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Soul Sovereignty


Sacred Love
by Perry Mills

Introduction: The overwhelming evidence of mans suffering and the atrocities that that suffering has bred worldwide, is humbling indeed. And I myself have had to struggle against my own sense of hopelessness to be able to do much about it. But, like many of you reading this, I have started to address the harsh realities of a world of such disappointing cultural distortions. My first instinct as a father, husband, citizen and soul had been to put the blinders on and isolate my personal world from the chaos and oppression of the many negative outside influencing forces. It seemed to me that the area that I could control, if only partially, was my own immediate and personal life. As I reviewed my strategy across time, I reached some success at insulating my vulnerability from the effects of this encroaching and dangerous cultural context. But as I recognized that the world outside of me was a mirrored reflection of my inner state and experience, it became necessary for me to accept the painful truth, that I was not free from the betrayal that I saw and the disappointment that reflected back at me. I mused that no one would choose this bondage over freedom, unless they simply didnt believe it possible to be free. So, as a student of Life, I was compelled to look for an alternative to the petrifying result of such a cynical belief. In my journey of reflection, I have had to explore my own responsibility for the bondage that is apparent in my own human life, and stop the impotent approach of pointing the finger of blame elsewhere. Since every man and women would choose the ideal of personal and autonomous freedom, what are the hindrances to that end? The answers to that question are so numerous that Im sure many are stubbornly staring you in the face daily. In my quest for some real answers, I was forced to start an examination within my own personal beliefs and fears. It was obvious that I actually didnt trust life to be supportive of my aspirations, and that God, as I understood it at the time, was not personally interested in my suffering. I actually perceived my life as a tooth and claw battle against the forces of nature, my fellow man, and my own inner psychological demons and shame.

When I looked at the outside world through the lenses of my native culture and religion, it was a forgone conclusion that I would never be safe from marauders on every front. Evil seemed to lurk everywhere I looked. My nation was in wars against many phantom foes and ideological enemies overseas. My government was leading me into complicity to support war as a remedy and would enforce my obligation to submit to it or suffer incarceration. I was forced to compete against my own fellow citizens in a domestic war for survival and sustenance. My romantic relationships were battles for dominance or dignity, for acceptance or rejection. My own human psychology with its many mysterious and disturbing subconscious upwellings, convinced me that I was actually quite sick in the head and couldnt even trust my own impulses. To make matters worse, nature seemed to rise up unpredictably and thrash innocent people with all manner of fury and cataclysm. In the face of all this, I firmly believed that it was a dangerous world here on Earth, and it promised to get even more risky in the next realm after death. On top of every other challenge, I would have to satisfy proof of my goodness against my spiritual depravity or else suffer endless re-incarnation or an eternity of fiery consequence. Small wonder that we all want to isolate, insulate and deny our precarious position here on planet Earth. Well, after a good long bout of that kind of hopeless perspective, the soul within me and within each of us loses enough self-respect, that it decides to risk claiming back its soul sovereignty from this painful humiliation. Each of us is now faced with just such a task. And it cannot be done for us by any outside agency, social movement or religion. It must start personally where it matters most, and it must end personally with a sense of satisfaction that you have fulfilled your own requirements to gain back your self-respect, your dignity, and your goodness on your own terms. This unfolding rescue that you and I do for our selves, is the journey to Soul Sovereignty. Lets take a deeper look at how we can free ourselves from every aspect of our unfortunate enslavement. Then lets rediscover the most important life-affirming and emotionally fulfilling virtue that we seem to have misplaced; that being Sacred Love.

