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Family Home Evening

President Gordon B. Hinckley: The Six Bs Opening Song: Follow the Pro het !"hildrens Song#ook g. $$%& es . verse '() Opening Prayer: Scripture: *+" $:,Lesson: .ead /The Pro hets "o0nsel: The Six Bs&1 2rom the Friend& Fe# 3%%$. "hoose a di22erent erson to read each B. Be Grateful 4 5alk with gratit0de in yo0r hearts. Be thank20l 2or the wonder20l #lessings which are yo0rs. Be grate20l 2or the tremendo0s o ort0nities that yo0 have. Be thank20l to yo0r arents who care so very m0ch a#o0t yo0 and who have worked so very hard to rovide 2or yo0. 6et them know that yo0 are grate20l. Say thank yo0 to yo0r mother and yo0r 2ather. Say thank yo0 to yo0r 2riends. Say thank yo0 to yo0r teachers. Ex ress a reciation to everyone who does yo0 a 2avor or assists yo0 in any way. Thank the 6ord 2or His goodness to yo0. Be Smart 4 The 6ord wants yo0 to ed0cate yo0r minds and hands& whatever yo0r chosen 2ield. 5hether it #e re airing re2rigerators& or the work o2 a skilled s0rgeon& yo0 m0st train yo0rselves. Seek 2or the very #est schooling availa#le. Become a workman o2 integrity in the world that lies ahead o2 yo0. 7 re eat& yo0 will #ring honor to the "h0rch and yo0 will #e genero0sly #lessed #eca0se o2 that training. Be Clean - 8void evil talk. *o not take the name o2 the 6ord in vain. 9 "hoose yo0r 2riends care20lly. 9 5hile yo0 sho0ld #e 2riendly with all eo le& select with great care those whom yo0 wish to have close to yo0. 9 Be clean. *ont waste yo0r time in destr0ctive entertainment. 9 How tr0ly #ea0ti20l is a well4groomed yo0ng woman who is clean in #ody and mind. She is a da0ghter o2 God in whom her Eternal Father can take ride. How handsome is a yo0ng man who is well4groomed. He is a son o2 God& deemed worthy o2 holding the holy riesthood o2 God. He does not need tattoos or earrings or rings anywhere else on or in his #ody. The First Presidency and the :0or0m o2 the Twelve are all 0nited in co0nseling against these things. 9 There is no need 2or any 6atter4day Saint #oy or girl& yo0ng man or yo0ng woman& to even try ;dr0gs<. Stay clean 2rom these mind4altering and ha#it42orming addictions. Be True 4 Be loyal to the "h0rch 0nder all circ0mstances. 7 make yo0 a romise that the a0thorities o2 this "h0rch will never lead yo0 astray. They will lead yo0 in aths o2 ha iness. 9 Be tr0e to yo0r own convictions. =o0 know what is right and yo0 know what is wrong. =o0 know when yo0 are doing the ro er thing. =o0 know when yo0 are giving strength to the right ca0se. Be loyal. Be 2aith20l. Be tr0e. Be Humble - The 6ord has said& /Be tho0 h0m#le> and the 6ord thy God shall lead thee #y the hand& and give thee answer to thy rayers1 !*+" $$3:$%). 9 7 #elieve the meek and the h0m#le are those who are teacha#le. They are willing to learn. They are willing to listen to the whis erings o2 the still& small voice 2or g0idance in their lives. They lace the wisdom o2 the 6ord a#ove their own wisdom. Be Prayerful 4 =o0 need His hel & and yo0 know that yo0 need His hel . =o0 cannot do it alone. =o0 will come to reali?e that and recogni?e that more and more as the years ass. So live that in good conscience yo0 can s eak with the 6ord. Get on yo0r knees and thank Him 2or His goodness to yo0 and ex ress to Him the righteo0s desires o2 yo0r hearts. The miracle o2 it all is that He hears. He res onds. He answers@not always as we might wish He wo0ld answer& #0t there is no A0estion in my mind that He answers. Activity: Play memory with yo0r Six Bs cards Practice memori?ing the six Bs

Closing Prayer: Treat: Pick yo0r 2avorite treat& or have /B1nana 0dding: $ large ackage instant vanilla 0dding , c0 s cold milk 34, #ananas $ c. vanilla wa2ers Bake 0dding as directed& slice #ananas + add to 0dding. "ho wa2ers and stir into 0dding& or serve on the side. .e2rigerate 2or ,% min0tes #e2ore serving.

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