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El oso polar El tigre de Bengala El canguro El pingino La tortuga de mar El Orangutn El elefante

WHITE BEAR Also called white bear, is the common name for the species of bear lives in the Arctic and in Hudson and James Bays, Canada, as well as on the east coast of Greenland. It has a more elongated body and stylish as the rest of the bears due to their aquatic habits, but like the other species, its ride is plantigrade, and paws have five sharp, curved claws that they use to grip the ice and catch prey. Are animals well adapted to their environment, the plants of the feet are covered with long hairs that provide protection against the cold of the ice, and the front legs, besides having very wide feet, are lined by a harder coat and rigid : use them as a paddle to swim better.

BENGAL TIGER The tiger is the largest in the world, comparable in size with large fossil felids feline . The size of tigers and other characteristics vary from one subspecies to another . In the wild male tiger weighs approximately 100 and 360 kg and a length of 220-380 cm including the tail , which measures between 60 and 110 cm. Meanwhile , females , much smaller , weigh 85-167 kg and a total length of 210-275 cm Most tigers have an orange or fawn color, a middle area and ventral whitish fur and stripes vary from dark brown around until black . The shape and number of stripes vary their sex , if the amount of striped female is smaller, although mayorian Tigers have a total of 100 stripes. The pattern of stripes is unique to each individual and can use this to identify an individual , in the same way that fingerprints are used to identify a person . Like most cats , tigers are believed to have some color vision . Moreover, their night vision is very sharp , thanks to the membrane mirror located in the retina, which focuses the little night light. Like other members of its kind , the tiger has the ability to roar . Unlike other cats , but the likeness of the jaguar, the tiger is an excellent swimmer , may surprise and hunt prey in the water .

KANGAROO This species has three marsupial mammal, the red kangaroo, eastern gray and western gray. Their differences are mainly in the geographical origin and size. The first is the largest of all and occupies the arid areas of Oceania, can weigh up to 85 kg. The second is in the east, and finally, the western gray, is the smallest of all species and is located in the coastal areas of southern Australia. It is a herbivorous animal and develops his life practically at night. Usually rest during the day until sunset, at which time devoted to feeding, or before sunset.

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