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Fort andres Bonifacio, Metro Manila 7/AAG SUB !"#$ Utili%ation of &eser'ists in F(neral )onors Ser'ices and ot*er +ast "o(rtesies 19 December 2005


See Distrib(tion

1- &eferences$ a- &e.(blic Act 7077b- S,/ 0r 1, G)2, AF/ dtd 13 (l 92, S(b4ect$ Arran5ement and "ond(ct of F(neral Ser'icesc- )/A +etter Directi'e dtd 60 ,ct 92, S(b4ect$ Additional Units #as7ed for F(neral )onors / Ser'icesd- )/A +etter Directi'e dtd 1 Mar 03, S(b4ect$ Delineation of #as7in5 for F(neral Ser'ices Detailse- )/A +etter Directi'e dtd 18 A(5 03, S(b4ect$ #as7s of 99D :&&;, /A and 0"&&"DG, A&!S",M for F(neral )onors / Ser'ices2- Bac75ro(nd$ #*e A&!S",M, .artic(larl< its &e5ional "omm(nit< Defense Gro(.s :&"DGs; and "omm(nit< Defense "enters :"D"s; and (nits of 99D :&&; *a'e constraints on lac7 of acti'e .ersonnel assi5ned beca(se most of its .ersonnel are en5a5ed in t*e cond(ct of .re=reser'ist and reser'ist>s trainin5s- +i7e?ise, t*ese (nits *a'e tas7s and f(nctions to .erform in t*e administration of &eser'e Force and ot*er mission=related acti'ities- "onsiderin5 t*ese limitations, t*e tas7 of .erformin5 f(neral *onors / ser'ices and ot*er last co(rtesies cannot be s(stained as t*ere@s not eno(5* n(mber of acti'e .ersonnel to render f(neral *onors and ot*er last co(rtesies to deceased retired militar< .ersonnel, 'eterans and reser'ist officersAit* t*ese constraints, t*e (tili%ation of t*e reser'ists to render f(neral *onors is s(rel< of 5reat im.ortance as it is amon5 t*e mandated tas7s and f(nctions of t*e "ommand to .ro'ide f(neral *onors to comrade=in=arm as s.ecified t*ro(5* t*e ,ffice of t*e A" of S for &&FD, G7, /A- )o?e'er, t*ere is no .rescribed 5(idance / .olic< on t*e (tili%ation of reser'ists and t*eir s(..ort in t*e cond(ct of f(neral *onors / ser'ices and ot*er last co(rtesies6- /(r.ose$ #*is directi'e sets fort* t*e .olicies / 5(idelines and f(nctions of A&!S",M and 99D :&&;, /A in t*e (tili%ation of reser'ists and .ro'ision of s(bsistence allo?ance ?*ile renderin5 d(ties in f(neral *onors / ser'ices and ot*er last co(rtesies to retired militar< .ersonnel, 'eterans and reser'ist ,fficers-

