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Assignment submitted by- Daisy Priya Nath Paper- IX (Administration of Education in India) Course- M Ed (!


Educational Administration after Independence in India

After independence the first action of a great significance to be ta%en by the go&ernment of India in the fie'd of educationa' administration (as the appointment of the uni&ersity education under the chairmanship of Dr ) *adha%rishnan+ a distinguished scho'ar and former &ice chance''or of ,anaras -indu .ni&ersity /he report of the commission is a document of great importance as it has guided de&e'opment of the uni&ersity education in India since the independence /his commission (as appointed to report on Indian uni&ersity education and suggest impro&ements and e0tensions that may desirab'e to suite present and future re1uirements of the country It submitted tits report in august $#2# Main terms of reference /he aims and ob3ecti&es of uni&ersity education and research in India /he changes considered necessary and desirab'e in the constitution+ contro'+ functions and 3urisdiction of uni&ersities in India and their re'ation (ith go&ernment- centra' and pro&incia' /he finance of uni&ersities /he maintenance of the highest standards of teaching and e0amination in the uni&ersity courses of study (ith reference to the desirabi'ity of an independent uni&ersity entrance e0amination and the a&oidance of unfair discrimination (hich mitigate against fundamenta' rights !4(!) Need for more uni&ersities on a regiona' and other basis /he organi5ation of ad&anced research in a'' branches of %no('edge in the uni&ersities and institutes of higher research in a (e'' coordinated fashion a&oiding (aste of effort and resources /he specia' prob'ems of the ,anaras -indu .ni&ersity+ the A'igarh Mus'im .ni&ersity+ the De'hi .ni&ersity and other instructions of an a'' India character

/he 1ua'ifications+ conditions of ser&ice+ sa'aries+ pri&i'eges and functions of teachers and the encouragement of origina' research by teachers /he discip'ine of students+ hoste's and organi5ation of tutoria' (or% and any other matter (hich is essentia' to a comp'ete and comprehensi&e en1uiry into a'' aspects of uni&ersity education and ad&anced research in India Major recommendations the commission /eaching staff- there shou'd be four c'asses of teachers+ professors+ readers+ 'ecturers and instructors Promotions from one category to another to be so'e'y on grounds of merit /o a&oid o&ercro(ding at uni&ersities and co''eges+ the ma0imum number in Arts and )cience facu'ties of a teaching uni&ersity be fi0ed at 4""" and in affi'iated co''age at $6"" /he number of (or%ing days be substantia''y increased to ensure a minimum of $7" in the year+ e0c'usi&e of e0amination days .ni&ersity education be p'aced on the concurrent 'ist /he concern of the centra' go&ernment (ith the uni&ersities be (ith regard to finance+ coordination of faci'ities in specia' sub3ects+ adoption of nationa' po'icies+ ensuring medium standards of efficient administration and 'iaisons bet(een uni&ersities and nationa' research 'aboratories and scientific sur&eys+ etc 8inance- the .9C be set up for a''ocation of grants )pecia' attention to be paid to the de&e'opment of higher education in rura' areas Committee of the Ways and Means of financial Educational Development (1 !"# /he $2th meeting of the CA,E and the A'' India Educationa' Conference he'd in :anuary $#27 raised 1uestion of future programme of education It (as genera''y agreed that the period of forty years 'aid do(n in the report of post (ar education de&e'opment in India pub'ished in :anuary $#22 must be curtai'ed and if necessary for the purpose+ stage up to (hich compu'sion shou'd be enforced may be reduced It (as therefore decided to appoint a committee to e0amine the e0isting financia' condition and the programme for educationa' de&e'opment for a'' pro&inces and states and to ma%e suggestions to ensure that educationa' de&e'opment may not be he'd up for (ant of funds /he Chairman of this Committee (as )hri , 9 ;her

A$enda$ /o consider in the 'ight of present conditions in the finances (recurring and nonrecurring) re1uired for different stages of a comprehensi&e system of education for India ! to consider (ays and means of any and a'' of the fo''o(ing methods Centra' grants < a''ocation of the sources of re&enue bet(een the centra' and the pro&incia' go&ernments under the ne( constitution= scope and e0tent of grants from centra' re&enues <to pro&incia' go&ernments+ for centra' a'' India schemes of de&e'opment+ and to uni&ersities and a'' India institutions >e&y of an educationa' cess- its feasibi'ity and detai's of its 'e&y+ administration and distribution Educationa' 'oans- purposes for (hich educationa' 'oans may be raised and the terms on (hich they shou'd be raised and app'ied 4 /o consider any other feasib'e suggestions for raising the finances for educationa' de&e'opment programme %he committee recommended that /he state must underta%e the responsibi'ity of pro&iding at 'east 3unior basic education for e&ery body /he basic minimum sa'ary of trained basic schoo' teachers shou'd be *s 2" per mensem and shou'd on no account be reduced /eacher-pupi' ratio may be $?2" for at 'east coming fi&e years In urban areas+ (here conditions 3ustify+ the same schoo' bui'dings shou'd be used for t(o shifts pro&ided different teachers are emp'oyed in each shift /he may enact suitab'e 'egis'ation for ensuring that an ade1uate percentage of the income of a'' charitab'e trusts is a''otted for e0penditure on education pro&ided that the go&ernment may e0empt certain specified types of trust(medica' trust= etc) from the operation of such 'a( @o'untary efforts shou'd be encouraged for meeting the capita' and recurring cost of educationa' institutions (ith such assistance from go&ernment as may be feasib'e About A" B of the e0penditure on education shou'd be borne by the 'oca' bodies and pro&inces and the remaining 4"B by the centre

