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Busincss Prnpnsa!


Gn!d Bu!!inn Rctai! Busincss


Conlacl No: +91 99766 76666
IMAIL :, ra| ( Sile on Irogress ).

Exccutivc 5ummary

MRK melaIs rivale Iimiled is a fuIIy inlegraled melaI soIulions rovider,
incororaled in 2009. Our rinciaI focus is lo rovide lhe highesl quaIily of
roducls and services lo each one of our cIienls. We are dedicaled lo rovide
quaIily services vilh an aim lo ease and exedile lhe inlernalionaI exchange of
various melaIs incIuding recious melaIs.
The comany is focusing ils business in recious melaIs Iike goId, siIver and
Ialinum in lhe form buIIion bars. The comany viII be invoIve in urchasing,
assaying and saIes of buIIion bars and coins.
GoId has aIvays been a magic vord, lhroughoul lhe hislory of mankind. Wilh ils
Ieasing gIiller and surrising maIIeabiIily, lhis recious melaI has infIuenced
lhe Iife of Man in aII ils asecls. This melaI, vilh ils Midas louch, has
lransformed hislory, science, Iileralure and every olher shere of human aclivily.
Ior inslance, lhe search for goId changed lhe course of hislory, conquesls, and

GoId is lhe oIdesl recious melaI knovn lo man and for lhousands of years il has
been vaIued as a gIobaI currency, a commodily, an inveslmenl and simIy an
ob|ecl of beauly.

IeoIe consider goId as lrue assel. Since lime immemoriaI, il is one of lhe
coslIiesl melaIs. Ils gIiller allracls eoIe and lhey Iove lo vear il as ornamenls.
GoId has no or minimum affecl of vealher changes on il. Ils rarily makes il
exensive and every body Iikes lo ossess il. Il has a universaI vaIue lhal has
never changed (vilh lime). Governmenls and cenlraI banks kee il as reserves.
mosl of lhe ersons, rich or oor, Iike lo kee lheir savings in form of goId.

AroximaleIy tcn mi!!inn marriagcs occur in India every year. India has a
lradilion of gifling goId in lhe marriages. Rich, middIe and oor aII cIasses
beslov goId in form of }eveIry uon lheir daughlers. Rich and middIe cIasses
aIso have a lrend of resenling goId }eveIry lo lhe near reIalives of lhe bride and
lhe groom in marriages. These marriages require aboul one lhousand five
hundred lons of goId every year. Il is evidenl lhal goId demand in India cannol
easiIy go dovn. India is a Iace of feslivaIs. And India has a Iove for goId. Hence,
bolh feslivaI and goId is amaIgamaled in India.


MRK IURI GOLD is offered by MRK MITALS IVT LTD lo enabIe cuslomers lo
accumuIale hysicaI goId in smaII quanlilies.

MRK IURI GOLD bars are minled in a Sviss GoId minling Comany. These
goId bars are 24 caral, 999.9 ure goId, signifying lhe highesl IeveI of urily as
er inlernalionaI slandards.

The GoId bars are avaiIabIe in lhe denominalions of 1g, 2g, 4g, 8g, 10g, 20g, 30g,
50g and 100g.

The goId bars are acked in lamer roof cerlified card ack vilh assay
cerlificale, seriaI number and comany hoIogram.

We offer buy back guaranlee, Iife lime exchange offer and lransfer faciIily for aII
of our goId roducls, if lhe lamer roof ack is nol damaged.

Agcncy / Dca!crship

The comany is offering deaIershi in seIecled areas vilh lhe inveslmenl of
Rs.5,00,000/- for our goId roducls.

Gcncra! Cnmpany Dcscriptinn

MRK melaIs rivale Iimiled viII source aII kinds of recious melaI bars and coins
from a Sviss based minling comany. We are commilled lo offering excelionaI
service lo our cIienls and crealing a slrong and Iong Iasling vorking reIalionshi.