3- /olicies/G(idelines$ a- Section 63, RA 7077. Auxiliary Service = For t*e .(r.ose of *el.in5 maintain local .eace and order, meetin5 local ins(r5enc< t*reat, assistin5 in resc(e and relief o.erations d(rin5 t*e disasters and calamities, *ealt* ?elfare acti'ities and .artici.atin5 in local socioBeconomic de'elo.ment .ro4ects, t*e /resident ma< call (.on t*e reser'ists in t*e affected or concerned localities to 'ol(nteer t*eir ser'ices- S(c* 'ol(ntar< ser'ices s*all be referred to as a(Ciliar< ser'ice and s*all be of t?o :2; t<.es$ 1; Civil Auxiliary Service = Civil auxiliary service covers services rendered in helping maintain law and order, assisting in rescue and relie operations, participating in socio!economic development pro"ects, delivery o health services and any other non!military activity - Female reser'ists s*all be 5i'en 5reater .artici.ation in t*is re5ard- &eser'ists ser'in5 (nder t*is cate5or< s*all not be armed- #*ose ?*o *a'e licensed firearms ma< be 5ranted .ermit to carr< firearms onl< ?*en t*e< are act(all< .erformin5 d(ties in maintainin5 .eace and order, .ro'ided adeD(ate control meas(res are instit(ted b< t*e a(t*orities concernin5 t*e carr<in5 and (se of firearms- 9n no case s*all t*e reser'ists be 'ested ?it* .olice .o?ers2; #ilitary Auxiliary Service = Militar< a(Ciliar< ser'ice co'ers ser'ices rendered in meetin5 local ins(r5enc< t*reat- &eser'ist ser'in5 (nder t*is cate5or< ?ill be or5ani%ed into &ead< &eser'e (nits- #*e< m(st be iss(ed and allo?ed to carr< firearms- /ro'ided, t*at t*ese reser'ists ?ill be (tili%ed onl< for defense of t*eir res.ecti'e localities and ?ill not be em.lo<ed o(tside t*eir localities- !lected/ a..ointed local 5o'ernment officials are eC.ected to .erform t*eir d(ties and res.onsibilities in t*eir res.ecti'e /eace and ,rder "o(ncil le'els or similar or5ani%ations efficientl< to en*ance a total inte5rated s<stem a..roac* a5ainst t*reats to national sec(rit<b- Section 6$, Art. RA 7077 % &eser'ists .erformin5 a(Ciliar< ser'ice s*all not recei'e .a< b(t s*all be entitled to recei'e allo?ances and b(rial as .ro'ided b< la?Ait* *is consent, a reser'ist on a(Ciliar< ser'ice, ?*et*er ci'il or militar<, ma< contin(e to render s(c* ser'ice ?it*o(t recei'in5 t*e allo?ance d(e *im- A reser'ist ser'in5 militar< a(Ciliar< ser'ice is s(b4ect to militar< la?, ?*ereas, a reser'ist ser'in5 ci'il a(Ciliar< ser'ice is notc- #*e (tili%ation of a .art or as a ?*ole of a reser'e force s*all be in accordance ?it* eCistin5 la?s, r(les and re5(lations ?it* orders5- #as7s$ aA&!S",M 1; NCRRCDG:

:a; /ro'ides 'i5il 5(ards to deceased retired enlisted personnel !eterans and reser!ist o""icers ?*ose remains are l<in5BinBstate o(tside +0MB Mort(ar<:b; /ro'ides militar< *ost and .allbearers to deceased !eterans # retired $ilitar% o""icers ?*ose remains ?ill be interred at memorial .ar7s / cemeteries ?it*in 0"& and +0MB as ma< be directed b< t*e "ommand t*ro(5* G1 / G72; & to &' RCDGs = /ro'ide one :1; team com.osed of se'en :7; reser'ists read< to be dis.atc*ed to .erform 'i5il 5(ards, firin5 .art<, militar< *ost and .allbearers to deceased retired militar< .ersonnel, 'eterans and reser'ist ,fficers- #*e team s*all be .laced (nder t*e direct s(.er'ision of one :1; officer and / or acti'e senior 0", t*ro(5*o(t t*e acti'it<(


*ID +RR,:

