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Project1: Wassim Hamadeh A casual IIR filter of order N is characterized by a transfer function H(z):

In the time domain the in ut!out ut relation of the abo"e filter is

I# II#

$sin% &A'(A)* find the zeros and the oles of the follo+in% filter, y-n./ 01-n.2 1#31-n!1.2 1-n!4.2 31-n!0.! y-n!1.! 3y-n!4.! 4#3y-n!0.

Write the filter in s!domain# 5ind the residues* oles and direct terms of the artial!fraction e1 ansion of )(s)6A(s) III# 'ransform the filter to z!domain and +rite its transfer function# 5ind the residues* oles and direct terms of the artial!fraction e1 ansion of )(z)6A(z) I7# $sin% &A'(A)* de"elo a cascade realization of the follo+in% 5IR transfer function H1(z) / 4 2 18z!1 2 40z!4 2 09z!0 2 01z!9 2 1:z!3 2 9z!: Hint: find first the zeros* the oles* the %ain and the second order sections of the filter# 7# $sin% &A'(A) and by calculatin% the residues of the filter# ;e"elo the t+o different arallel!form realizations of the casual IIR transfer function of


;e"elo the cascaded lattice realization of the follo+in% all! ass transfer function

Is A(z) a stable transfer function< 7II# $sin% &A'(A) determine the lo+est order of a di%ital IIR lo+ ass filter of all four ty es: )utter+orth* ty e1 =hebyche"* ty e4 =hebyche" and elli tic filters# 'he s ecifications are as follo+s: sam lin% rate of 98>Hz* Passband ed%e fre?uency of 9@Hz* sto band ed%e fre?uency of A @Hz* assband ri le of 8#3 d) and a minimum sto band attenuation of 98 d)# =omment on your results#

Project4: Bsman abdel!Cader A casual IIR filter of order N is characterized by a transfer function H(z):

In the time domain the in ut!out ut relation of the abo"e filter is

I# II#

$sin% &A'(A)* find the zeros and the oles of the follo+in% filter, y-n./ 1-n.2 8#31-n!1.2 01-n!4.2 1-n!0.! 4y-n!1.! 8#0y-n!4.! y-n!0.

Write the filter in s!domain# 5ind the residues* oles and direct terms of the artial!fraction e1 ansion of )(s)6A(s) III# 'ransform the filter to z!domain and +rite its transfer function# 5ind the residues* oles and direct terms of the artial!fraction e1 ansion of )(z)6A(z) I7# $sin% &A'(A)* de"elo a cascade realization of the follo+in% 5IR transfer function H1(z) / 3z!3 2 Dz!: 2 z!1 2 3z!0 2 0z!9 2 Ez!4 Hint: find first the zeros* the oles* the %ain and the second order sections of the filter# 7# $sin% &A'(A) and by calculatin% the residues of the filter# ;e"elo the t+o different arallel!form realizations of the casual IIR transfer function of


;e"elo the cascaded lattice realization of the follo+in% all! ass transfer function

Is A(z) a stable transfer function< 7II# $sin% &A'(A) determine the lo+est order of a di%ital IIR lo+ ass filter of all four ty es: )utter+orth* ty e1 =hebyche"* ty e4 =hebyche" and elli tic filters# 'he s ecifications are as follo+s: sam lin% rate of 0388Hz* Passband ed%e fre?uency of 1838Hz* sto band ed%e fre?uency of :88 Hz* assband ri le of 1 d) and a minimum sto band attenuation of 38 d)# =omment on your results#

Project0: Ahmad Fharif A casual IIR filter of order N is characterized by a transfer function H(z):

In the time domain the in ut!out ut relation of the abo"e filter is

I# II#

$sin% &A'(A)* find the zeros and the oles of the follo+in% filter, y-n./ 8#41-n.2 8#11-n!1.2 8#A1-n!4.2 8#91-n!0.! y-n!1.! 8#0y-n!4.! 8#Dy-n!0.

