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1.1 Feasibility Study

The goal of feasibility study is to determine whether a proposed systen is worth pursuing. A study was undertaken to know that what is possibly and likely to achieved by this project which can not be done with the previous system. Econo ic !easibility From economic point of view this system will take some cost initially when it is going to be implemented but once it is installed no further investment is required in future.After installation it will stop use the use of pencil , and mainatanace of that big and heavy record registers which are maintained by so many people. So we can say that this systema is economically feasible because it reduces wastage of money in stationary used to maintain records and also man power using to maintain that records which is used in current system. Tec"nical !easibility n this system we use java plateform which is highly portable. !e can easily transport file from one plateform to other. "sing java we can create system more attractive and user friendly than using other languages like #$#%%. The whole system is technically feasible because we use those technologies which make this system more efficient and effective.


Ha&d'a&e &e(ui&e ents &rocessor )A* ' ' &( or above processor +,- *.

So!t'a&e &e(ui&e ents &lateform ' Any window based /S0*icrosoft product1 2S&, 3T*4, 2A5AS#) &T

Technology '


*b.ect-o&iented analysis and desi/n 0//A61 is a software engineering approach that models a system as a group of interacting objects. 7ach object represents some entity of interest in the system being modeled, and is characterised by its class, its state 0data elements1, and its behavior. 5arious models can be created to show the static structure, dynamic behavior, and run8time deployment of these collaborating objects. There are a number of different notations for representing these models, such as the "nified *odeling 4anguage 0"*41. /bject8oriented analysis 0//A1 applies object8modelling techniques to analy9e the functional requirements for a system. /bject8oriented design 0//61 elaborates the analysis models to produce implementation specifications. //A focuses on what the system does, //6 on how the system does it. An object8oriented system is composed of objects. The behavior of the system results from the collaboration of those objects. #ollaboration between objects involves them sending messages to each other. Sending a message differs from calling a function in that when a target object receives a message, it itself decides what function to carry out to service that message. The same message may be implemented by many different functions, the one selected depending on the state of the target object. The implementation of :message sending: varies depending on the architecture of the system being modeled, and the location of the objects being communicated with.






update stud detail search stud details Update compdetails Update staff details Update placed stud details View all details Upload and download C.V.




!ork in the application will be done in the following way' Access $ Search information from the first page 0only read access1. The front8page of the system is created giving a the system and a login bo; . 4ogin to the system through the first page of the See $ change his $ her details. <et help about the application on how to use the of the system. An admin login should be present who can read brief description about application.

different features

as well as remove any uploads. &referably it should be given to the T&/.


#.#.1 L*0IN

SE"UE#CE D!A$RA%& Login






Admin username password Verif Valid Student username password !f not registered Verif Valid Submit Valid

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S E " U E # C E D !A $ R A % & S t u d e n t

S tudent

' e rs o n e l in fo

A c a d e m ic in fo .

U p lo a d C . V .

D o w n lo a d C . V .

S e a rc h

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E d it S a (e E d it S a (e e n ro ll n o . S a (e E n ro ll n o . C hec ) R e t rie (e Re*uest C hec ) S how

#.#.) A-MIN

SE"UE#CE D!A$RA%& Admin


Compan Details Edit

'laced stud details

Staff details

Search all details


Sa(e Search read details Edit Sa(e Retrie(e Staff details Sa(e retrie(e Enroll no. Chec) Show +ear, aggregate Chec) Show sorted list


Us er

C L A S S D !A $ R A %

u s e rn a m e p a s s w o rd L o g in -.

#ew us er nam e us er nam e p a s s w o rd e m a il S a (e -.

A d m in /s t u d e n t s tu d e n t d e ta ils u p d a te s t u d d e t a ils u p lo a d c . (. c o m p a n d e t a ils p la c e d s tu d u p lo a d p la c e d s t u d s t a ff d e t a ils V ie w -.

