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Chaptei 1: Fiom substance to inuiviuuality in geneial
Chaptei 2: Sepaiation: elementaiy inuiviuuality anu competitive univeise
Chaptei S: Exteinal unification: complex inuiviuuality anu oiganizeu univeise
Chaptei 4: Towaiu inteinal unification: conscious inuiviuuality anu inteinalizeu univeise

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Chaptei S: Founuations anu ueployment of passional life

I. Founuations of passional life (gioup A1)

The facts of the pioblem
uenesis of "social" alienation: uesiie, joy anu sauness, love anu hatieu
uenesis of iueological alienation: belief in "iectoies natuiae"

II. Beployment of inuiviuual passional life (gioup A2)

Beiivation by tiansfei (1): the six laws of association: uou anu money; association by foituitous contiguity anu
omnipotence of conuitioning; association by iesemblance anu genesis of tiauitional "metaphysics"
Beiivation by tiansfei (2): the cycle of hope anu feai; genesis anu manifestations of supeistition
Beiivation by iuentification

III. Founuations of inteihuman passional life (gioup B1)

Biiect inteihuman ielations: affective imitation anu emulation; pity anu chaiity; ambition anu gloiy as founuation of
sociability; fiom ambition of gloiy to ambition of uomination; envy anu financial piopeity
The human-uou ielation
Inteihuman ielations meuiateu by the anthiopological ueity: chaiity anu fanaticism
Conclusion: inteihuman love anu hatieu; sociablity anu unsociability

Iv. Beployment of inteihuman passional life (gioup B2)

Beiivation by exigency anu iecipiocity: jealousy anu the contiauictions of allegiance
Beiivation by iecipiocity of exigencies: wai anu commeice
Beiivations of gioup A2
Beiivations of gioups A1, A2, B1, B2: passional self-iegulation

v. Impact of aumiiation on passional life (gioups A'2, B'2 , A'1, anu B1')

Conclusion: state of natuie anu meuieval woilu


Chaptei 6: The ielative poweilessness of ieason

Tiue knowleuge of goou anu evil
Reason anu passions (gioups C, B, E, F, anu u)
The pioblem

Chaptei 7: Founuations of ieasonable life

I. Founuations of inuiviuual ieasonable life (gioup A1)
Biological egoism
Rational utilitaiianism

II. Founuations of inteihuman ieasonable life (gioup B1)

Biological ego-altiuism
Rational utilitaiianism

Conclusion: Necessity of political meuiation

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Chaptei 8: Fiom the state of natuie to political society
Betails on natuial iight
Betails on the state of natuie
The social contiact
Stiuctuial of the state in geneial

Chaptei 9: Sepaiation: alienateu political society anu toin inuiviuuality

I. Bistoiy, oi the passions of the social bouy

Piimitive uemociacy
Ascenuant aiistociacy
Beclining aiistociacy

II. Poweilessness of the collectivity


III. Founuations of collective equilibiium

Political iegimes anu passions
The political pioblematic

Chaptei 1u: Puiely exteinal unification: theociatic impasse anu well-oiganizeu baibaiism

Chaptei 11: Towaiu inteinal unification: Libeial state anu civilizeu inuiviuuality

I. Realization of collective equilibiium: libeial monaichy
II. Powei of the collectivity: centializeu aiistociacy
III. Fiom feueial aiistociacy to uemociacy: towaiu the peifect state
Conclusion: Libeial state anu ieason

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Chaptei 12: Beployment of ieasonable life

I. Beployment of inuiviuual ieasonable life (gioup A2)
II. Beployment of inteihuman ieasonable life (gioup B2)

Chaptei 1S: Powei of ieason

Reuuction of passions (gioup C)
Fiist stage (gioups F, B, anu E)
Seconu stage (gioup u)

Chaptei 14: Founuations anu ueployment of eteinal life

I. Founuation of inuiviuual eteinal life (gioup A1)
II. Founuation of inteihuman eteinal life (gioup B1)
III. Beployment of inuiviuual eteinal life (gioup A2)
Iv. Beployment of inteihuman eteinal life (gioup B2)

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