What is Sovereignty?
We all have a general understanding of the idea of sovereignty, but in its ideal and pure form, sovereignty gives the person complete and autonomous right to determine all aspects of his/her own life. And by assumption, it would follow that a soul/person rely on absolutely no one else in order to define itself, survive and thrive. Even a great reformation of world societies could not produce 100% sovereignty for each of its citizens, because the 100% sovereign being could not allow the mitigating influences of an over-arching structure like a governmental organiz-

ing body. Even the most enlightened religion could not satisfy the freedom required by a true sovereign soul, because religion would always stand strategically between that soul and its God. So, when we speak about sovereignty in human terms, we are really talking about relative degrees of self-determination measured against the demanding social needs of the culture within which we reside and borrow support. As a parent, one knows that his or her personal freedom to do as he or she pleases, is heavily compromised by the needs of the child. We accept this subjugation of our personal freedom in order to nurture our defenseless and vulnerable offspring. We appear to have the sovereign choice to abandon those obligations to the child, but willingly accept that the child is, in fact, a part of our sovereign choice to be its parent. It is a sovereign position, but carries compromises with it. As a member of any faction in our social lives, be it familial, political, ethnic, religious, nationalistic, or alternative ideological, we have all agreed to relinquish certain aspects of our sovereign freedoms to align with the requirements of the group. These groups have rules and we follow them. And why do we allow these giveaways of our personal sovereignty? Because those groups provide certain supportive structures that make our chaotic lives easier. You could say that we barter bits of our sovereignty for borrowed power and convenience. We are all compelled to do this by our real and perceived limitations to be able to do it all by ourselves. Borrowing power is what every person does when he or she leans on the support of his or her family, government, tradition or religion. It is what one receives when he is rewarded for taking one for the team. It shows up when you keep your mouth shut, to not rock the boat. It is the undignified passive response to the oppressive boss who could fire you, while you are silently borrowing power (your need for an income) from his corporate financial support. We are all like children, who begrudgingly obey their parents in order to be clothed, fed and sheltered. And we are only released from the subservience under our parents, when we take full responsibility to live completely on our own. And then, as we must, we can trade value equally with others to cooperate and survive in our communities, without too much loss of dignity or personal freedom. This is also the case when we wish to own our personal sovereignty. We must wean ourselves off of the borrowed benefits that we have become addicted to, and shoulder the full responsibility of our personal dignity with resourceful and effective determination. So, the freedom of sovereignty is not a free ride. It is, actually, an accomplishment realized through the taking of full personal and spiritual responsibility and the

shouldering of all of the consequences of our freedoms of choice. The great challenge, however, is how do we enjoy the benefits of living in any kind of supportive community without giving up too much of our personal freedoms and sovereign dignity. The answer to that challenge lies in the way that we honor and define the dignity of ourselves and then how we determine what Love demands of us in honoring everyone else.

What are the benefits of sovereignty?

Sovereignty is about freedom. Its about free will and having choices. Its about self-dignity with no fear of the influences of outside forces. The sovereign chooses from the need or whim of its own heart, not the obligations exerted from another. It takes its own time to act, if and when it chooses. It is the best part of us. We imagine what can be, and set forth on the imaginative and creative path to actualization. No one can interfere with our resolve, while we discover what is possible. Being the sovereign is like being what a father/mother God would want for its beloved child. Its like a child in a toy store, like a botany nerd in the Amazon. Its a state of energy and balance, of confident determination and love. It is exhilaration and curiosity without the constraint of the impossible. Sovereignty is what each of us need to experience, if we are truly to know who we really are. To experience the most sacred love, it would require the conjoining of two sovereign beings, whose first allegiance would be to self-love and the honor of self-sovereignty, and from that full state of grace, be able to truly love another. All capacity to receive the joyful rewards of a life well-lived, could only come to the sovereign being who humbly and reverently honored its own worth and innocence. The soul sovereign is the first to hold enough gratitude, to truly be generous to others. The sovereign knows a love for life that always adds to the healing of others. And the sovereign knows the peace of owning no complaint, while it earns and learns its way toward knowing the sacred ways of God.