The comany incororaled on 11
day of December 2009. The IegaI form of lhe
comany is rivale Iimiled. The regislered office of lhe comany is silualed al

Cnmpany Fact shcct


Regislered Office : No. 116, Ground fIoor, Subbu ComIex,
396, Thadagam road, R S Iuram,
Coimbalore 641 002.

MobiIe Number : +91 99766 76666.

ImaiI Id :, ra|

Dale of Incororalion : 11
December 2009.

CIN No : U51398TZ2009PTC015670.

Ian Number : AAGCM2774E.

anker : ICICI Bank Ltd,
haralhi Iark Road,
Saibaba CoIony,
Coimbalore 641011

ank Accounl Number : 155005000303.

VAT TIN Number : 33731962194.

CST No : 902248 w.c.I.10-02-2010.

Imorler Ixorler Code : 3209023271.

Bnard nI Dircctnrs

Managing Direclor : Mr. D. RAJE5HKUMAR


Prnduct Ovcrvicw & 5pcciIicatinns

Dimcnsinn: 15mm x 8.7mm, Thickncss : 0.5mm
Purity : 995, Wcight : 1 gram.

Abnut MRK Purc Gn!d bars

24Cl ure goId vilh assay cerlificale

Minled oul of imorled Sviss GoId

IIeganl, lamer roof ackaging

Life lime exchange and buy back faciIily

Comelilive rice

AvaiIabIe lhrough allraclive monlhIy Ians

IasiIy converlibIe lo |eveIIery vilhoul vaslage / making charges

AvaiIabIe in 1g, 2g, 4g, 5g, 8g, 10g, 20g, 50g, 100g.

Minting scrviccs
The variely of Irivale Minling ro|ecls underlaken is enormous. Irom crealing
slrikingIy beaulifuI ieces in ure goId, Ialinum or siIver lo commemorale
imorlanl achievemenls, lo roducing Iarge voIumes of allraclive, inexensive
lokens in recious melaI for saIes romolions, The MRK ure goId is unrivaIIed
in ils exerlise. Whalever your requiremenl, lhe same high slandard of cIienl
service aIies. The MRK ure goId's comrehensive suorl ranges from iniliaI
design lhrough lo resenlalion ackaging. An obIigalion-free quole is rovided
so you knov exaclIy vhal lhe cosls are rior lo lhe slarl of roduclion.
Whalever your requiremenl, nolhing surasses a cuslom minled roducl from
The MRK Iure goId:
As a cororale gifl
As a saIes incenlive
As a romolionaI ilem
To commemorale a seciaI evenl
As a rize for a seciaI achievemenl
To mark an imorlanl miIeslone or anniversary

Bu!!inn Busincss

uIIion refers lo any recious melaI in a form in vhich ils rimary vaIue comes
from lhe vorlh of lhe melaI, ralher lhan from an arlificiaI currency vaIue. uIIion
is mosl oflen lraded in lhe form of coins minled by nalionaI governmenls, or in
buIk ingols.

The vaIue of buIIion is affecled by lhree faclors: melaI, veighl and urily. The
melaI, lhe buIIion consisls of is obviousIy imorlanl in delermining ils overaII
vaIue: goId is vorlh more lhan siIver, vhiIe Ialinum is vorlh more lhan goId.
The veighl of buIIion is usuaIIy measured in lroy ounces, vhere one lroy ounce
is equaI lo aroximaleIy 31g. Iurily aIso varies videIy in buIIion, lhough many
counlries reIease coins vilh 99.99% urily, vhich is as cIose as one can
raclicaIIy gel lo ure.


GoId is lhe oIdesl recious melaI knovn lo man and for lhousands of years il has
been vaIued as a gIobaI currency, a commodily, an inveslmenl and simIy an
ob|ecl of beauly.

Ma|nr Charactcristics
GoId (ChemicaI SymboI-AU) is rimariIy a monelary assel and arlIy a
GoId is lhe vorId's oIdesl inlernalionaI currency.
GoId is an imorlanl eIemenl of gIobaI monelary reserves.
Wilh regards lo inveslmenl vaIue, more lhan lvo-lhirds of goId's lolaI
accumuIaled hoIdings is vilh cenlraI banks' reserves, rivale Iayers, and heId in
lhe form of high-karal |eveIIery.
Less lhan one-lhird of goId's lolaI accumuIaled hoIdings are used as 'commodily"
for |eveIIery in lhe veslern markels and induslry.