1; /ro'ides one :1; team com.osed of se'en :7; reser'ists read< to be dis.atc*ed to .erform 'i5il 5(ards to deceased retired militar< .ersonnel, 'eterans and reser'ist officers ?*ose remains are l<in5BinBstate o(tside +0MB Mort(ar<- #*e team s*all be .laced (nder t*e direct s(.er'ision of one :1; officer and/or acti'e senior 0", t*ro(5*o(t t*e acti'it<2; /ro'ides militar< *ost and .allbearers to deceased retired militar< .ersonnel, 'eterans and reser'ist officers ?*ose remains ?ill be interred at memorial .ar7s / cemeteries ?it*in area of res.onsibilit<, and +0MB as ma< be directed b< t*e "ommand t*ro(5* G1 / G7c( -G. PA 1; Monitors t*e acti'ities of A&!S",M and 99D :&&; in t*e cond(ct of f(neral *onors, ser'ices and ot*er last co(rtesies2; Facilitates t*e release of f(nds :S(bsistence Allo?ance; intended for se'en :7; reser'ists ?*o s*all render f(neral *onors / ser'ices and ot*er last co(rtesies for t*ree :6; da<s in coordination ?it* ,G1, /Ad- -G& PA = Allocates f(nds :S(bsistence Allo?ance; for reser'ists ?*o s*all render f(neral *onors as reD(estede( -G/ PA: 1; /ro'ides blan7 amm(nitions to be (sed b< t*e firin5 .art< of A&!S",M and 99D :&&; d(rin5 t*e interment of retired militar< .ersonnel, 'eterans and reser'ist ,fficers2; /ro'ides 'e*icle:s; ?it* dri'er and /,+ to 99D :&&; ?*en .ro'idin5 f(neral *onors ?it*in 0"& onl<0( Proced1res: a- A&!S",M and 99D :&&; t*ro(5* &"DGs / "D"s and &ead< &eser'e Battalions res.ecti'el<, s*all select and or5ani%e se'en :7; 'ol(nteer reser'ists eac* to com.ose t*e f(neral *onor>s team ?it*in t*eir res.ecti'e A,&- #*e reser'ists in'ol'ed in t*e f(neral *onors s*all be called to acti'e d(t< :"AD; to render "i'il A(Ciliar< Ser'ice for a .eriod of t*ree :6; da<s and are entitled to recei'e eD(i'alent to t*ree :6; da<s s(bsistence allo?anceb- A&!S",M and 99D :&&;, (.on recei.t of notice for t*e cond(ct of f(neral *onors, ser'ices and ot*er last co(rtesies b< t*e concerned &"DGs and &&Bns s*all iss(e callin5 orders to reser'ists in'ol'ed in t*e f(neral *onors s(b4ect for confirmation b< )D A&!S",M and )D 99D :&&; res.ecti'el<- "oncerned (nits s*all initiall< inform )/A :Attn$ ,G7; t*ro(5* radio messa5e as basis for t*e release of t*e s(bsistence allo?ancec- A&!S",M and 99D :&&; s*all s(bmit a formal reD(est to )/A :Attn$ ,G7; ?it* t*e attac*ed callin5 orders, confirmation of t*e callin5 orders and a .*otoco.< of Deat* "ertificate of deceased retired militar< .ersonnel, 'eteran and reser'ist ,fficers- ,G7, /A s*all consolidate all t*e reD(ests and facilitate t*e release of s(bsistence allo?ance in coordination ?it* ,G1, /A- #*e "ommand t*ro(5* ,G1 s*all release t*e s(bsistence allo?ance to t*e concerned Finance Ser'ice Unit :FSU; on a mont*l< basis c*ar5eable a5ainst t*e &&FD /ersonal Ser'ices :01; F(nds.( Ad$inistrati!e Instr1ctions: a- A&!S",M and 99D :&&; s*all re5(larl< render re.ort to )/A :Attn$ ,G7; on t*e (tili%ation of reser'ists in f(neral *onors, ser'ices and ot*er last co(rtesies- #*is ?ill be incl(ded in t*e rec(rrin5 re.ort :mont*l<, D(arterl<, semiBann(al and ann(al re.ort;- 9ncl B1 Monthly Accomplishment Report-

b- A&!S",M and 99D :&&; s*all s(bmit (tili%ation of f(nd release to t*is )eadD(arters :Attn$ ,G7; for monitorin5 .(r.osesc- &eser'ist .ersonnel ?*en (tili%ed s*all be led b< one :1; officer and / or acti'e senior 0", from t*e tas7ed (nitd- &eser'ist .ersonnel s*o(ld not be detailed to render f(neral *onors at +0MBfAll reser'ists detailed as 'i5il 5(ards, .allbearers, firin5 .art< and militar< *ost s*all be in (niform5F(neral *onors s*all be limited for a maCim(m of t*ree :6; da<s-