Tiers of Sovereignty
Before we can have a constructive discussion about soul sovereignty, we must first speak about the orders of sovereign significance. Most of us are quite used to walking through our daily lives in habitual and convenient grooves. We have been distracted by many outside influences, some manipulative and some innocent, that have left us half-asleep to our true identity as sacred and infinite souls. The layers of our lives that we perceive on the cultural and social level, reflect back to us that we are just mortal bodies, minds, and emotions; mere particles of earth and culture, with some positive values and mostly overwhelming shortcomings. It is an unfair

assessment for us to define our miraculous lives in such unflattering terms. So let us examine the layers of our self awareness from the inside out, intentionally watching for the ways that we compromise our worth and so disable our capacity to arrive at a healthy and celebratory view of our magical selves. The sovereign soul-self is like a glowing sphere with a sun-like center. That center burns most brightly, feels the tremendous generosity of Love, and represents the purest representation of your soulful identity. Each subsequent layer of concentric light surrounding the center, are secondary to, and informed by, that primary central light of you. The orders of significance of the layers of sovereignty reach from that central Soul/Self outward in concentric spheres in the following layers:

- 1. Individual = Soul/God-proxy
- 2. Psychological = Sub-conscious belief-paradigms - 3. Mental = Ego-Mind / Self-Identity - 4. Social = Role-Rule / Member-Identity - 5. Physical = Biological / Emotional needs

1. Individual = Soul/God-proxy The first, most important hurdle toward true sovereignty, is to open up your own beliefs to the possibility that you are not a mere mortal being in your natural state. You are, in fact, a deathless spiritual essence inhabiting this current incarnation. You are incapable of being nothing, unworthy, eternally damned, or a woefully inadequate being that needs so much healing, that you might as well give up. This is where one needs a bit of faith. It also helps if you resist seeing yourself or the universe through the reductionistic scientific paradigms that assume all life is some kind of random accident. You must imagine that the God/Source that you would like to believe in, would never be so unthoughtful, uncreative or dis-compassionate to have ever created you and everything in the known and unknown universes, to be anything less than perfect. Even if you cant see it while you suffer your disappointments, you and your life are miracles yet to be received in consciousness. So, the first tier of sovereign significance is you, the unique and individuated soul. You are the actual living frontier of the creative process that is the God that you wish to know. You are awakening

to your birthright in order to grow into a conscious creator yourself, a God-proxy with all of the latent traits of your Father/Mother. So, your first allegiance is to the preservation of the uniqueness that is you and only you. All your other cultural or family identities are secondary to your primary responsibility to live as fully, freely and fearlessly as any God would want for its child. And the full creative expression of any true soul sovereign, would always be perfectly aware of its impact on others, so as to never deprive another sovereign of the same right and freedom. Soul sovereignty is the bed-rock foundation of any subsequent expressions of sovereignty down the line, through our psychological, social and physical identities. All sanity is only possible when the priorities start with the sacred, sovereign, infinite and individual soul. From that foundation, all of the other domains of your human life can snap into coherent focus, so that the miracle of you can finally be known and freely expressed. 2. Psychological = Subconscious belief paradigms From soul sovereignty, the next tier is sovereignty on the level of your psychological identity. What you believe yourself to be, the purpose of life and your purpose or mission in life, is actually a montage of beliefs. Those beliefs are the foundation of every action and heartfelt offering that you give in your human life. Sovereignty of your psychological and mental identity requires the discernment to know that the beliefs that you carry are actually your own, and not implanted suggestions from the cultural context that you were raised within. Your ethnic background, your country, your religious upbringing, your political allegiances, your gender bias, your educational background, all have had an indoctrinating impact on your personal objectivity. Sovereignty requires that you know whether you own your own identity, or whether you inadvertently borrowed your beliefs and identity from the cultural context that raised you. The strongest fanatical atrocities that have occurred in the history of our planet were fomented by a few people with the powerful tools of ideology or religion. The question is whether you know the Truth of you, or whether you believe the truth of your keepers. 3. Mental = Ego-mind Identity There are many definitions of self that we innocently accumulate through our simple exposure in daily life. We pick up messages of worth or subservience from our place within the company hierarchy. We admire those with wealth or political position and judge our relative lack of influence in comparison with them. We measure ourselves in a thousand different ways against the talented, the beautiful, the rich and the famous. We are enamored with brilliant minds or slim waistlines. We worship impossible dreams that are eagerly spun for us by the advertising world of

