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CURE3145/UGED3332 Buddhism and Contemporary Life Se ond Semester!

2"13#14 Le turer$ Dr Tong Sau Lin Le turer%s offi e hour$ by appointment Le ture & 'utoria( 'ime: Friday, 3:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. )enue$ Li Dak Sum Bui ding !1" 'ea hin* +ssistant: #i$$ %&en 'ian Course Des ription (n it$ ong &i$tory o) more t&an !500 year$, Budd&i$m &a$ $pread to mo$t part o) t&e *or d, and it$ do+trine$ and pra+ti+e$ &a,e a $o undergone tremendou$ +&ange$. T&i$ +our$e i$ de$igned to $tudy Budd&i$m *it&in )rame*ork o) it$ de,e opment$ in modern $o+iety. T&e +our$e e-p ore$ $e,era $pe+i)i+ topi+$, di$+u$$ing Budd&i$t attitude to and +onne+tion$ *it& modern $o+iety, e+o ogy, +a$te $y$tem, p$y+&o ogy, )emini$m, t&anato ogy, a)) i+tion, edu+ation, and ot&er$. (n ea+& o) t&e$e topi+$, *e *i e-amine &o* Budd&i$m &a$ )itted it$e ) and been rein,ented to make it meaning)u and u$e)u in $er,ing peop e no*aday$, *&o are )a+ing in+rea$ing pre$$ure and )ru$tration$ in t&i$ modern $o+iety. (t i$ &oped t&at t&roug& +omparati,e and +riti+a ana y$i$, $tudent$ *i be ab e to under$tand and e-amine t&e +omp e- de,e opment$ o) Budd&i$m in re$pon$e to t&e $o+ia , po iti+a , and ot&er progre$$e$ in di,er$e +ontemporary +onte-t$. Learnin* out omes 1. To under$tand Budd&i$t attitude to and +onne+tion$ *it& modern $o+iety in ,ariou$ &i$tori+a $etting$ and +ontemporary +onte-t$. !. To engage in a +riti+a ana y$i$ o) &o* Budd&i$m &a$ a++ommodated it$e ) *it& t&e moderni.ation mo,ement$, and been rein,ented to make it meaning)u and u$e)u to peop e no*aday$. 3. To e-amine in *&at *ay$ Budd&i$m tran$)orm$ modern $o+iety and +u ture, and ,i+e ,er$a. ". To re ate $tudent$/ per$ona gro*t& and e,eryday i)e to Budd&i$t tea+&ing$ $o a$ to +u ti,ate a +on$tru+ti,e out ook on $e ) under$tanding and interper$ona re ation$&ip. Re,uirements Student$ are re0ue$ted to read t&e a$$igned reading materia $ be)ore +oming to t&e e+ture o) t&at *eek. 1a+& + a$$ meeting main y dea $ *it& one topi+. Student$ are en+ouraged to a$k 0ue$tion$ or re$pond to ot&er$/ 0ue$tion$ in + a$$ meeting$ and tutoria $e$$ion$. T&eir a+ti,e parti+ipation in + a$$ meeting$ i$ t&e key to t&e $u++e$$ o) t&e +our$e. Student$ are re0uired to *rite a term paper o) "00025000 *ord$ 3eit&er in %&ine$e or 1ng i$&4 on one o) topi+$ di$+u$$ed in e+ture$, or t&ey may +&oo$e t&eir o*n topi+$

pertinent to t&e +our$e $ub5e+t 3in t&i$ +a$e, make $ure you di$+u$$ *it& t&e e+turer be)ore&and4. Student$ are e-pe+ted to attend a + a$$ meeting$ on time. Fre0uent ab$en+e )rom e+ture$ and tutoria + a$$e$ *it&out $ound rea$on3$4 *i ri$k t&e pena ty o) t&eir )ina grade. +ssessment S heme Tutoria 6ttendan+e, 7arti+ipation 8 7re$entation #id2term 0ui. Term 7aper 309 !09 509

