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XX century: changes in society. Automobile, airplane, etc. Freuds theory of unconsciousness and sexuality: affects peoples understanding of mind. Thoretical science: from Newton to Einsten and quantum mechanics.

= Acceleration of life and thought

Modernism appears innovation.

Innovations in art: Spain (cubism: no realism, now we have fragment space Picasso), Italy (futurism: escape from the past into the rapid, energetic, mechanical world of the automobile, the airplane, etc Marinetti). Dadaists began a guerilla campaign against established notions of sense and the boundaries of what could be called art. Innovations in music: composers like Debussy and Stravinsky were beginning experiments with rhythm and harmony that would culminate in the atonality of composers such as the Arnold Schoenberg and Alban Berg. Modernism in literature: describes an era than a unitary movement. Modernist writers want to break with established forms and subjects in literature, rejecting the realistic representation and traditional formal expectations. New techniques in novel: stream of consciousness and interior monologue. Innovations in poetry: mix of slang and elevated language, free verse, difficult allusions and disconnected images.

1 Literature and Film

FIRST MODERNIST WRITERS: Imagist: T. E. Hulme and Ezra Pound, in the early 1910s. Imagist poets features: plain speech free verse over closed forms vivid images. shaped as haiku poems: brief and ephemeral presenting a single image / metaphor. Pound soon dissociated modernism and became a literary proponent of vorticism: energy and life over what they saw creating the concentration of energies they dubbed a vortex. MORE MODERNIST WRITERS: T. S. Eliot. Eliot (The Waste Land) and James Joyces (Ulysses). Texts were innovative and controversial (Ulysses banned in the USA and Great Britain), but their eventual acceptance as literary landmarks helped to bring modernism into the canon of English literature. Eliot helped to transform the image of modernism into what Eliot himself called classicism: emphasizing literary past and the impersonality of the work of art. Later modernist writers: Joyce, Eliot, Virginia Woolf: they provided compositional strategies still central to literature. Other writers that contribute to extend modernism: W. H. Auden, Samuel Beckett, Derek Walcott they adapt modernist techniques to new political climates marked by the Cold War Then, literary modernism continues to shape a sense of art as a form of Cultural Revolution that must break with established history: pushing out the boundaries of artistic practice.

2 Literature and Film

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