news tabloids or trade journals. If we have done well for ourselves, we cling to the hard-fought position that we have earned, and guard it jealously from others. False identity can be such a double-edged sword. It can cut you both ways. We unwittingly establish our place in the culture by watching the television for cues, or reading the news. We see what a man should be, reflected in the movies that we watch. Or we determine what beauty is by the architects of fashion, no matter how weirdly biased, or unrealistic are their ideals or expectations. Its obvious that we are feeling less than good enough when compared to the people in the newspapers, and fashion magazines, or measured against the celebrities spawned from the Hollywood star-making machinery. But the question always comes back to how do you feel about yourself and your life. All of the cultural comparisons and the subsequent competition that it ignites, serves usually only to reduce your self image. If you are looking to love yourself and your life, you must boil down all these fragments of culturally produced identity and meaning, until there remains only the distilled and perfect you. That you is the sovereign you. That you uses no others eyes to judge yourself. The sovereign you has learned to ignore the capturing lies that had previously defined you. And with these new clear eyes of sovereignty, you can see yourself as the perfect, beautifully original, honest and innocent you. And with that realization, there is the peace of being in love with your self and in love with your life. 4. Social = Role/Rule-Member identity As a member in our community, we assume some very specific responsibilities. That membership can be in your ethnic origin, in your religion, in your local municipality, state or nation. It can be in your immediate family, or your race, or your gender. It can be in your political party or your fraternal organization. It can even be in your species as apposed to other species. Any or all of these membership identities, carry with them rules, and roles to be fulfilled. They have group agendas and goals and projects and ideals to actualize. They demand allegiance and levy penalties for non-conformance. And each and every one of those groups offer to their members a host of benefits that look convincingly special to the aspirant. Those benefits make good sound sense to the person who is looking to do good works in the world as a way to legitimize their worth and earn the respect of their peers. What is not as immediately apparent as a member, is the constricting box that surrounds the sovereign soul. For it is held captive with the convincing ties of idealistic rationalizations and promises of power through exclusivity. The member is basically led to believe that the group ideal surpasses the need or whim of any of its

participants. No stretching of the rules are allowed that might be construed as treason. The individual is held down as lesser to the lofty and ultimate agenda of the group ideal. He or she are mere pawns or workers for the greater good. That greater good is bolstered by traditions, rituals, scriptures, secret handshakes, holy men, presidents, cathedrals, mosques, capitol buildings, monuments and political parties. That group ideal is enforced by throngs of believers and strict dogmas. The right to be a member exacts payments of allegiance and obedience to the group rules and rituals. And the privilege of being a member gains one the protection and benefit of acceptance and support, morally, psychologically and physically by the larger group and all of its assets. You get to be one of the chosen ones, for a price. So again we see that we borrow power when we choose to be a member, and we pay for those benefits with bits of our soul sovereignty. We all get to choose just how much of our sovereign freedoms we are willing to sacrifice for the borrowed power of these membership alliances. But the ultimate aim of the soul sovereign is to retain its freedom to choose its own ways of engagement in the social world, without strings and compromises. The only membership that survives eternity, is the membership of self with Source/God. All other alignments should be seen as stepping stones, at best, leading to a fully self-generated and self-validated life. 5. Physical = Body viability needs As we work through the concentric layers of sovereign significance, we end up at the purely physical aspects of our lives. And as the physical is the outer skin of the inner frontier of soul and self, we would expect that sovereignty issues would need to be expressed in our very physical and organic layer. Since freedom of choice is always a signature virtue of sovereignty, the choice of things important to our bodys health is crucial. So we are faced with the impact of group-oriented interference with our physical needs. They might involve the ability to secure purity of food sources, or water; the choice to pursue health modalities without taboo or constriction; the dignity of space to thrive; privacy and freedom of movement without hindrance; the ability to protect yourself or family from physical oppression. There is the freedom to dress as you wish, or lack of dress, if you wish. There is the sovereign strength to oppose polluters or chemicals in our skies, water sources or soils. There must be freedom to express yourself vocally in any terms or opinions. These are some of the areas where the soul sovereign wants to expand and dignify its sacred rights. And there is much resistance to this kind of personal freedom from the influences of over-lording entities, be they governments, religions or corporations. A healthy sense of your sovereign dignity, with

