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ADVANCED LEVEL preparation time: min!te"

1.- Conversation. Talk about the following questions with your partner. You can use the pictures to help you if you wish. 1. Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job !. "ave you ever taken any courses that specifically help you with the job you are #oing now $. %hich jobs #o you think are the most prestigious &. 'f money weren(t a problem for you) which job woul# you prefer to have *. %hen you were a chil#) what #i# you want to be when you grew up !. +,-,.,/01.

2artner 3. 4elow there are three statements relate# to the topic. Talk about them for appro5imately 1)* minutes without help from the e5aminer. You may be aske# further questions about the topic when you have finishe#. 1. %hat job6s7 #o you wish to have in the future !. %hat jobs in your country are consi#ere# to be goo# jobs %hy $. %hat kin# of volunteer work have you #one


2artner 4. 4elow there are three statements relate# to the topic. Talk about them for appro5imately 1)* minutes without help from the e5aminer. You may be aske# further questions about the topic when you have finishe#.

1. Does your job pay a goo# salary #$ %hat are the a#vantages an# #isa#vantages to your job 3$ %hich #o you think are some of the more #eman#ing jobs






Topic $ 63ctivitats #e la vi#a #i8ria7 %ork an# home9 #aily-life activities at home an# at work) the #aily routine) jobs) work
6characteristics) timetable) #aily activity) professional qualification) plans an# working con#itions) projects) work an# family obligations7.


:elate#9 ;elf-employment <. 3t what age #o people usually begin to work in your country =. 3t what age #o people usually retire in your country >. 3t what age woul# you like to retire 1. %hat #o you think you will #o after you retire !. "ow much money #o you think you nee# to retire with your lifestyle ?. Can you talk about what a typical #ay at your current job is like 1@. Can you #escribe some of the people that you work with 11. Can you #escribe your current job 1!. %hat was your first job 1$. Do women usually work after they get marrie# in your country 1&. Do you ever work overtime 1. 'f so) #o you get pai# more for overtime work 1*. Do you have a part-time job 'f so) what #o you #o 1<. Do you have to atten# a lot of meetings for your job 1=. Do you have to #o a lot of paperwork 1>. Do you have to work overtime 1. 'f so) how often !. Do you have to work on ;un#ays 1?. Do you know someone who has worke# as an un#ertaker 1. %hat is the job of a an un#ertaker !. Can women #o this job or is it better for a man to be an un#ertaker !@. Do you like your boss %hy or why not !1. Do you like your job !!. Do you like your job %hy or why not !$. Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job !&. Do you think it(s acceptable for women to be in the military %hyAwhy not !*. Do you think people over <* shoul# be ma#e to retire !<. Do you think women an# men shoul# be pai# the same for the same job !=. Do you think women are goo# bosses 1. 3re there women bosses in your country


!>. Do you think your company is well run 1. Do you think that the place where you work is well run !?. Do you work on weeken#s 1. Do you work on ;un#ays $@. Does your mother work 1. Does your mother work outsi#e of the house $1. "ave you ever been promote# $!. "ave you ever taken any courses that specifically help you with the job you are #oing now $$. "ave you ever worke# on a farm 1. Di# you like it !. %oul# you like to go back on this farm job $. 'f not ) why $&. "ow #o you like your work $*. "ow have working con#itions change# in recent years 1. Do you think that working con#itions have improve# 'f so) in what ways $<. "ow long #o you plan to continue working where you are $=. "ow long have you been working at your present job $>. "ow many #ays a week #o you work $?. "ow many hours a week #o you work &@. "ow many times have you been promote# 1. %hen was the last time you were promote# !. Di# you get a large pay raise at that time &1. "ow much #o you think a #octor shoul# be pai# a month 1. "ow about a secretary !. "ow about a truck #river &!. "ow much money #o you make 6+aybe this is not a goo# question to ask.7 &$. "ow much money #oes a secretary get pai# per week &&. "ow ol# were you when you got your first job &*. "ow well #o you get along with your boss &<. 'f you coul# own your own business) what woul# it be &=. 'f you ha# to choose between a satisfying job an# a well-pai# one) which woul# you


