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jdlKI H. I S S F S Proprietor,
Ounce, K Tarmttm B O B D W O , lenns $1.60 Per Amramjn tfaw*,:'.

BOOK A N D " J O B P f ? U J T ^ N P . B *twt Ola" W o r M ^ w T r f o o a y

Business Cards.



llBoe loir*: ^ f > ' ' m " ; * g > * V 'JncceBaortotttetoteDr.S.O.Birow^ll.f

faitnu- - - - |

, . . . ' _ .,:, 'j


n TU BN E B , M. D . r ^ O i f l p e o v e r ! 9 aTlliiier'B Blow. BwWerum, VOMjbnn . u a inuroB. WeaiOeuteratrest. Offlae ^ i l i o t o w b a . or taotoM.na9M iinWABU MUNSON, M. D., PbysrH " ^ i aureoon. oatoe ana realCunoe I * , T e e ? J u m T u u a r , 8 t o 10 a.m.; 8 t o * Wesi street.


" i LUND, M. D., P h y s i o i a n a n d ' i r t . u i".u. Center street. Medina., N. ; !,m,e U peui" andnigat. 8pewal Boarsi '!?. % 11.< P- n.,ILOH>.m. Wtl

PDWABD POSSON, 8CUUOL CUMJII8SIONBB. .. i mi House, onloe Hours (ram 10 a. < p r a' Saturday o f eaoaraonlh. JOHN 0 . B I C E , UUEBlPD'l'FORLEAHSCOUHTY. oata m i " "urt H o a " ' o n Cat? Sqnare. J , - I r ~ i . w u r m i i s Couoiy. omoe G - , . , . i Kl on onlce open tao last SatSH, ta ai-a !""" a.'m. t o l p . m.
UI Iroul

FOBOK M A T H E S S u p e r i n t e n -


General Insurance Agency.

Ollico Over Union Bank, UED1NA HOOSE. Earn onler 8t , Medina, N. Y. TI!HMl-1.00rBK DAY. J. L. UKNION. flnl class siaiulnj Mtaohed. Mtl TTAKT H O U S E . i r > r. : r u-ti t ^ a Din all Its appointments. WKU-I 1 '' >*'"> * Swam. w BAD' ' " * 'O^. Proprietors. ,,Ul8v.'mSTi> U. N. UOFKIMl). Free oils tjr tlolel Uuesla. SStf CUIOSUS 4 L'HOMMEDIEoC Medina, N. Y.

MtoriiEf* aid Counselois at Law.

omceov^r rnajera DruutJtoro. SpeolalattenlooKiveu lo loileciioan aud Loaa negotiations. .1) MMUNDS. IStI

E Dental R o o m s , At r e s H m i e , 'Utt door -west of Baptist

; M. liAKEK, D . D . 8 .

CDurcti Mi-iinii.N Y.



Physicians a n d S u r g e o n s . Offlce timiM Dr. U. K. L'bapmin, 10 to ISft.m.. 1 o6 p. in , L)r. J niaprauQ. 8 to 10 a m., TISO to 13o i > ni ufUce. ai*ct>Q<l floor Chapman bloct. N.ii: 'ails at resHltmce, X8 Park Ave. 49 A BIL B0WEN, Dentist

The aiv'f rot grrnwa a Lew stylo 9f patent remoTauic^ wurk. Call on Dr. Bo wen, S3 una turret, and learn its valaable points. 40

Fruit and Confectionery





fan i,,.*arif.| HI ?ood n g - n f>or m a r t e r a t'.ila w e e k & r<* f')iiowm([ f i i o d a , In n e w and ti'itii in i'*w a a d m e d i a m pilced


CLOAKS and I M P S !
Storm S e r g e s .
" i w ni tfiQittiii n o w i r l t n m l n g s to *D<1 pa
' iii'-Ht t ' l i p i i r ' u i l o i i B . 1

*-Kii.-A, i ambries, lu varied styles

t > R o l e ft

Han-Hen h l p r s . O l o v c s .
"Hfii-'.i V 8 " ' " ' ' ' l ^ , * n

ODB [ !,' '""""<'"'i" d r e s s puttcrna. Got ' i'BUciu books.



t h e

I" in, ~ * ""'""n* n r.ornpleto l i n e of tbo "" pn.'-i iar i>,-iow m e regular.


A L L 1S*3. '* ^ n r ','" n! ; " f w o t o r n N e w T o i l h e f , " >" l h 'li'nlly a u n o u n o e t h a t o e v e r Petio-s I T ' I '1I> r t t" , W D ft S t o 0 !' o f C a r MiDT,.t, Pe"es so large and n es e e D ; W a l , * " ^ Suth, >'n "at store 0Tenn..i . , Ris made ) n floor ov , Pnn S" t l m t Wei, U , ,' H t h l n !?iQ DrapBrten has Z f ,, .""'" , "r-'I- tbis season that has lul t0 o u r * "tore. In v"," " . / torn,., ' >"""olf, j o a cannot afford J!ls vihi'tiu our store when i n wont ofc 1"''" "r Ilraperies of any kiud.
I I o w,,.