no governing body over you, is the attitude and intention that exerts its own sacred influence on the powers that would be in your physical life. With the love and conviction of your soul sovereign center to guide all of the other layered domains of your multi-dimensional self, only good things can unfold. Sovereignty Summary So we can see that sovereignty is a multi-layered affair. It starts within your center, as the dignified eternal soul with only its personal connection to Source as a guide. And then those sovereign soul-inspired virtues blossom out into the layers of your human identity, beliefs, thoughts, and bodily well-being. We are in control of the degrees of freedom that we indulge, or the degree of borrowed support that we require. You and I are not victims until we believe that we are victims. And what is a victim? It is a being who is not in control of its self, its personal well-being, its dignity and worth, its thoughts and beliefs, and its rightful place in the world. A victim points its finger, feels betrayed by God and his fellow man and is convinced that there is no hope for redemption, freedom or dignity. A victim loathes himself or herself, because of its own humiliation at being pushed around and rendered powerless and unworthy. We are awakening to our part in the unholy transaction between the freedom and self-responsibility of soul sovereignty, and the safety and convenience of borrowed power. It is each of our choice to settle on the proper balance between these two positions. No shame projected onto you by outside sources should ever drive the stake of self-doubt into your sovereign dignity. We are all perfectly awakening as we choose and as we must. In our sovereign state, we begin to feel a natural disposition to give freely of our new-found peace of mind and dignity of soul. The heart of us steps up to the front of our purpose in life. And the generosity of love now becomes the most important virtue to express. As sovereigns, we do what we do for the best of reasons. And when we decide on any course of interest, it is what we care about that becomes the prime motivation for our action. What we care about is the language of the heart. And love becomes the feeling, the reason and the desire that fuels us. The strongest and most integral gifts would have to come from the generosity of the loving heart. It is because of this now obvious fact, that we delve deeper into the mystery of sacred love. ===========================

Sovereignty States and Sacred Love

Since the aim of sovereignty is the preservation of and the capacity for selfdetermination, our very core masculine and feminine identities are at stake in this fight. Government and religion have always worked, hand in hand, to define and limit our awareness of sacred sexuality and the power that is restored to the people who can hold it. Those same over-arching social engineers decide for us our beliefs on what is proper behavior when it comes to the expression and awareness of sexuality and love. They effectively distract us from our latent and pure archetypal masculine and feminine natures. Socio-cultural rules, are implied and enforced in countless places in our lives to drive all references of the sacred out and replace them with secular/scientific ones. Our divine attributes as known in our divine masculine and feminine archetypal selves, have been overlaid with false versions that separate us from the true and sacred versions. The movies we watch, the religions we blindly follow, the secular/social constraints that infuse our every-day lives, serve to domesticate us into a version of human that is devoid of our deep, indigenous and organic access to the magical power of love. As long as the people could be hobbled with scarcity, and mind-controlled into a mundane life of struggle, they would never have the awareness or personal strength to oppose the ruling hierarchies that wish to keep them enslaved and in service to them. They knew and know that their power over the masses could only be ensured, as long as they could distract the people from their own personal power emanating from the heart of the sacred. What their design was and is, is to keep the human consciousness overwhelmed by indoctrination and fear. This stress and engineered vulnerability keeps the subject in survival mode, but still capable to be worked in the fields. This is domestication, and they want us to be a managed herd with no access to awareness of our sacred selves and sacred love. An awakened herd becomes an empowered community of sovereign individuals who defy the fences and indignities of the handlers. When souls restore their access to love, dignity and sovereign freedom, they effectively become beyond the control of the manipulators.

