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C. D. Vournas and N. Daskalakis Departmentof Electrical and Computer Eng. National Technical University Athens, Greece

Abstract: This paper consists of two parts. In the first part, a search is undertaken in order to obtain optimal settings for hydraulic turbine govemors, while in isolated operation. The scope of this optimization process is to maximize the stability margins of the dosed frequency control loop. The settings obtained are very dose to those suggested by the dassical Paynter formulas. In the second part of the paper, a Regulating Capaaty Chart is derived, which gives, for different values of the water starting time, the necessary minimum mechanical inertia constant of an autonomous hydroelectric unit, so that the frequency o f the system can be properly controlled.

In the first part of the paper, the first of the objectives mentioned above is used, and an optimal stability tuning procedure is presented, which makes use o f the advantages offered by the advanced control systems design tools available nowadays [3,4]. The stability optimization method is based on the observation that for every value o f the transient governor droop 6, an optimal value of the reset time constant TR c a n be computed, which maximizes the distance o f the closed loop poles from the right hand side of the complex plane.


The tuning o f hydraulic turbine governors is a complex task, which has to satisfy several criteria. The first and most important problem is that of preserving the dosed loop stability of the turbine generator system. The frequency control loop of a hydroelectric unit in isolated operation, assuming standard models for an impulse (Petton) turbine and a governor with permanent (U)and temporary (a) droop [1.21 is s h m in Fig. 1. As seen in this Figure, the transfer function of the hydraulic turbine has a real positive open loop zero, which will attract eventually the dosed loop poles towards the right hand side of the complex plane, leading the system to instability. It is therefore essential to assess the dosed loop stability margins when determining the governor pareuneters in a hydro pawer plant.

The second part of the paper presents a method for constructing a Regulating Capacity Chart that can be used at the planning stage of a hydroelectric plant in order to determine whether the combination of the water starting time (which depends on the geometry of the hydraulic installation) and the mechanical inertia constant of the proposed unit pennits an eftident frequency control when the unit o p erates in isolation. The Regulating Capaaty Chart is derived by calculating the transient frequency drop alter a prespecified disturbance and setting an arbiiary limit to it.


Inside the stability region the parameters of the hydro turbine govanor can be tuned with the objective either to increase the stability margins, or to improve the time response of the dosed loop system,using criteria such as the overall settling time, the maximum overshoot, etc.

The governor parameters that can be tuned in order to maximize the stability margins o r improve the time response of the dosed loop system of Fig. 1 are the temporary droop 6 and the reset time constant TR. The permanent droop a is supposed to be s e t by the systm operator, whereas the water starting time T , and the mechanical inertia constant H are constants ofthe system. A number of methods have been proposed in the literature for hydro turbine governor tuning. A classical method for tuning hydraulic turbine governors is based on the formulas proposed by Hwey (51:


or those suggested by Paynter [6]:




0-7803-1319-4/93/$3.00 0 1993 IEEE


Fig. 1: Frequency controlloop of a hydroe/ectricunit

A more elaborate method has been presented by Chaudry [71, who has also incorporated the effect of permanent droop, as well as that of turbine and load self regulation. Chaudry's tuning method is based on the simulation of the closed loop system time response for various governor settings. The proposed values are those giving the 'shortest response time'.

Obviously, a critical value Ta of the reset time constant exists,such that the system is marginally stable. The system becomes unstable for TR values lower than TW On the other hand, for very large values of the reset time constant the system is stable, but sluggish.

More recently, Wmiak [8] has proposed a graphical

approach for the problem of a proportional integral (PI)

governor tuning. Atthwgh this is a different governor model than t h a t of Fig. 1, an approximate comparison will be attempted with thii method also.

As stated in the Introduction, the approach followed in this paper for the tuning of hydro turbine governors is the maximization of the dosed loop stability margins. The tuning
method is based on successive r o d locus computations, which are a routine affair with modern soltware tods such as MATLAB [ 3 ] .The system shown in FQ.1 has the following dosed loop charaderisticequation (CLCE):
(1+ T#)(lI






Fig. 2: Root locus with l/r, as gain The goal of the optimal stability tuning procedure is to move all the three poles as far as possible to the lelt of the complex plane. The same tuning approach has been followed for a different problem in [SI. This goal is achieved using the following algorithm:

T & ) + Ws(l+ -)(l+-) %s TtG = 0


( 3 )

The left hand side of the CLCE (3)can be written as the sum of two.terms, one proportionalto the reset time constant TR and one that depends only on the temporary governor droop 6:

2 ;

In the form (4) the dosed loop charaderistic equation is equivalent tothat ofa feedback system with a gain equal to ~/TR.The r o d locus corresponding to the CLCE (4) can be easily drawn for a given value of the temporary droop 2 5 and has the form shown in Fig. 2. As seen in this Fgure, there is one real pole starting from the origin (for 1/T~=0)and moving to the left on the negative real a x i s for increasing gain (decreasingTR); and a complex conjugab pair of poles movingtowards the right hand side of the complex plane.