*- A&!S",M s*all .ro'ide t*eir o?n 'e*icle:s; ?it* dri'er, administrati'e and /,+ reD(irements ?*en .ro'idin5 f(neral *onorsiA&!S",M and 99D :&&;, /A s*all s(bmit blan7 amm(nition reD(irements to t*is )eadD(arters :Attn$ G3 / G7; before t*e last mont* of eac* <ear for .ro5rammin5 .(r.oses4/artici.ation of reser'ists s*all be cate5ori%ed as "i'il A(Ciliar< Ser'ice and credited as .art of t*eir AD# or acti'e ser'ice=in=5rade7+ateral coordination is enco(ra5ed-

1- RESCISSI-N: All letter directi'es, S,/s, re5(lations and ot*er .(blications of t*e "ommand inconsistent ?it* t*is directi'e are deemed rescinded or modified9- E22ECTI3ITY$ #*is directi'e ta7es effect (.on .(blicationBE ",MMA0D ,F +9!U#!0A0# G!0!&A+ !S/!&,0 &$

!DUA&D, B S#, D,M90G, "olonel 90F : S"; /A Ad4(tant General Distrib(tion$ A&!S",M F 99D :&&;, /A G1, /A G3, /A G7, /A

S!"U&9#E "+ASS9F9"A#9,0 :9f An<;

F0$ )ero Fo(ndation

SUB !"#$ Assistance to t*e )!&, Fo(ndation, 9nc 2M: CS PA Date$ 10 ,ctober 2005 &""/ "E/!"B/8022 "M# 0& GGGG


4444444444444G. PA444444444 4444444444444G& PA444444444 SUMMARY: 1- &eference$ +etter from t*e !Cec(ti'e Director for ,.erations, )!&, Fo(ndation, 9nc- MG!0 &!0A#, M GA&"9A :&!#; dated 13 Se. 05 reD(estin5 t*e "ommand to iss(e a directi'e for assistance to t*e Fo(ndation- :9ncl B 1; 2- /er abo'e reference, t*e )!&, Fo(ndation 9nc- .ro'ides ed(cational assistance to t*e or.*ans of soldiers ?*o ?ere 7illed d(rin5 militar< o.erations- As sti.(lated in t*e letter, for t*e .ast fo(r :3; <ears, t*e AF/ .artic(larl< t*e /*ili..ine Arm< t*ro(5* A&!S",M and Arm< Bri5ades *a'e been eCtendin5 assistance b< coordinatin5 ?it* t*e Fo(ndation>s sc*olars and t*ereb< facilitated meetin5s / dialo5(es ?it* t*e sc*olars and t*eir .arents / 5(ardiansAccordin5l<, t*e Fo(ndation>s a5reement ?it* t*e .re'io(s Arm< "ommanders, ?as t*at t*e A&!S",M is t*e .rimar< (nit ?*o s*all be res.onsible for contactin5 t*e )!&, sc*olars and t*eir .arents residin5 in t*e cities and ca.ital to?ns and facilitate t*e 'en(es of meetin5s / dialo5(es- +i7e?ise, t*e Arm< Bri5ade is res.onsible in contactin5 )!&, sc*olars and t*eir .arents / 5(ardians comin5 from o(tside cities and ca.ital to?ns6- )o?e'er, to formali%e t*e abo'e a5reement, MG!0 &!0A#, M GA&"9A :&!#;, t*e !Cec(ti'e Director for ,.erations, )!&, Fo(ndation, 9nc- is reD(estin5 t*at a directi'e s*all be iss(ed b< t*e "ommand as a 5(ideline to officiall< facilitate t*e im.lementation of t*e arran5ements ?it*o(t .re4(dice to t*e tas7s of A&!S",M and t*e Arm< Bri5ades3- 9n 'ie? *ereof, t*is Di'ision *as drafted a +etter Directi'e and G7 recommends'al on t*e attac*ed +etter Directi'e- :9ncl 2; 5- G1 and 9 conc(rREC-MMENDATI-N: 8-'al of .ara 3 and notation on t*e attac*ed .ro.osed )/A +etter Directi'e and si5nat(re on t*e letter addressed to t*e !Cec(ti'e Director for ,.erations, )!&, Fo(ndation 9nc- :9ncl 6;