What is sacred love and why do we all want it?

You cannot know sacred love without a positive sense of the sacred. And the sacred is not really confined within the walls of churches, mosques, or temples. Nor is the sacred only relegated to disciplines like prayer or meditation, though the individual might access it there. It is felt more deeply at unique junctures in our personal life experience as a presence, an enveloping and felt contact with the divine. It could be understood as the rapture that is often mentioned in different scriptures, when one or another character has an epiphany that awakens him or her to

strong emotional states spurred on by divine revelations of some kind. It may also be felt spontaneously while witnessing your own babys birth, or while watching a mind-blowing sunset. I myself, have had many sensed moments of the sacred while simply looking at the natural beauty of the ocean, the evening stars, a canyon, a tree, or a mountain. And I have had my most sacred moments of rapture while looking into my wifes loving eyes, and seeing Gods. To me, the sacred is where we can dialogue with Creator. It is not an impersonal memo from some too-busy-to-respond, personally creator. It is a language unto its own, spoken in visions, subtle whispers within, and understood in reverent emotional tones. The sacred is a space of contact with Source that is very personal. It is a potent one-on-one moment, in the privacy of your subjective experience, where you are certain that you feel contact with the spiritual. The sacred is a palpable embrace, known in the magical terms of heartfelt revelations of the mysteries of God. This reverent and peaceful presence of heart and mind might come when you are not distracted by worry or fear. But, it could just as easily happen as it did to my brother-in-law, while facing certain death in an ambush in the jungles of Viet Nam. A re-assuring calm, full of knowing, trustworthy in its felt emotion, can visit anyone like the protection of an angel. These are just a few examples of what I mean by the term sacred. So when you combine the sacred with love (in many ways synchronous terms), you are sensing the Love of your Source/Creator to you, through your lover. You can then begin to understand that divine lovers are really acting in the capacity as surrogates of Gods personal love for you, through each other and to each other. Sacred love may also be known between the sovereign soul and its Creator in moments of reverence, redemption, and joyful gratitude. My most healing moments have happened in quiet and sometimes painful sessions where the grace of Source helped me to forgive the many contradictions within my own self. This most primal connection between our little self and our Source enlivens the soul to its own divinity and eternal worth. Love in this sacred context becomes the operating principle of everything. It is the living passion that is the origin of everything! So, you can see why I believe that the richness of a very personal relationship with All That Is, is the beginning of a life of grace. And in that state of grace, the souls task is simply to get out of its own way and receive the blessings of God. Since love is energetically played out in personal relationships, the need for thoughtful engagement in those relationships becomes so very important to the success of growing a living love. It is in relationships that the field of loving po-

tential can develop and generate ecstatic, creative energy. Relationship is where we feel the push and pull and excitement to give, engage and create. In the field of opposites, the two meet and mingle their seemingly disparate energies into the sublime act of creation. The Divine arcs like lightning across the gap, and all manner of children are born. Integrity and the restoration of the divine archetypes At the heart of every relationship, of course, is an agreement. That agreement may be written or spoken, promised or inferred, but it must exist for any exchanges to be consummated in good faith. Most of these partnerships are purely pragmatic, as in business or diplomacy. But even in their practical application, there must be trust between the consenting parties that each will comply with the original agreement in order to enjoy the benefits of the intended exchange. In all relationships, but especially in the case of personal relationships, the smallest breach of trust can utterly destroy any chance of success and satisfaction. So, this issue of trust cuts to the very core of the integrity of each of the consenting parties. And those consenting parties are none other than you and me. Without genuine and humble honesty, there is an ulterior motive implied. And when each or both are holding deceptions in order to gain more than the other in the agreement, the creative outcomes of the involvement are both disingenuous and unsustainable. Only honorable and transparent presentation of the facts and intentions can indicate the mutual respect and heartfelt considerations of each toward the other. This is the kind of love that is the starting-point for all manifestations of good in our human culture. We are now driven to rediscover and restore our innate, creative, and loving nature to replace the duplicitous, competitive and oppressive imprints that holds us captive in this current world culture of deception. That new vision of self that holds the keys to emotional fulfillment and spiritual meaning, lies first in the gaining of our Soul Sovereignty, and then the understanding and integral use of Sacred Love. And for that love to be actively known and magically operational, we must delve deeply into the pure natures of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine archetypes hidden within the wonderful mystery of each of us.

