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Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

Assignment Learning Outcome (rogramme Outcomes

1) 2) -)

Module - CE 2042 Soil Mechanics and Geology-1 Marks 10% Tests for Particle Size Distri ution !nalysis A i!ity to conduct "artic!e si#e distri ution ana!ysis o$ soi!s A i!ity to analyze t%e resu!ts o$ "artic!e si#e distri ution ana!ysis A i!ity to e"aluate t%e "arameters re&uired $rom t%e "artic!e si#e distri ution cur'e $or t%e c!assi$ication o$ soi!s A i!ity to discuss t%e a""!ications o$ t%e a o'e test
A""!ication o$ kno*!edge o$ mat%ematics+ science+ and engineering ,$$ecti'e communication .n/de"t% tec%nica! com"etence in at !east one engineering disci"!ine A i!ity to undertake "ro !em identi$ication+ $ormu!ation and so!ution

1 1 2 2 2 1 0 0 1 0

0) 1)

A i!ity to uti!i#e a systems a""roac% to design and o"erationa! "er$ormance 6) .ndi'idua! and team *ork 2) 3nderstanding o$ t%e socia!+ cu!tura!+ g!o a! and en'ironmenta! res"onsi i!ities o$ t%e "ro$essiona! engineer+ and t%e need $or sustaina !e de'e!o"ment 4) 3nderstanding o$ t%e "rinci"!es o$ sustaina !e design and de'e!o"ment 5) 3nderstanding o$ "ro$essiona! and et%ica! res"onsi i!ities and commitment to t%em 10) ,6"ectation o$ t%e need to undertake !i$e/!ong !earning and ca"acity to do so
0 7 not co'ered under t%is 27co'ered to a greater e6tent 17 co'ered to some e6tent -7 one o$ t%e main t%emes o$ t%e su 8ect

Lecturer Dr) L) .) 9) de Si!'a Student #a$e %egistration #u$ er& Date of !ssign$ent& 'nitial Su $ission Date& Assessed By: Signature Lecturers Remarks

Date Due& %e Su $ission Date& Date

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 1 o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

'$(ortant 1) (!ease note t%at (lagiaris$ is treated as a serious o$$ence and t%ere$ore t%e *ork you "roduce $ust e indi"idual and original) 2) A!! sources o$ in$ormation must e referenced using *+ar"ard %eferencing: *%ere a reference list,-i liogra(hy s%ou!d e inc!uded at t%e end o$ t%e assignment) ;<ou may re$er t%e in$ormation gi'en in htt(&,,li .e )anglia)ac)u/,referencing,har"ard)ht$ =) -) (!ease note t%at t%e su mission date gi'en $or t%e assignment ;10 days a$ter t%e date o$ "er$ormance $or t%e !a oratory session= is t%e final date t%at you can su mit t%e assignment) .$ t%e gi'en su mission date is a "u !ic %o!iday+ rede$ined su mission dead!ine *i!! e at 1-00 %r o$ t%e immediate $o!!o*ing *orking day) Late su missions .ill e graded 0) Assignments returned to students $or corrections must e re-su $itted .ithin 10 days 1) 0ailure to re-su $it t%e "re'ious!y marked assignment *it% t%e re/su mitted assignment *i!! mean t%at results cannot e released for the res(ecti"e unit) Plagiaris$ A!t%oug% researc% and discussion $orm an essentia! "art o$ t%e assignment+ de!i erate co"ying o$ t%e *ork o$ ot%ers or unackno*!edged co"ying $rom "rinted or e!ectronic sources is 9O> "ermitted) Disci"!inary actions *i!! e taken against t%ose *%o are $ound gui!ty o$ "!agiarism) Signing o$ t%is s%eet is re&uired to indicate your com"!iance *it% t%e a o'e regu!ations) Students Signature: ????????????)) Students @omments+ ;(rior to t%e su mission= i$ any: ???????????????????????????????????? ?)) ???????????????????????????????????? ?))) ???????????????????????????????????? ?) ???????????????????????????????????? ?)) Students $eed ack+ ;A$ter t%e t%e su mission= i$ any: ???????????????????????????????????? ?)) ????????????????????????????????????
B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1 age 2 o! 26

Date: )???????