e & R o g e m , *o-ss-S4Statr8treetj

5mfr n 4 lay , Praam, AS O A K T O U a UXUUSXJt j B y A p r a i w a a a b l a t o g o to ,jrork M living humanTrejng i n the'pld mjll, and .faetoryjr and, M % X ojktt ^Wx*. Oonuaoa, M, Thomaj, o f ,fOpa^J^,wib%oJ)>s^y a?fftte*Pv it" ^exaarkabl* Oua> of J o a n W- qoudor. t h t f basket v w0rk ttoai5tma.aaytrith any Wan. J Ajkls^^pJa^b>gR#5Ktyj,ttot.tk6iidli>. oftattatay, o u flaty oyaxtiaia w l r o u * lerhad,*fcot himself byr*jcidentandtht A rawoess. ORWpaai *oB,Y*insTBW.T- feehng any h a d . effeota X play base" -_ The etqiy I m tttgmito-f9TXf<mimf x s y wjm STAMT O T * W ) B 0 T O o w r * baiyn^tha atQuioRa'inia can j u a -haaeii IIOOB wliaving ibie^told. % - t o d } 4 61- the-Vnoeg>bM-iribt6jiv4f S f e " ' - * ^ eiwwsrtaiwaa Waoediag tha BSSS WS ' IBAn HOSHTM, AXD DXStiBUKmn JA p r ^ * o n a a n : o f ^ g j n i , K slave fie.fere ; paouHar. lfca.Pmllipwaa IHOuRABTJI^trji! BTOStoffHtS JCWO"S%Br,:anacn$wnbcMi natirte&a raoantiy. S h e raturnsd ,td ULOvS BBOOVMCr JM jKVMMIOiTlUJ 9 1 "*s)?writQ.'. ' ! - ' :-' ''>'-1"' .' JHf AH M P H t l BWOBTISK, Tfeors. a g o , t h e r e M M i n V i r g f o ^ i ^ o , f l d | ^ tO,br|yB t ^ f a r ^ h i g . % 1 i f h o J^any a-hmo Xp^ayed for death to - r e 1 lease mo from toy sus^rlntabbut n o w T h r ^ h a d . a h , t r a o t d | i r BentteBiaata5eo\^^,,wn.oWw'grea( r B ^ ^ ^ o l l ^ ^ ^ s A ^ S ^ a o a d i as (Toronto.Emplro^ j-i i | y respected hj*:tU;wllo l a i e w m m . ' v ^^io&shaSteW . ~ For m o r e thn myem p a s t the reader* thrtliBTuVgona aftdri^uoy -h4aJtli i H w h U ^ a h e h a d w t h y l f e r n i _ ^ n ." ' ionl*-ha oan Tho isnffarei!| a ^ n y ' f b r A , a e ^ r T x i a l j a t b ^ a w o u a t , of theJSmptte.ha.'Tabaea tiveiv-tb.ep,was r i W n e ' w b Irjaijiyjlw lu>a the Tho mill was soon spoken o f M&auntg o o d wiahes of allhisriqighbors; he-was edby every ops. N o on^e would woA* tiolsrKof someof the m o s t r,(im*tkblo y e a r s I h a w g i y a n y o v i * Jtaf[0uit ahortt M M , PhflUpt n t n a a d a * _ _ cures of tho nineteenth oBnl,aryt all; or l i t t e o t n w i a a ^ r u i l ^ O T U t o m ' w j l r t I toBt,Panl, Mra. Thomas waa aaajohad JTaiy stoeka f a * tha n v Majoa ajST. ai exoellent insster and V good ftleni i theref aEdfinally Mr,-iM|K(tt olaBeil.% n w r l y aH 'of them, 'ia c*5' hitherto faavp tolcfyon oan gueaa tlia dapth, pt and pjjrt o t theatolanmoneyfouridori He owned a ereftfraeal"of ifeal -esfats, m it-iraa<llft td-itWB a f p H W f i o B f c ' ready aa4JW*oo W aahoW toaUvhsada held b y the incmt advanced medical her, ThaatoleftbUIaweraaawWintoa' 1 andamtaagit was tha-finest nuTl ppip. -scientists to'be xnoilrilblo. T h o -par- Whiohhaa restored, mre to lioalth , a u 4 m worn n e x t to.!*** ildn h y Ural vrydaylUta*p^r4fr<>*ui*ai G o o d s ' e r t y i n t h e county; It waa known"'*) / * , 2 tioulors o f those cwMj w e r e vouohed by strengthV ~^^ Thoana^-^Blrmftapalia; 'Jonthal, _ ^ aWoomlngf^owall'ojisrtara'and * > " MoKinV grist mfll, and vu .yextfttifa- malleKe4ittvalia.l'B^ti|W W P * Wjahing t o luMantiata t h e truth o f .ier nigd 30$t0>e^ suoh leading nowapapet* K S ThsEDunU- Mr. r 0oud0r-'a remarkabla, a^ory.thi able. H e always Jcept a roiller giexe, feMfeJj& p j a ^ a d ^ s j j s jrapidly.- Alraady ^ a ton Spectator anci Times, illie Halifax T ofn^^lnipJirgb^nBr^fseoQiintBt; ***>rf Emfiro WpresontaUve called upon Mr," 0 a n d of couwe tlie- nflller l w d K | toon, Wateb.fe*OoaMw4r.llM.ijr, i N o o n s b^ieyodMcKin'ji'riull would Herald, Toronto Globe, & Mondoj ^ . ^ W , vfalna,'the OakYiUe druggiatj n d a thriving bnsioesawMca^rtecl'On Cforamor rown, sent a reouast t o To the People oj Medina and SurMontreal; Detroit News, Albany. Bor years. l^eanwaUe.Mt.' Mojpi"N- ever t u n again.h'ut onoday at*U,'%trong, 7 , Journal, AlbanyEiprosisna others, referred <to above, Mr. Jamea fully Oommaaarl>ary1a ha *x Annapona/ - W k*p bataar atp with faahion rounding Country: znajneaa Dacheloranj Uyed In faS'tHi bread houldeied yojreg follow; w^Ujecl whose reputation plaood beyond ques- corwhoratad the.atatamenta of Mr., Jan. . and recelr* from tha gorCondor. .>When t h e latter, had first now than vnt before. "We sand m i n JSamfly mansion with his .mother ana up the stfijts of' w * "HpKih' inapipn, ' taken Dr. Wtlllamt' Pink M i a ho w rnor the w a t c h that ^ a a vqtad to OotaW e keep t h e most-complete etook ol "fia^wnttHltheforinerdiedl id13jela^ aiked t o see the mast%,; jjjijf Wgged to tion the statements made. KeoonOy rumors have boon afloat n ^ d e r l W b y t h a Maryland lagiala- t o w h t r e v e r t h e 1M g o o d i are made be/allowed t o t ^ e . c h a r g e o f $ w g # s t of a remarkable oase in t b o prottyhttle * e r married, and people began to say that * M M ^ ' h i ejndnot a t Samoa, Th t o buy t o onr ^Tanlajr*-aud 59jUr*,-=town of Oakvillo, ot a yoniuj m a n ren o w no doubt McKin himself wqiil(l mill, ^ W M f J * n 4 o t a a ' g o i a chronometer. DRUGS, "I've heard the story," ho sald,,asjair, covering after years ot lieSpl^anesaRnd hardly believe the man's recovery uqttil mtt y 'tb,e rihaul,^tt*che4lt ooat#Qft Xpn g?t t h e oraam ohnWmkohaidia marry, Tho Empire determined tq thoy saw hi,tn "therAaelvea. X h * ' * o ,OomWr\faVearyto now atattoned. at MoKin-began t o 0*p!