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) SAP ECC Menu Transaction code Logistics Materials Management Material Master Material Create (General) Immediately MM01

Field name Material Industry sector Material type


User action and values R12 M: Mechanical Engineer ROH: Raw Materials

On the Select View(s) dialog box: Basic Data 1 and 2: for all materials Sales Org. Data 1 and 2, Sales General Plant Data: for all materials (Its not possible. Raw material dont sell out) Purchasing and Purchase Order Text: for all materials MRP views 1, 2, 3 and 4: for all materials General Plant Data / Storage 1 and 2: for all materials Warehouse Management 1 and 2: for all materials Accounting 1 and 2: for all materials Costing 1 and 2: for all materials

1. On the Organizational Levels dialog box that appears, enter the following values: Field name Plant Description User action and values 1000. Enter the main plant where the material will be procured (see special instructions below) leave blank Comment Elijo la que me indicaste Z001 El problema es que el Store location debe estar vinculado a la planta elegida, sino no cuadra... lo dejo en blanco. No sale porque no hay ventas. Idem Elijo una

Stor. location

Sales Org. Distr.Channel Warehouse

1000 10 NL1

Field name No.


User action and values

Comment warehouse. Me deja tomar cualquiera y no me la vincula a la planta

Storage Type


No me indica ninguno en el ejercicio, pero elijo uno por si acaso

MRP Profile lo dejo en blanco

1. Continuing on from the transaction above, on the Basic Data 1 tab, enter the following values:: Field name Description Base Unit of Measure Material Grp Old material number Division GenItemCatGroup Description User action and values <enter description> <enter Base Unit of measure> <Choose appropriate > <enter the legacy material number if known> 10 NORM Comment

see table for material-specific da

see table for material-specific da

see table for material-specific da

see table for material-specific da

Field name Gross weight Weight unit Net weight Matl


User action and values <enter gross weight> <enter weight unit> <enter net weight>


see table for material-specific da

see table for material-specific da

see table for material-specific da Gross Wt Net Wt Wt Unit

Material description

Base UoM

Matl Grp YBR02 No me sirve. Elijo Mechanical






OZ Elijo Kg por que esta unidad no esta cread

1. Choose Enter. 2. Select the the Basic data 2 tab, and choose Enter.

Aunque en la descripcin ponga eso, he puesto finalmente lo que viene en la tabla. On the Purchasing tab, enter the following values:
Field name Purchasing group Goods Receipt Processing Time Material R12 Purchasing Group 100 Description User action and values <enter purchasing group> <# of days> Comment see table for materialspecific data see table for materialspecific data

Goods Receipt Processing Time (days) 1

Se me ha colado la pestaa de Foreign Trade Import. Parece que no estorba por ahora, pero a priori no sabra eliminarla. On the Purchase order text screen, enter text that should appear on purchasing documents for this material. Me invento el texto, entiendo que es una referencia que llevar el material en una pegatina

On the MRP 1 tab, enter the following values:

Field MRP type Description User action and values PD,VB Comment

The MRP type for materials R124 and R30 must be VB. Enter PD for all the other row material.
see table for material-specific data see table for material-specific data

MRP controller Reorder Point Lot size

<enter MRP controller>

<enter lot size>

see table for material-specific data

Material-specific data relevant to MRP 1:


MRP Controller 100 No hay 100, meto el 101

Reorder Point

Lot Size EX No me deja escribir ni elegir Y no puedo llegar con TAB


On the MRP 2 tab, enter the following values:

Field name Procurement type Special procurement Prod. Stor. Description User action and values F <enter special procurement key if required> 1020 see table for material-specific data (solo me ofrece Comment

Field name Location Storage loc. for EP Plnd delivery time


User action and values Z001 Barcelona 1050 Z001 Barcelona <enter total procurement time from source (vendor or other plant)> Required

Comment esta y otra) (solo me ofrece esta y otra) see table for material-specific data see table for material-specific data see table for material-specific data

SchedMargin Key


<blank, 1 or 2>

Stock determination group Material R09 R12 Special Procurement


Planned Delivery Time 10 10

Scheduling Margin Key 000 000


1. Choose the MRP 3 tab, enter the following values:

Field name Planning: Strategy Group Description User action and values 40 Comment

Choose the MRP 4 tab, enter the following values:

Field name Indiv./Coll Description User action and values <blank or 2> Comment see table for material-specific data

Material R12

Indiv./ Collective Requirements 2

Se me ha colado la pestaa de Forecasting. Parece que no estorba por ahora, pero a priori no sabra eliminarla. De hecho me obliga a rellenar al menos Forecast Model, que elijo Constant.

Select the Plant data/stor. 1 tab, and enter:

Field name Storage Condition Description User action and values 10 Comment for all materials

Choose Enter.

No me pone que rellene nada el la pestaa Plant. Data / stor. 2, asi que Enter y pa lante

1. Choose the Warehouse mgmt.1 tab, and choose Enter. Choose the Warehouse mgmt.2 tab, and choose Enter

Como ves en esta pagina tambien me aparece Quality Management, que tampoco deba estar. Ya no se si es que no lo he repasado antes de empezar o que siempre aparecen??? On the Accounting 1 tab, make the following entries and choose Enter.
Field name Price unit Standard price Valuation Class Material Description User action and values 100 <enter standard cost of material> 3000 see table for materialspecific data Comment

Standard price

Material R09 R12

Standard price 8 100

Choose the Accounting 2 tab, and Enter.

On the Costing 1 tab, make the following entries and choose Enter.
Field name Material origin Description User action and values select the checkbox Comment

On Costing 2 tab, choose Enter.

Tambien me aparece Plant Stock, que tampoco deba estar. REPITO: Ya no se si es que no lo he repasado antes de empezar o que siempre aparecen??? Ahhhh OKEY Parece que aunque estn, no me hace pasar por ellas a no ser que yo las pique. Lo deduzco de que me hace salvar si ir a la la ultima pestaa

A dialog box appears entitled Last data screen reached. Choose Yes to save your entries. Se supone que creado voy a intentar ir a alguna lista de materiales a ver si lo veo.. Ayyyy creo que lo encontr

Joputa no encontraba el botn para ir a la seleccin

Parece que creado

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