H E AD Q U AR T E R S P H I L I P P I N E AR M Y Fort Andres Bonifacio, Metro Manila 7 / AG/D SUB !"#$ Assistance to t*e )!&, Fo(ndation, 9nc-


See Distrib(tion



+etter from t*e !Cec(ti'e Director for ,.erations, )!&, Fo(ndation, 9ncMG!0 &!0A#, M GA&"9A :&!#; dated 13 Se. 052Bac75ro(nd$

#*e )!&, Fo(ndation, 9ncor.orated .ro'ides ed(cational assistance to t*e or.*ans of soldiers ?*o ?ere 7illed in militar< o.erations- #o date, t*e Fo(ndation *as 1,609 sc*olars from all le'els all o'er t*e co(ntr<- A total of 157 .(.ils come from t*e elementar< le'el, 691 *i5* sc*ool and 753 colle5e st(dents *a'e a'ailed t*e sc*olars*i.- #*ro(5* t*e sc*olars*i., 321 *a'e 5rad(ated from colle5e and earned a de5ree- D(rin5 t*e last fo(r <ears, t*ro(5* t*e arran5ements of t*e Fo(ndation ?it* t*e .re'io(s Arm< "ommanders, t*e /A t*ro(5* A&!S",M and some field (nits *ad been *el.in5 t*e )!&, Fo(ndation in coordinatin5 ?it* t*eir sc*olars and facilitated meetin5s / dialo5(es ?it* t*em and t*eir .arents / 5(ardians- )o?e'er, it is sti.(lated in t*e abo'e reference, t*at t*e !Cec(ti'e Director for ,.erations of t*e )!&, Fo(ndation reD(ested t*at an official directi'e s*all be iss(ed b< t*e "ommand to formali%e t*e arran5ements ?it*o(t .re4(dice to t*e tas7s t*at t*ese (nits *a'e to .erform9n li7e manner, as a 5est(re of s(..ort and assistance to t*e 5ood intention of t*e said fo(ndation, t*e "ommand desires to address t*eir reD(est and be of *el. in t*eir (nderta7in5s b< desi5natin5 some (nits of t*e "ommand ?*o s*all be res.onsible in contactin5 and coordinatin5 ?it* t*e sc*olars and f(rt*er facilitate meetin5s / dialo5(es ?it* t*em and t*eir .arents / 5(ardians6/(r.ose$

#*is directi'e .rescribes t*e tas7s and f(nctions of t*e concerned (nits / offices for t*e assistance t*at s*all be .ro'ided to t*e )!&, Fo(ndation, 9ncor.orated3#as7s$ a- A&!S",M S*all be t*e .rimar< (nit res.onsible in contactin5 )!&, sc*olars and t*eir .arents / 5(ardians in t*e cities or ca.ital to?ns and s*all coordinate / facilitate for t*e 'en(es of t*e meetin5s / dialo5(es (.on reD(est of t*e )!&, Fo(ndation, 9nc-

