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Federal Regions, Territories The Zip Code Trick The Supreme Court has declared that Congress can

rule what Congress creates. Congress did not create the 50 Union states: la!ama laska ri"ona rkansas Cali#ornia Colorado Connecticut $elaware Florida %eorgia &awaii 'daho 'llinois 'ndiana 'owa (ansas (entuck) *ouisiana +aine +ar)land +assachusetts +ichigan +innesota +ississippi +issouri +ontana ,e!raska ,e-ada ,ew &ampshire ,ew .erse) ,ew +e/ico ,ew 0ork ,orth Carolina ,orth $akota 1hio 1klahoma 1regon 2enns)l-ania Rhode 'sland South Carolina South $akota Tennessee Te/as Utah 3ermont 3irginia 4ashington 4est 3irginia 4isconsin 4)oming, 5remed)6 writing #ull proper 50 Union states name we don7t ha-e to use "ip codes. lthough, Congress did create #ederal regions, territories 8#ictions9: * ( Z R C C1 CT $: F* % &' '$ '* ', ' (S (0 * +: +$ + +' +, +S +1 +T ,: ,3 ,& ,. ,+ ,0 ,C ,$ 1& 1( 1R 2 R' SC S$ T, T; UT 3T 3 4 43 4' 40 So Congress can rule the #ederal regions, territories, !ut Congress cannot rule the 50 Union states. &ow ha-e we !een tricked into #ederal regions, territories< The Zip Code Trick. Remem!er how the go-ernment alwa)s comes to us and sa)s, '=m #rom the go-ernment, and '=m here to help )ou. 4hen we use a two letter #ederal region, territor), we are compelled to use a "ip code. ,o state legislature has met to law#ull) change the standard a!!re-iation o# the 50 Union states. '# )ou do not use the law#ul a!!re-iation #or )our state, and use the #ederal region, territor), )ou ha-e to use the "ip code. *ook on page >> o# the Zip Code $irector), and it will tell )ou that the #irst digit o# the "ip code is the #ederal region. '# )ou use Z instead o# ri"ona, )ou cannot use ri"ona state constitution and )our un?a?lien?a!le constitution protected rights, !ecause )ou did not identi#) ri"ona state. 0ou used the "ip code, which identi#ies #ederal region, territor). nd Congress ma) rule directl) #ederal regions, territories, !ut it cannot rule the 52eople6 o# an) 50 Union states. 2roperl) construed, Z'2 Codes can onl) !e applica!le in Federal territories and encla-es that ma) !e located within the 50 Union states, the @United States@ and $istrict o# Colum!ia and its territories ?? c#. 2iAua Bank -. (noup, C 1hio DEF, E0E 8>G5C9 and U.S. -. Butler, FHI U.S. >, CD 8>HDC9 to the e##ect that @in e-er) state there are two go-ernmentsJ the state and the United States.@ There#ore, Z'2 Code addresses are #or the corporate @U.S.@ and its agents, agencies 8#or e/ample, a customs and dut) collector at ,ew 0ork har!or, when the) mo-e out into the States o# the Union to per#orm #unctions delegated to the @U.S.@ !) the ,ationalKFederal Constitution, or the 2enns)l-ania $epartment o# Transportation, Bureau o# +otor 3ehicles, or a U.S. Congressman9. B) propaganda, misleading in#ormation and seditious s)nta/, the 5U.S.6 has gotten nearl) e-er)one in the 50 Union states to use the Z'2 Codes that create 2R:SU+2T'1, or a 2R:.U$'C' * $+'SS'1, that one is in such a Federal -enue, or that one is such a U.S. agent, agenc). 't is well settled in law that 'ncome Ta/ Statutes appl) onl) to corporations and to their o##icers, agents, agencies and emplo)ees acting in their corporate capacities, e.g. #rom Colonial 2ipeline Co. -. Traigle, EF> U.S. >00, EE *.:d.Fd >, H5 S.Ct. >5DG 8>HI59: @... &owe-er, all =income ta/ statutes= appl) onl) to state created creatures known as corporations, 5person6 no matter state, local, or #ederal.@ Since corporations act onl) through their agents, o##icers, emplo)ees, etc., the income ta/ statutes reach out to them when acting in their corporate capacities, !ut not as indi-iduals. This is the real purpose #or 'denti#)ing ,um!ers ?? c#. FC CFR D0>.C>0H?>8d9 L 8g9 and FC U.S.C. CDD>8a9 and FC CFR D0>.CDD>?>, 2art E. Use o# a Z'2 Code is tantamount to the 52R:SU+2T'1,6 o# !eing a @U.S. Citi"en@ who does not necessaril) ha-e the protections o# the #irst eight mendments to the Constitution 8in the Bill o# Rights9 when proceeded against !) Federal or State corporations ?? +a/well -. $ow, >IC U.S. 5G>, F0 S.Ct. EEG 8>H009, !ut, @ ll the pro-isions o# the constitution look to an indestructi!le union o# indestructi!le states@, Te/as -. 4hite, I 4all. I00J U.S. -. Cathcart, F5 F.Case ,o. >E,I5CJ 'n re Charge to %rand .ur), D0 F. Case ,o. >G,FID 8C5 C... Section F9 ?? not known to !e o-erturned. State Standard !!re-iation la!ama la. * 2ostal !!re-iation +ontgomer) Capital Cit)

laska laska ri"ona ri". rkansas Cali#ornia Colorado Connecticut $elaware Florida Fla. %eorgia %a. &awaii &awaii 'daho 'daho 'llinois 'll. 'ndiana 'nd. 'owa 'owa (ansas (ans. (entuck) *ouisiana +aine +aine +ar)land +assachusetts +ichigan +innesota +ississippi +issouri +ontana ,e!raska ,e-ada ,e-. ,ew &ampshire ,ew .erse) ,ew +e/ico ,ew 0ork ,orth Carolina ,orth $akota 1hio 1hio 1klahoma 1regon 1re. 2enns)l-ania Rhode 'sland South Carolina South $akota Tennessee Te/as Te/. Utah Utah 3ermont 3irginia 3a. 4ashington 4est 3irginia 4isconsin 4)oming

( Z rk. Cali#. Colo. Conn. $el. F* % &' '$ '* ', ' (S (). *a. +: +d. +ass. +ich. +inn. +iss. +o. +ont. ,e!r. ,3 ,.&. ,... ,.+. ,.0. ,.C. ,.$. 1& 1kla. 1R 2a. R.'. S.C. S.$. Tenn. T; UT 3t. 3 4ash. 4.3a. 4is. 4)o.

.uneau 2hoeni/ R *ittle Rock C Sacramento C1 $en-er CT &art#ord $: $o-er Tallahassee tlanta &onolulu Boise Spring#ield 'ndianapolis $es +oines Topeka (0 Frank#ort * Baton Rouge ugusta +$ nnapolis + Boston +' *ansing +, St. 2aul +S .ackson +1 .e##erson Cit) +T &elena ,: *incoln Carson Cit) ,& Concord ,. Trenton ,+ Santa Fe ,0 l!an) ,C Raleigh ,$ Bismarck Colum!us 1( 1klahoma Cit) Salem 2 &arris!urg R' 2ro-idence SC Colum!ia S$ 2ierre T, ,ash-ille ustin Salt *ake Cit) 3T +ontpelier Richmond 4 1l)mpia 43 Charleston 4' +adison 40 Che)enne

US $istricts, Territories, and 2ossessions merican Samoa $istrict o# Colum!ia Federated States o# +icronesia %uam +arshall 'slands ,orthern +ariana 'slands 2alau 2uerto Rico 3irgin 'slands

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