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Instructor: Jeannine Stanko

Semester/Session: Spring 201 !C

Course Num"er: EN#102 Course Tit$e: Eng$is% Composition 2 Course Cre&its: ' Lecture hours: 3 Co)re*uisite+s,: None Course -escription: This is a course that further develops skills in formal research-based and argumentative writing and emphasi es the use of multi-disciplinar! sources" LE.RNIN# OUTCO/ES: #fter successful completion of the course$ the student will: % &se 'tandard (ritten )nglish to create well-structured sentences$ paragraphs$ and essa!s % *eview the writing process and use strategies to further revising and editing skills % (rite e+tensive multi-paragraph essa!s using argument and a variet! of structural patterns considering audience and tone % (rite logicall!$ criticall!$ and anal!ticall!$ s!nthesi ing and documenting sources % *ead criticall!$ learning to summari e$ anal! e$ interpret$ and evaluate relevant information from a variet! of print and electronic sources$ as well as from direct observation$ interviews and surve!s % ,ake distinctions about the credibilit!$ reliabilit!$ consistenc!$ strengths$ and limitations of resources but not limited to information gathered from (eb sites LISTE- TO(ICS: Re0ie1 as Nee&e&: 1" -rammar and mechanics ." Organi ation$ including introductions and conclusions 3" Peer evaluation /" (riting process: prewriting$ drafting$ revising$ editing$ reflecting 0$ &nit! and coherence 1" 'ummar!$ paraphrase and direct 2uotation 7" Plagiarism 2urt%er -e0e$op: 1" #nal!tical thinking and writing skills ." &sing argumentative and persuasive strategies 3" (riting sound theses /" #udience$ purpose$ and tone 0" Locating print and electronic source material 1" )valuating sources and evidence 7" Proper documentation 3" '!nthesi ing sources 4" 5ritical thinking 16" 5larit!: s!nta+$ semantics$ and diction 11" 'entence variet! and coherence The student will produce five or si+ reading -based essa!s$ totaling 10 to .6 pages" Lab hours: Other hours: (re)re*uisite+s,: EN#101 +Eng$is% Composition 1,

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C$ass Section+s, Time 4 Location: Instructor: Te$ep%one: E)/ai$ .&&ress: Jeannine Stanko 72 )'89) 1:; <stanko=ccac>e&u

Section 757.

-ates 18.3-/8.4

-a3s Tue

Time Room 1:36 9 4:/6P, :-31/ ,T(;: !3 .ppointment

O55ice 6ours: O55ice Location:

/ateria$s an& Resources: *e2uired Te+t<s=: 7ehrens$ Laurence and Leonard >" *osen" Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum" ed" :ew ?ork: Pearson Longman$ .613" *e2uired ,aterials: flash drive *ecommended ,aterial<s=: binder Open Lab$ Tutoring$ etc" The Learning #ssistance 5enter provides 5ree tutoring to registered 55#5 students" 'tudents must schedule an appointment to see a tutor regarding a specific sub@ect" The (riting Lab is a free service on a walk-in basis" Teac%ing /et%o&s: The course will include direct instruction in the form of lecturesA guided practice to include whole$ small$ and fle+ible group discussions$ in-class writing$ in-class grammar activitiesA and independent practice through homework assignments$ essa!s$ 2ui es$ and e+aminations" Bn order to be successful in this course$ each students should plan to spend 1"0 to . hours on classroom preparation for each hour of class" Bf the student is in class 3 hours a week$ the student should plan to spend appro+imatel! /"0 to 1 hours per week preparing for class" E0a$uation ($an: ?our final grade will be determined b! dividing the points !ou have earned b! the total points possible to earn" *ubrics will be given with each assignment to provide a clear understanding of how writing will be evaluated" )ver! essa! will be thoroughl! marked to give as much feedback as possible" )ssa!s earning below a C5D ma! be revised and resubmitted" The grading scale is as follows: 166-46E - #A 34-36E - 7A ?ui@@esA TestsA 4 .tten&ance '0B o5 5ina$ gra&e Gui es <0H.6pts each= 9166pts ;inal mult" choice e+am 9 166pts ;inal essa! 9 06 points #ttendance 9 T7F <min 06 pts= Tota$ ) '00 points Tota$ ) 200 points Tota$ C :00 points 74-76E - 5A 14-16E - FA Essa3s :0B o5 5ina$ gra&e 'ummar! 9 166 points 5riti2ue 9 166 points #nal!sis 9 166 points #rgument s!nthesis 9 .66pts" 04-6E - ;

(resentation 4 In)c$ass assignments 20B o5 5ina$ gra&e -rammar presentation 9 166 pts" in-class assignments 9 166 pts"

