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Alan Moelleken MD is a member of a variety of academic and scientific organizations, such as the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), the North American Spine Society (NASS), and the American Medical Association (AMA). He maintains his cutting-edge knowledge and expertise as a spine surgeon by regularly attending national and international spine conferences and by constantly familiarizing himself with the latest research in the fields of orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery, especially as it pertains to disorders of the spine. Spine and Orthopedic Center, Cottage Hospital Goleta Hospital and other California hospitals.

Doctor Alan Moelleken, MD Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara

A Prefix or suffix a-, anababdomin(o)-ac, -acal acanth(o)acous(io)acr(o)-acusis -ad adaden(o)-, aden(i)adip(o)adren(o)-aemia (BrE) aer(o)aesthesio(BrE) -al albalge(si)-algia, alg(i)oall(o-) ambiamniamph-, amphianMeaning not, without from; away from Of or relating to the abdomen pertaining to thorn or spine Of or relating to hearing extremity, topmost hearing toward, in the direction of at, increase, on, toward Of or relating to a gland Of or relating to fat or fatty tissue Of or relating to adrenal glands blood condition air, gas sensation pertaining to Denoting a white or pale color pain pain Denoting something as different, or as an addition Denoting something as positioned on both sides; describing both of two Pertaining to the membranous fetal sac (amnion) on both sides not, without Origin language and etymology Ancient Greek -/- (a-/an-), not, without Latin Latin abdmen, abdomen, fat around the belly Greek - (-akos) Ancient Greek (akantha), thorn Greek (acoustikos), of or for hearing Greek (akron), highest or farthest point Greek (acoustikos), of or for hearing Latin Ancient Greek , - (adn, aden-), an acorn; a gland Latin (adeps, adip-), fat Latin Greek , without blood Greek , Greek Latin -alis Latin albus, white Greek Greek Ancient Greek (allos), another, other Latin (ambi-, ambo), both, on both sides Greek Greek (amphi) Greek Example(s) Analgesic, apathy Abduction Abdomen cardiac, hydrophobiac acanthion, acanthocyte, acanthoma, acanthulus acoumeter, acoustician Acrocrany, acromegaly, acroosteolysis, acroposthia paracusis dorsad Adduction Adenocarcinoma, adenology, adenotome, adenotyphus Adipocyte adrenal artery Anaemia Aerosinusitis Anesthesia abdominal, femoral Albino Analgesic Myalgia Alloantigen, allopathy Ambidextrous Amniocentesis Amphicrania, amphismela, amphomycin Analgesia

anaanandr(o)angi(o)anisoankyl(o)-, ancyl(o)anteantiapoarcharsen(o)arteri(o)arthr(o)articul(o)-ary -ase -asthenia atel(o)ather(o)-ation atri(o)aur(i)aut(o)aux(o)axillazo(to)

back, again, up anus pertaining to a man blood vessel Describing something as unequal Denoting something as crooked or bent Describing something as positioned in front of another thing Describing something as 'against' or 'opposed to' another away, separated from, derived from first, primitive Of or pertaining to a male; masculine Of or pertaining to an artery Of or pertaining to the joints, limbs joint pertaining to enzyme weakness imperfect or incomplete development fatty deposit, soft gruel-like deposit process an atrium (esp. heart atrium) Of or pertaining to the ear self increase; growth Of or pertaining to the armpit (uncommon as a prefix) nitrogenous compound

Greek Latin Greek , Greek Ancient Greek (ansos), unequal Ancient Greek (anklos), crooked, curved Latin (nt), before, in front of Ancient Greek (anti), against Ancient Greek Greek (arsein) Ancient Greek (artra), a wind-pipe, artery (used distinctly versus a vein) Ancient Greek (arthros), a joint, limb Latin articulum Latin -arius Greek , division Greek,

Anaplasia anal Android, andrology Angiogram Anisocytosis, anisotropic Ankylosis antepartum Antibody, antipsychotic Apoptosis archinephron arsenoblast Arteriole, artery Arthritis Articulation biliary tract Lactase Myasthenia gravis atelocardia Atherosclerosis medication atrioventricular Aural Autoimmune Auxocardia : enlargement of the heart, Auxology Axilla azothermia : raised temperature due to nitrogenous substances in blood

Latin Latin Latin (auris), the ear Greek -

Latin (axilla), armpit

Dr. Alan Moelleken MD, Public Library Resource Library Alan_Moelleken,MD_Biography Alan Moelleken, MD Curriculum Vitae Back Pain defined - Spine and Orthopedic Center Santa Barbara CA Carpal tunnel syndrome defined - Spinal and Orthpedic Center Chronic pain - Dr Alan Moelleken Spine and Orthopedic Center Neck Pain Dr Allen Moelleken Spine and Orthopedic Center Sciatica Dr Alen Molleken Spine and Othorpedic Center Spondylolisthesis Dr Moelleken Spine Ortho Center


Law, Medical, Anti-trust, Expert Witness, Lawsuits, Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara, Medical Legal Terms Spine Orthopedic Center: Alan Moelleken MD Bio Dr Alan Moelleken Resume Back Pain Carpal tunnel syndrome Chronic pain Neck Pain Spine and Orthopedic Medical Staff Sciatic Spinal Cord Development Spinal Cord Motor organization Spinal Cord Segments Spinal Cord Somatosensory Organization Spinal Cord Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Spinocerebellar Tracts Spondylolisthesis Spine Cord

Spine and Orthopedic resources, doctors and support websites.

The Planet Generation Alan Moelleken MD Blog Planet Generation webpage Flickr Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Docstoc Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Photobucket Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Google Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Yahoo Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Slideshare Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Pinterest Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Twitter Dr Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Spine Center Dr Price at Dr Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Spine Center Dr Burgoyne at Dr Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Spine Center Dr Jacques at Dr Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Spine Center Dr Pires at Dr Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Spine Center Dr Kenly at Dr Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Spine Center Dr Lecheminant at Dr Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Spine Center Dr Bordas at Dr Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Spine Center

Dr Malkani at Dr Alan Moelleken MD Santa Barbara Spine Center

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