Department of Civil Engineering ?))

University of Moratuwa

???????????????????????????????????? ?)) ???????????????????????????????????? ?))) ???????????????????????????????????? ?) ???????????????????????????????????? ?))

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age " o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa




B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 4 o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa


1. General

.n t%ese tests &uantitati'e "artic!e si#e distri ution ; y *eig%t= o$ a gi'en soi! sam"!e is determined) 2. Scope

>%e distri ution o$ "artic!e si#es greater t%an 0)021 mm ;21 m= is determined y sie'ing and t%at o$ "artic!e si#es $iner t%an 0)021 mm is determined y a sedimentation "rocess using a %ydrometer) 3. Appara !" 1) -alances A a!ance sensiti'e to 0)01g A a!ance sensiti'e to 0)01g 2) Stirring !((aratus ,it%er a mec%anica!!y o"erated stirring de'ice or an air 8et dis"ersion a""aratus) 1) +ydro$eter An AS>M 111 A or 112 A ;or any ot%er standard= ty"e %ydrometer graduated to read t%e grams "er !itre in sus"ension and con$irming to t%e re&uirements o$ t%e corres"onding standard) 4) Sedi$entation Cylinder A g!ass cy!inder 012 mm in %eig%t and 6-)1 mm in diameter+ and marked $or a 'o!ume o$ 1000 m!) 2) Ther$o$eters >%ermometer accurate to 0)1 @) 3) Set of Sie"es A series o$ s&uare mes% *o'en *ire c!ot%) A $u!! set o$ sie'es inc!udes t%e $o!!o*ingB 21mm+ 10 mm+ -2)1 mm+ 21 mm+ 15 mm+ 5)21 mm+ 0)21 mm+ 2)0 mm+ 0)410 mm+ 0)021 mm+ 0)210 mm+ 0)106 mm and 0)021 mm) A!ternati'e!y a set o$ sie'es gi'ing a uni$orm s"acing o$ "oints $or t%e gra"% may e se!ected i$ desired) Suc% a set *ou!d consist o$ t%e $o!!o*ing sie'esB 21mm+ -2)1 mm+ 15)0 mm+ 5)1 mm+ 0)21 mm+ 2)-6 mm+ 1)14 mm+ 0)-00 mm+ 0)600 mm+ 0)110 mm and 0)021 mm) 4) Dis(ersing !gent disti!!ed or A so!ution o$ Sodium %e6ameta"%os"ate s%a!! *ater+ at t%e rate o$ 00g o$ e used in Sodium
age # o! 26


Ae6ameta"%os"ateC!itre o$ so!ution)
B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

