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Battles by Polybius (with special commentary by Plutarch) by John Acar Terrain Setup Units cross area ro(gh terrain

at a rate of Units can be classified into 5 broad half its re%aining %ove%ent! Units cross categories: Heavy Infantry, Light Infantry, linear obstacles at the cost of )34 %ove%ent! Heavy Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Specials All heavy troops halve dice for co%bat &hen All infantry and cavalry are in ro(gh terrain! represented by 4 stands arranged 2 2! Morale Specials are represented by single Any (nit that is hit or ta'es cas(alties stands! "hey can be Scythed Chariots beco%es disordered! A %orale chec' is or #lephants! ta'en so the (nit regains good order! A failed chec' co(nts as that (nit4s %ove for the t(rn! $eter%ine rando%ly &ho is the attac'er! "he defender sets (p the terrain board! "he attac'er chooses &hich side he &ill set his Roll E ect ar%y (p on! "he defender sets (p &ithin )5* 15 $isperse! Unit re%oved fro% the fro% his board edge! "he attac'er sets (p ga%e! &ithin +* fro% his board edge! ) ,o(t! Unit falls bac' 2 %oves facing Move a&ay fro% ene%y! Lose $+5) ,oll for initiative each t(rn! -inner chooses cas(alties! ,e%ain disordered! to %ove first or second! Attac'er %oves first 2 ,ep(lsed! Unit falls bac' ) %ove on t(rn )! .efore %oving (nits, the player facing to&ard ene%y! ,e%ain &ill %ove his general! "hen, the player disordered! %oves his (nits in any order he &ishes! Any 6 Unit re%ains disordered! /ay give (nit that &as disordered %(st ta'e a %orale gro(nd (p to a half %ove! chec' before %oving! All %orale chec's /US" be resolved by the end of the players 4 ,ally! 7o /ove! %ove%ent step! 5 ,ally! Half %ove! Type Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry #lephants Scythed Chariots Rate in Inches +* 0* )1* )2* 0* )1* +8 ,ally! /ove nor%ally

82 for 9eterans 8) for ,eg(lars 8)3135) :eneral &ithin 4* of (nit! 8238)3135)352 :eneral &ith (nit! 5) 25; cas(alties! 52 51; cas(alties! 5) In %elee contact! Shootin! #ligible (nits %ay shoot anyti%e d(ring the %ove%ent step! Shooting is si%(ltaneo(s! Units that &ere contacted d(ring %ove%ent b(t did not shoot &ill attac' first d(ring the %elee step! Units %(st shoot at the closest target! ,anges are %eas(red fro% the center front of the shooting (nit to the center front of the target (nit! Type <avelin Ran!e (Inches) Short"#on! 6*3+*

Light troops %ay %ove and face in any direction freely so long as no part of the (nit e2ceeds the %ove%ent allo&ance! All other troops %(st %ove straight ahead! It costs a half %ove to t(rn in any direction! Units t(rn abo(t the center! Light infantry %ay %ove thro(gh or be %oved thro(gh by all troops! Light cavalry %ay %ove thro(gh or be %oved thro(gh other cavalry! All other troops are disordered if a (nit is forced to retreat or %ove thro(gh another (nit!

.o&3Sling +*3)2*

Shooting Procedure Co(nt the n(%ber of stands left in the (nit! "his is the n(%ber of dice rolled! Halve this n(%ber for long range fire, %oving or for the shooting (nit being disordered =c(%(lative>! ?or each 58 rolled, ) hit is scored! Melee /elee occ(rs &hen t&o (nits co%e into contact! All stands in a (nit fight! /elee is si%(ltaneo(s tho(gh %issile ar%ed troops &ill fight in %elee first if they did not shoot d(ring the shooting step! "he n(%ber of dice rolled is e@(al to the n(%ber of stands left in the (nit! Halve this n(%ber if the (nit is disordered or charging (phill! /odifiers are c(%(lative! ?or each 48 one hit is scored! If a general is &ithin 4* of a (nit that too' cas(alties, roll a $+! A + re%oves the general! If he is &ith the (nit in @(estion, a 58 re%oves hi%! Ane chec' is %ade per t(rn! Any (nit %eleed in the flan' a(to%atically beco%es disordered and re%ains so (ntil it is no longer flan'ed! $asualty $hec% Cas(alty chec's are %ade at the end of the shooting and the %elee step! ,oll ) die! If the res(lt is less than or e@(al to the n(%ber of hits the (nit too', a stand is lost! Add ) to the n(%ber of hits if the (nit is attac'ed fro% the rear or is (nar%ored! $ed(ct one fro% this n(%ber if the (nit has f(ll ar%or or is in cover! /odifiers are c(%(lative! Units are destroyed after the loss of 6 stands! Special Rules Light Infantry and Cavalry "hese troop are (sed to harass ene%y for%ations! Light troops al&ays %elee and shoot at half dice! "hey %ay evade! If a light (nit is charged, it %ay t(rn abo(t and %ove a&ay at a half %ove 8)$+*! If it is ca(ght by the charger, the light troop co(nts as being contacted to the rear! Pikes -hile in good order, pi'e ar%ed troops co(nt as having f(ll ar%or against non5pi'e ar%ed troops in %elee! "hey also co(nt as having

f(ll ar%or against %issile troops at any ti%e! Ather&ise they co(nt as having shield only! If they charge in good order, they %ay roll one e2tra die in %elee for that ro(nd! Warbands -hen charging, &arbands get 8) to hit for that ro(nd! "hey are (naffected in co%bat by terrain! Auxiliaries and Peltasts "hese troops are ar%ed &ith Bavelins! "hey %ay %elee and shoot at f(ll strength! "hey are (naffected by terrain in co%bat! Pilum "he pil(%, is short ranged &eapon that is (sed right before co%bat! ,oll 2$+! If either co%es (p 58, the target is hit and disordered! $o not %a'e a cas(alty chec'! Gladius "he short s&ord &as the real 'iller of the ancient &orld! Add a 8) to hit on the second or s(bse@(ent ro(nd of %elee that gladi(s ar%ed (nit fights, Shock Cavalry -hen shoc' cavalry charge, they enBoy a 8) to hit! Cavalry ulnerability An the 2nd and s(bse@(ent ro(nd of %elee, cavalry co(nt as one ar%or grade &orse! Cavalry %ay opt to brea' off contact after the first ro(nd of %elee d(ring its ne2t %ove! Use the evade r(le in the Light Infantry and Cavalry section! !le"hants #lephants roll 2 dice in %elee! If they hit a for%ed (nit, that (nit beco%es and re%ains disordered &hile the elephant re%ains in contact! If an #lephant is forced to retreat beca(se of %orale, it %oves a&ay fro% the body in a rando% direction and contin(es straight (ntil it hits another target or r(ns off the board! Co(nt elephants as f(lly ar%ored! Scythed Chariots If they %a'e it to contact, scythed chariots roll 4 dice and hit on a 68! All hits against scythed chariots co(nt do(ble! After one t(rn of %elee they are eli%inated! Halve dice against light infantry!

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