Tutoria 7re$entation: to di$+u$$ a $pe+i)i+ +u tura i$$ue:p&enomenon in +ontemporary $o+iety and it$ re ation *it& Bud&&i$m:Budd&i$t tradition$ "5 $tudent$ in a group; 35 minute$ )or ea+& pre$entation; 10 minute$ )or ' 8 6 *#id2term 0ui. an$*er $&eet$ $&ou d be $ubmitted on or be)ore #ar+& <, !01". **Submi$$ion dead ine o) term paper: 5:00 pm, 6pri !=, !01" and $&ou d be &anded in ,ia t&e >eri?uide a$ *e a$ in hard opy. De ayed $ubmi$$ion o) a$$ignment$ 3mid2term 0ui. and term paper4 *it&out rea$onab e e-p anation may re$u t in grade dedu+tion. 'ea hers% Conta t Detai(s Le+turer: Dr Tong Sau Lin 34 3Department o) %u tura and @e igiou$ Studie$4 A))i+e: @oom 306, Leung Bau Bui Bui ding Te : 3="3 "0CC 1mai addre$$: $ tongD+u& Tea+&ing 6$$i$tant: #i$$ %&en 'ian 1mai addre$$: +o.)ayeD&otmai .+om Te : 5""1 5C60 + ademi -onesty and .(a*iarism T&e %&ine$e Eni,er$ity o) Fong Bong p a+e$ ,ery &ig& importan+e on &one$ty in a+ademi+ *ork $ubmitted by $tudent$, and adopt$ a po i+y o) .ero to eran+e on +&eating and p agiari$m. 6ny re ated o))en+e *i ead to di$+ip inary a+tion in+ uding termination o) $tudie$ at t&e Eni,er$ity. 6 $tudent a$$ignment$ in undergraduate and po$tgraduate programme$ $&ou d be $ubmitted ,ia >eri?uide: &ttp$:::,eriguide!.+$e.+u& C(ass S hedu(e Geek 1 ! Date 1:10 1:1< Le+ture Topi+ %our$e (ntrodu+tion Fumani$ti+ Budd&i$m and 1ngaged Budd&i$m %a$te Sy$tem and Budd&i$m Tutoria 22222222 22222222

3 " 5 6 < C = 10 11 1! 13 1"

1:!" 1:31 !:< !:1" !:!1 2/24 3:< 3:1" 3:!1 3:!C ":" ":11

6)) i+tion and (mpermanen+e Lunar /e0 1ear -o(iday Budd&i$t 1du+ation in a 7 ura i$ti+ So+iety Budd&i$t Diet and >egetariani$m Budd&i$m and %on$umeri$m 2/222Sat3 fie(d trip 5id#term ,ui6 2ta7e home3 Hen and 7&otograp&y Budd&i$m and Gomen Budd&i$m in Fi m %ontemporary Iapane$e Budd&i$m, %a$e $tudy o) SJkagakkai T&anato ogy and Deat& 1du+ation in Budd&i$m Fo$pi+e %are in Budd&i$m


22222222 22222222 22222222

?roup 1 pre$entation

?roup ! pre$entation ?roup 3 pre$entation ?roup " pre$entation ?roup 5 pre$entation ?roup 6 pre$entation ?roup < pre$entation

Re ommended Readin*s 8ee7 9ne 2:an 1"3: %our$e (ntrodu+tion; Fumani$ti+ Budd&i$m and 1ngaged Budd&i$m @eading$: %&ri$top&er 'ueen, K(ntrodu+tion: T&e S&ape$ and Sour+e$ o) 1ngaged Budd&i$mL in ibid., Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia. Me* 3Nork: State Eni,er$ity o) Me* Nork 7re$$, 1==64:12"". Sa ie Bing, K%on+ u$ion: Budd&i$t So+ia 6+ti,i$mL in ibid. ed., Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia. Me* 3Nork: State Eni,er$ity o) Me* Nork 7re$$, 1==64:"012"36. 8ee7 '0o 2:an 1;3: %a$te Sy$tem and Budd&i$m @eading$: Faro d %o*ard, K?and&i, 6mbedkar, and Entou+&abi ityL. Faro d %o*ard ed, Indian Critiques of Gandhi. pp. "1266. 6 bany: State Eni,er$ity o) Me* Nork 7re$$. !003. !001 8ee7 'hree 2:an 243: 6)) i+tion and (mpermanen+e @eading$: 65a&n Sumed&o, T&e #ind and t&e Gay: Buddhist Reflections on Life. +&.5,6,10. Bo$ton: Gi$dom, 1==5.