Department of Civil Engineering #. Prepara $on o% &e Sa'ple

University of Moratuwa

>%e soi! sam"!e as recei'ed $rom t%e $ie!d s%a!! e e6"osed to air at room tem"erature to get it air dried t%oroug%!y) A re"resentati'e sam"!e o$ t%e soi! s%a!! e *eig%ed and *eig%t o$ t%e sam"!e re&uired *ou!d de"end on t%e si#e o$ t%e !argest "artic!e in t%e sam"!e and guidance may e taken $rom >a !e 1)1) >%e %ygrosco"ic moisture content s%a!! e determined y o'en drying a sma!! sam"!e o$ soi! ;a out 21 g=) >%e re"resentati'e sam"!e o$ soi! s%a!! t%en e s"read out in a !arge tray and co'ered *it% *ater) Dor eac% !itre o$ *ater 2 g o$ Sodium Ae6ameta"%os"ate s%a!! e added+ and t%e *%o!e s%a!! e t%oroug%!y stirred to *et t%e soi! com"!ete!y) .t s%ou!d e stirred $re&uent!y and ke"t under *ater $or a out 1 %our) Sam"!e s%ou!d t%en e *as%ed t%roug% y kee"ing a 2 mm sie'e on to" o$ t%e 0)021 mm sie'e) (artic!es $iner t%an 0)021 mm are a!!o*ed to *as% a*ay) (artic!es $iner t%an 2 mm+ ut coarser t%an 0)021 mm are retained in t%e 0)021 mm sie'e) @are s%ou!d e taken not to a!!o* any o'er$!o*ing o$ materia! $rom 2 mm sie'e or 0)021 mm sie'e) Soi! sam"!es retained on t*o sie'es s%a!! e o'en dried and *eig%ted se"arate!y) Dry *eig%t o$ t%e tota! sam"!e s%ou!d correction) Anot%er re"resentati'e sam"!e o$ t%e air dried soi! s%a!! e sie'ed t%roug% a 0)021 mm sie'e+ and t%e $raction $iner t%an 0)021 mm s%ou!d ana!ysis) (. S$e)e Anal*"$" e co!!ected $or t%e Aydrometer e o tained y a""!ying t%e %ygrosco"ic moisture

Proce+!re o% Te" $n, >%e o'en dried sam"!e o$ soi! t%at *as retained on 2 mm sie'e s%a!! e se"arated using an a""ro"riate set o$ sie'es o$ si#es c%anging $rom 21 mm do*n*ard) Largest sie'e si#e may e se!ected de"ending on t%e !argest si#e o$ "artic!es retained on 2 mm sie'e+ and a "an s%a!! e ke"t on t%e ottom o$ t%e set o$ sie'es) Sie'ing o"eration s%a!! e conducted y means o$ a !atera! and 'ertica! motion o$ t%e sie'e+ accom"anied y a 8arring action in order to kee" t%e sam"!e mo'ing continuous!y o'er t%e sur$ace o$ t%e sie'e) A!ternati'e!y sie'ing can e done y a mec%anica! sie'e s%aker) Materia!
age $ o! 26

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

"assing 2 mm sie'e ;.$ any= s%a!! e added to t%e a!ready "re"ared ;o'en dried= sam"!e o$ "artic!es $iner t%an 2mm) >%is mass o$ soi! s%a!! e se"arated using a set o$ sie'es ranging $rom si#e 2mm do*n*ards and a "an s%a!! e "!aced at t%e ottom) S%aking "rocedure simi!ar to t%at ado"ted $or t%e "ortion retained on 2 mm sie'e s%a!! e used) Sie'ing s%a!! e done $or a out 10 mins) Mass retained on eac% sie'e on ot% sets s%a!! e determined y *eig%ing t%e retained mass on a a!ance sensiti'e to 0)01 g) At t%e end o$ t%e *eig%ing t%e sum o$ t%e masses retained on t%e sie'es s%ou!d e e&ua! c!ose!y to t%e origina! mass o$ t%e &uantity sie'ed ;addition o$ t%e mass o$ t%e t*o o'en dried sam"!es= E #ote 1 /

>%e si#e o$ t%e "ortion retained on t%e 2mm sie'e s%a!! de"end on t%e ma6imum si#e o$ t%e "artic!e according to >a !e 1)

9omina! Diameter o$ !argest "artic!e ;mm= 5)1 15)0 21)0 -4)1 10)4 21)0

A""ro6imate Minimum Mass o$ (ortion ;g= 100 1000 2000 -000 0000 1000

E #ote 2 / Amount o$ t%e "ortion "assing 2 mm sie'e s%a!! e a""ro6imate!y 111 g $or sandy soi!s and a""ro6imate!y 61 g $or si!t and c!ay soi!s) E #ote - /