b- Arm< Bri5ades S*all render assistance in contactin5 )!&, sc*olars and t*eir .arents / 5(ardians o(tside t*e cities or ca.ital to?ns (.on reD(est of t*e )!&, Fo(ndation, 9ncc- G7, /A S*all monitor t*e com.liance of A&!S",M and its o.eratin5 (nits :&"DGs / "D"s; in contactin5 )!&, sc*olars and t*eir .arents ?*o are residin5 ?it*in cities and ca.ital to?nsd- G1, /A S*all monitor t*e com.liance of Arm< Bri5ades and its o.eratin5 (nits :Battalions / "om.anies; in contactin5 )!&, sc*olars and t*eir de.endents ?*o are residin5 o(tside cities and ca.ital to?ns5Administrati'e 9nstr(ctions$ a- #as7ed (nits s*all .erform t*e follo?in5$ 1-; Sec(re a co.< of t*e (.dated list of )!&, sc*olars in t*eir res.ecti'e 5i'en area as a reference in contactin5 t*em2-; !ns(re t*at all )!&, sc*olars and t*eir .arents are< and .ro.erl< informed of t*e 'en(e and sc*ed(le of meetin5 / dialo5(e6-; &ender .eriodic re.ort to t*is )D :Attn$ G1 / G7; on ?*ate'er form of assistance rendered to t*e )!&, Fo(ndationb- +ateral coordination amon5 (nits / offices is enco(ra5ed8!ffecti'it<$ #*is directi'e ta7es effect (.on .(blication5Y C-MMAND -2 LIEUTENANT GENERAL ESPER-N 6R:

EDUARD- 5 ST- D-MINGColonel IN2 +6SC, PA Ad71tant General Distrib(tion$ A&!S",M Arm< Bri5ades

S!"U&9#E "+ASS9F9"A#9,0 :9f An<;


Utili8ation o" Reser!ists in 21neral Honors

SUB !"#$

Utili%ation of &eser'ists in F(neral )onors Date$ 10 ,ctober 2005 &""/ "E/!"B/8022 "M# 0& GGGGG

#,: CG THRU: 3C PA

2M: CS

4444444444444G. PA444444444 4444444444444G& PA444444444

SUMMARY: 1- &eferences$ a&A 7077 HAF/ &eser'ist Act of 1991Ib- S,/ 0r 01, G)2 AF/ dtd 13 (l< 92, S(b4ect$ Arran5ement and "ond(ct of F(neral Ser'ices- #ab=B c- )/A +etter Directi'e dtd 60 ,ct 92, S(b4ect$ Additional Units #as7ed for F(neral )onors / Ser'ices- #ab=" d- )/A +etter Directi'e dtd 01 Mar 03, S(b4ect$ Delineation of #as7in5 for F(neral Ser'ices Detail- #AB=" e- )/A +etter Directi'e dtd 18 A(5 03, S(b4ect$ #as7s of 99D :&&;, /A and 0"&&"DG, A&!S",M for F(neral )onors / Ser'ices- #ab=! 2- /er ref 1a abo'e, t*e A&!S",M and 99D :&&;, /A are mandated to render f(neral *onors to deceased retired militar< .ersonnel and 'eterans in t*eir res.ecti'e area of res.onsibilit<- !'er< time t*e< are tas7ed or reD(ired to render f(neral *onors, t*ese (nits are obli5ed to .ro'ide at least one :1; team to render a t*ree :6; da< 'i5il before t*e interment and .ro'ide militar< *ost and .allbearers d(rin5 t*e interment- )o?e'er, ?it* t*eir constraints on lac7 of .ersonnel assi5ned, t*e< can *ardl< .ro'ide eno(5* or5anic .ersonnel to render f(neral *onors beca(se most of t*eir .ersonnel are in'ol'ed in t*e cond(ct of .re=reser'ist and reser'ist>s trainin5s- F(rt*er, t*ese (nits *a'e t*eir tas7s on t*e administration of reser'e force and ot*er missionBrelated acti'ities6- Ait* t*e constraints stated abo'e, t*e (tili%ation of t*e reser'ists to render f(neral *onors is definitel< of 5reat im.ortance as it is amon5 t*e mandated tas7s and f(nctions of t*e "ommand to .ro'ide f(neral *onors / ser'ices and ot*er last co(rtesies to comrade=in=arm as s.ecified t*ro(5* t*e ,ffice of t*e A" of S for &&FD, G7, /A- #*e reservists involved in uneral honors shall &e CA' or three (3) days and they are entitled to receive e*uivalent to 3 days su&sistence allowances. #*e so(rce of f(nds s*all be ta7en from t*e &&FD 01 F(nds c(rrentl< administered b< G1, /A3- As a matter of .roced(re, t*e A&!S",M and 99D :&&; s*all select and or5ani%e se'en :7; 'ol(nteer reser'ists in e'er< .ro'ince to com.ose t*e f(neral *onors team of eac* &"DGs / "D"s and ?it*in A,& of &&B0s, 99D :&&;- U.on recei.t of notice and t*e tas7 for t*e cond(ct of f(neral *onors / ser'ices and ot*er last co(rtesies b< A&!S",M :&"DGs / "D"s; and 99D :&&; :B0s / &&"o<s;, t*e concerned (nit s*all iss(e callin5 orders to reser'ists in'ol'ed in t*e f(neral *onors s(b4ect to confirmation b< )Ds A&!S",M and 99D :&&;- #*en, t*e concerned (nit s*all send a reD(est for t*e release of S/A to )/A :Attn$ G7; as basis for t*e release of t*e s(bsistence allo?ance