Fig. 3:R e d part o fpoles as a function of l/r,

Step 1: Chose a number of temporary droop values spanning the permissiblerang0 (for instance 0.3 to 1.O pu at 0.05 steps).
Step 2: For each of the above values of 6 find the corresponding value TRopt for which the distance of the poles from the imaginary axis is maximized. (Equivalently: The maximum real part of all closed loop pdes is minimized).

giving rise again to a complex pair of poles moving towards the right hand side of the complex plane. Table II: ODtimal Stabilitv Tuning

Step 3: Inspect the pairs (6, TRopt) obtained in step 2 to see if there is an overall optimum. Alternatively, time domain criteria, such as maximum overshoot, settling time, etc., can be used in this step.

-0.20+ j0.31

The procedure for obtaming the optimum value of TR during step 2 is graphically illustrated in Fig. 3. Line no. 1 starting from the origin in Fig. 3 shows the real pole as a function of l f l ~ and , line no. 2, which eventually crosses to positive values, shows the real part of the complex pair of poles. The optimum value of the reset time constant is that corresponding to the intersection of the two lines. The exact value of TRwt is calculated using interpolation technique, including an optional fine tuning algorithm. For the numerical values of Fig. 3 the optimum reset time constant is 6.77 sec. On the other hand, the critical value for the reset time constant is seen in Fig. 3 to be, T = V0.4 = 2.5 sec.
The results of the optimal stability tuning procedure described above for a hydro power station having the data given in Table Iare summarized in Table II. As seen in Table II the overall optimum settings are 6=0.5 pu and T =8.0 sec giving a real part ofthe poles less than -0.28 sec-f: For values of 6 either smaller or larger than 0.5 pu the stability margins decrease.
Table I: Test svstem data






-0.21 -0.21

In the fourth column of Table II, the stability limit, i.e. the minimum value , T , of the reset time constant for which the dosed loop system remains stable, is shown for the correspondingvalues of the temporary droop. Obviously the stability margins increase (lower value of Tcr) for increasing temporary droop 6. In the last column of Table II, a time domain criterion that cwld be of help in the process of selecting the optimal governor settings is shown. This is the maximum transient frequency drop A f after a 10% load increase APe in the dosed loop system of Fig. 1. It should be noted that in order to limit the transient frequency drop the governor has to became faster (smaller values for 6 and TR). The objective of minimizing the transient frequency drop can,therefore, contradict that of maximizingthe dosed loop stability and a compromise may become necessary in a system with high frequency control standards. It could be argued for instance that the suboptimal settings 6=0.4 pu, T~=6.77 sec are preferable to those optimizing the dosed loop stability. It should be noted, however, that the transient frequency drop depends mostty on the generator and turbine inertia as will be further discussed inthe next section. In Table 111, the govemor settings proposed by four other tuning procedures are shown for reasons of comparison. It is easily seen that the optimal stability settings obtained with the method presented in this paper are almost identical to those given by the simple formulas (2) proposed by Paynter 161. They are also very similar to those obtained using the method of Chaudry which is based on the shortest S I response time. On the other hand, Hweys settings [ given by equations (1) are closer to the suboptimal stability settings mentioned above. Finally, comparison with the values obtained using the graphical method of Wozniak [e] is only indicative, since this method is based on 8 different govemor model than that of Fig. 1.

T = ,


An interestingdetail in Table II is that for a temporary droop k O . 6 5 pu the shape of the root locus of Fig. 2 changes slightly. Indeed, the complex pales collide on the negative real axis a t the point -0.44 sec-l (for T~=18.2sec) and all three poles become real negative. Following this, the pde going towards the right collides again with the real pole coming from the origin at the pdnt -0.21 (for T~=13.3sec, which is the optimal stability value TRopt for 6=0.65 pu)

Table 111: Governor settinas obtained bv various methods

SteD 5: If Af,, exceeds the specified limit (2.5 Hz), increase TM and repeat steps 3 and 4.
SteD 6: Record the value o f the pair T ,( , Afma is equal to the specified limit. TM) for which

The simulation of the closed loop system time response and the search for the maximum transient frequency drop in step 3o f this algorithm, which would seem an extremely tedious task in earlier days, are carried out in negligible computer time and without any real programming effort using the facilities provided in MATLAB [SI.


During the planning stage of a hydroelectric project it is often required to estimate whether the combination o f the hydraulic installation design (which resub in a specific value of the water starting time) ,T with the mechanical design (resulting in an inertia constant H and a mechanical starting time TM=~H)will lead to an acceptable frequency regulating capacity of the completed plant. This question is answered mastty by using experience curves [lo], o r simple rules like the one proposed by The U. S. Bureau of Redamation [ill:

figure 4 shows the simulated time response of the system of fig. 1 for the specified disturbance. As seen in Fig. 4 the transient frequency drop is exactly 2.5 Hz. This is the result o f the repeated application of steps 3, 4, and 5 o f the algorithm described above, for a water starting time T = 3 , sec. The value of the mechanical starting time corresponding to fig. 4 is T~=15.!55sec (H=7.77sec). This is the value required in order to achieve an acceptable regulating capacity of the hydroelectric unit with the criterion defined in this section.