>%ere is an a!ternati'e met%od o$ dry sie'ing) Dry sie'ing s%a!! e used on!y i$ it is s%o*n t%at it gi'es same resu!ts as t%e met%od o$ *et sie'ing) .n case o$ dou t t%e met%od o$ *et sie'ing as descri ed a o'e s%ou!d e used) .n t%e met%od o$ dry sie'ing a re"resentati'e sam"!e o$ t%e soi! ;an o'en dried sam"!e= is sim"!y sie'ed t%roug% t%e set o$ sie'es in dry condition)

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age % o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering Co'p! a $on"

University of Moratuwa

Mass o$ t%e soi! retained on eac% sie'e s%a!! e e6"ressed as a "ercentage o$ t%e tota! mass o$ sam"!e) ;Feig%t o$ t%e sam"!e corrected $or t%e %ygrosco"ic moisture s%ou!d e used=) >%erea$ter cumu!ati'e "ercentage retained s%a!! e com"uted y considering t%e $u!! sie'e set) By deducting t%e cumu!ati'e "ercentage retained $rom 100%+ "ercentage $iner t%an eac% sie'e si#e s%a!! e com"uted)


.*+ro'e er Anal*"$"

Proce+!re o% &e Te" >%e $raction o$ t%e soi! o tained y sie'ing a re"resentati'e sam"!e t%roug% a 0)021 mm sie'e s%a!! e used $or t%is "ur"ose) Sam"!e o$ t%is "ortion s%a!! e *eig%ed and o'en dried to determine t%e moisture content) >%is *i!! ena !e t%e com"utation o$ %ygrosco"ic correction) A out 10 grams o$ t%is soi! s%a!! e accurate!y *eig%ted) Feig%ted soi! mass s%a!! e "!aced in a eaker or a suita !e container and 121 m! o$ t%e Sodium Ae6ameta"%os"ate so!ution ;00gC!itre= s%a!! e added) Mi6ture s%a!! e stirred unti! it t%oroug%!y *etted and e a!!o*ed to soak $or at !east 16 %ours) At t%e end o$ t%e soaking "eriod soaked sam"!e s%a!! e trans$erred to an a""ro"riate dis"ersion cu") Suita !e amount o$ *ater s%a!! e added and t%e sam"!e s%a!! e dis"ersed $urt%er+ using eit%er a mec%anica! stirring a""aratus or an air 8et dis"ersion cu") Fit% t%e mec%anica! stirring a""aratus disti!!ed or deminera!ised *ater s%ou!d e added to make t%e cu" %a!$ $u!! and stirred $or at !east 2 mins) .mmediate!y a$ter t%e dis"ersion+ Gsoi! 7 *ater s!urry: s%a!! e trans$erred to t%e g!ass sedimentation cy!inder+ and disti!!ed or deminera!ised *ater s%a!! e added unti! t%e tota! 'o!ume 100 m!) 3sing t%e "a!m o$ t%e %and o'er t%e o"en end o$ t%e cy!inder ;or a ru er sto""er in t%e o"en end=+ cy!inder s%a!! e s%aken 'igorous!y y turning it u" >%erea$ter t%e cy!inder s%a!! e "!aced in a con'enient !ocation to take side do*n and ack ;$or a "eriod o$ 1 min or more=+ unti! a uni$orm sus"ension is $ormed) %ydrometer readings at t%e $o!!o*ing time inter'a!s) ;Measured $rom t%e eginning o$ sedimentation=B H min+ 1 min+ 2 min+ 0 min+ 4 min+ 11 min+ -0 min+ 1 %r+ 2 %rs+ 0 %rs+ 4
B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1 age & o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

%rs+ 16 %rs+ 20 %rs+ -6 %rs+ ????) >%e %ydrometer s%a!! e remo'ed s!o*!y a$ter 0 min+ rinsed in *ater and ke"t in a cy!inder o$ disti!!ed or deminera!ised *ater) F%en it is desired to take a %ydrometer reading+ t%e %ydrometer s%a!! e care$u!!y inserted a out -0 sec 7 01 sec e$ore t%e reading is due) As soon as t%e reading is taken+ %ydrometer s%a!! e care$u!!y remo'ed and "!aced ack in t%e cy!inder o$ disti!!ed or deminera!ised *ater)