Indian Bu!!inn Markct

India is lhe Ieading consumer and imorler of buIIion. Il consumes nearIy 800
MT of goId, vhich accounls for 20 er cenl of vorId goId consumlion. Oul of
lhis, around 600 MT of goId goes inlo making |eveIIery.
The domeslic buIIion and |eveIIery markel is eslimaled lo be around US$ 16.1
biIIion, vhich is execled lo grov lo lhe size of US$25 biIIion vilhin 2-3 years.
India's gem & |eveIIery seclor commands around 80% of lhe |eveIIery lrade
vorIdvide. TolaI Ixorl of |eveIIery in AriI 2009 vas al Rs.5749.56 Crore.
The Indian gems and |eveIIery induslry is one of lhe faslesl groving segmenls in
lhe Indian economy. The annuaI grovlh rale is aroximaleIy 15 er cenl.
Gems and |eveIIery vorlh US$ 17.79 biIIion vas exorled during AriI 2008 lo
Iebruary 2009. The Uniled Arab Imirales (UAI) vas lhe Iargesl imorler of
gems and |eveIIery from India in 2008-09, vilh a share of 31 er cenl.
This vas foIIoved by Hong Kong vilh 25 er cenl and lhe US vilh 20 er cenl.
The gem and |eveIIery seclor accounled for 13 er cenl of India's lolaI
merchandise exorls.

Emp!nymcnt in bu!!inn & nrnamcnt industry
uIIion lrade and ornamenl induslry rovides emIoymenl lo more lhan 0.7
miIIion skiIIed and semi- skiIIed Iabor in unorganized seclor. Il is one of lhe
Iargesl emIoymenl oorlunily generaling induslry vilhoul invoIving any
Governmenl's exendilure.
There are around 0.8 miIIion smaII and big relaiI shos sread across lhe
counlry, vhich are engaged in saIe of ornamenls. This rovides furlher
emIoymenl oorlunily lo around 2 miIIion eoIe.
esides, lhe imorl and exorl seclor, buIIion banks, nominaled agencies and
olher suorl agencies rovides emIoymenl oorlunily lo around 0.1 miIIion

Issucs Iaccd by Indian Bu!!inn Industry
Though India is lhe Ieading Iayer in imorl and lrade in buIIion and exorl of
|eveIIery, il does nol exerl any significanl imacl in discovery of goId rices in
lhe inlernalionaI markel. The reason is lhal counlry's buIIion lrade is fragmenled
and unorganized.
During recenl limes, uIIion markel has vilnessed high degree of voIaliIily in
rices, moslIy due lo fIuclualion in inlernalionaI markel and faclors infIuencing
doIIar vaIualion. This has severeIy affecled lhe buIIion and |eveIIery lrade in
India, as demand for ornamenls as veII as buIIion usuaIIy comes dovn if lhe
rices are voIaliIe.
Ixorl of Indian goId bar is nol aIIoved. This creales a disarily in Indian goId
rice and inlernalionaI rices, if lhe inlernalionaI rice goes above a cerlain IeveI.
Il creales a dislorlion in hysicaI lrade, vhich in lurn severeIy affecls imorl of
goId in India.
Mosl of olher commodilies and merchandise are under OGL, vhere bolh imorl
and exorl of commodily is aIIoved vilhoul any hassIe. ul, in case of goId and
siIver, lhere are a number of reslriclions on imorl as veII as exorl of goId.
Irice of goId and siIver differ from Iace lo Iace in India even al lhe same
momenl. There is no benchmark rice avaiIabIe, vhich is vaIid for lhe enlire
There is no nalionaI IeveI lrade and induslry body, vhich can reresenl lhe
buIIion lrade and induslry.
India has huge househoId slock of goId and siIver. In asl, lhere have been
muIliIe allemls by lhe Governmenl lo bring oul such assels inlo mainslream,
bul none of lhe schemes couId achieve lhe desired resuIls. There is need lo creale
a markel Iinkage for such househoId buIIion slock, vhich can be refined /
cerlified by aroved refineries so as lo ensure urily and veighl. This vouId
induce lhe eoIe lo bring oul such goId inlo oen vhenever InlernalionaI goId
rices rise beyond a IeveI in order lo lake advanlage of rising rices.

