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Recruitment Placing the Right Person in Right Place at Right Time Vacancy is known in two situations (generally): An employee leaves the organization and there is a vacancy created Due to Business Growth the position is created

The ompany pursues an open hiring policy! As "ar as possi#le the ompany will "irst consider e$isting employees who meet the re%uirements o" the vacant position! &$ternal recruitment will #e considered only when speci"ic skills ' e$perience re%uired are not availa#le in(house! The ompany will hire talented and competent people #ased on )o# "itment without regard to race* religion and se$! All recruitment will #e initiated #y relevant "unctional manager and approved #y "unctional head* #e"ore "orwarding to the +uman ,esources Department! The recruitment process will commence only "or approved manpower re%uirement as per the "ormat anne$ed (Anne$ure - .)! ,ecruitment approval #y "unctional head will #e in accordance with approved Annual /perating 0lan (A/0)! Any recruitment outside approved A/0 will need approval #y the 1/ 2 +, +ead 2 &/! The sources "or recruitment will #e decided #y +uman ,esources Department! +, Dept! will prepare the )o# description #ased on the 3anpower ,e%uirement 1orm outlining the )o# pro"ile! 4eed(#ase* the +, will re%uire support "rom the 1unctional +ead to prepare a detailed 5o# Description! Selection - +, shall select candidates purely #ased on the )o# "itment #ased on talent* competency and )o# "itment! Short listing & Interviews: +uman ,esource Department shall conduct screening o" applications* preliminary interviews "or cultural "itment* correspondence with applicants or consultants and re"erence checks! The assessment will #e noted in the 6nterview Analysis 1orm #y the +, and "orward the same to the 1unctional +ead "or technical interview! Technical Interview: The +uman ,esources Department shall co(ordinate technical interviews with the 1unctional 3anagers! The interviewing panel mem#ers would record the interview assessment! Re erence chec!: Based on the input and approval "rom 1unctional +ead and prior to the issue o" the /""er 7etter* +uman ,esource Department will ensure completion o" re"erence check as per the Anne$ure ( 8! "o# O er & Com$ensation: The +uman ,esources Department will approve the salary ' "itment keeping in mind internal e%uity and compensation philosophy o" the ompany! The 1unctional 3anager should ensure that no commitments are made outside the e$isting ompensation ' Bene"it structure o" the ompany! Be"ore "inalizing the salary* +uman ,esources Dept! must see current salary slip and pay structure #reak(up evidence! Issuance o %$$ointment Letter: An appointment letter will #e issued to the selected candidate at the date o" )oining! The terms and conditions o" appointment with the ompany would #e e$plained #y +uman resource Department who would also resolve any dou#ts the candidate may have! Depending upon the criticality o" the position and the urgency o" the re%uest* the ompany may compensate salary "or the notice period o" the selected candidate! The decision in this regard rests with the 1unctional +ead in consultation with +uman ,esources Department ' the &/!

The Recruitment &low Chart Process' The recruitment process #egins when you know you need someone new in the Department* either #ecause an e$isting sta"" mem#er has le"t* or #ecause there is new work to #e done! 6t doesn9t "inish until a"ter the appointment has #een made! The main stages are identi"ied in the #elow "low chart 6denti"y Vacancy 0repare 5o# Description and person :peci"ication Advertise 2 onsultants 2 ,e"errals 3anaging the ,esponse :hort(listing ,e"erences Arrange 6nterviews onduct The 6nterview Decision 3aking onvey The Decision Appointment Action

PRE(INTER)IE* ; 0reparation o" recruitment 2selection document "or the position ; Advertising 0reparing advertisement 2 approaching consultants 2 re"errals 3edia selection 0ositioning ; ,esponse handling 6nitial interview online or telephone :hort(listing "or interviews 6nterview arrangement :ending emails or calling short listed candidates 6nterview details to the short listed candidates

; During 6nterview +, interview Technical interview onducting tests <Aptitude 2 3athematical 2 Analytical etc!= 6nitial "inal list o" candidates! ,e"erence check (i" re%uired)


; &mail ,egret letter to unsuccess"ul candidates ; Technical 3anager approval "or a start up date! ; &mail or Telephone call to success"ul candidates ; +,3 prepares a letter o" appointment Recruitment C+cle Time' To #ring in more e""ectiveness in the recruitment process* +, would "ollow a speci"ic pro)ect deadline o" ,- days ."rom the day it had received the approved 3anpower ,e%uisition) to hire a new employee! The process speci"ic schedule #reak(up is mentioned #elow: Phase I %ctivities ,ole 6denti"ication* 5o# Description* short(listing /rganizing the ?ritten Tests II /rganizing the 1irst Technical 6nterviews /rganizing the 1inal 6nterviews :essions to take the "inal decisions III 0reparing the :alary 0roposal* 4egotiate with the selected candidates ' o""er closure V :ourcing ' 6nitial +, Time rame .> days > days > days @ days A days B days

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