choose &>. 's it common for men an# women to have the same jobs in your country &?. 's it easy to fin# a job in Cana#a "ow about in your country *@. -ame three occupations that you coul# #o. 6Bor e5ample) be a mortician7 1. -ame three occupations that you coul# never #o *1. %hat are some common occupations in your country 1. %hat are some common jobs for men in your country !. %hat are some common jobs for women in your country $. %hat are some jobs that chil#ren #o *!. %hat are some jobs that you think woul# be boring *$. %hat are some jobs that you think woul# be fun *&. %hat are some questions that are frequently aske# in a job interview **. %hat are you responsible for *<. %hat are you trying to #o in or#er to fin# a job that you really like *=. %hat #o you #o 1. %hat(s your job *>. %hat #o you like most about that job *?. %hat #o you think is the best job %hat #o you think is the worst <@. %hat #o you think woul# be the most interesting job The most boring <1. %hat #oes your father #o 6%hat #oes your father #o for a living 7 <!. %hat #oes your mother #o <$. %hat influence# your choice of job 6%hy #i# you choose your job 7 <&. %hat job #o you want to have in five years( time <*. %hat job woul# you most like to have) if socialAcultural boun#aries #i# not apply 6"ow #ifferent are they 7 <<. %hat job6s7 #o you wish to have in the future <=. %hat jobs in your country are consi#ere# to be goo# jobs %hy <>. %hat kin# of volunteer work have you #one <?. %hat kin# of work #o you #o 1. %hat kin# of work #o you want to #o in the future =@. %hat plans have you ma#e for your retirement



=1. %hat three a#jectives woul# #escribe yourself as a worker =!. %hat time #o you get home from work 1. 's it the same time every #ay =$. %hat time #o your start an# finish work =&. %hat woul# be your #ream job 1. Do you think it woul# be possible for you to get this job =*. %hat(s one job you woul#n(t like to #o %hy not =<. %hat(s your brother(s occupation ==. %hen you were a chil#) what #i# you want to be when you grew up =>. %hen you were a chil#) what job #i# you want to have when you grew up =?. %here #o you work an# what is your current job >@. %here #o you work >1. %hich job are you best at >!. %hich job woul# you never #o >$. %hich jobs #o you think are the most prestigious >&. %ho among the people you know has the most interesting job %hat is it >*. %hy #i# you leave your last job - #i# you resign or were you sacke# ><. %oul# you be upset if your boss was a woman >=. %oul# you consi#er the military as a career choice %hy or why not >>. %oul# you consi#er yourself to be an ambitious person at work >?. %oul# you #escribe yourself as a workaholic ?@. %oul# you like a job in which you travele# a lot ?1. %oul# you like a job that require# you to sit at a computer all #ay ?!. %oul# you like to #o the same job for the rest of your life ?$. %oul# you like to work in an office %hy or why not ?&. %oul# you rather be a #octor or a banker ?*. %oul# you rather work insi#e or outsi#e ?<. %hat job woul# you most like to #o ?=. %hat are the names of some of the people with that job ?>. Do you personally know any one with that job ??. "ow long #o you plan to keep it for



1@@. 1@1. 1@!. 1@$. 1@&.

%hen #o plan to retire %hat other fiel#s or work will that job make you qualifie# for %hat are the work #etails of that jobC what will be your #uties at that job %hat steps are require# from you to become aAan... ;o) how long before fore you become aAan...C at what ages will you both start an# finish thisAeach jobAcareer

1@*. 1@<.

%hat #o you hope to spiritually gain from that job %hat #o you wish to physically gainC what kin# of things woul# you like to buy with your money

1@=. 1@>. 1@?. 11@. 111. 11!. 11$. 11&. 11*.

"ow much money #o you nee# to make to fulfill you #reams an# #esires 'f money weren(t a problem for you) which job woul# you prefer to have "ow #oes money affect your #ecisions "ow #o your wants an# #esires affect your career options an# goals "ow many years of schooling woul# you prefer to have Can you improve on the way things are now being #one in the fiel# you choose %hich college courses are nee#e# for you to be the very best in your fiel# %hich college courses are require# for you #ream job %hat other courses #o you nee# to take so you can pursue your hobbies an# personal interests

11<. 11=. 11>.

%hich of the classes mentione# above are you giving the highest priority %hy %ho is the brea#winner 6provi#er7 in your family %ho makes the most money in your family 6This may not be a DpoliteD question to ask.7

11?. 1!@. 1!1. 1!!. 1!$. 1!&. 1!*. 1!<.