Markcting 5tratcgy

asicaIIy, ve anliciale lhal by far our Iargesl grou of cuslomers viII be lhe
individuaIs. These cuslomers viII be largeled lhrough adverlisemenls in lhe
IocaI nevsaers, magazines, nevsIeller, via inlernel and TeIevision lhal have
over 80% audience.

GoId inveslors, goId merchanls, GoIdsmilhs and Cororales viII be largeled
lhrough lhe direcl meeling vilh lhe heI of our markeling leam. Adverlisemenl
viII raise avareness for lhe comany's roducls.

5tratcgy and Imp!cmcntatinn

The markeling slralegy viII be based on largeled adverlisemenls aeaIing lo
lhe cuslomer's sense of vaIue. The markeling camaign's goaI viII be lo increase
avareness of inveslmenl in goId vilh lheir largel markels in olher lo increase
saIes in lhe shorlesl ossibIe lime.

We viII use adverlisemenls in IocaI TV ChanneIs, inlernel, magazines,
nevsaers lo deveIo visibiIily and disseminale informalion aboul lhe
avareness of lhe comany and lhe roducls been offered lo lhe generaI ubIic.
We are lo exand roduclion caabiIilies in order lo meel lhe largel markels.

We viII use lhe melhods olher lhan aid adverlising, such as lrade shovs,
calaIogs, agenl incenlives and nelvork of friends or IrofessionaIs.


The comany is aIready having ils exisling cuslomers. The comany viII co-
oerale vilh GoIdsmilh Associalion lo research and aroach roseclive

Afler olenliaI cuslomers have exerimenled vilh lhe roducl, negolialions viII
begin lo secure conlracls for Iong lerm saIes of lhe roducl. In an efforl lo furlher
increase lheir exosure lo olenliaI cuslomers, lhe comany viII aIso arliciale
in aroriale lrade shovs.

Dca!crship OIIcr

MRK Purc Gn!d dca!crship prc-rcquisitcs:

Typc nI spacc rcquircd - Minimum 100 5q It nI nIIicc spacc in
Cnmmcrcia! nr rcsidcntia! arca.

Rcgistratinn - VAT and C5T tn bc nbtaincd.

Invcstmcnt - Rs.5,00,000/- Minimum.

Fccs & Dcpnsits

Dca!crship Icc - Rs.1,00,000/- Pcr Ycar.

5ccurity Dcpnsit - Rs.5,00,000/-.

PrnIit Margin - 10% nn 5a!cs rcvcnuc.

MRK Purc gn!d dca!crship tcrms & cnnditinns

Dca!crship agrccmcnt as pcr agrccd upnn bnth thc partics has tn bc dnnc
bcInrc starting thc dca!crship.

Dca!crship tcrm wi!! !ast Inr minimum pcrind nI nnc ycar.

Thc cnmpany wi!! supp!y gn!d bars / Cnins Inr 80% nI thc sccurity dcpnsit.
Thc dca!cr can purchasc any quantity mnrc than sccurity dcpnsit with 100%

Thc gn!d sc!!ing priccs wi!! bc inInrmcd tn thc dca!cr nn day tn day basis.

Thc cnmpany wi!! guidc ynu Inr thc markcting stratcgy and imp!cmcntatinn.
Thc rcnt, rcnta! advancc, uti!ity bi!!s, markcting cxpcnscs wi!! bc bnrnc by thc

Thc cnmpany wi!! supp!y inauguratinn brnchurcs, markcting brnchurcs,
invcstmcnt p!an brnchurcs timc tn timc.

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