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Ot%er (o$icies an& (roce&ures: .tten&ance: 'tudents are e+pected to attend ever! class" Eac% c$ass is 1ort% a portion o5 3our 5ina$ gra&e> Roug% &ra5tsA in)c$ass 1orkA an& *ui@@es cannot "e ma&e up> .n3 %ome1ork assignments &ue t%e &a3 o5 a"sence 1i$$ recei0e %a$5)cre&it> I5 a"sent 5or a *ui@A t%e mu$$igan is 5or5eite&> I5 an essa3 is su"mitte& a5ter its &ue &ateA t%e mu$$igan is 5or5eite&> ?ou will be considered absent if !ou are not in class" ?ou will be considered late if !ou arrive after B have taken roll" Lateness of .6 or more minutes counts as a complete absence" #fter three late entries or earl! departure$ coming in late or leaving earl! will count as an absence" ,issing three classes will result in class failure" #rammar (resentation: )ach student will choose a grammar topic to present to the class" Presentations must last between .6-36 minutes and include a lecture$ practice$ and reinforcement activit!" 6ome1ork 4 In)c$ass assignments: Iomework and in-class assignments will be collected periodicall! throughout the semester" #ll assignments must be clearl! labeled and legible for credit to be rendered" &se onl! one side of the page" #ssignments completed b! the due date receive full-credit" #ssignments completed after the due date <regardless of whether or not !ou were absent= receive half-credit" Essa3s: )ssa!s must be t!ped and double-spaced according to ,L# format <one-inch margins$ Times :ew *oman$ 1. point font=" Bn the upper left hand corner$ include your name, instructors name, course title, and the due date" Bn the upper right hand corner$ include !our last name and page number" 7oth sides of the page ma! be used" Bf !our assignment is longer than one page$ please staple the pages together" )ssa!s must be submitted at the beginning of the class period to be on time" Fue dates for all work are listed on the course plan" No $ate papers 1i$$ "e accepte& 5or 5u$$ cre&it eDcept in t%e case o5 an emergenc3> Problems with a computer are not an emergenc! situationA 55#5 has computers for student use" Bf !ou miss class the da! a paper is due$ email !our essa! to me as an attachment and cop!8paste it into the bod! of the email for full credit" The email must be sent prior to the end of !our class time" B will not accept essa!s for full credit when !ou return to class" (hen B receive !our essa!$ B will respond to let !ou know that it was received" Bf !ou do not receive acknowledgement from me$ !ou know that B did not receive the essa!J Bt is !our responsibilit! to ensure that B receive !our essa!" Fo not wait until the ne+t class period to resolve this because B will not accept the essa!" ?ui@@es 4 EDams: Bf absent on the da! of a 2ui $ the mulligan for that 2ui is forfeited" )+ams ma! not be made up" Bf an emergenc! arises$ it is !our responsibilit! to contact me within ./ hours to make arrangements" /u$$igans: ;or each essa! and 2ui $ one mulligan or do-over will be offered" #ll mulligans are due before the ne+t assignment in the course outline se2uence" The mulligan is forfeited if absent on the da! of the original assignmentKs due date as listed in the course outline" (hen submitting an essa! mulligan$ the essa! showing corrections$ the original essa!$ and its rubric must be submitted"

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($agiarism: # plagiari ed essa! will result in an automatic failure for the assignment" Plagiarism is representing someone elseKs research$ writing$ or ideas as !our own" Fepending on the severit! of the offense$ a plagiari ed essa! or assignment ma! result in course failure and8or academic dismissal from the college" /isce$$aneous: #ll electronics <cell phones$ iPods$ etc"= must be turned off and put awa! during class" Te+ting or engaging in an! electronic social networking will result in a class absence" Bf class is held in a computer lab$ students who choose to engage in internet or computer activities without instructor consent will receive an absence for that class period" 'tudents should not be receiving personal calls nor taking restroom breaks during class time" Bf there is an emergenc! or medical problem$ please let me know ahead" Otherwise$ plan to sta! in the room for the entire time" Please be aware that it is ver! disruptive when students talk in class while the instructor is teaching or other students are asking 2uestions" )ver! student should have a cop! of the Student Handbook which outlines acceptable and unacceptable behavior" #n! student who demonstrates an inabilit! to conform to acceptable social conduct will be sub@ect to the disciplinar! policies and procedures of the college" Please remember that it is school polic! that children are not permitted in classes" Stu&ents 1it% -isa"i$ities: The 5ommunit! 5ollege of #lleghen! 5ount! makes ever! effort to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities" Guestions about services and procedures for students with disabilities should be directed to the Office of 'upportive 'ervices at !our campus" Course Out$ine Corrections: Furing the semester8session$ reasonable changes to the course outline ma! be academicall! appropriate" 'tudents will be notified of these ad@ustments b! the instructor in a timel! manner"