's it common for people from your country to have one job for life Do you see any unfair labour practices in your country(s workforce Do you have an after-school job %oul# you like to have a management position %hat are the pros an# cons of being a manager %hat are the qualities a goo# boss shoul# have %hat is a fair wage for the skills you have 3re there any jobs which can only be #one by one gen#er



1. 'f so) what are they !. %hat are some jobs that some people think only one gen#er can #o) but can be #one by either gen#er 1!=. 1!>. %hat shoul# you not #o #uring a job interview %ho woul# you hire a employee with a lot of e5perience or an employee with a lot of e#ucation 1!?. /etting a Eob 1. %hat is the #ifference between work an# a job !. Do you have a job $. "ow #i# you get it &. Di# you have to go to university to get it *. %hat is the name of your job <. 's it a popular job =. 's it a job mainly for men) or for women >. Di# you nee# any special training to get your job 1. %hat type of special training #i# you nee# !. "ow long an# where was the training ?. 's it an in#oor) or out#oor job 1@. %hich #o you think most people prefer) in#oor or out#oor jobs 11. Does your job pay a goo# salary 1!. %hat are the a#vantages an# #isa#vantages to your job 1$. %hich #o you think are some of the more #eman#ing jobs 1. %hich are the least #eman#ing jobs 1&. %hich jobs are ba#ly pai# 1. %hich jobs are over-pai# 1*. %hich job are more popular than others) an# why 1<. 's your job competitive 1=. %hat about promotions 1>. 's it too competitive 1?. "ow is your relationship with your co-workers "ave you ever worke#



!@. %hy woul# ' choose you instea# of the *@ others wanting this position !1. These were submitte# as possible job interview questions. !!. %hat #egrees #o you have !$. "ow much e5perience #o you have !&. %here have you worke# !*. %hy #i# you choose this employment !<. "ow much woul# you like to earn !=. "ave you ever worke# in this fiel# !>. %here woul# you like to work %hy

29. %hy #o you fin# your job interesting

The #aily routine 1. %hat #o you have for breakfast !. %hen #o you leave for school $. "ow #o you go to school &. %hen #o you arrive at school *. "ow many lessons #o you usually have a #ay <. "ow many lessons #o you have on Bri#ay =. %here #o you have lunch >. %hy #on(t you have lunch at the school canteen ?. %hat #o you #o after school 1@. %hat #o you #o in the afternoon 11. %ho #o you have lunch with 1!. %hat #o you #o after supper 1$. %hat #o you #o before you go to be# 1&. %hen #o you go to be#



15tra material 6 %ork an# home 79

The purpose of art is washing the #ust of #aily life off our souls. Your #aily life is your temple an# your religion. %hen you enter into it take with you your all.

3 lot of things you want to #o as part of #aily life can now be #one over the 'nternet. Daily life shoul#n(t be a fashion show all the time. +y point of view when ' make a book or ' make a movie is to see the humanistic point of view. The point of view of the #aily life of normal people.

+aking you smile is part of my #aily routine. That is my way of letting you know that you mean the worl# to me.

4oys) books) school) looking goo#) music) gossip) foo#) twitter an# problems. 3 girl(s #aily routine.

The place of the father in the mo#ern suburban family is a very small one) particularly if he plays golf.

You #on(t choose your family. They are /o#(s gift to you) as you are to them



D3'.Y 3CT'F'T'1;

to wake up to get up to go to the bathroom to have a shower to have a bath to wash one(s face to brush one(s teeth to brush one(s hair to comb one(s hair to have breakfast to rea# the paper to listen to the ra#io to watch TF to go to work to go to school to stu#y to rea# a book to use the computer to play with the computer to chat to sen# an email to phone a frien# to cook to make #inner to have #inner to setAlay the table to clear the table to #o the #ishes to go to be# to sleep to #ream

#espertarse levantarse ir al baGo #ucharse baGarse lavarse la cara cepillarse los #ientes cepillarse el cabello peinarse #esayunar leer el periH#ico escuchar la ra#io mirar televisiHn ir a trabajar ir a la escuela estu#iar leer un libro usar la computa#ora jugar con la computa#ora charlar enviar un email llamar a un amigo por telIfono cocinar preparar la cena cenar poner la mesa levantar la mesa lavar los platos ir a la cama #ormir soGar



Eobs an# professions 1-/.';" lawyer actorAactress customs officer farmer buil#er architect consultant astronaut air hostess #ustman fireman waiterAwaitress lorry #river singer foreman butcher postman scientist surgeon cook #river accountant servant priest #entist shop assistant electrician employee bank clerk ;23-';" aboga#o actorAactriJ a#uanero agricultor albaGil arquitecto asesor astronauta aJafata basurero bombero camareroAa camionero cantante capataJ carnicero cartero cientLfico cirujano cocinero con#uctor contable cria#o cura #entista #epen#iente electricista emplea#o emplea#o #e banco 1-/.';" bookseller sailor #octor mechanic miner mo#el instructor monk nun nanny labourer office worker baker shepher# hair#resser journalist fisherman pilot painter politician policeman caretaker teacher psychologist psychiatrist receptionist watchmaker reporter priest ;23-';" librero marinero mI#ico mecKnico minero mo#elo monitor monje monja niGera obrero oficinista pana#ero pastor peluquero perio#ista pesca#or piloto pintor polLtico policLa portero profesor psicHlogo psiquiatra recepcionista relojero reportero sacer#ote