S t u d e n t d e t a ils # am e a d d re s s ro ll n o . b ra n c h D .0 .1 e m a il id ear a g g re g a te S u b m it-.

U p d a te s tu d d e ta ils #am e a d d re s s ro ll. n o b ra n c h D .0 .1 . e m a il id a g g re g a t e ear S u b m it-.

U p lo a d C .V . e n ro ll n o . C . V . d e ta ils S u b m it-.

C o m p a n d e ta ils ' la c e d s tu d e n ts # am e C om pan nam e c om pan nam e e lig ib ilit c rite ria p la c e d a re a D .0 . re c ru it m e n t s a la r a (e ra g e p a c o n ta c t n o . c am pus of e m a il id re c ru it m e n t p la c e d a re a S u b m it -. V ie w -. V ie w -.

U p lo a d p la c e d s tu d #am e C om pan nam e p la c e d a re a s a la r c o n ta c t n o . e m a il id S u b m it -.

s t a ff d e t a ils #am e d e s ig n a t io n c ontac t no e m a il id S u b m it-. V ie w -.

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S tudent

pers onel info. A c adem ic info. C om pan info.

2np c ell

A dm in

' lac ed s tud info S taff info.


#.2.# -F- LE3EL 1



personel info. Academic info. Compan info.

2np cell


'laced stud info Staff info.

Submit Displa Valid Database


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Testing should be done through the implementation process. 7ven before and application is installedE it makes sense to verify that the basic platform is capable of achieving its design capabilities. System testing is a critical process. Testing is a process of e;ecuting a program with the e;plicit intention of finding errors that is making the program fail. This helps in finding the bottle neck in the system. 7;ecuting a program in a stimulated environment performs testing. The feedback from testing phase generally produces changes in the software to deal with errors and failures that are uncovered.

+LAC5 +*6 TESTIN01

n black bo; testing or functional testing test cases are decided. Test cases are decided on the basis of requirements or specifications of the program or module. .lack bo; testing is done in the project to remove errors' ncorrect or missing function nterface errors. 7rrors in data structure or e;ternal database access. .ehavioral or performance error. 7rrors in initiation and termination.



The !hite bo; testing or structural testing performs close operation of procedural details. They test the software logical path by having test cases e;ercising specific sets of condition and loops. !hite bo; testing is done in the project to remove the errors' All modules path have been e;ercised at least once. 7;ercised on logical decisions. 7;ecuted all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds. 7;ercised internal data structure to ensure their validity.

This testing is done to tackle problems of interface that is putting all interfaces together. !hen the separate modules are put together in an integrated manner, this testing is performed. This testing is systematic technique. This testing is performed to check the data should not be lost across an interface. The objective is to take an unit tested module and build a program structure that has been dedicated by design.

Regression was done to ensure proper working of each module with the whole s stem! "ach module is em#edded in the s stem and the whole tested for integrit !



System testing is done when the entire system has been fully integrated. The purpose of the system testing is to test how the different modules interact with each other and whether the system provides the functionality that was e;pected.

Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test. Software testing also provides an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include, but are not limited to, the process of e;ecuting a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs 0errors or other defects1. Software testing can also be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program$application$product' meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and developmentE works as e;pectedE and can be implemented with the same characteristics.



!e can also send mail to all the students who are eligible for recruitment. The Admit card0hall ticket1 can be provided on the website. !e can show the overall results of students. Student can be notified about the T&/ Announcements. Software #ould be made available for all 6epartments.


From a proper analysis of positive points and constraints on the component, it can be safely concluded that the product is a highly efficient <" based component. This component can be easily plugged in many other systems.

Also the component is user friendly. <enerally the T&/Vs of the #olleges has to face a lot of problems in management of the Students information. This all information has to be managed manually. So, there is a need to develop a system that can solve the mentioned problem. This software comes with just that solution




&lack #ook of 'er(lets ) *'+ ,omplete Reference *2"" -er#ert 'chieldt


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