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The following is the tentative class schedule for the 'pring .61/ semester" Bn the event of cancelled or shortened da!s due to severe weather or emergencies$ the schedule ma! be modified" Please call the 7o!ce 5ampus )mergenc!8'evere (eather Iotline if !ou suspect that class ma! be cancelled or dela!ed: /1.-/14-1330" Bnformation regarding cancellations or dela!s will also be posted on the 55#5 website"

Course ($an:
C$ass Eeek/-ate 1 >anuar! .3 . ;ebruar! / Lesson or Topic Bntroductions$ writing sample$ grammar diagnostic$ Presentation introduction (riting process ,L# 't!le and activit!$ evaluating sources$ reliable vs" unreliable activit! 2uotation marks plagiarism$ paraphrasing$ 2uoting$ thesis$ introductions$ and conclusions 'ummar!$ discuss sample summar! essa!s$ shifts$ capitali ation$ fragments$ run-ons Peer *eview$ appropriate language$ avoiding wordiness$ active verbs$ apostrophes$ commas 5riti2ue$ discuss sample Learning .cti0ities lecture$ in-class activities$ pre-testing$ discussion Lecture$ in-class activities$ discussion$ online activities .ssignments '!llabus review -rammar diagnostic (riting diagnostic *ead 7ehrens pgs /1-/7$ evaluating sources E0a$uation -rammar diagnostic (riting diagnostic 5hapter assignments B-connect #lle!5at in-class activities

Bn-class activities$ lecture$ discussion

3 ;ebruar! 11

/ ;ebruar! 13

Fiscussion$ (riting workshop$ lecture$ in-class activities

'tudent presentations on who8whom L homophones$ 2uotation marks *ead 7ehrens pgs" 33-31 <paraphrasing=$ pgs 37-/0 <2uoting= *ead 7ehrens 5hapter 3 Thesis$ introductions$ and conclusions pgs 7043 *ead 7ehrens 5hapter 1 'ummar! pgs" 3-./ 'tudent presentations on shifts$ capitali ation$ fragments$ and run-ons Peer *eview summar! rough drafts 'tudent presentations on appropriate language$ avoiding wordiness$ active verbs$ apostrophes$ commas *ead 7ehrens 5hapter . 5riti2ue pgs Gui M. 'ummar! rough draft presentations

0 ;ebruar! .0

Lecture$ in-class activities$ discussion$ writing workshop

Lecture$ discussion$ writing

'ummar! final cop! due

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C$ass Eeek/-ate 1 ,arch 11

Lesson or Topic criti2ue essa!s$ semicolons and colonsA dashes and parenthesisA ellipsis$ brackets$ slashes$ and h!phens Peer *eview$ #rgument introduction and as in2uir!$ sentence variet!$ parallelism$ misplaced and dangling modifiers #nal!sis

Learning .cti0ities workshop$ in-class activities

.ssignments /3-7/ 'tudent presentations on semicolons and colonsA dashes and parenthesisA ellipsis$ brackets$ slashes$ and h!phens Peer *eview criti2ues and thesis statements 'tudent presentations on sentence variet!$ parallelism$ misplaced and dangling modifiers *ead 7ehrens chapter 1 anal!sis pgs 173-.66


7 ,arch 13 3 ,arch .0 4 #pril 1 16 #pril 3 11 #pril 10

lecture$ discussion$ writing workshop

Gui M3 5riti2ue rough draft due 'tudent presentations 5riti2ue final cop! due

lecture$ discussion$ inclass activities$ writing workshop Lecture$ discussion$ inclass activities

Peer *eview$ #P# formatting st!le$ numbers$ prepositions and idiomatic e+pressions #rgument s!nthesis

'tudent presentation on numbers$ prepositions and idiomatic e+pressions

Gui M/ #nal!sis rough draft due

(riting workshops$ lecture$ discussion$ in-class activities Lecture$ in-class activities$ discussion

*ead 7ehrens chapter / pgs" 4/-166$ chapter 0 pgs 1.4-137 on argument s!nthesis *esearch audience$ ethos$ logos$ pathos$ kairos$ informal fallacies

#nal!sis final cop! due

Peer *eview$ audience$ ethos$ logos$ pathos$ kairos$ informal fallacies

Gui M0 '!nthesis rough draft due

-rammar review 1. #pril .. 13 *eview writing techni2ues$ assess

Lecture$ discussion$ inclass activities$ writing workshop in-class activities$ lecture$ discussion

*eview grammar

'!nthesis final cop! due

;inal essa! review -rammar final

-rammar final

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C$ass Eeek/-ate #pril .4

Lesson or Topic grammar comprehension and application

Learning .cti0ities



#pproved b! #cademic Feans 168./8.661

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