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Rubric created by Ms. Clapp—adapted from the AP scoring guides from specific prompts for generic use.

APE Rubric (with grade translation)

9 (100)
• Responds appropriately and persuasively to the prompt and also illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole
• Uses apt and specific textual evidence without belaboring the plot
• Exhibits the writer’s ability to discuss a literary work with insight and understanding, to sustain control over a thesis,
and to write with clarity and stylistic grace

8 (95)
• Competently addresses the prompt, responding with a well-defined thesis
• Conveys the relationship between the focus of the prompt and the meaning of the work as a whole
• Uses apt textual evidence, though perhaps not as specific or persuasive as a nine essay
• Exhibits the writer’s ability to discuss a literary work with insight and understanding and to sustain control over a
• Writing is clear, but does not consistently demonstrate stylistic grace

7 (85)
• Has a sound thesis, but not with the insight or attention to the meaning of the work as a whole as the higher range
• Uses textual evidence, but with less sophisticated and/or persuasive analysis
• Exhibits less control over the thesis; however, they still demonstrate comprehension and the ability to write with
• Writing is clear.

6 (80)
• Has a sound thesis that responds to the prompt, but with little or no attention to the meaning of the work as a whole.
• Uses textual evidence, but analysis is not sophisticated
• Use of details to support thesis is more limited, but still demonstrates comprehension and the ability to write with
• Writing is perhaps less clear.

5 (75)
• Has a reasonable thesis, but may be superficial.
• Use of evidence and analysis is less developed and precise than upper range essays.
• May have some misreadings or misinterpretation of text or errors of application.
• Organization may be ineffective or not fully realized.

4 (70)
• Has a thesis that attempts to respond to the prompt, but may be inaccurate or undeveloped.
• Analysis may include misreading or misinterpretation or rely on paraphrase.
• Use of evidence is thin or inexact.
• Writing is weak and characterized by a lack of organization.

3 (65)
• Has a thesis that attempts to respond to the prompt, but may be inaccurate or undeveloped or demonstrate significant
• Analysis may include misreading or misinterpretation or rely on paraphrase.
• There is little to no use of evidence.
• Writing demonstrates significant issues of clarity and organization
• Poorly written papers cannot be scored higher than a three.

2 – 1 (55 – 45)
• Thesis does not respond to prompt or involves significant misreading.
• Essay does not employ evidence or a specific structure.

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