- o22osites -or re$u%i"! the le0el o- a $osha that has

2. Niraj Naik be%o)e a!!ra0ate$. i"%e the %hara%teristi%s o- 7a2ha i"%lu$e hea0i"ess3 so-t"ess3 s9eet"ess3 %ol$3 stabilit# a"$ u"%tuous"ess3 4ualities that are o22osite to these i" $iet a"$ li-est#le hel2 restore bala"%e to 7a2ha $osha. Dietar! recommendations

nclude a few dry foods in your daily diet to balance the oily nature of 3apha, foods that are nourishing but light to counter the heaviness of 3apha and warm foods with a >ing to them to balance the sweet, cold 8uality of 3apha. So what exactly does this mean in terms of foods you should choose and foods you should stay away from7 %ere are some specific dietary tips;

=. f you need to balance 3apha, choose ghee, in very small 8uantities, as your cooking medium. 0hee can be heated to high temperatures without affecting its nourishing, healing 8ualities, so use ghee to saut? vegetables, spices or other foods. Steaming foods and then adding a mixture of spices saut?ed in very little ghee is best. n general, avoid too many oily foods.

@. .ight, warming foods help balance 3apha. ,lear vegetable soups with beans and diced vegetables, stews made with 3apha4balancing vegetables, bean casseroles, dhal soups and light grainKvegetable combinations are ideal for balancing 3apha, especially when combined with 3apha balancing spices. Stay away from too much salt and instead infuse dishes with fresh herbs and spices for flavor.

A. *he three ayurvedic tastes that help balance 3apha are pungent, bitter and astringent, so include more of these tastes in your daily diet. &pples, garban>o beans cooked with 3apha4 balancing spices or steamed broccoli or cauliflower with a light olive oil and spice mixture make healthy 3apha4pacifying snacks. (at less of the salty, sweet and sour tastes. B. /ry cereal, salt4free crackers and rice cakes balance the li8uid nature of 3apha dosha and make good snacks. %owever, eat snacks in moderation if you are trying to balance 3apha, and avoid sugary snacks. %oney in small 8uantities is the recommended sweetener.

21 Niraj Naik C. ,arrots, asparagus, okra, bitter leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and -russels sprouts, daikon radish and bitter gourd are good vegetable choices. *hey become more digestible when chopped and cooked with 3apha4pacifying spices. 'egetables can be combined with lighter grains or mung beans for satisfying one4dish meals. &void nightshades. !resh green chili peppers and fresh ginger root add flavor while balancing 3apha.

D. ,hoose lighter whole grains, and eat grains in moderation. -arley, buckwheat, millet and couscous are good choices. f you choose heavier grains, such as rice or wheat, eat very small 8uantities.

E. Lesty warming spices are wonderful for balancing 3apha. &yurvedic spices such as turmeric, cumin, coriander, cayenne, black pepper, dried ginger, asafetida 5hing6, cloves and fenugreek offer flavor, aroma and healing wisdom.

F. /rink lassi infused with digestion4enhancing spices and herbs with lunch and lots of warm water through the day to help flush toxins from the body.

#he $yur%edic Wellness &uide

Suggested Food Choices for !a"ha dosha *he following list of suggested foods is by no means all4inclusive, but offers starting guidelines if you are new to ayurvedic dietary principles. We will add to this list regularly, so please check back oftenG 0rains; -uckwheat, 8uinoa, barley, millet, oats, amaranth, sago, small portions of -asmati rice, all cooked until tender

'egetables; &sparagus, all kinds of greens, bitter gourd, green beans, lauki s8uash, artichoke,