nurse writer stu#ent chemist plumber farmer engineer gar#ener jeweller ju#ge shoemaker

enfermero escritor estu#iante farmacIutico fontanero granjero ingeniero jar#inero joyero jueJ Japatero

tailor secretary sol#ier shorthan# typist ta5i #river technician bullfighter translator salesman vet

sastre secretario sol#a#o taquimeca ta5ista tIcnico torero tra#uctor ven#e#or veterinario



Bamily :esponsibilities babysit bring in the newspaper buy the groceries clean the house clean the room cook #inner fi5 things #o the laun#ry iron clothes make the be# pay the bills take out garbage walk the #og wash #ishes



T"1 B3+'.Y

aunt boyfrien# brother brother-in-law cousin #a# #a##y #aughter #aughter-in-law father father-in-law girlfrien# go#father go#mother gran#a# gran#chil#ren gran##aughter gran#father gran#ma gran#mother gran#pa gran#parents gran#son great-gran#father great-gran#mother husban# mother mother-in-law mom mum mummy nephew niece parents sibling sister

tLa novio hermano cuGa#o primoAa pK papi hija nuera pa#re suegro novia pa#rino ma#rina abuelito) DabueD nietos nieta abuelo abuelita) DabueD abuela abuelito) DabueD abuelos nieto bisabuelo bisabuela esposo) mari#o ma#re suegra mK mK mami sobrino sobrina pa#res hermanoAa hermana



sister-in-law son son-in-law step#aughter stepmother stepfather stepson uncle wife firstborn ol#est youngest the baby of the family twins a#opte# orphan relative acquaintance generation ancestors #escen#ants

cuGa#a hijo yerno hijastra ma#rastra pa#rastro hijastro tLo esposa) mujer primogInito elAla mayor elAla menor el benjamLn #e la familia gemelos a#opta#o huIrfanoAa pariente conoci#o generaciHn antepasa#os #escen#ientes



%,:M 3-D 1+2.,Y+1-T

employment job work profession occupation applicant application form CF 6/47 resume 60;7 employment agency employee employer boss interview interviewee interviewer intro#uctory letter letter of reference personnel #epartment qualifications references responsibilities) #uties post position vacancy salary salary e5pectations wages a #ay(s wages minimum wages nominal wages pay pay#ay payroll

empleo trabajo) empleo trabajo profesiHn ocupaciHn solicitante solicitu# curriculum vitae curriculum vitae agencia #e empleo emplea#o emplea#or jefe entrevista entrevista#o entrevista#or carta #e presentaciHn carta #e recomen#aciHn #epartamento #e personal tLtulos) habili#a#es referencias responsabili#a#es puesto puesto puesto vacante salario) suel#o pretensiones salariales salario) suel#o jornal salario mLnimo salario mLnimo salario) suel#o #La #e cobro nHmina o plantilla 6#e suel#os7



pay slip fringe benefits maternity benefits bonus raise 60;7 rise 6/47 overtime self-employe# full-time job part-time job temporary job permanent job casual job shift work team work #ay shift evening shift graveyar# shift 60;7 night shift apprentice A trainee unemployment benefit to apply for a job to hire somebo#y to earn to work to work in shifts to work overtime to #ismiss somebo#y to fire somebo#y to give somebo#y the sack 6/47 to lose a job to leave A quit a job to han# in one(s notice to resign to be unemploye# to be out of work to be on the #ole 6/47

recibo #e suel#o beneficios a#icionales beneficios por materni#a# bonificaciHn) plus) prima aumento 6#e suel#o7 aumento 6#e suel#o7 horas e5tra autHnomo trabajo #e jorna#a completa trabajo #e me#ia jorna#a trabajo temporario trabajo permanente trabajo eventual trabajo por turnos trabajo en equipo turno #e #La turno #e tar#e turno #e noche turno #e noche apren#iJ subsi#io #e #esempleo solicitar un trabajo contratar a alguien ganar 6el suel#o7 trabajar trabajar en turnos trabajar horas e5tra echar a alguien 6#el trabajo7 echar a alguien 6#el trabajo7 echar a alguien 6#el trabajo7 per#er un trabajo #ejar un trabajo) renunciar presentar la renuncia renunciar) #imitir estar #esemplea#o A en el paro estar #esemplea#o A en el paro estar #esemplea#o y cobrar el subsi#io #e #esempleo





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