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American Missionary Elite Contiue Campaign of Lies Against the Akha Posted by akha on Sunday, May 30 @ 13:18:05 EDT

The US Missionary "Joshua Project" and Campus Crusade Vow To Destroy All of Akha Culture The Joshua Project, Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) and Campus Crusade Plan the continued destruction of Akha culture! On this site you can find the information that the Joshua project under the name of "Mekhong Spring Board" publishes about the ethnic groups in the Mekhong region. The presentation on this site is very biased and naturally does littel to reveal what the missions are really doing in northern Thailand. OMF had close connection to Paul Lewis, an old CIA hand who worked with Akha and Lahu in this region and did much to confuse the energy in the villages. Much of the weakened position that the hill tribes experience is due directly to these activities. Portrayed to church groups in the US, around the world and on the web, as good "gospel" outreach, the congregations are unlikely to find out what is really going on with their money in northern Thailand where the hill tribe are being looted and the missions are becoming fatter and fatter, hill tribe children being sexually abused at these facilities. Read More....

In the case of this website's portrayal of the Akha read down to the section on religion and beliefs: "Veneration of the ancestors is important because it is believed that the ancestors can bestow blessings on those still living. The ancestral altar kept in each home is well maintained. Nine times a year, on special occasions such as New Year and the beginning of the rice harvest, sacrifices are offered to the ancestors and to the demons whose paraphernalia also clutters the ancestor altar. " In 13 years I have seen no evidence that the Akha ever offered "sacrifices" to demons, but this formula is as old as the hills, to use this kind of dishonest jargon salted in for the ignorant masses in the churches who will then fill the till without having a clue of what the truth is.

What about the demons of sexual abuse in the mission boarding schools? What about the demon pastors who do the abuse? Read further: "This group leads an Akha worship service every Sunday and oversees the center for the production of Akha literature. Bibles, hymnbooks, tapes, and the Jesus Film in the Akha language are all available at the Akha Center in Chiang Rai. In addition, ACT operates an Akha Leadership Training Center, a hostel for children who are studying in Thai school, and several youth groups and women's groups within Chiang Rai." What literature exactly are they talking about? The literature of Akha life and history, their only identity, which has kept them alive till this date, the christians will have nothing to do with and do everything they can to suppress it and totally destroy the identity of the Akha people. Neither is there any mention by the people of the Joshua project that the Akha are MONOTHEISTIC, believing in one God, by tradition. Animist? What is that? Try "careful environmental theologists". "The Gospel"? What is the "Gospel"? What kind of good news are the missionaries of northern Thailand bringing to the Akha and other hill tribe groups? Paul Lewis, Bill Young, CIA old hands, continuously used the hill tribe for drug smugglers, part of the Burma and Laos drug networks, that by all accounts still go on until this day. What is all this interest in the Mekhong region, in all the peoples who control poppy production, 400 tons of heroin a year, half of which reaches the streets of the US? As usual the American christian elite continue their lies about indigenous peoples the world over to gain money and control of their people, resources and children. Campus crusade, the translator of the Jesus film into Akha, INTENTIONALLY translated the film inaccurately which can be seen in our mission documents section under "The Jesus Film Incident". Now we can expect them to all put a Mel Gibson Jesus film icon on their websites and translate that into Akha too.

The only thing is that they won't have to show violent nature slaughter films before the film this time, as all the violence is included in Mel Gibsons film. Once again, violence. Conversion is violence, and has little to do with Jesus. You may express your opposition to these kind of statements on websites that are totally inaccurate and say nothing about the traditional culture of the Akha people other than a curiosity while saying nothing about the exploitation of the Akha by both the government (issues visas to missionaries) the long US drug history in this region (Alfred McCoy - Politics of Heroin in South East Asia - The CIA and the drug trade) and mission organizations ()

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