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Chemistry Form 4

Page 77

Ms. R. Buttigieg

11. The Gas Laws

Is a gas Denser or Lighter than Air? To find whether a gas is denser or lighter than air, we find its Relative Molecular Mass (RMM). It its RMM is less than 29 (RMM of air average RMM of nitrogen and oxygen) it is lighter. If its RMM = 29, it has the same density of air. If its RMM is greater than 29, then it is denser than air.
Make sure you can draw the following gas collecting Diagrams o Over water (for gases that are not soluble in water) o Downward delivery (for gases that are denser than air) o Upward delivery (for gases lighter than air) o Dry gas with anhydrous calcium chloride Use of syringe or gas jar o Dry gas with conc H2SO4

(b) Name another piece of apparatus that could be used to collect the dry gas (instead of using a gas jar). ______________________ (4 marks)

Error 1 _______________________________________________________________________ Error 2 _______________________________________________________________________ Error 3 _______________________________________________________________________

Chemistry Form 4

Page 78

Ms. R. Buttigieg

11.1 Volume changes due to physical factors

o o o o o Particles in a gas are very far apart. They have no forces between them (i.e. the particles in a gas do not attract each other). They move randomly (without any fixed direction) with high speed colliding with each other and with the walls of the container. When they collide with the walls of the container they exert a pressure. The higher the temperature, the higher the kinetic energy and so the greater the speed of the particles.

The assumptions that the kinetic theory makes about an ideal gas.
An ideal gas is defined as one in which all collisions between atoms or molecules are perfectly eleastic and in which there are no intermolecular attractive forces. One can visualize it as a collection of perfectly hard spheres which collide but which otherwise do not interact with each other. In such a gas, all the internal energy is in the form of kinetic energy and any change in internal energy is accompanied by a change in temperature. An ideal gas can be characterized by three state variables: absolute pressure (P), volume (V), and absolute temperature (T). The relationship between them may be deduced from kinetic theory and is called the

The conditions assumed for an Ideal Gas: 1. Molecules are perfectly elastic (no STICKINESS) 2. Molecules are point masses (no SIZE) 3. Molecules move at random
o The system consists of N distinguishable particles contained in a cubic box of volume V. o The particles are always in motion, moving in random directions with some distribution of speeds. o Being ideal gas particles, they exert no forces on each other.

Chemistry Form 4

Page 79

Ms. R. Buttigieg

o Collisions with the walls of the box are perfectly elastic - no energy is gained or lost in such collisions.

The effect of change of temperature, and change of pressure, on gas volumes explained in terms of the kinetic particle theory.
1. __________When the volume of a gas is made smaller, the particles have less space to move in, so they collide with the walls of the container more often, exerting a greater pressure on it. 2. ___________When the temperature is increased (at constant volume, the kinetic energy of the particles increases. So they move more quickly. Thus they collide with the walls of the container more often and with more energy. So the pressure increases. 3. ___________When the temperature of a gas is increased, its volume increases (keeping the pressure constant).



Consider a gas in a container. The piston can move either way. If the temperature of the gas is increased, the particles exert (make) a greater pressure, since they move more quickly and collide with the walls of the container more often and with more energy. Since the pressure on the inside of the piston is greater than on the outside, the piston begins to move outwards (increasing the volume).



When the volume increases, the particles have more space to move in. So they collide less frequently with the walls of the container. So the pressure of the gas begins to decrease. When the pressure inside = pressure outside, the piston stops. So P at the beginning = P at end, and T and V

Chemistry Form 4

Page 80

Ms. R. Buttigieg


Boyles law - The pressure of a fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to the volume of the gas at constant temperature. P 1 V

Boyle used a simple apparatus to examine the relationship between pressure and volume. In this apparatus, a small volume of air was trapped in a glass tube by mercury. A flexible tube connected this tube to a small reservoir of mercury that could be raised or lowered relative to the trapped gas volume. The difference in height of the interior and exterior mercury levels is, of course, the pressure relative to the pressure of the atmosphere. Boyle was able to demonstrate that: V x P = constant or that the volume and pressure are inversely proportional. This relationship is called Boyle's Law.

Charles law The Volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature at constant pressure. V T

Chemistry Form 4

Page 81

Ms. R. Buttigieg

Somewhat later on in 1848, the English scientist William Thompson, who was later raised to the Peerage as Lord Kelvin, recognized that a graph of volume vs. temperature for any gas resulted in a straight line that intersected the temperature axis at -273.15oC. This temperature later became known as absolute zero and was used as the basis for an absolute temperature scale. Temperature units corresponding to the Centigrade scale in this measure are called Kelvins.

Pressure law The Pressure of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature at constant volume. P T

Combining the three:


for a fixed mass of gas is constant.

So, for a fixed mass of gas,

P1 V 1 = T1

P2 V 2 T2

(temperature in Kelvin)

Chemistry Form 4

Page 82

Ms. R. Buttigieg

Gay-Lussac's Law - Pressure Law

Simply stated, Gay-Lussac's Law indicates that for a fixed amount of gas (fixed number of moles) at a fixed volume, the pressure is proportional to the temperature. p/T = constant or p1/T1 = p2/T2

In other words, as the temperature increases, the pressure increases. (When you put a pickle jar in the refridgerator, the drop in pressure from the trapped air becoming colder makes it hard to open the jar later!) Question: Consider a container with a volume of 22.4 L filled with a gas at 1.00 atm at 273 K. What will be the new pressure if the temperature increases to 298 K? Solution: Using Gay-Lussac's Law and solving for p2 we get:
p 1T 2 p2 = ----T1 (1.00 atm)(298 K) p2 = ----------------(273 K)

p2 = 1.09 atm

Note: When the temperature increases, the pressure increases! Also note that it is essential to use temperature on an absolute scale (i.e. use Kelvin instead of oC! 1. A container initially at 0.500 atm and 25oC. What will the pressure be at 125oC?

2. A container is initially at 47 mm Hg and 77 K. What will the pressure be when the container warms up to room temperature of 25o?

3. A gas thermometer measures temperature by tmeasuring the pressure of a gas inside the fixed volume container. A thermometer reads a pressure of 248 Torr at 0oC. What is the temperature when the thermometer reads a pressure of 345 Torr?

Chemistry Form 4

Page 83

Ms. R. Buttigieg

Exam papers - JL 2002 7. (a) Use the simple kinetic particle theory to explain: (i) what causes the pressure inside a car tyre; ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (ii) why there is an increased pressure if the tyre becomes warmer. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (b) If a gas occupies 11.2dm3 at 0C and 2 atm. pressure, what volume would it occupy at s.t.p?

JL 2000 The unbalanced equation for the reaction of iron with steam is Fe + H2O



a) Balance the equation b) If 4.2g of iron reacts completely with steam, calculate the maximum volume of hydrogen which could be collected at standard temperature and pressure.

(3 marks)

JL 2001 50cm3 methane were mixed with 125cm3 of oxygen and the mixture was exploded. The following reaction occurred. CH4(g) + 2O2 (g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) Calculate the total volume of the gases remaining immediately after the explosion. N.B. This should include the volume of any gas that remains unreacted. Show your reasoning/working. (Assume that all volumes are measured under the same conditions of temperature and pressure).

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