*# " * don't be- agony. d W)l in adTanoa o f tha need, However, neither n\aid n o r widow of lieve in ghosts, and they can't soare mo subject t h o case to the moat 1?>8 ox4 o f th,iaonrftianow spread Uwougljout, Pa<*S-paonti!, Ya.~^laltimore ana. * animation, and aooordinjily datailed thdaaeotion, and the result i s an enojr-' t h e place could flatter herself that the anyway, f m i n hard luck, and Pro. a * ThenowottlM't6r taliea account'' j bachelor's attentions were "partiotllBJr,,, good miller. Trust roe and yonr mill one ot o u r best reporters (6 m a k e a! njqrMnn-aa a ^ p a i n . a e a t r o y e * . thorough and impartial inTestigatlon Mr. B . D . "Wa as, Gajr BnUding, St. H e lived alone w i t h his large retaine ojl shall work better than ever. Yon'U dp PILLS, into the case Acting n p o n these in-) Iiouia,Me.jmcitea: ' a h a v e n a e d y o u r ^Nowltee^aoooi ^ > servants for a year, id afe-lasji aston- me a service, and {'11. do yon one." tractions our reporter w e n t t o Oak-i ished his friends b y marrying a lady who In vain Mr. MoKin est before him. the v i U e . a n d called upon Wtr J o h n W . i s rumMkahlehv a town theeiao, of Oak- Salvati&n Oil sovoral tiniea and, find' it Ifaw Waih Goodi ( villa, And better atlU thoy giTO-perPLASTERS was on ntter stranger to every one, a fact that two millers had been already Condor (who it w a s had B O niironloualy -~KoBOJc - ' t. very beautiful young woman who had killed therein the haunted will. The recovered) and h a d not l o n g b e e n ' i n foot satisfaction Mr.. Jamea reoajled golden hair, great black eyes, a skin llk(i young giant declared that he should not conversation nifch him when b e 'Was |inmeroM.;in)!tlloea. of Mmaxkable.; a;! , a p rffeojaptrnaaiM h a , fijled,, cream a n d a brown mole on her left be, and finally the gentleman engaged convinced that tile itatemonta made! ^ John Boborteon, fiho. Uyea.mia.-. r were n o t o n l y trne," but* that cheek. ' him. the half had not tioen tola." T h e te4 way hotwoett.OakylUe8nd:Ma^ srh,o! The mill w a s opened and the.mlller porter found U r . Condor at work irt h a 5 been tr^nbM; mth.aatbjaa anilin "Western New York. Can furniab He garpe a great supper t o introduce anything y o u may want. Family her, and she was admired b y all. Eof set to work. H e took with him into the o n e o f theheavieetdepurfcmontaof the lironohitia fox about lo^oataT haa b e e n receipts carefully compounded. Wa dress w a s exquisite. She sparkled with mill a Bible, a revolver and a large, OakviUe basket faaetory, stad. was'ear j cured b y tho ueo o f Pink P i l l s , a n d ' ; have a M l line of Invalids and Baby jewelry, and a magnificent cluster ring sharp ax. prised i n the tabs of iat he knew of t h i s after pbyaioianabaa w i a h h a ftwja woa no use doottfttng .f.ilor, , M s . Foods. Ertraot Beef in every form. this oaae, t o be oontronteci by o strap-l and olher-atooks ,that;.ra.rlib.. anil -Which s h e wore o n the middle finger of For the first two nights he saw nothy.og;o9ttie, - yttittQ;,oow|ya..,-.:- " . , t h e right hand attraoted much-atten- ing, but heard noises like the falling of ping y o u n g fello-w of ko*Jd phyaiquo; ^obortson aaya hia. appetito h a d failed tion. I t was, like all the rest, a gift heavy millstones upon the. floor above ruddy oountonanoe and buoyant boar- ccmrJeteM.buwtoi taking8evhbo?S , T * M ^ S o y f l i i j a a t o l ) oij* story,' r from Mr. McKin. and -feet upon tho stairs. H e had ex- iog, * T h i s now rugged yonnj?, ifia^waa. :^y: he-whohad s p o n t a great W t o f his i <"-.* The h o s t did his best. The supper was pected something Jika'tjiis and remained days u p o n a sick bed, Buttering almost fox swk mpal, HtJiegardi-liie.oa"*-** a w a o i a | ^ n d a r ~ . l ; h o y aire tha t o i y , . -floiflgi!'- . - -'":'* W'-'j^fsh-rdelightful; there w a s a band of music in his room reading; his Bible by the untold agony, "Whoa t h e Etoplre-TCP- aiemarkabla one. Jtt fqt Pr,. Wu~ aomeof splendidly prepared produoti,' liame'Pink Pills aro reopghir-ed aa o n e light of a shaded lamp. from Richmond; there were roses everyresentative anuonnoed t h e purpoie of of tho groatest modern medicinesa No f o n 3 o r thfttBjna o f Fartia la i n f u ' ; W e f t wherever, ithe'heat ham* -*n4r where. Mr..McKin had tried to make On the third night, having heard the his viBitMr. Ooador oheexfully Tolun- perfect b l o o d Builder and nwyo, * e - b w o n a w k n o m a u o l doir93s notbing t o make the affair a splendid one, but same noises and quiotly disregarded teeied a statement ot hia case f o r the Btoror-ourfng auoa diBoasoa as'rheu- Hangoiu thd fact that tho beat trade d i e lead ycariaanijont, *"Twoimm*nae -when it -was over the guests began to ac- them, his door was dashed open and a benefit of other infforors. " I am," matism, neuralgia, cartinl paralyaw, Ml hondU them.Now Bnglnn^l