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Works Cited The Constitution of the State of Montana. N.d. PDF file.

This is the Montana Constitution which I use information from re ardin !ri"ac# in the $ther Documents !art of m# !ro%ect. The Constitution of the State of Montana. && Mar. '()&. PDF file. The Montana constitution states in article & section '* that The ri ht of indi"idual !ri"ac# is essential to the well+,ein of a free societ# and shall not ,e infrin ed without the showin of a com!ellin state interest. Cornell University Law School. Cornell -ni"ersit#. n.d. We,. &* /an. &*'0. 1htt! This is the full Freedom of Information 7ct. Department of Justice. De!artment of /ustice. n.d. We,. '8 Dec. &*'9. 1htt!233www.%ustice. o"3o!cl3!ri"stat.htm6. This is the full !ri"ac# act of '()0 which is m# main to!ic. F$I7 :Freedom of Information 7ct;. FQAS. F<7S. n.d. We,. && /an. &*'0. 1htt!233www.fa=s.or 3es!iona e3>!+Fo3F$I7+Freedom+of+Information+7ct.html6. This is a,out the histor# of the Freedom of Information act and the in"ol"ement with the Water ate scandal. Fourth 7mendment2 7n $"er"iew. Cornell University Law School. Cornell -ni"ersit#. n.d. We,. && /an. &*'0. 1htt! I use this as an e4am!le of a !ri"ac# law in the $ther Documents section of m# we,site.

Google NGram iewer. @oo le. n.d. We,. &* /an. &*'0. 1htt!s233,ooks. oo le.com3n rams3 ra!hA contentB!ri"ac#C#ear?startB'5**C#ear?endB&**DCcor!usB'5Csmoothin B)CshareB Cdirect?urlBt'E9FE&C!ri"ac#E9FE&Cc*6. This shows the use of the word !ri"ac# o"er time since the #ear '5**. showin that it ,ecame more of a concern in the mid '(**Gs. Li!rary of Congress. Hi,. of Con .. n.d. We,. &* /an. &*'0. 1htt!233thomas.loc. o"3c i+ ,in3,d=uer#3IAd*(92JK'&0)'2LLLHCsumm&BmC6. This is a ,ill that focused on stren thenin the Freedom of Information 7ct. much like the Pri"ac# 7ct of '()0 did. "#S. PFS. n.d. We,. &* /an. &*'0. 1htt!233www.!,s.or 3newshour3character3links3ni4on?s!eech.html6. The transcri!t of President Ni4onGs resi nation s!eech which I =uote. President Kichard M. Ni4on. National Archives. National 7rchi"es. n.d. We,. && /an. &*'0. 1htt!233media.nara. o"3media3ima es30*3'(30*+'D90a. if6. This is a !icture of President Kichard Ni4on that I use as a "isual aid. $he State of California. California. n.d. We,. && /an. &*'0. 1htt!233www.le o"3.const3.article?'6. This is 7rticle ' of the California Constitution which I use information a,out !ri"ac# from in the $ther Documents !art of m# we,site. State of California. State of California. &*'&. We,. '* Dec. &*'9. 1htt!233www.le o"3.const3.article?'6. This is the California constitution which in article ' section ' states that all !eo!le are ,# nature free and inde!endent and ha"e inaliena,le ri hts. 7mon these are en%o#in and defendin life and li,ert#. ac=uirin .

!ossessin . and !rotectin !ro!ert#. and !ursuin and o,tainin safet#. ha!!iness. and !ri"ac#. US Legal. -S He al. n.d. We,. '8 Dec. &*'9. 1htt!233definitions.usle al.com3i3in"asion+of+ !ri"ac#36. In"asion of !ri"ac# and le al definition. US Legal. -S He al. &*'9. We,. '8 Dec. &*'9. 1htt!233definitions.usle al.com3r3ri ht+to+ !ri"ac#36. This is the ri ht to !ri"ac# law and le al definition. %atergate&info. Water n.d. We,. &* /an. &*'0. 1htt!233water ate.info3chronolo #3,rief+ timeline+of+e"ents6. 7 timeline of e"ents ,ehind the Water ate scandal that I use for the timelines in m# !ro%ect.

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