22 Niraj Naik celery, -russels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, kohlrabi, daikon, radish, cabbage, all cooked !ruits; &pricots, prunes, peaches, pears, cherries, berries, apples, lemons, limes, pomegranates, dried figs, raisins .entils; 2ung beans, mung dhal, toor dhal, red or brown lentils, small portions of garban>os, lima beans, black beans, all cooked until butter4soft /airy; Whole milk diluted with water, lassi, small portions of cottage cheese or fresh paneer cheese #ils; Small portions of ghee and olive oil %erbs; ,ilantro, curry leaves, parsley, fresh basil, fresh mint, fresh oregano, fresh thyme, sage, neem leaves Nuts and Seeds; Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds Spices; *urmeric, cumin, cardamom, coriander, fennel, dried ginger, ,hinese cinnamon, black pepper, ,hinese cinnamon, mint, saffron, dill, lime >est, nutmeg, cayenne, fenugreek, mustard seed, oregano, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, paprika, mace, cloves #ther; +aw honey in moderation, unsalted unbuttered popcorn, crackers in moderation, cooked tofu in small 8uantities 5diced small and cooked with spices6

Balancing !a"ha dosha: Lifestyle A#ur0e$i% te1ts re%o))e"$ the 2ri"%i2le o- o22osites -or re$u%i"! the le0el o- a $osha that has be%o)e a!!ra0ate$. i"%e the %hara%teristi%s o- 7a2ha i"%lu$e hea0i"ess3 so-t"ess3 s9eet"ess3 %ol$3 stabilit# a"$ u"%tuous"ess3 4ualities that are o22osite to these i" $iet a"$ li-est#le hel2 restore bala"%e to 7a2ha $osha.

&ifest!le recommendations

=. *he primary lifestyle recommendation for balancing 3apha is to get moving. 1hysically, get some exercise every single day. 2entally, challenge yourself with new activitiesMlearn a new skill, solve some pu>>les or take a class. (motionally, welcome new relationships in your life

23 Niraj Naik by making it a point to meet peopleMvolunteering comes naturally to the caring 3apha nature and can provide a forum for building nurturing new bonds.

@. /o not skip meals, and do not fast. *he 3apha digestive agni tends to be low, as does appetite, and not eating on time slows down the metabolism even more. Start your day with a light breakfast. (at a sustaining meal at lunch, and a lighter meal for dinner. *he &malaki +asayana helps enhance digestion and revs up the metabolism.

A. /aily elimination is very important to prevent ama from accumulating in the body. *riphala +asayana helps promote regularity as well as toning the digestive system. Since *riphala is gentle, not habit forming and not depleting, it can be taken indefinitely to maintain regularity.

B. /eep4cleanse oily skin twice a day with a natural cleanser to rid the skin of surface impurities and grime. #nce a week, exfoliate your skin with a cleansing scrub. Shampoo your hair every other day at least with a gentle natural shampoo. *he ayurvedic oil massage, performed each morning before your shower or bath can help dislodge embedded toxins and increase natural energy levels. C. 1rotect yourself from the damp and cold. /rink lots of warm water, infused with warming spices such as turmeric, dried ginger and black pepper. &t4home steam therapy can help open clogged channels.

D. 'igorous activities are ideal exercise for 3apha4dominant people. (xercise everyday for best results, but without overstraining. +ac8uetball, singles tennis, jogging and aerobics are good activity choices for balancing 3apha. (xercise in the morning if you can to get a good charge for the day ahead.

E. f 3apha dosha is out of balance, youNll tend to feel tired even after a solid ten hours of uninterrupted sleep. 0o to bed early and wake up really early in the morning, definitely before sunrise, to improve the 8uality of your rest. /o not indulge in daytime snoo>es.

24 Niraj Naik

F. &dd >est to your life by consciously incorporating variety and new experiences into your life. *ravel, meeting new people and trying new hobbies are ways to embrace change.

J. Set aside about AH minutes each day for meditation, to help balance the heart, mind and emotions and to enhance body4mind4spirit coordination.

n the next installment you will find out the top =H &yurvedic herbs and how you can use them to reverse aging, prevent and cure disease. See you next time! )amaste )ira* )ai+ Visit htt(:,,www-)ira*)ai+-com to get access to lots of information and (roducts that will hel( !ou how to re"alance !our dosha/s0 and reach o(timum mental and (h!sical (erformance using the ancient medical science of A!ur.edaI also run mentoring (rograms in se.eral areas of "usiness0 health and (ersonal de.elo(ment #lease .isit the lin+ here for more information: htt(:,,www-)ira*)ai+-com,mentoring

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