floorireimeawithnhane*ti,^8^ knowledge to one another that they were hideous form entered. It was something said Mr. Ooador, "an BhgUshman by locomotor ataxia, Sfc Vitus' aanoe, nerbirth, a n d oamo t o this country with vous headnohoi nervons. prostration disappointed. W h y they could not say. between a woman a n d a great bird of my parents, whan nine yours o f age, in-flpor Q o ^ f r J n ^ a a : t ^ ^ ^ . ; <'i* and the tired feollngresnlwng, thorePerhaps Mrs. McKin was cold in hor prey. It wore fluttering white robes, and at that t i m e was a s rugged and! A DMirndDjanan Phlladolphja law. -manner. Some people could not help and had instead of hands great blaok healthy as any b o y of m y age. Z am ftom, dtaoaaeadopehdjag.upon humors yor asked b y hiewifo in company when h'ull l i n e of besfe m&kss of being that. But they had not been hapclaws. It floated toward hizu through now 80 years of a g o , and it was whon i n tho.blood, aboh aa Borofvila, ohronio Ujogu^tljaHaseoinE'saand, " W h o erpijislwi ate. u k P u i s .ssstpss notyonraelfV' p y , and in old times every one had en- the air, and behind i t came smother like .about 14 years o t age that t h e first palQ and laUow complexion* t o the glow would yon TtaXbsnnu 'twinges of infiamatory rheumatism of health, and oro a speolflo for all t h o made t l o gallant reply. "YourBeoona oarpati a a in a j y t ^ ^ i * 4 a % c ( ? i ( i joyed themselves BO much at the lio- unto it, but smaller. oamo upon mo, avnd during the fit toon Kinfl'. every poaiibla aemafld ; o t | | n ^ ; o | The first creature swooped downward years that intex-vonod between that troubles peculiar t o tho female s e x , .'-nn-n .. i . , . . f . , . , - l . ,...l TBOS advorHiIng o f Hood's S a n a - pnl>liointi^tlons Then some one hinted that the house and made a clutch a t tho lamp. As it time and my. rocovory a tow months while in tho case of m e n thoy offoot a , M> ' A free at all times to the ladies of Medina, radical ouro in all oasea arising from did so he snatched h i s revolver from his ago, tongue can hardly t e l l how muob. parilla is always within tha bounds ot servants did not like their new lady, and mental worry, overwork or excesses o f rofson beoauso it is true; it olwaya ap0at>0f-t0* ^ t o ^ 9 ; l ? j S i . - o y a * r liked still less h e r foreign maid, little belt and fired, emptying all the cham- I suffered. My trouble woe brought whatover uaJuro. peals to tho sober, oommoa sens* pt bers. The strange beings vanished with on,I think, through too frequent bath' and dark and withered as on old monkey. Tho Empiro roporter also onllou u p - thinking people booawo i t ia truoj aud nythlng; they ^ t ^ y ^ & f n d , " J 4 on Mr. J . O. Ford, proprietor of t h e it ia always fully eubatantinted b y en"No," old Phoebe, the cook, had said a wild shriek, but i n a moment they en tered again. This time the largest one ing in t h e eold leaf o water. The joints Oakvillo Basket Faatory, In whioh Mr. t o some one, "we all don't like madame's what tliayaand.for*. W * t a l k * . 4 t a r y NEW M D SECOHD-HAHD made a furious clutch at the lamp. As of my body begsua to swell, the oords Condor is employed. Mr. Ford said h e doraamqnts whioh. i n the. finanoial maidwe all don't like her. We got no world would bo aoooptod without a sho did so h e lifted his a x above his ot my l e g s to tlgiaton, a n d the muscles know ot tho pitiable oonditlon Condor moment a hoaitotlon. week t o thouaandi' outside BufTalp,. right t o talk about do madame nohow. I baoame a had boon i n for years, and ho h a d head, and with one blow sovered the of my limbs to oontraet. But madame's maid, she jea' u nigger, helpless cripple, confined to bed, and Tlioy'ro interested juab iaproportlon aa thought he would never roooyor. T h o hideous black claw from what looked F o r gouatnl family oarthiirtio w samo as de rest, and we all reckon she like a shriveled human arm; then ha for three months did not leavoniy room. onro waa ovidontly a thorough ono f o r The doctor who -was oalled in adminis- Condor worked steadily at heavy labor oonQdentaly rooommsnd Hood's Pill'e. thoy understaua and' apprflojaie bur mighty cur'uBmighty our"us^" hurled his Bible a t tho head of the B'XJU.I^ LIME. The d a y after the party w a s Saturday. smaller fiend. Instantly screams, oaths tered preparations of iodldo o f pot- in the mills and npparoutly stood it aa wall order tie: assium and and other remedies without well aa tho rest of t h e employees. Mr, 'x"on Iwvo forgotten something, air," Mrs. McKin professed herself weary and horrible curses filled the air. The any material beaofluiol efloot. After lata tho fanhionnblo tuhor a t a Boaton and remained in bed until supper tim._ Btrango beings vanished and alienee some months o f suffering I became Ford said h e thought a great deal of ohurolj wedding, as Mr. WUkins,, of tbo young man and, was ploased at h i a it iit^ti y ; Sunday morning, however, she rose. A/>~ reigned. strong enough t o loave tho bed- but wondoroua dolivoranoo from the gravo Ouiqago, Btarlea to leavo hia spat with; she