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Business Plan

SC Perfect-Juice SRL Bogdan Gologan


1. 2. 3. 4. !. %. (.

The Summary of the Business Plan Introduction The Description of the business Presentation of products and ser ices "ar#et $nalysis &b'ecti es Business Strate)y * Implementation


The Summary of the Business Plan+

Perfect Juice its a company t at !ill produce and sell natural "uices and !ill pro#ide a dose of ealt to all t ose ! o $no! to appreciate a "uice ric in #itamins and !it out c imicals. % e met od is #ery simple. &ur stands !ill 'e located inside (aufland stores in 'ot locations from Clu". Prices will be accessible to all our consumers, and always will be all sorts of offers that attract new customers and build loyal customers. We will need only 4 employees who will work in two shifts. Competition will be practically non-existent. % e success is guaranteed. &ur main customers are people ! o come to (aufland to do t eir s opping.

2. Introduction+
% is 'usiness plan relates to a small and profita'le 'usiness) !it a rapid reco#ery of in#estments. Scope of 'usiness t at !e !ant to esta'lis is to sell natural "uices of citrus fruits *oranges) lemons and grapefruit+. For this we need a space for the stand which we will use for processing and sale of natural citrus uice. !ocation will be inside "aufland #tore.

3. The Description of the business and ,inancial Information+

$%erybody prefer natural uice instead of the uices that contain chimicals, harmful for organism. &nd the uise deri%ed from tasty oranges, mandarins, lemons or grapefruit is '(() natural, full of %itamins and %ery appreciated in all seasons. *n fitting of the stand, we need a simple construction and one or more presses for citrus. Consumable materials that are needed+ glasses plastic disposable, paper towels, bags for the debris of crushed fruit, glo%es for handling fruit we find in the store. ,e can start 'usiness !it no more t an 1--- euro ! ic is. t e 'uilding stands) some fruits for t e start. oranges) grapefruit) lemon and pay rent for space location. /t is a simple acti#ity) a#aila'le to anyone) !it lo! in#estment.

Profits appear immediately. Li1uidation of in#estment is made in t e first mont of operation. 2ou need only a stand) presses) some fruits and necessary aut ori3ations and you can 'egin to sell "uice. ,here is no competition. -f course, there are natural bottled uices. .ut e%eryone prefers the fresh, without preser%ati%es. 2ou can e4pand rapidly. 2ou can easily open se#eral stands. 5s sell more glasses of "uice) e#en gain more. 6oes not depend on t e season. 2our stand can operate all year round) in t e 'ig stores.

Establishing of mobile stand natural juices: - Stand construction. 7-- lei - Citrus s1uee3er. 078 lei - Cas register. 98- lei - Glasses of single use. :; lei - 2- $g oranges. 9- lei - Company formation documents *permits+. 2.--- lei - Benner. 0-- lei

- Cart and gar'age 'ags.

:- lei

T&T$-+ 3.(% -ei appro/. 0uro 112.

111 )lasses of 'uice per day.
0 lei < cup of "uice. 1-- 4 0 = 0-- lei < day. 0-- lei 4 0- days = ;--- lei < mont from ! ic you su'tract. 0-9- lei *t e price of fruit+. 21- lei < mont *price glasses+. Rent space. :2- lei. Salaries 7-- lei 4 2 = 1)--- lei *2 employees+. - 5llo!ances Profit of :01- lei per mont > - 5llo!ances 0 lei < $g oranges. 9-- g $g of oranges *0 glasses of orange $g+ *2-- ml+ 1-- cups. 0 cups < $g = 0: $g < day. 0: $g < day 4 0- days = 1-2- $g < mont 0: $g 4 0 oranges orange lei $g = 1-2 lei *price mat. ?irst < day+. 1-2 lei mat. first 0- days 4 0-9- = @6L mat. first < mont

(1 )lasses of 'uice per day

0 lei < cup of "uice 8- 4 0 = 21- lei < day 21- lei 4 0- days = 90-- lei < mont of su'traction. 219- *price of fruit+ 1:8 *price glasses of single use+ Rent space. :2- lei Salary. 7-- 4 2 = 1)--- lei *2 employees+ - allo!ances Profit of 2780 lei per mont > - 5llo!ances 0 lei < $g oranges 9-- g $g of oranges *0 glasses of orange $g+ *2-- ml+ 8- cups. 0 cups < $g = 2: $g < day 2: $g < day 4 0- days = 8-- $g < mont 2: $g oranges lei 4 0 $g of oranges = 82 lei *price mat. ?irst < day+ 82 lei mat. first 0- days 4 219- = @6L mat. first < mont

