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Global Chalice Lighting for January 2014

The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 125

in its monthly global chalice
lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate and to use the readi ng for at l east
one worshi p servi ce i n the desi gnated month, i denti fyi ng i t as the I CUU Gl obal Chal i ce
Li ghti ng for that month and nami ng the group whi ch submi tted i t. This Global Chalice Lighting
was originally submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council and is suggested for use in January 2014.

Breath of the divine, light a flame of reflection in all that we do.
Breath of creation, light a flame of connection in our circle of care.
Breath of wonder, light a flame of inspiration to cultivate participation.
Breath of fear, light a flame of courage to be who we are: sentient, vulnerable, and diverse.
Breath of this moment, light a flame of celebration for our future unfolds the covenant of this
Janet Vickers submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council

Souffle du divin, donnez vie la flamme de la rflexion pour dcouvrir le sens profond de nos
Souffle de la cration, donnez vie la flamme de la compassion pour crer des liens qui nous
Souffle de l'merveillement, donnez vie la flamme de l'inspiration pour nous inciter la
participation active de tout notre tre.
Souffle de la peur, donnez vie la flamme du courage pour tre qui nous sommes :
consciencieux, vulnrables et diversifis.
Souffle du moment, donnez vie la flamme de la celebration pour que notre avenir puisse se
dployer grce notre engagement d'aujourd'hui.
Janet Vickers submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council

Atem des Gttlichen, entznde eine Flamme der Nachdenklichkeit bei allem, was wir tun.
Atem der Schpfung, entznde eine Flamme der Verbindung in unserem Kreis der Anteilnahme.
Atem des Wunders, entznde eine Flamme der Inspiration, um die Bereitschaft zur Mitwirkung
zu frdern
Atem der Furcht, entznde eine Flamme des Mutes, damit wir die sein knnen, die wir sind:
empfindsam, verletzlich und unterschiedlich.

Office of the Secretariat
345 Addiscombe Road
Croydon, Surrey
+44 20 8407 2866

Council of
Unitarians and

Atem dieses Augenblicks, entznde eine Flamme der Feier, die uns heute anspornt die Zukunft
zu gestalten.
Janet Vickers submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council

8esplro del dlvlno, accendl una flamma dl rlflesslone ln LuLLo cl che facclamo,
8esplro della creazlone, accendl una flamma dl connesslone nel cerchlo dl coloro che amlamo
8esplro dl meravlglla, accendl una flamma dl lsplrazlone per colLlvare parLeclpazlone
8esplro dl paura, accendl una flamma dl coragglo per essere cl che slamo: esserl senzlenLl, vulnerablll,
Lra loro dlversl.
8esplro dl quesLo momenLo, accendl una flamma dl fesLa perche ll nosLro fuLuro dlsplega l'alleanza dl
quesLo glorno.
-!aneL vlckers presenLaLa dal Conslgllo unlLarlo canadese

AllenLo de lo dlvlno, enclende una llama de reflexln en Lodo lo que hacemos.
AllenLo de la creacln, enclende una llamada de conexln en nuesLro clrculo de proLeccln.
AllenLo de lo maravllloso, enclende una llama de lnsplracln para culLlvar la parLlclpacln.
AllenLo del mledo, enclende una llama de valor para ser qulenes somos: senslbles, vulnerables y
AllenLo de esLe momenLo, enclende una llama de celebracln para que nuesLro fuLuro despllegue
nuesLra allanza de hoy.
-!aneL vlckers envlado por el Conse[o unlLarlo de Canad

(With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French),
and Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).)

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