was eating breakfast her husband my limbs wert stdfionod and I w a s un- aud his restoration t o vigorous health. out. Ha Blovpa. "Great Hoavanal" IfiyLamps and Lamp Chimneys to The black claw dropped t o the tablo. fitted for any aozavo vocation. I was spoke of the hour. fit any and every plaoe. W3* In ordor to still furtuor verify t h o oxolaiinod Wilkina, " S o yon expect a It was such a hideous sight that the mil- then hampered more or less lor tho fol"We shall have to make some haste, statement made by Mr. Condor ,iu t h e tip, too ?" tcfcl^' ler covered it with a cloth, that ho might lowing nino yoax-s, whon I was again 'i m y dear," ho said, "in order to be at obovo intorviow, t h e reporter on h i s This attaok not see it. He kept watch all the night, forood t o take m y bod. LITTLH BrothorDo y o a do your * roturu to Toronto examined t h o General church t n season." was in 1880, and was a great deal moro and early in the morning Mr. MoKin, Hospital records, and found thoreih own washing,' Mr. DoStraight? DoIt w a s some time before his wife anwho hod been told that firing had been severe than tho first. M y foot, ankles, tho outries fully bearing o u t all Mr. Btraight-No, .my boyi why d o you swered him; then she said: heard in the mill, came to make Inquir- legs, knees, ornxs and shoulders, and Condor had said, thus leaving n o ask ? E. B.~BoonusolHr. Orafta, Sno'a "I will not go t o church today." in faot all parts of m y frame wore ies. Tho miller told his tale, and Mr. affeotod. My joints ana musolea wore doubt that his ouoo i s one of tho m o s t othor follow, aaya that yon put every"I a m very anxious that you should, MoKin complimonted him on his bra- badly swollen, and tho disoaso ovon romurltoblo ou rooord, and all tho moro thing in soakmy door." Mr. McKin said. "It will be vory. Of courso ho was dosiroua of Booroaohod my hoad. M y faeo swelled roninrkubto because it had bailled t h o WOMAN has boon oompollod to Buffer, expooted of UB." ing the amputated claw, and tho millci to a great olzo. I wao unable t o open skill ot tho boat phyaioiano I n Toronto. not only her own ills, bufthoso arising "Yoa can go alono," she answerod proudly drew away tho oloth. Boholdl my month, my ja-wsboing flxod together. These pills nro manufactured by t h o from n want of knowlougo on tho part coldly. there lay upon tho table, not a claw, but I, of course, ooold oat nothing. My Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, ot those with whom alio atands con"Alone, tho first Sabbath after my a woman's beautiful handa, right hand, teoth wero priod opart a n d liquid food rJohonootady, N, Y., and Brookvlllo, nootod. I n tho mansions ot tho rich A FEW VARIETIES: marriage I" he cried. "Oh, my dear, im- on the middle finger of which gleamed a ponrod down r a y throat 1 lost my Oat., ajid aro sold i n boxes (novor i n and hovels ot the poor, woman has possible! Boo w h a t I have bought for splendid cluster diamond ring. At the voice, and oould speak only in husky loose form by tho dozou o r hundred, Jinon aliko t h o patient vlotlm of ilia and tbo publlo nro cautioned against whispers. Really, I am unable t o deyou for tho occasion." And he took sight of this horror Beized tho miller, scribe t h e state I was 'in daring those numorotta iai.iutiunBSold in this shape) unknown to man. B u t now tho hour from a tabic a small parcel, unfolded it and Mr. McKin seemed about to die. H long weary months. With my BWBIIOB at 00 conti a box, o r six boxes tor $2.00, o t h e r redemption baa come. Bradand handed to Mrs. McKin a beautiful knew tho hnnd; he know the ring. Then, limbs drawn up by tbo tightening oords and may b o had of all druggists o r Holds Pomalo Begntator ouros all dlaoasospoouliartohor aox. Bold by Bttlo prayer book bound h i blue velvot, without a word, he walked out of the up to my cnufccioted body, a n d my diroot by mail from Dr. William B' E. O. Davis WBOU8AUIIXD B R A a 30w4 with silver clasps, and her name on the mill and homeward and into his wifo'i wholo frame twisted and contorted into Medioino Company from either address. . * corner i n silver letters. A s ho placed it chamber. She was i n her bed, as usual. indoscribablo sbapes, I was nothing Tho prloo at whiob thoso pills are s o l d "Tun groat problem I have t o doal mako a oourso of troatmont oompar a;'; ' beforo her Bhe uttorod B low cry and Tho maid, pale, and with a great bruisi moro than a doforrnoa akoloton. For tivoly inoxpanslvo as oomparod w i t h with,"said thokaopsr of tho Imboollo FlOllda 0 l l D o 6 8 , ' fainted away. T h e maid rushed to her upon her forehead, interposed to prevonl throo long months I was oonllned to bed othor remodios or medical troatmont. asylum, "la to find lomo oooupation after whioh I w a s ablo to got up. but was for tho people under my ohorgo." and they carried her to her room, whore his approach. a complete physical wreak, hobbling "Why not aot them to Inventing oolthenceforward she romalned. From that orouna on araiohos, a halplops oripplo. "Madame is very ill," sho said. lege yells ?" asked tho