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Time: 45 minutes

Total marks: 20

1. Below are structures of a normal chromosomes, EXCEPT A. Chromatid B. Chromatin C. Short arm D. Long arm 2. What is monohybrid cross? A. One set of alleles is being considered B. Two set of alleles is being considered C. Three set of alleles is being considered D. Four set of alleles is being considered

3. Which sample that can analyze the karyotype of the fetus? A. The bone marrow cells B. Amniotic fluid cells C. Products of conception D. Skin


47, XX, +21 Which statement BEST describes the abnormal karyotype of chromosome number above? A. A male with an extra copy of chromosome 21, trisomy 21 B. A female with an extra copy of chromosome 21, trisomy 21 C. A male with a less copy of chromosome 21, trisomy 21 D. A female with a less copy of chromosome 21, trisomy 21

5. What is a tissue? A. Cooperative unit of many similar cells that perform a specific function B. Cooperative unit of many similar tissues that perform a specific function C. Cooperative unit of many similar organs that perform a specific function D. Cooperative unit of many similar organ systems that perform a specific function 6. Which of epithelium tissue below have multiple layers of cells and floor tiles shape? A. Simple cuboidal epithelium B. Simple columnar epithelium C. Stratified columnar epithelium D. Stratified squamous epithelium 7. Which connective tissue holds organs in place? A. Loose fibrous connective tissue B. Dense fibrous connective tissue C. Adipose tissue D. Cartilage 8. What is tendon? A. Connect connective tissue to adjacent tissue B. Connects muscle to bone C. Connect muscle to other muscle D. Connect bones to other bones 9. Which is NOT a cellular component contain in blood? A. Adipocytes B. Leukocytes C. Erythrocytes D. Thrombocytes 10. When pure dominant father reproduces with pure recessive mother, how many percent of offspring is dominant and recessive? A. 75% chance dominant phenotype child + 25% chance recessive phenotype child B. 50% chance dominant phenotype child + 50% chance recessive phenotype child C. 100% chance dominant phenotype child D. 100% chance recessive phenotype child 11. What is incomplete dominance? A. When the heterozygote is intermediate between two homozygotes B. When the homozygote is intermediate between two heterozygotes C. When the heterozygote is intermediate between the heterozygote and homozygote D. When the homozygote is intermediate between the heterozygote and homozygous

12. Which types of muscle tissue forms contractile wall of heart? A. Skeletal muscle B. Cardiac muscle C. Smooth muscle D. Visceral muscle 13. Below are types of neuron based on function, EXCEPT: A. Bipolar neurons B. Interneurons C. Motor neurons D. Sensory neurons

14. Which types of aneuploidy that above statement shows? A. Trisomy B. Monosomy C. Tetrasomy D. Double trisomy 15. Which of the following is NOT the type of changes in chromosomal structure? A. Duplication B. Deletion C. Inversion D. Insertion 16. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding a gamete missing one chromosome? A. The chromosome number in the gamete can be expressed as n-1 B. It occurs because of non-disjunction C. When a gamete that is missing one chromosome fuses with a normal gamete, the chromosome number of the zygote can be expressed as 2n-1 D. This condition is known as euploidy 17. The following statements are related to Mendels principles EXCEPT I. Polygenic inheritance II. Random segregation III. Allelic dominance A. I only B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I, II and III

18. Which is true about the pathway of oxygen when inspiration is occur? A. Esophagus Bronchus Bronchial Alveolus B. Trachea Bronchioles Bronchi Alveolus C. Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveolus D. Esophagus Bronchial Bronchus Alveolus 19. Control of respiration involve the following, EXCEPT: A. Chemical receptors B. Respiratory center C. Hemoglobin saturation D. Conscious control

20. Which of the following is NOT about inhalation process? A. Ribcage moves downward B. Diaphragm is becoming flat C. Increase of thoracic cavity D. Decrease of cavity pressure

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