!1 )lasses of 'uice per day

0 lei <cup of "uice 7- 4 0 = 17- lei < day 17- lei 4 0- days = :7-- lei < mont of su'traction. 7

170- *price of fruit+ 1-7 *price glasses of single use+ Rent space. :2- lei Salary. 7-- 4 2 = 1)--- lei *2 employees+ - allo!ances Profit of 1::7 lei per mont > - 5llo!ances 0 lei < $g oranges 9-- g $g of oranges *0 glasses of orange $g+ *2-- ml+ 7- cups. 0 cups < $g = 18 $g < day 18 $g < day 4 0- days = 7-- $g < mont 18 $g oranges lei 4 0 $g of oranges = 71 lei *prAt mat. ?irst < day+ 71 lei mat. first 0- days 4 170- = @6L mat. first < mont

31 )lasses of 'uice per day .

0 lei cup of "uice 0- 4 0 = ;- lei < day ;- lei 4 0- days = 28-- lei < mont of su'traction. ;-- *t e price of fruit+ 90 *price glasses of single use+ Rent space. :2- lei Salary. 7-- 4 2 = 1)--- lei *2 employees+ - allo!ances Profit of 018 BS6 per mont > - 5llo!ances 0 lei < $g oranges 9-- g $g of oranges *0 glasses of orange $g+ *2-- ml+ 0- cups. 0 cups < $g = 1- $g < day 1- $g < day 4 0- days = 0-- $g < mont 1- $g oranges lei 4 0 $g of oranges = 0- lei *prAt mat. ?irst < day+ 0- lei mat. first 4 0- days = ;-- lei mat. first < mont Business doesnt presents any ris$> 5s long as increasingly more people prefer natural drin$s you !ill prosper. Catural citrus "uice is muc ealt ier and more attracti#e t an any drin$ !it or !it out preser#ati#es.

4. Presentation of products and ser ices+

Perfect-Juice !ill not a#e a #ery !ide range of products. ,e produce natural "uice !it out any addition. % e main "uice t at !ill come !ill 'e t e orange "uice. 5lso !ill 'e a#aila'le citrus com'inations "uices depending on t e 'uyer !ill and some coc$tails !it lo! alco ol content. C ildren "uices are mar$eted in special glasses) !it #arious c aracters from cartoons to attract c ildren.

5 glass !ill include 2--g of natural "uice) 'ut t e glasses !ill 'e greater for t ose ! o !ant a greater portion of ealt . Products are prepared in front of t e customer) so t ey !ill see t e entire process and !ill en"oy t e taste of fres and tasty "uice.

!. "ar#et $nalysis+
/atural products are now %ery well appreciated in 0omania. 1ore and more people choose to spend more money for a product as natural and healthy. #tands with natural uices began to be met often in the big hipermarkets in Clu , but they are missing in "aufland. -pening a stand with natural uices in "aufland is a real business, small but profitable. ,he probability of success is '((). ,he competition is nonexistent. &ll things are propitious for the de%elopment of this business. & study shows that 2() of people prefer the natural uice to the detriment of fla%ors deri%ed from chemicals. @en or !omen) c ildren or parents) ig sc ool students or employees) e#eryone can come and en"oy our tasty natural "uice.

%. &b'ecti es+
% e main o'"ecti#e is to sell a lot of natural "uices and a#e a ig er profit. ,e propose t at t roug 1uality and courtesy to create loyal customers ! o 'uy our "uice ! ene#er t ey to (aufland for s opping. ,e intend to open stands in ot er locations too) suc as @etro) Selgros and 5uc an.

(. Business Strate)y * Implementation+

&ur stand !ill 'e located at t e entrance of t e (aufland store) so a lot of people !ill 'e a'le to o'ser#e it . ,e !ill a#e some attracti#e 'enners and employees !ill smile and 'e $ind all t e time. 5lso !e a#e a #ery attracti#e slogan) ! ic !ill determine t e ealt !illing people to come and 'uy our products. %o attract as many clients !e !ill do all sorts of offers and promotions. C ildren !ill recei#e toys and t e old ones flo!ers.

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