visitor. moment Mr. MoKln's beautiful yonng My sufferings wero continualv intotlso, A Now Poitofflo* Eiprlront. "Out of my way, womanl" ho cried _ , , . . and frequently ^hon I would b o hobwif o seemed to be bedridden. Sho never Let no man nay that St. Martin's lo Tbo following ts tbo prloo of sugar, subject to and pushod her aside. Tax* wnNiHd-anil don't 1st that vlioUlibling along t h e stroot I would bo maritctctiangeB: left her pillow. Mr. McKin consulted Then, bonding over hia wifo's bed, but seized with a paroxism of pain and Grand has not taken entorprlso to Its oaso. Catarrh, use root and Oourlth In roar BrtLlota. CO lbs. lota. Retail, the most celebrated physicians. None of without his usual show of tenderness, he would fall unooosolouB t o tho ground. bosom. That much criticised depart- Mttom. will Sulphur oittora will proront this and Or an mated 5.08. 5^o. fi^c thorn could discover what ailed her. Her said sternly: During all this timo I- had t h a con- ment has }ast begun to oxporfment with Woe II mako you strong and hoalthy.Bdltor maid.nTirsed her continually. Mr. Mcnest A 4.96X0. SXo. &Xc a sort of automatic postofuco, and tho stant attendance of medical men, but "Show mo your hand." aOHBTIlIHOWHIlN oulcly Press. siiri IJITMIB _. KateAro yoi) Mrs. G Kin w a s not encouraged to enter the in Mra. uy? W tllte 0 4.68. 4^C 60front of the Boyal exohango has boon sothoir remodits -wero unavailing. All She thruBt forth her left one. room; h e always made his wifo's head >, my' nnmofa . . Smith. Xlttlo thoy could do woBto try to build up my looted as a likely place for it. It la a Oallor-No, "The other," ho said, C O F F E E S . system by tho txso of tonios. In tho acho when ho spoke to her. Finally he ICatioWell, i guess mamma didn't Sho uttered a scream and turned down fnll of 1880 and spring o f 1800 I again further extension o f tho groat principlo know yon, 'oauso whon you ware oom contented himself with a brief Call of inWeroaattbo best brands of Coffoea obtainof tho penny in the slot. Y o u drop in Ing in she said you ware tho biggeat the counterpane, but thero was none to suffered intensely sevore attacks, and able. No crockery, no prise with TJSA o r quiry ervery morning. H e was a vory your penny, and In roturn you got an en- guy sho ever saw. showonly 1 1 bandaged stump, from at last my medical attendant, as a last COFFEE. Alouey valao only. unhappy man, more unhappy than in his which tho hand had been severed. resort, ordcrod mo t o tho Toronto velope ond a correspondence card. At bacholor days. tbo eamo timo a boll is automatically A aon-siKD Is Kij's croam Unlm, I Had The next morning tho wholo village Ooneral Hospital. I outorod tho Hosoatarrn tor ihrco years, Twq ?r ifiroo tlmos moa 4 a P A O Y DBEP B t a t 3 f * n a a l l kind, Old Phojbo began to tell strange sto- was tn wild excitement, for Jock Mc- pital o n Juno 20th, 1800, aud remainod rung in the nearost postoffloo. -TEA.weolr my noso Would uleed. ougat1the Boroi ofFarnaoIouaQoodi.,. r ' - . j ; , . ries to her friend, tho housekeeper at the Kin, whom they all knew and loved so thare until.8optembor 20th of t h e s W o You write your urgont moisagoon tho Yottr llalin hiip si ourod . W u r ~ * me. t _ _ . .... lUnu Oar experience tn tnls line is worth some. , v , I'oruimouth, N. II. year. But, notwltbitaxidtng all tho mu U outh, N . II ll, card, put It into t h o envelope with tho would novor thing. We will givo oar trade the benefit of It. hotoL heal. Your Ualm h well, had gone to tho graveyard and troubloo with calarm Is sortIB IO mnctl trouliloa with calarm Mow Japan Teas aro now in and are of a Dno Mrs. H. A, mnctl Jacltaoa, I'ortsmouth "Mar-sy Jack mighty nigh done broke thero shot himsolf through the heart be- oaro and attontion boatowod upon mo foe, at tho rate of throoponco o milo, and oualy afrooted ray voloo. of Hly's quality. I was ' " Quo Bottle whilo in this Institution, no improveCroam llslm did tho work. votes la lull his heart,".Bho would say. T z o mighty side his mother's grave. And tho serv- ment was noticeablo In my oonuition. drop tho communication Into tho letter rostorod.-Jl.F. , ostorod.-Jl. V, Lloi Uopnor,A.f. ' " 'astor' of" tbi iA-Jttay.ii,-r'il-lnl 1 l ator *.*?'t sorry for Jack, but wo all jes'despises de ants had told their talo and tho miller After using almost ovory avnilablo box. A messongor arrivos In a tow min- Ollvot DlptKt Churell, Philadelphia, I'a. owa - F L O 0 B . utes and tokos the letter t o its destinamadam. Sho sick in bed nil day, but his, and there was tho lndy's hand, with remedy tho liospitol dootorB- of whom HoTuiffl,nD TutsTlioro lias boon recently The following brands of Floor are the boat thero was about a dozenoamo to tho tion by omnibus, railwhy or cab, This placed in do night I reckon sho mighty well the ring npon it, to bo seen by all. In our drugntoru Gllmoro'a Aroiaatlo Known to the trade: oonelusion that my oaso was inourable, is a capital idea, likely to bo ospecially wine, rcoommondga by all inqdlcal soclettci In yes'in, s h e mighty woll den, and she get "Burn the