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MBA III Semester II Internal Test SUBJECT : Sales and Marketing Channel Management

DATE : TIME : MAX. MARKS : ! "eneral Instr#$ti%ns: The &a&er is di'ided int% (%#r se$ti%ns A )B) C * D. All the se$ti%ns are $%m&#ls%r+. Se&arate instr#$ti%ns are gi'en ,ith ea$h se$ti%n and -#esti%n) ,here'er ne$essar+. Read these instr#$ti%ns $are.#ll+ and .%ll%, them a$$%rdingl+. In +%#r ans,er sheet ,rite +%#r R%ll /%.) /ame * Se$ti%n $%rre$tl+. 0lease ,rite d%,n the serial n#m1er %. the -#esti%n in the ans,er s$ri&t 1e.%re attem&ting it. M%1iles are n%t all%,ed in the e2aminati%n hall. An+ st#dent ind#lge in mal&ra$ti$e ,ill 1e immediatel+ de1arred .r%m the e2aminati%n hall.

PART A (2X4=8 MARKS) Answer ANY 4 Questions. Ea ! "uestion arries 2 #ar$s. 1. What in sales performance? 2. What is marketing logistics? 3. What is an expert system? 4. Define distribution management. 5. What is channel conflict?

PART % (8X 2= &' MARKS) Answer An( T)* Questions. Ea ! "uestion arries 8 #ar$s. 1. Write a note on Distribution ntensity. 2. Write a note on !ertical marketing system and "ori#ontal marketing system.

3. Discuss the role of technology in logistics management. 4. Write a note on expert system.

PART + (&2 ,&=&2 MARK)

1. $xplain the importance of performance e%aluation. $xplain the %arious methods of e%aluation. 2. &ogistics and supply chain management play a key role in today's efficiently run companies. Discuss. ()*+,D -.ompulsory/ -1401114/

) sales manager of a 2ell established steel company faced a problem 2ith the )rea sales manager of the southern territory. While sales increases in the south territory 2as encouraging3 there 2as an increasing trend noticed on debtors in dues from customers some of the dues extending beyond 45 days of billing. 6outh 2as noticed to be holding excess in%entory of high %alue steel for o%er six months. +his territory 2as indeed ending up to be a drag on the )ll ndia sales performance of the organi#ation. 6outh has intense competition in the lo2 %alue steel from the unorgani#ed sectors. )s a sales manager of a company ho2 2ill you de%ise a sales 7uota for the south and the 2eightages that you 2ould be gi%ing to each type of 7uota. Will you redesign territories3 reorgani#e sales forces3 and also change the mode of e%aluation sales force? explain.

MBA III Semester II Internal Test

SUBJECT : Sales and Marketing Channel Management

DATE : TIME : MAX. MARKS : ! "eneral Instr#$ti%ns: The &a&er is di'ided int% Three se$ti%ns A )B C)* D. All the se$ti%ns are $%m&#ls%r+. Se&arate instr#$ti%ns are gi'en ,ith ea$h se$ti%n and -#esti%n) ,here'er ne$essar+. Read these instr#$ti%ns $are.#ll+ and .%ll%, them a$$%rdingl+. In +%#r ans,er sheet ,rite +%#r R%ll /%.) /ame * Se$ti%n $%rre$tl+. 0lease ,rite d%,n the serial n#m1er %. the -#esti%n in the ans,er s$ri&t 1e.%re attem&ting it. M%1iles are n%t all%,ed in the e2aminati%n hall. An+ st#dent ind#lge in mal&ra$ti$e ,ill 1e immediatel+ de1arred .r%m the e2aminati%n hall.

PART A (2X4=8 MARKS) Answer ANY 4 Questions. Ea ! "uestion arries 2 #ar$s. 1. What do you mean by n%entory 8anagement? 2. Define channel ntensity.

3. What is corporate !86? 4. What is $D ? 5. What is scrap?

PART % (8X 2= &' MARKS) Answer An( T)* Questions. Ea ! "uestion arries 8 #ar$s. 1. $xplain the importance of logistics management. 2. Who are market intermediaries? What are the common types of marketing intermediaries. 3. $xplain the %arious format of channel structure.

PART + (&2 ,&=&2 MARK)

1. $xamine the factors that should be considered in the selection of channel 8ember. 2. $xplain the causes of channel conflict. "o2 do 2e manage channel conflict?

()*+,D -.ompulsory/ -1401114/

Non Store Retai-in./ )a-#art inten0s to 1enture into Non store retai-in. in 2n0ia. T!e w!o-e ran.e 3ro0u ts se.#ents are i0enti4ie0/ 5ar0ware6 So4tware6 A33are-s6 5o#e .oo0s6 s3orts .oo0s6 to(s an0 so on. Non store 7ase0 3ro0u ts6 rea0i-( a1ai-a7-e an0 wou-0 #eet t!e re"uire#ent o4 a-- t(3es an0 ate.ories o4 usto#ers6 are 7ein. wor$e0 out. T!e 3ro7-e# is/ A. +an )a-#art resort to ata-o.ue retai-in.8 %. +an t!e( t!in$ o4 0ire t retai-in.8 +. S!ou-0 t!e( nee0 to a0o3t a #i,e0 a33roa !8

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