s(..ort- G7, /A t*en consolidates all t*e reD(ests and facilitate t*e release of f(nds :S/A; in coordination ?it* ,G1, /A on a mont*l< basis t*r( t*e nearest FSU, F"/A ?*ic* *as

.a<in5 4(risdiction o'er t*e reD(estin5 / concern (nit5- )o?e'er, t*ere is no .rescribed 5(idance / .olic< on t*e (tili%ation of reser'ists and t*eir s(..ort s<stem in t*e cond(ct of f(neral *onors8- 9n 'ie? *ereof, t*is Di'ision *as drafted a .ro.osed letter directi'e re5ardin5 t*e (tili%ation of reser'ist in f(neral *onors and G7 recommends t*e'al on t*e attac*ed letter directi'e7- G1 and 9 conc(rREC-MMENDATI-N: 1-'al of .ara 8 and notation on t*e attac*ed +etter Directi'e- #ab=A


S!"U&9#E "+ASS9F9"A#9,0 :9f An<;


Utili8ation o" Reser!ists in F(neral )onors

SUB !"#$

/ro.osed +etter Directi'e re Utili%ation of &eser'ists in F(neral )onors Date$ 23 0o'ember 2005 &""/ "E/ D "/8121 "M# 0& GGGGG

#,: G/

2M: G.

&( Re"erence: Approved +etter 'irective dated 0, -ovem&er ,00., Su&"ect/ 0tili1ation o Reservist in 2uneral 3onors. (Attached) '( /er reference abo'e, t*is ,ffice *as .ro.osed a +etter Directi'e re Utili%ation of &eser'ist in F(neral )onors and *as been'ed b< "G, /A on 19 0o'ember 2005)o?e'er, ?*en t*e said letter directi'e ret(rned bac7 to o(r office from ,"G, /A, it ?as learned t*at <o(r ,ffice ?as inad'ertentl< / (nintentionall< eCcl(ded as one of t*e conc(rrences in t*e '2. F(rt*er, t*e tas4s for t*at ,ffice s*o(ld be s.ecificall< stated in para .e (5as4s) of t*is letter directi'e before t*is ?as for?arded to "G, /A for'al alt*o(5* t*e item 3& &elow *as been stated in para 7h (Administrative 6nstructions) of t*e .ro.osed +etter Directi'e9( 9n 'ie? *ereof, t*is ,ffice drafted t?o :2; tas7s for G3, /A to be incl(ded in para .e (5as4s) as follo?s$ a. 7rovides &lan4 ammunitions to &e used &y the iring party o AR8SC9# and :6' (RR) during the interment o retired military personnel, veterans and reservist 9 icers. &. 7rovides vehicle(s) with driver and 79+ and other administrative re*uirements to :6' (RR) when providing uneral honors. /( matter:( 9n 'ie? of t*e fore5oin5, reD(est <o(r comments / recommendations on t*e For consideration and fa'orable action-


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