wretches," a man criod, and PBLL8B0RY, western partlor Uus State to bo tup best up and dress sheself and eat a big sup- a band of men, both black and white, and I was Bout away, with tho under- useful in so busy a locality as tho Royal tho NIAUARA FANCY, regulatlog tonic for til complaints wbleb ladles , GLOBE, per and go out o b de do'. Yes'm, Bhe do. bore down upon t h e McKin mansion. standing that I might remain a n out- exchange But If it succeeds thare, it ru Biihtet to, A certain ourc;tor|nrvou debll(BnooeiaorioIIonlon a Btoik) A ido pationt. Accordingly from Sepf, ynidlgotlou and inward weakness aod a WELD 4 IIILL'B. And d a t little chipmunk of n maid nhe They entored the door and marched up tember, t h o ond o f January, 1891, ought to be,'and n o doubt will bo, exjnoral roiulator tor iliu atamaou and bowols. Use tho best. It will pay to got our price. tondod to othor places in London.St. go along wid her, and dey done coma bo prlools ai par battle, " wwjl tho stairs and into madame's room, but I went to tho hospital onoo n wook for We can save yoa do I lam on this one item alone. -OBAUHQZlt-. back j e s ' bofo' sun up. Yes'm, wo all thoro was no 0110 there. Nobody had examination a n d treatment. At this James Gazette. knows d a t do libin trufl," seen tho two women depart, but they stage I boonmo suddenly worso, and XIio -World's F l r In E n g l a n 4 . "Why don't y o u toll your M a m Jack?" wore gone and were nevor seen again, onoo moro gaixiod adnxisoion to the - F A R M E R S A forotoate of t h o Chicago o x b l b i t l o n the housekeeper asked. and since that time no fool has ever en- hospital, whore I lay i n a miserabla Gjt the price of BUTTER AND BG08 whon Buffering condition for t w o months or w a s g i v e n this w e e k by M r . D r o d g e , a t "Cere ain't nobody dast tell dat yar tered tho old mill and it has slowly fall- moro. In tho spring of 18011 returned yoo oorue to marfeel. It will pay you. Extra tho S o c i e t y of A r t s , whon t h i s g e n t l e m a n tndaootnenta will be given to choice batter to Marse Jack McKin," said Phcobe; en into decay. to Oakvillo, ancl niado a n attompt to do makers. g a v e a lecturo, to t h o a c c o m p a n i m e n t of "nobody." Tho lady's hand, however, is still pre- Bomothing lowscrd my o w n support. 1 And .nobody did dire. But soon it was served in spirits in the town hall, and was iven light work in tho basket too- t h o m a g i o Inn torn, o n tho e x h i b i t i o n a s i t With tho Now Year 1803 wo have wbispexed everywhere that Mrs. McKin the old negro who acts tho part of watch- tory, b u t had t o be convoyed to and i s a n d w i l l be. Bo m a n y r o m a n c i n g t a l c s O o e a n Xiol^et. bocoma solo agonts for tho had a lover whom sho went to meet ID man declares tiiat a t midnight it always from m y plaoo o f labor i n a buggy and of tho greatness o f tho s h o w have b e e n r.tla vi>JnWTi<gr-* carried from t h e rig to a tablo in t h e e x p o r t e d f r o m A m e r i c a t h a t o f e e l i n g of Oanard Line. Intnan Line, wiilte 8iar Lino tho pine woods a t midnight. Daokus Steam Hoator, an applichanges to a hideous block claw. How- tho works on whioh I oat and parand Union Lino. d o u b t a s t o whoro f a c t loft o f f and f a n c y But there was something else that Mr. ever, no one else ever witnessod this formed my work. In August, 1881, 1 Or-Exchange Drafts on Europe lor sale. ance which noods no introducJack McKin was to hear shortly. There transformation.Mary Kyle Dallas in was again strlok-on down, and remained b e g a n h a s boon i n many m i n d s . Mr. tion ond little advertising i n tho was trouble at his mill, ond the trouble Fircsido Companion. in an utterly bolpless condition until D r e d g e ' s lecturo a n d Mr. Dredgo'u m a g i c January. 1802. At this timo Mr. Jam es, l a n t e r n s l i d e s , h o w e v o r , p u t ' i t b e y o n d a waaof a supernatural sorttho miller City of Buffalo, whoro its cloflulla local drugiria*, ntrooely urged me to d o u b t t h a t tho a h o w will b o a l m o s t an and his men had seen a ghost. A Flno Collcatlon of lluttorOies. noss, comfort and offlolonoy aro try D r . WUliamo Pink Pills f o r Palo b i g a s i t Is painted. Tho b u i l d i n g s t h e m One b y one the men had been fright The Colifornia Academy of Sciences People. I w a s projndlcod .against constantly sources of favorablo ened a w a y , and the miller was alono a t contains one of the finest collections of proprietary medioinos a s I h a d spent s e l v e s appear t o b o ovon m o r o mibstanhis post. At last ho came up to the Mc- butterflies and moths in (ho worldcor- nearly all I ponsessod on numorous tial t h a n a l l a c c o u n t s liavo mado thorn, ronmrk. a n d t h e r e hi no d o u b t t h a t t h o e x h i b i it Everything in the Shoe line, from a Kin mansion one day and resigned hia tainly tho finest o n tho Pacific coast. highly rcoomrocrted oo oalled remoiUes, lH.uiHKjl|HOi(. tion w i l l r e a l l y bo " t h o g r o a t o s t s h o w on Ladies F i n e Shoe to a Man's Brognn, at 4 millership. He was reluctant to-givo his This collection was made b y Dr. H. H. I had exhanstad tho liat of liniments, reasons, but finally did so. The ghosts Bohr, who began t h e work In 1844 and but all in voin, and I w a s therefore re- earth.'