0igure 1 5 Corrections for +ydro$eter %eading

Correc $on" .*,ro"cop$c /o$" !re Correc $on Fac or0 >%is is t%e ratio et*een t%e mass o$ t%e o'en dried sam"!e to t%at o$ t%e air dried sam"!e) Actua! dry *eig%t o$ t%e soi! taken to "re"are t%e sus"ension+ s%a!! e determined using t%is $actor) Correc $on" %or .*+ro'e er Rea+$n, 0 ,&uations $or "ercentage o$ soi! remaining in sus"ension are ased on disti!!ed or deminera!ised *ater) Dis"ersing agent used in t%e sam"!e "re"aration cause an a""recia !e c%ange in t%is) Aydrometers are graduated to read at t%e ottom o$ t%e meniscus $ormed y t%e !i&uid on t%e stem) Since it is not "ossi !e to o tain readings o$ soi! sus"ensions at t%e ottom o$ t%e meniscus+ readings must e taken at t%e to" and a correction a""!ied) @orrections
B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1 age ' o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

$or t%e a o'e can e determined e6"erimenta!!y+ y "re"aration o$ a 1000 m! o$ !i&uid+ com"osed o$ disti!!ed or deminera!ised *ater and dis"ersing agent in t%e same "ro"ortion as used in t%e soi! sus"ension) Aydrometer s%a!! e inserted in t%e so!ution and reading o$ t%e %ydrometer at t%e to" o$ t%e meniscus $ormed on t%e stem+ and a!so at t%e ottom o$ t%e meniscus $ormed on t%e stem s%a!! e taken) >%e a""ro"riate corrections can e determined as i!!ustrated in Digure 1) Meniscus @orrection Dis"ersing agent @orrection @om"osite @orrection Co'p! a $on"
J Let R H


Cm Cd Cd 7 Cm

e t%e Aydrometer reading taken on to" o$ t%e meniscus in t%e soi! e $ound yB

sus"ensionB F%en t%e Meniscus correction is a""!ied R A can


>%e distance GL:+ $rom t%e sur$ace o$ t%e sus"ension to t%e !e'e! at *%ic% %ydrometer is measuring density+ and R H are re!ated and re!ations%i" is "resented in t%e $orm o$ a ta !e) ;Dor AS>M ty"e 112 A %ydrometer t%is is "resented in >a !e 2=) F%en com"osite correction is a""!ied to t%e %ydrometer+ a reading R is o tainedB
J R = RH / C d = RH ( Cd / Cm )

Percentage of Particles %e$aining in Sus(ension6 >%e "ercentage o$ soi! remaining in sus"ension at t%e !e'e! at *%ic% t%e %ydrometer is measuring density o$ t%e sus"ension may e ca!cu!ated asB
PI Ra L 100 % W

*%ere 1) P I (ercentage o$ soi! remaining in sus"ension at t%e !e'e! at *%ic% t%e

%ydrometer is measuring t%e density o$ t%e sus"ension) 2) a I @orrection to e a""!ied due to 'ariation o$ "artic!e s"eci$ic gra'ity ;gi'en in >a !e -=) -) R I Aydrometer reading *it% com"osite correction a""!ied)

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 10 o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

0) W I O'en dry mass o$ t%e soi! in t%e sus"ension ;Mass o$ t%e soi! taken to "re"are t%e so!ution s%ou!d e corrected *it% t%e %ygrosco"ic moisture correction= 7 #ote See section 6)0 $or t%e correction t%at %as to e a""!ied to t%e a o'e P 'a!ue *%en considering t%e "artic!e si#e distri ution $or t%e com"!ete soi! sam"!e) D$a'e er o% So$l Par $cle" >%e diameter o$ a "artic!e corres"onding to t%e "ercentage indicated y a gi'en