Sara& S&a*, Introduction to Buddhist Meditation. pp. "1266. London and Me* Nork: @out edge. !00=. T&i+t M&at Fan&, he !eart of the Buddha"s eaching: ransforming #uffering into $eace% &o' and Liberation. pp. !C2"6. Me* Nork : Broad*ay Book$, 1===. 8ee7 <our 2:an 313: Lunar /e0 1ear -o(iday 8ee7 <i=e 2<e> ;3: Budd&i$t 1du+ation in a 7 ura i$ti+ So+iety @eading$: Fope S. 6ntone, Religious Education in Conte(t of $luralit' and $luralism. 'ue.on %ity: Me* Day 7ub i$&er$, !003. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123#4'5 6789:;<= != >!005.= 8ee7 Si? 2<e> 143: Budd&i$t Diet and >egetariani$m @eading$: Fuang, N., 6ng, %.N.G. K>egetarian )ood$ )or %&ine$e Budd&i$t$: @e igiou$ and p&i o$op&i+a ba$e$ o) )ood +&oi+e$L in )ood echnolog', 1==!, ,o . "6, no.10, pp. 105210C. ?@A!BC3DEF#G"H@IJ$'KL9MNO 3@i+&ard B. 7ayne4PQRSTU VWX YZ[ \ !!52!"!]^]_`ab()!01! 8ee7 Se=en 2<e> 213: Budd&i$m and %on$umeri$m @eading$: O(an Farri$, KBudd&i$m and 1+o ogy,L in Damien Beo*n, ed. Contem*orar' Buddhist Ethics. 3@i+&mond: %ur.on, !0004: 1132136. cde%!f%WXYZ[9MNO(Richard K. Payne)P QRSTU VWXYZ[\ 191-205] ^] _`ab()2012 8ee7 Ei*ht 2<e> 243: 5id#term ,ui6 2ta7e home3 8ee7 /ine 25ar ;3$ Hen and 7&otograp&y @eading$: gh ij 100kl()!001 %mn %mn /Wopq2rstuv !005 Fi m: +en 3!00=4 8ee7 'en 25ar 143$ Budd&i$m and Gomen @eading$: @obert F orida, KBudd&i$m and 6bortion,L in Damien Beo*n, ed., Contem*orar' Buddhist Ethics. 3@i+&mond: %ur.on, !0004: 13<216C.

1d. 7eter M. ?regory 8 Su$anne #ro.ik, ,omen $racticing Buddhism: American E(*eriences. pp. 15=21<". Bo$ton: Gi$dom 7ub i+ation$, !00C. 8ee7 E(e=en 25ar 213$ Budd&i$m in Fi m Fi m$: #amsara 3!0014, Running -n .arma 3!0034, wxwyz 3!0034, Raining in the Mountain 31=<=4 8ee7 '0e(=e 25ar 243: %ontemporary Iapane$e Budd&i$m, %a$e $tudy o) SJkagakkai @eading$: Danie 6. #etrau-, K T&e Soka ?akkai: Budd&i$m and t&e %reation o) a Farmoniou$ and 7ea+e)u So+iety,L in %&ri$top&er S. 'ueen and Sai e B. Bing ed. Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia. 36 bany: State Eni,er$ity o) Me* Nork 7re$$, 1==64: 3652"00. 8ee7 'hirteen 2+pr 43: T&anato ogy and Deat& 1du+ation in Budd&i$m @eading$: Frank 1. @eyno d$, KDeat& a$ T&reat, Deat& a$ 6+&ie,ement: Budd&i$t 7er$pe+ti,e$ *it& 7arti+u ar @e)eren+e$ to t&e T&era,ada.L (n Firo$&i Abaya&$i ed., /eath and After Life: $ers*ectives of ,orld Religions. 37rin+eton, 1==!4: %&apter 11. gh {|}@~k^@!000 8ee7 <ourteen 2+pr 113: Fo$pi+e %are in Budd&i$m @eading$: %. Iu ia Fuang, KT&e Budd&i$t T.u2%&i Foundation o) Tai*anL in %&ri$top&er 'ueen, ed., Action /harma: 0e1 #tudies in Engaged Buddhism. 3@out edge %ur.on, !0034:13"2151. : !'g)~''#()29 @~!011 =%>\ =121<6.

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