.'Loiidon P o W t J o n r n a l there wero t w o of themmanifested Who has boon steadily adding to i t ever luctant to tnko Mr. JaroW odvioo. I, Married at tlu> O m d ot a Coffln. t fh/smselves every night. They were not since. Quite recently Dr. Behr presented however, sow afcronp; teatlmoniola R to M o u r n e r s who g a t h e r e d a t a f u n e r a l Cash and One Price, tho value of D r . Williams' Pink Pills as to bo frightened away, and did mischief I to tho acadomy, which means tho people a blood builder and nervo tonio, and i n ElinhnrBt saw a r e m a r k a b l e eight. In 2d door north of postoffioo, Medina. to the grain and est fire t o tho mill in 1 of California, tho accumulated riches ro- thinking that i f I could only got my t h o coffin i n tho parlor l a y t h o b o d y of various places, though h o bad always luMng from his labore of nearly half a blood in botter condition my gonoral Mrs. L u c y D . C l o y . F r l o n d s a n d r e l a Thin most modern of inventions found t h e flames in time t o pufthem out. centnry. stato o f health mlirbt b e Improved, I tive!) w e r o seated a b o u t , T h o Rov. T , J . resolved to g i v e Pink Pills a trial. How t h e y threatened to Mil him if ho combines the eboorfuinoaa of tho Previous to 1844, Dr. Behr made on- With tho oorcrofro born of despair I C o l l i n s , o f S c r a n t o n , w a s t h e r e to p r e a c h In the oonnty to get was n o t out in three days. "4 other collection which lip presented to bonght a box, b u t there was n o notice- tho f u n e r a l s e r m o n . J u s t b e f o r o t h o lire plaooa of opr grand-daddlos " l a m amazed to hear such a story fheDukoof Saxony-AnhaU;. It is now able improvement, and I thought that t i m e s e t f o r tho s e r v i c e s t o begin A . D, with aaoh economy 'that oyory fromajwWtoman of JntelligencV'jjas in tho museum at Kothen, Saxony. Tho was like the other remedies 1 had FIRST-CUSS O A K TANNED y, a s o n of t h o dead w o m a n , w a l k e d Jack M c & ^ " c o m n i e n ? ~ on tho talcv oldest butterfly in Dr. Bohr's later col- used. But urgssd on b y friends I connnit of heat i n tho fuol i s utilisto t h o r o o m l e a d i n g Mies Lillian S n y "Soma one is evidently trying to fright- lection was caught in Batavltt in 1844. tinued taking Pink Pills o n d after der. T h e s e t w o w e r o l o v e r s , and t h e y i ed. Evory boater Isportablo and en you away. Eemain, and on tho night Binoo this date tho Onthusiaef to scientist using seven barxeii I w a s rowardod b y t h e r e r e q u e s t e d t h o Bov, C o l l i n s t o m a r ^ ornamontal. Wo invito y^u t o they threaten to take your life tho sheriff has pursued hio researches in Europe, noticing a decided change for t h o r y therm. W h e n y o n n g C l a y produced bettor. My appetite . rotarnod, m y and his men shall bo with you." the Bast Indian archipelago, Mitnjla, spirits began t o rise a n d I had a little t h e r e q u i r e d certificate tho preachfir c o n oxamino thorn at oar s t o r e FinaJly the miller returned to tho miii the Sunda islands, tho Cape of Good freer net of my muscles and limbs, tbo s e n t e d t o perform t h o c e r e m o n y , Tito i and at dusk o n the third day was seen Hope, the Isthmus o t Panama, Bffl4u, old troublosomo sirollinus subsiding. M e find groom took thoir places e k alive a n d well b y people who come with Mexico, Australia anoVthe Onitcd Stfltes. I continued t i i o remedy until I bad | $ a head of tho coffin oxtd, With tho grist When t h e sheriff and his men By exc)ifm&m wib othercoueetow be need twenty-fUro boxes -whon I loft o f t mourners; for witnesses, thoy wo0,|ocame stealthily through tho woods a n baa obtained specimens from all psluts of nbunccd hudband and wife. Tbt;t)io troHHtor, hoar later the mil) was perfectly dark. the known world. Somo o f <Ho;iBnest fnnoral ecrvicM went on^-Cor, Phil:0rliff*ty,, .-r. Mlflagii, They Hghted *behr lanterns and wont and 'rarest ata from tha Amoor 'jriver. toWillrrltM. throngfc it. calling tho mijk? by name, The collection Includes nearb/-^0,CO0 y t but receiving n o answer, until they mechnens, of which about CJm are etfll ab io neshfa"nd 4 l P 6 0 ^ m n e t t a MO . IfcialiopedtlwfcthoJltisgachusottsoxfound him m has own room lying on Ins nnclasiffiod. The nmnber o f determined pound*. Thi*' mm a i a a n . Of 0Jtyiifltto pcrteJont- of; natohing bicephalous trout In a few week*, W^SMif awomfi'd face, a pistol fo ius hand, an overturned their normal slae, my xnmcla* teeatne wiUprcduwuilflUtlwtwllfboJuit twice lamp beside h i m , tod.' He had been forman.-an Fraoclaoo 0%pnfti}8, flriner, and in f act I Trad,.* ^new nana. M apt to bite t h o ordlnsiry tfout... Baffalo If, I shot; ttoronjjh fl h* Tboio woa n o


iutb&wMie. stag


^ O

0 : 1



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