%ydrometer reading s%a!! e ca!cu!ated ased on t%e Strokes !a*) .t is assumed t%at t%e "artic!e *as at t%e sur$ace o$ sus"ension at t%e sur$ace o$ sus"ension at t%e eginning o$ sedimentation+ and %ad sett!ed to t%e !e'e! at *%ic% t%e %ydrometer is measuring t%e density o$ t%e sus"ension) An e6"ression can e deri'ed using Strokes !a* and e "resented in a sim"!i$ied $orm asB

*%ereB 1) D I Diameter o$ t%e "artic!e in mm 2) K I @onstant de"ending on t%e tem"erature o$ t%e sus"ension and t%e s"eci$ic gra'ity o$ t%e soi! "artic!es) Ma!ues o$ K $or a range o$ tem"eratures and s"eci$ic gra'ities are gi'en in >a !e 0 ;$or AS>M ty"e 112 A %ydrometer= -) L I 'a!ue o$ L can e o tained $rom a ta !e "ro'ided *it% t%e %ydrometer ;As descri ed e$ore using >a !e 2=)

Pre"en a $on o% Re"!l " Resu!ts s%a!! e re"orted in a ta u!ated $orm y gi'ing t%e "ercentage $iner $or di$$erent "artic!e si#es) Dor t%e sie'e ana!ysis t%ese si#es corres"ond to si#es o$ t%e sie'es) Dor t%e %ydrometer ana!ysis a diameter corres"onds to a %ydrometer reading taken at a "articu!ar time and com"utation s%ou!d e done as descri ed e$ore) >%at com"utation is "er$ormed during t%e %ydrometer ana!ysis y taking t%e "ortion $iner t%an 0)021 mm as 100%) >%ere$ore in com ining t%e "artic!e si#e ana!yses done t%roug% t%e sie'e ana!ysis and t%roug% t%e %ydrometer ana!ysis+ "ercentages in t%e !atter s%ou!d
B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 11 o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

mu!ti"!ied y t%e "ercentage $iner t%an 0)021 mm in t%e sie'e ana!ysis) Resu!ts o$ t%e tests can e "resented in ta u!ated $orms as in >a !e 1 and >a !e 6) ;>%ese ta !es can e used to summarise resu!ts o$ tests done on num er o$ di$$erent sam"!es $orm di$$erent ore %o!es=) >%e resu!ts s%a!! a!so e re"orted gra"%ica!!y using semi !og "!ot as s%o*n in Digure 2) >a !e 2 : Ma!ues o$ ,$$ecti'e De"t% Based on Aydrometer and Sedimentation @y!inder o$ S"eci$ied Si#es Effecti"e De(th 8c$9 : !ctual +ydro$eter %eading

!ctual +ydro$eter %eading


Effecti"e De(th 8c$9 :

!ctual +ydro$eter %eading


Effecti"e De(th 8c$9 :

0 1 2 0 1 6 2 4 5 10 11 12 110 11 16 12 14 15 20

16)16)1 16)0 11)4 11)6 11)1 11)11)2 11)0 10)4 10)2 10)1 10)10)2 10)0 1-)4 1-)2 1-)1 1-)1-)2 1-)0

21 22 220 21 26 22 24 25 -0 -1 -2 --0 -1 -6 -2 -4 -5 00

12)5 12)2 12)1 12)0 12)2 12)0 11)5 11)2 11)1 11)0 11)2 11)1 10)5 10)2 10)6 10)0 10)2 10)1 5)5 5)2

01 02 000 01 06 02 04 05 10 11 12 110 11 16 12 14 15 60

5)6 5)0 5)2 5)1 4)5 4)4 4)6 4)0 4)4)1 2)5 2)4 2)6 2)0 2)2)1 2)0 6)4 6)6 6)1

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 12 o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 1" o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa ;ni"ersity of Moratu.a 5 De(art$ent of Ci"il Engineering +ydro$eter !nalysis of Soils

