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What Is Inflation?

Price Inflation Versus Printing Money Inflation

Price Inflation
According to Wikipedia, inflation has this definition: In econo!ics, inflation is a persistent increase in the general price le"el of goods and ser"ices in an econo!y o"er a period of ti!e.

Price Inflation
We will call this definition, price inflation. It is, to #e sure, what the "ast !a$ority %the #otto! &&.&&&&' of us( feel the greatest econo!ic i!pact fro!

Price Inflation
and is generally what !ost people !ean when they use the ter!, inflation, as it results in us spending !ore and !ore of our !oney on less and less goods and ser"ices.

Price Inflation
Price inflation ro#s us of the wealth that we create and results in a lower )uality of life for e"ery#ody #ecause it di!inishes our a#ility to freely participate in co!!erce with each other.

*Printing Money+
,hen on the sa!e Wikipedia page, the following is also said a#out inflation: -cono!ists generally #elie"e that high rates of inflation and hyperinflation are caused #y an e.cessi"e growth of the !oney supply.

*Printing Money+
*-.cessi"e growth of the !oney supply,+ is generally what econo!ists are referring to when they use the ter! inflation.

,he /istinction
0ince it is all too co!!on to apply these two concepts interchangea#ly, and confusingly, to the ter!, inflation, we will !ake a distinction #etween the two concepts here.

,he /istinction
As noted earlier, an increase in prices will #e referred to here as, price inflation. -.cessi"e growth of the !oney supply, will #e referred to here as, circulatory inflation.

Austrian 0chool /e#unked

,he !antra that !any econo!ists, particularly the so1called Austrian 0chool, ha"e #een repeating is that price inflation is the direct result of circulatory inflation, or #y the go"ern!ent printing too !uch !oney.

Austrian 0chool /e#unked

It sounds good on paper, right?

Austrian 0chool /e#unked

In theory, circulatory inflation 2could2 cause price inflation.

Austrian 0chool /e#unked

In so!e parallel uni"erse.

Austrian 0chool /e#unked

If circulatory inflation e.isted there.

Austrian 0chool /e#unked

3irst of all, the go"ern!ent does 45, print !oney.

Austrian 0chool /e#unked

With the e.ception of !inted coins, all of our currency is issued #y pri"ately held #anks at I4,-6-0,.

7urrency Issuance
0ince all of these pri"ately1pu#lished representations %which we call currency( ha"e to #e paid #ack to pri"ate #anks at interest, which is paid along with the principal out of circulation, it is mathematically impossible for circulatory inflation to

8usinesses As Psychics
0econd of all, are we to #elie"e that !anufacturers and other #usiness owners possess so!e !agical telepathic power to detect when the the supply of currency has #een e.panded and then auto!atically raise their prices to co!pensate?

8usinesses As Psychics

Is that why prices ha"e #een increasing as !uch as 9:' annually?

It;s Math<
0ince we ha"e #een o#ligated to pay #ack these representations of entitle!ent with interest out of circulation, the ine"ita#le result is, in fact, circulatory /-3=A,I54.

It;s Math<
In other words, paying interest on e"ery single unit of currency in circulation causes a DECREASE in the volume of currency.

It;s Math<
According to http://australia>!!: ...circulatory inflation or e"en hyperinflation is indeed a !athe!atical i!possi#ility under any interest #ased !onetary syste!.

0o Why /o Prices ?o @p?

0o, under the current !onetary syste!, if circulatory inflation is !athe!atically i!possi#le, then what does cause price inflation?

0o Why /o Prices ?o @p?

5ne Word:

0o Why /o Prices ?o @p?


0o Why /o Prices ?o @p?

0ince interest is e!#edded into e"ery single #usiness transaction in the econo!y, it is, #y and large, the leading dri"er of increasing prices.

Presidential Ironies
In a A:9A de#ate with Mitt 6o!ney, President 5#a!a said: *It;s Math. It;s Arith!etic.+

Presidential Ironies
8arack 5#a!a;s A::B ca!paign returned a package 2unopened2 containing !athe!atical proof that the current interest1#ased syste! will result in monetary failure, knowing FULLY what the package contained and knowing who it;s sender was.

Presidential Ironies

8ut that is a topic for yet another "ideo.

What Is Inflation?

And so!e of you say, Well, inflation is $ust fact of life.

What Is Inflation?
People for Mathe!atically Perfected -cono!y!/groups/pf!peA:9A/

3ace#ook Page And Ask Cuestions<

What Is Inflation?

And so!e of you say, Well, inflation is $ust fact of life.

,hanks 3or Watching<

Please =ike 3a"orite 0u#scri#e And 8y ?olly...


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