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(Task 3) Your Own Investigation Here is an opportunity to apply all the science process skills you have learned.

You are required to work in pairs or in a group of not more than three. You will ask an original question and conduct an experiment or survey to answer that question. Your task 1. Ask a question about a physical or biological event or relationship. Make sure the topic offers the potential for experimentation. onsumer testing is a good area for first!time pro"ects. #he best topics can arise from your hobbies$ interests$ activities$ and skills. %. &ecide whether you will perform an experiment or a survey. '. omplete the experiment plan and approval or survey plan and approval. Meet with your lecturer to discuss your plan and get final approval.

(. )ist the potential variables. hoose a manipulated variable and a responding variable. *perationally define the variables so they can be measured. +. ,rite a specific research question. -. ,rite a hypothesis that provide an exact focus for the experiment. .. onduct a library research and write a review of the literature about your topic. A literature review summari/es information about your topic into a report.

0. &esign an experiment to collect data that will answer the research question and hypotheses. 1emember to control all variables except the manipulated and responding variables. 2. ,rite the procedure for your experiment. You will probably want to build in more than one test of variables. You may want to repeat the same experiment several times. ,ith repeat testing$ you will have more confidence in your findings. 13. 4ather materials. 11. &o the experiment. 1emember$ more data is better than less data.


ompile the results. 5uantitative data should be recorded in data tables and you will want to include graphs to help with interpretation. &on6t forget to record qualitative data also.

1'. 7nterpret the data. ,rite conclusions$ inferences$ and discussion. Make recommendations. &on6t be too general. 8or example$ if you test only one type of radish seed$ your interpretation must refer to only that variety of radish seed. 1(. 9repare a final report. :se the experiment or survey report. You will be held accountable for all critical information and techniques. Common Problems in Student Experiments )ow sample si/e )ack of control of everything but the manipulated and responding variables. 7naccurate measurement. ;xperimenter bias. <eep an open mind. 9opulation selection bias.

Suggestions For Your Topic How many seed are found in common types of fruits= How does the shape of a container affect the evaporation rate of liquids= ,hich pill design > tablet$ caplet$ or capsule > dissolve faster= ,hich bottle designs are most childproof or tamperproof= ,hich heats liquids faster > gas$ electric$ or microwave heat sources= How do mealworms respond to selected stimuli$ such as temperature$ odor$ or light= How does colour affect the surface temperature of construction paper= ,hat percent of a dissolving antacid tablet is a gas=

Experiment Plan and Approval 7nvestigation #opic Manipulated ?ariable 1esponding ?ariable 1esearch 5uestion Hypothesis &ata ollection 9lan How many trials will be used in your experiment=

How will you control all variables except the manipulated and responding variable= ,hat special equipment will you need= )ecturer6s Approval @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


eport !odel

TitleA ,rite the name of your investigation. esearc" #uestionA ommunicate what variables or relationship between variables will be investigated. !anipulated $ariableA ,rite the manipulated variable and its operational definition. esponding $ariableA ,rite the responding variable and its operational definition. %&pot"esis or %&pot"eses.A ommunicate your predictions about how the manipulated variable will affect the responding variable. Plan or procedureA ommunicate a step!by!step process for completing the experiment. 7nclude materials$ time!tables$ and any other information that is important to the investigation. #he plan should be detailed enough for another investigator to duplicate the experiment. Controlled $ariable(s)A 7dentify all factors that must be controlled to limit sources of error. 'bservations( )ata Tables( *rap"s A 7nclude qualitative observations. onclusionBsCA ,rite factual summaries about what happened. +n,erence(s) about Conclusion(s)A 7nterpret$ explain$ and discuss the relationship between the variables. ,hat knowledge was gained and what does it mean= ecommendation(s)A ,hat subsequent actions could or should be taken. Also$ suggest methods for improving the experimental techniques.

Surve& Plan and Approval 7nvestigation #opic 9opulation to be Durveyed Area to be Durveyed Dampling Method ?ariables 1esearch 5uestion Hypothesis E Hypotheses &ata ollection 9lan How will you control variables= )ecturer6s Approval@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ S- $EY EP' T

Fame of Durvey 1esearch 5uestion ?ariables 9opulation to be Durveyed Area to be Durveyed Dampling Method Hypothesis 9lan E 9rocedures

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