Pro<ect & Feig%t o$ Sam"!e ;g= Aydrometer >y"e Aydrometer 9o Meniscus @orrection Cm Dis"ersing Agent @orrection Cd Bore Ao!e 9o) I >ime A$ter Start Day >ime I I I I I De"t% o$ Sam"!e I J >ime >em" RH ;mm= ;@=
RH =
J RH +Cm

> ;c= I Gs I N I a I @y!inder 9o I Date L

L t

I D I ;mm=

R = RH C d %

Diner Modi$ied
Ra 100 W


B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 14 o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

Ta le 1 5 =alues of Correction 0actor *a> for Different S(ecific Gra"ities of Soil Particles S(ecific Gra"ity 2)51 2)50 2)41 2)40 2)20 2)61 2)60 2)11 2)10 2)01 Correction 0actor 0)50 0)51 0)56 0)52 0)55 1)00 1)01 1)02 1)01)01

Ta le 4 5 =alues of ? for ;se in E@uation 0or Co$(uting Dia$eter of Particle in +ydro$eter !nalysis for Different S(ecific Gra"ities of Soil Particles =alues of K for ;se in E@uation for Co$(uting Dia$eter of Particle in +ydro$eter !nalysis
Te$(eratureA deg C 2)42 16 12 14 15 20 21 22 220 21 26 22 24 25 -0 0)01110 0)01111 0)01052 0)01020 0)01016 0)010-4 0)01021 0)01000 0)01-44 0)01-22 0)01-12 0)01-02 0)01-22 0)01-12 0)01254 2)20 0)01101 0)01046 0)01062 0)01005 0)010-1 0)01010 0)01-52 0)01-41 0)01-61 0)01-05 0)01--0 0)01-15 0)01-00 0)01250 0)01226 2)22 0)01041 0)01062 0)01000)01021 0)01004 0)01-51 0)01-20 0)01-14 0)01-02 0)01-22 0)01-12 0)01252 0)01240)01265 0)01216 S(ecific Gra"ity of Soil Particles 2)30 0)01012 0)010-5 0)01021 0)01000)01-46 0)01-65 0)01-10)01--2 0)01-21 0)01-06 0)01251 0)01222 0)01260 0)01205 0)012-6 2)32 0)010-1 0)01012 0)01-55 0)01-42 0)01-61 0)01-04 0)01--2 0)01-12 0)01-01 0)01246 0)01222 0)01214 0)01200 0)012-0 0)01212 2)40 0)01010 0)01-56 0)01-24 0)01-61 0)01-00 0)01-24 0)01-12 0)01252 0)01242 0)01262 0)01210)012-5 0)01221 0)01212 0)01255 2)42 0)01-50 0)01-26 0)01-15 0)01-02 0)01-21 0)01-05 0)01250 0)01225 0)01260 0)01205 0)012-1 0)01221 0)01204 0)01151 0)01142 2)B0 0)01-20 0)01-16 0)01--5 0)01-20)01-02 0)01251 0)01226 0)01261 0)01206 0)012-2 0)01214 0)01200 0)01151 0)01124 0)01161 2)B2 0)01-16 0)01--4 0)01-21 0)01-01 0)01245 0)01220)01214 0)01200)01225 0)01211 0)01201 0)01144 0)01121 0)01162 0)01105

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 1# o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

DEPART/ENT OF CI1IL ENGINEERING UNI1ERSITY OF /ORATU2A Par $cle S$3e Anal*"$" 4 S$e)e Anal*"$" Cl$en 5 Pro6ec 5 B. N!'7er 5 To al /a"" o% &e Sa'ple 5 S$e)e S$3e 8''9 /a"" o% S$e)e 8,9 /a"" o% S$e)e : So$l 8,9 /a"" o% So$l Re a$ne+ 8,9 ; Re a$ne+ C!'!la $)e ; Re a$ne+ ; F$ner Dep & 5

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 1$ o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