Write the filter in s!domain# 5ind the residues* oles and direct terms of the artial!fraction e1 ansion of )(s)6A(s) III# 'ransform the filter to z!domain and +rite its transfer function# 5ind the residues* oles and direct terms of the artial!fraction e1 ansion of )(z)6A(z) I7# $sin% &A'(A)* de"elo a cascade realization of the follo+in% 5IR transfer function H1(z) / 18z!0 2 0z!1 2 9z!4 2 z!: 2 z!9 2 4 2 0z!3 Hint: find first the zeros* the oles* the %ain and the second order sections of the filter# 7# $sin% &A'(A) and by calculatin% the residues of the filter# ;e"elo the t+o different arallel!form realizations of the casual IIR transfer function of


;e"elo the cascaded lattice realization of the follo+in% all! ass transfer function

Is A(z) a stable transfer function< 7II# $sin% &A'(A) determine the lo+est order of a di%ital IIR lo+ ass filter of all four ty es: )utter+orth* ty e1 =hebyche"* ty e4 =hebyche" and elli tic filters# 'he s ecifications are as follo+s: sam lin% rate of D@Hz* Passband ed%e fre?uencies of 1#9@Hz and 4#1@Hz* sto band ed%e fre?uencies 1#83 @Hz and 4#93@Hz* assband ri le of 8#9 d) and a minimum sto band attenuation of 38 d)# =omment on your results#

Project9: &ohammad Arabi A casual IIR filter of order N is characterized by a transfer function H(z):

In the time domain the in ut!out ut relation of the abo"e filter is

I# II#

$sin% &A'(A)* find the zeros and the oles of the follo+in% filter, y-n./ 1-n.2 1-n!1.2 1-n!4.2 1-n!0.! y-n!1.! y-n!4.! y-n!0.

Write the filter in s!domain# 5ind the residues* oles and direct terms of the artial!fraction e1 ansion of )(s)6A(s) III# 'ransform the filter to z!domain and +rite its transfer function# 5ind the residues* oles and direct terms of the artial!fraction e1 ansion of )(z)6A(z) I7# $sin% &A'(A)* de"elo a cascade realization of the follo+in% 5IR transfer function H1(z) / 184z!0 2 01z!1 2 D9z!4 2 :z!: 2 D9z!9 2 : 2 01z!3 Hint: find first the zeros* the oles* the %ain and the second order sections of the filter# 7# $sin% &A'(A) and by calculatin% the residues of the filter# ;e"elo the t+o different arallel!form realizations of the casual IIR transfer function of


;e"elo the cascaded lattice realization of the follo+in% all! ass transfer function

Is A(z) a stable transfer function< 7II# $sin% &A'(A) determine the lo+est order of a di%ital IIR lo+ ass filter of all four ty es: )utter+orth* ty e1 =hebyche"* ty e4 =hebyche" and elli tic filters# 'he s ecifications are as follo+s: sam lin% rate of 14@Hz* Passband ed%e fre?uencies of 4#1@Hz and 9#3@Hz* sto band ed%e fre?uencies 4#D @Hz and 0#E@Hz* assband ri le of 8#: d) and a minimum sto band attenuation of 93 d)# =omment on your results#

Project3: Giad Gahab A casual IIR filter of order N is characterized by a transfer function H(z):

In the time domain the in ut!out ut relation of the abo"e filter is

I# II#

$sin% &A'(A)* find the zeros and the oles of the follo+in% filter, y-n./ 18-n.2 131-n!1.2 A1-n!4.2 91-n!0.! 48y-n!1.!18 y-n!4.! 10y-n!0.

Write the filter in s!domain# 5ind the residues* oles and direct terms of the artial!fraction e1 ansion of )(s)6A(s) III# 'ransform the filter to z!domain and +rite its transfer function# 5ind the residues* oles and direct terms of the artial!fraction e1 ansion of )(z)6A(z) I7# $sin% &A'(A)* de"elo a cascade realization of the follo+in% 5IR transfer function H1(z) / 1 2 z!0 2 z!1 2 z!92 z!4 Hint: find first the zeros* the oles* the %ain and the second order sections of the filter# 7# $sin% &A'(A) and by calculatin% the residues of the filter# ;e"elo the t+o different arallel!form realizations of the casual IIR transfer function of


;e"elo the cascaded lattice realization of the follo+in% all! ass transfer function

Is A(z) a stable transfer function< 7II# $sin% &A'(A) determine the lo+est order of a di%ital IIR lo+ ass filter of all four ty es: )utter+orth* ty e1 =hebyche"* ty e4 =hebyche" and elli tic filters# 'he s ecifications are as follo+s: sam lin% rate of 14@Hz* Passband ed%e fre?uencies of 1#A@Hz and 9#4@Hz* sto band ed%e fre?uencies 4 @Hz and 0#3@Hz* assband ri le of 8#4 d) and a minimum sto band attenuation of 08 d)# =omment on your results#

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