TM = W 2 2 T i



In t h i s paper the concept ot 'good regulating capacity' is quantified as a maximum permissible transient frequency drop alter a 10% step load increase (APe-0.1 in Fig. 1). For a 50 Hz system, t h i s maximum permissible transient frequency drop has been specified at 2.5 Ht for an autonomous system with frequency insensitive loads. Of course this 2.5 Hr limit is arbiibary. Other similar &ria can be easily proposed, like for instance a 2 Hz transient frequency drop induding the self regulation of the load, ramp load increase instead of the 1096 step,etc.




20 30 time (sec)



The algorithm used for the derivation ofthe novel Regulating capacity Chart proposed in thii paper is the following: Steo 1: Choose-as e t ofwater starting time (Tw) values. For each Value ofTw an initial value ofthe initial guess is starting time TM- A u~ually TM=~T,.

Fig. 4: Transient hqumcy drop (Hz)


step 3: Select governor settings using Paynter's formulas

The Regulating capacity Chart constructed with the method described here is shown in Fig. 5. Incorporated in the same Figure are the charts suggested by the U.S.B.R. [ll] and Woodward CO. [IO]. AS seen in Fig. 5, for reasonable values of , T (e.g. from 1 to 3 sec)the Chart proposed in this paper is slightly more conservativethan that of reference [lo].

(2). The permanent droop remains fixed. In this study 0=0.03 pu.


s t e 4: ~ Simulate the dosed loop S r s t e m for a 10% step load increase and compute the math" transient ireqUmCY drop Af-

This paper attempts a reevaluation of some rather dassicai approaches to the problems af govmor tuning and regulating capacity assessment of hydroelectric plants.


(a) -This paper

- This reevaluation

Fig. 5: RegulatingCapacity Charts: (b) U. S. B. R. Ill] (c) -Woodward CO, [lo]

was motivated by the tremendous increase in computer power and the corresponding development of saffware Computer Aided Design tools during the last decade, means that were certainly unavailable during the time that most of the methods discussed in the paper were developed.

Secretariat far Research and Technology o f the Greek Govemment under research project no. 15866(EPE)/1992.

[l] J. M. Undrill, W. Strauss, 'Influence of Hydro Plant

It should not be surprising that the classical methods, based on a few hand calculations and deep engineering insight,
passed the test successfully. On the problem of governor tuning, the dassical Paynter formulas proved very dose to the optimal stability tuning resub reported in the paper, They were therefore used in the second part of the paper in order to assess the regulating capacity of a hydroelectric unit during the preliminary design stage. The Regulating CapaCny Chart proposed in this paper corresponds to a dearly defined, though arbitrary, time domain criterion. Utilities interested in updating their preliminary design practice could easily define a similar criterion and use it for o w n i n g regulating capaclty charts customized to their particular interests. In the present paper the criterion used was purposefully selected to approximate Woodward's chart [lo].

Design on Regulating and Reserve Response Capacrty', IEEE Trans. PAS-93. July/Aug. 1974, pp. 1192-1200. 1 2 1 R. J. Fleming, 'Power System Cmtroj: dass notes, Dept. of Electrical Eng., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. p]A. Grace, A. J. Laub, J. N. M e , C. Thompson, 'Control Systems Toolbax for use with MATLAP, The Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA,U.S.A., 1990. [4] C. L Phillips, R. D. Harbor, 'feedbackControl Systems: PrenticeHall Inc., 1988. (51 L . M. Hovey, 'Speed RegulationTests on a Hydro Station Supplying an Isolated Load', NEE Trans. on PAS, 1962, pp. 364-368. 1 6 1 H. M. Paynter, A ' felimpsest on the EIedrOnic Analogue Art: A. Philbrick Researches Inc., Boston Mass., USA. M. H. Chaudry, 'Governing Stability of a Hydroelectric Power PlaM, Water Power, Apr. 1970. [SIL Wozniak, 'A Graphical Approach to Hydrogenerator Gwmar Tuning', paper 90 WM 208-9 EC, IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. Feb. 1990. [QJC. D. Vournas, B. C. Papadias, 'Power -em Stabilization via Parameter Optimiration Application to the Hellenic Interconnected System'. IEEE Trans., PWRS-2, Aug. 1987, pp. 615-623.

The research work reported in this paper was supported by

the Hydroelecbic Project Development Department of the

Public Power Corporation of Greece and the General



Woodward Governor Co., Chart Drawing No. 990458, Rockford, Ill., U.SA. [ll] U. S. Bureau of Redamation, 'Selecting Hydraulic Reaction Turbines', Water Resources Technical Publication, Monograph No. 20, Denver, Co., U.S.A.,


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