DEPART/ENT OF CI1IL ENGINEERING UNI1ERSITY OF /ORATU2A S$e)e Anal*"$" Te" Re"!l " Pro6ec 5 Bore .ole No Dep & 8'9 S$e)e S$3e 8''9

Percen a,e Pa""$n,

DEPART/ENT OF CI1IL ENGINEERING UNI1ERSITY OF /ORATU2A .*+ro'e er Anal*"$" Te" Re"!l " Pro6ec 5 Bore .ole No Dep & 8'9 S$e)e S$3e 8''9 Percen a,e F$ner

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 1% o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa ;ni"ersity of Moratu.a 5 De(art$ent of Ci"il Engineering Soil Classification 5 ;nified Classification Syste$

Pro<ect & B)A) 9o De"t% ;m= (ercentage Diner 9o) 200 9o) 0 D60 mm D-0 mm D10 mm @c @u (artic!e Si#e Ana!ysis Atter erg Limits LL (. Orou" Sym o! Remarks

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 1& o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

Particle Size Analysis Sieve Analysis Total weig t ta!e" #g$ % &''' Sieve Cumulati Mass of Percent Percent Size ve mass Soil (g) Ret (%) Finer (%) (mm) (g) &( ' ' ' &'' &)*+ ,,*',,*',*, (-*. &' /'*-, &.,*-( &.*,. /0*-, 0 )'.*-0'*,( -0*'+ ,.*(-*-0 /(*.( ..'*&/ ..*') 00*(/ )*-, +-*0. 0&-*+) 0&*-+ ./*,&*&/ &(+*/) +&&*0. +&*&0 )/*/0 '*, -.*0 +.,*'. +.*, )0*. '*).*+0 ++'*+( ++*'/ ))*() '*&0 &(*(+('*+) +(*'+ )'*('*'+0 &'*00 /'&*)+ /'*&&(*/+

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 1' o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 20 o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 21 o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

#s $ %&'( 0ay *ime *ime 1la+se! (min) '*)0 '*0 & ) . / &0 -' ,' &)' ).' &..'

Worksheet for Com ine! "y!rometer an! Sieve Analysis Weight (g) $ () *em+ $ ,) !eg Cm $ )&( C! $ % )&).%// *em+ R"2 )+ )& &+ &&& ( + , 0 . ) R"$ R"2 3 Cm )+*0 )&*0 &+*0 &-*0 &&*0 (*0 +*0 ,*0 0*0 .*0 -*0 )*0 4 (cm) &&*/ &)*( &-*0 &.*& &.*. &.*+0 &0*& &0*)0 &0*. &0*00 &0*+ &0*( 45t .+*) )0*/ &-*0 +*'0 -*, &*/.-+0 &*'',,, + '*0'/-'*)0,,, + '*&)(0/ '*',0.& + '*'&&'. ) 0 (mm) '*'/0., , '*',-&/ + '*'.0+' + '*'--''*')-,' '*'&,/( ) '*'&)./ & '*''//, ( '*'',-' ) '*''..+ / '*''-&/ ) '*''&-' +

-$ R$R"6 C! )0*0 &(*0 &0*0 &&*0 (*0 +*0 0*0 .*0 -*0 )*0 &*0 '*0

Percent at )&/%( mm $ '(% % Finer 0& -( -& )&( &0 && ( + 0 & % Finer Mo!ifie ! --*&0 )0*-0 )'*&0 &.*(0 &)*-0 (*+0 +*&0 0*/0 .*00 -*)0 &*(0 '*,0

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 22 o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 2" o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 24 o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 2# o! 26

Department of Civil Engineering Marking Scheme: Measurements 35%: Calculations Results !5%: Discussion !5%: Course%or& Presentation '5%:

University of Moratuwa

Precision, Reliability "ccuracy, Met#odolo$y, Presentation Content, "rran$ement, Presentation (eatness, Clarity, "ccordance to t#e )ormat

B.Sc Engineering, Semester III, CE 2042 Soil Mechanics & Geology - 1

age 2$ o! 26

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