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REAL NAME: (Major) Emerson Cord OCCUPATION: Domestic terrorist (fmr. Air Force officer) BASE: Mobile The project classified as NINE TANGENT APPLE, nicknamed Project: Hyperion by the scientists working on it, was designed to create a nuclear-powered superman to fight Americas battles against the Soviets and their Evil Empire. That was the plan as envisioned, adding one more notch in the annals of super-soldier programs the country had pursued with limited success. The twenty volunteers who passed a rigorous set of physical, psychological, and political criteria were subjected to brutal and torturous procedures culminating in violent exposure to a tightly-controlled nuclear explosion. All but four of the men died, either immediately or in the days following the experiment. The four survivors were changed, though, each a newly-empowered superbeingso, initially, the program was considered a success. The scientists at the project built a harness that allowed Cord to contain his vast powers, but when they started working with him and the other survivors to learn more about their abilities, the personnel noticed that each of the men had experienced serious psychological deterioration. Half-Lifes descent into psychosis was the most obvious, but Fallouts paranoia became more apparent daily. The directors of the project, fearful of unleashing four walking weapons of mass destruction on the world was unacceptable, tricked the men into entering stasis capsules during a routine examination. With the men on ice, the rest of the project was buried, figuratively and literally. The whole thing was written off as a failure. And there the four men stayed, buried in a hidden complex, sleeping away decades. One unfortunate day, while exploring government computer systems at random, doing a little harmless mischief in this one and that one, Digital Demon of the Cybertribe happened upon a set of systems that did something oddthey monitored a facility that a number of other systems said didnt exist. Intrigued, he went for a look-see and accidentally overloaded the system and triggered a cascading failure in the stasis controls. Digital Demon fled back into cyberspace before he could see the results of his actions. Shortly after he left, four confused, upset, and very angry supermen found themselves free. Once they put together what had happened to them, each of them started venting their hostilities at available targets, Fallout immediately started focusing on military and intelligence installations, causing loss of life, but more importantly to him, substantial and highly visible property damage. He wanted to draw the project founders out into the public arena. Those few that were still among the living, now very firmly embedded in the countrys political power structure, reacted instead by using the press as a weapon. They identified Fallout as the nominal leader and most powerful of the four and have focused their efforts on bringing him down in the hopes that they can use him as bait for the others. Once all of the Project: Hyperion subjects are in hand theyll be dealt with permanently.


STR 15
Atomic Attacks: Array (36 points) Atomic Blast: Ranged Damage 18 36 points Atomic Burst: Damage 14, Burst Area 2 (60 ft), Distracting 1 point Fallout Attack: Continuous Transform 9 (normal material to radioactive material) 1 point Hard Radiation: Burst Area Affliction 14 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) 1 point Nuclear Force Manipulation: Affects Corporeal on Strength 15, Precise, Subtle, Sustained 1 point Energy Form: Flight 12 (8,000 mph); Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects); Impervious Toughness 14; Insubstantial 3 (Innate, Permanent); Protection 7 91 points Radioactive Body: Uncontrolled Reaction: Damage 4, Resisted by Fortitude; Uncontrolled Reaction: Weaken Stamina 4 (Incurable) 29 points Atomic Blast +10 Unarmed +10

STA 11







INITIATIVE +11 Ranged, Damage 18, Crit 18-20 Close, Damage 15



Deception 6 (+10), Expertise: Soldier 6 (+8), Insight 6 (+8), Intimidation 8 (+12), Investigation 2 (+4), Perception 6 (+8), Persuasion 4 (+8), Ranged Combat: Atomic Attacks Array 8 (+10), Ranged Combat: Guns 4 (+6), Technology 8 (+10), Vehicles 6 (+8)

Motivation Revenge: Fallout is out for revenge. He may couch his activities behind a story of exposing the corruption inherent in the system, but thats just a facade; hes out for blood. Power Loss: Fallout is a creature made of energy and any substance that interferes with radiation affects Fallout. Enough lead, gold, water, or concrete could interfere with his powers or effectively contain him for some time. In addition if his harness could be disabled or removed, Fallout would likely discorporate... at least in theory. Quirk Bitter: Fallout resents his condition to a pathological degree. Opponents may be able to use this fact to get him ranting or to dissuade him from a course of action with the promise of a cure. Quirk Paranoid: Cord thinks everyone is out to get him and sometimes sabotages potential alliances due to his inability to work with most other parties because of it. Quirk Psychotic: The transformation to living energy caused Cord serious mental problems. These problems make him unstable, erratic, and difficult to rely on long-term.

All-out Attack, Close Attack 4, Fearless, Improved Aim, Improved Critical 2 (Atomic Blast), Improved Initiative 2, Leadership, Power Attack, Seize Initiative, Startle, Well-Informed

Major Emerson Cord volunteered for the project that turned him into Fallout in the hopes of becoming a great American superhero. Instead, it not only turned him into a freak, it cost him his face, his career, and any semblance of a normal life. As Fallout, Cord has developed a pathological hatred of the military and government he views as having betrayed him. He also resents the public for so easily falling for the lies of his former masters, viewing them as sheep unworthy of his terrible sacrifice.

gether, theyre not so much a team as four individuals who sometimes work together. Each of the others is loyal to Fallout and comes to his assistance when he requests it.


Cord is a living nuclear furnace. His form is composed of hard radiation and exotic energy somehow held in check by his will and the harness he wears. He can exert control of the energy field that makes up his body to interact physically with the world around him. Fallout can also release this energy as destructive emissions and can irradiate the area surrounding him. His body constantly gives off heat and radiation , making him dangerous to the touch.

Fallout views the government and, most of all, the men behind the project that created him, his enemies. He also considers most of the American people his enemies because they swallow the lies the government feeds them without question.

Bunker Buster: Fallout is on the hunt for evidence regarding Project: Hyperion. Hes broken into a couple of secret, abandoned Cold War-era research bunkers. The heroes are called in by AEGIS or some other government agency who want the heroes to keep Fallout from entering anymore of these bunkersbecause of what, or who, might still be in there!

Fallout has few true allies, due to his raging paranoia. He only considers Meltdown, Ground Zero, and Half-Life worthy of his trust because they were all created by the project. To-



Mutants & Masterminds Threat Report #4: Fallout Writing: Aaron Sullivan Design, Editing, and Development: Jon Leitheusser Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Interior Art: MK Ultra Studios Publisher: Chris Pramas Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, Jeff Tidball Mutants & Masterminds Threat Report #4: Fallout is 2011 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Mutants & Masterminds, Super-powered by M&M,
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