The Divine Masculine and Feminine Archetypes If one were inclined to look for any literal references to the idea of the Divine Masculine or Feminine in our modern culture, there would be very few to peruse. That is, few that werent trapped within the contexts of worn-out allegories, ancient Greek myths, or Disney-concocted sentimental love stories of manly strength and feminine demur read to us in our childhoods. The idea of masculine and feminine virtue can in fact be found in stories of all ages, but very rarely are they described as divine in these modern secular times. Somehow, the archetypal attributes of both Masculine and Feminine virtue have become unfashionable while everyone clamors to resemble what culture defines as desirable. But for those of us who have an awakening interest in our own original, honorable and sacred state, and a sincere desire to know the ideal of sacred love, the restoration of the core attributes of our divine masculine and divine feminine must occur. And the patient shedding of the cultural over-lays that obscure our pure archetypal virtues must be undertaken. Here are the basic categories of the archetypes:

The Divine Masculine Archetypes: = Holder of the transcendent virtues. The eyes of clear mind and inspiration of the realm of source self, untainted by temporal identity. = Patron and preserver of the virtues; love, dignity, justice, freedom, personal sovereignty, honor. = Warrior/Protector of life and limb, of wife and children, of tribe and nation, of natural habitat and world. The power of pure righteousness. = The magical creator. Generator of progressive and emergent initiatives, coherent social contexts. The intermediary between the transcendent realms and their idealization and manifestation in the Earth realm. = Lover of, and partner to, the nurturing and guiding heart of the Divine Feminine. Humble and honoring support of her sacred missions of creation, compassion and unity. The lover and expresser of the sacred in the sensual.

= The Elder. Carrier of the wholistic and practical wisdom of life. The teacher to the tribe of all things Human and Divine. The Divine Feminine Archetypes: = Holder of the perfect vision of intuition. Seer of all things through the eyes of the heart. = Nurturer and mother of care and compassion. Creator of the forms for soul to embody. Harmonizer of tribe. Holder of the space of family and Home. = Warrior/protector of the her people. The fierce preserver of the virtues of fairness and cohesiveness of her tribe. = The holder of the intuitive eyes of magic and the heart of connection to our human Nature and our Earth. The preserver of our emotional and social viability. Balancer of the dynamics of heart and mind, of passion and compassion. = Lover of and partner to the protective power and honorable potential of the divine masculine. The cultivator of the field of Love. The epitome in expression of the sacred in the sensual. Receiving of the fullest range of pleasure from the senses and the body. The ecstatic dancer, beauty in body and motion. = The Elder. The carrier of the wisdom of healing. From her long spirit-walk on the belly of our Earth, she heals and instructs her tribe in the art of integrity, reverence and gratitude. Much more can be said regarding the divine archetypes, and we will be discussing these in greater depth in future talks and articles. But for our purposes here, a careful comparison of these virtues in their honored states must be measured against the distorted versions showing up in our cultural identities. That study will begin our understanding into the deeper layers of our sacred selves. The path to love and the divine must be paved with the stepping stones of these awakened virtues in our selves and in our relationships. The lives we wish to live can be woven in a neverending tapestry of inspiration, discovery and gratitude.

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