A'' contributions for education appro&ed by the pro&incia' or centra' go&ernment shou'd be e0empted from income ta0 Committee on relationship &et'een state $overnments and local &odies in the administration of primary education (1 !1# In $#27 at the $7th meeting of the CA,E+ the go&ernment of ,ihar raised the 1uestion of re'ationships bet(een the state go&ernments and 'oca' bodies in respect of administration of e'ementary education /he ministry of education therefore appointed this committee in $#6$ )hri , 9 ;her+ chief minister+ ,ombay (as the chairman of that committee /here (ere $$ more members on the committee /he terms of reference (ere/o e0amine+ in detai' the present setup of 'oca' administration of education in the different states in the assumption of more po(ers by the state go&ernments+ the re1uirements of different state go&ernments in this regard and to recommend a more or 'ess uniform pattern (ith fe( &ariations + be adopted in a'' the states of India Major recommendations of the commission$ Association of 'oca' bodies (ith the administration of primary education- It said that it (ou'd be an ad&antage to associate 'oca' bodies (ith the administration of primary education in some form or other ! Creation of educationa' bodies In a'' &i''age panchayats and sma''er municipa'ities (hich ha&e been gi&en on'y a 'imited contro' o&er primary education+ the 'oca' body shou'd be re1uired to e'ect a schoo' committee and to de'egate to it the tas% of super&ising the 'oca' schoo' or schoo's In district 'oca' boards and in bigger municipa'ities (hich e0ercise (ider po(er o&er primary education+ a schoo' board shou'd be constituted and charged (ith the responsibi'ity of 'oo%ing after educationa' po(ers as (e'' as an administrati&e officer ha&ing ade1uate authority to carry on the day to day administration of its primary schoo's /he go&ernment shou'd adopt the independent system of associating educationa' bodies (ith the corresponding 'oca' authorities genera''y

/he appointment of administrati&e officers shou'd be ob'igatory under the statute in the case of a'' district schoo' boards and the 'arger municipa'ities /hey shou'd be ser&ants of state go&ernment 4 Di&ision of authority on a functiona' basis Inspection shou'd be regarded as a duty of the go&ernment and shou'd be carried out by go&ernment officers A'' inspecting officers shou'd be direct'y under the go&ernment and the 'oca' bodies shou'd ha&e no contact o&er them )tate go&ernment shou'd so'e'y responsib'e for maintaining or aiding the re1uisite number of training institutions for primary teachers /he authority to define curricu'a of courses of study at the primary 'e&e' shou'd continue to &est in the state go&ernments ,ut the 'oca' bodies shou'd a'so be authori5ed+ (ith the pre&ious appro&a' of the Director of Education+ to introduce such &ariations in the prescribed curricu'a as they may seem necessary in &ie( of 'oca' condition In e&ery ma3or municipa'ity authori5ed to administer primary schoo' (ithin its area and in e&ery district schoo' board+ the authority to recruit and contro' the teaching staff shou'd &est in the staff se'ection committee+ the administrati&e officer+ and the appe''ate tribuna' constituted on 'ines simi'ar to those adopted in ,ombay /he ser&ice conditions of primary teachers shou'd be determined by the 'oca' bodies concerned (ith the sanction of state go&ernments and as far as possib'e these shou'd be uniform throughout the states /he primary teachers shou'd continue to be treated as ser&ants of 'oca' bodies as at present *egarding te0t boo%s+ it suggested that state go&ernments shou'd prescribe+ on the ad&ice of officia' and non officia' e0perts in the sub3ect+ the boo%s to be used in primary schoo's+ and (here more than one boo% happens to be prescribed in a sub3ect+ the 'oca' body shou'd ha&e the freedom to choose any one of the prescribed in a sub3ect+ the 'oca' body shou'd ha&e the freedom to choose any one of the prescribed boo%s for use in schoo's under its contro' 2 Di&ision of authority on the basis of the 'oca' body associated-

City Corporation < the genera' po'icy shou'd be to de&o'&e as 'arge as authority upon city corporations as possib'e Authori(ed municipalities- the 'arger municipa'ities may be designated as Cauthori5ed municipa'itiesD /hey (i'' differ from corporations in three (ays $) the go&ernment (i'' actua''y conduct inspections instead of mere'y reser&ing he right to do so !) /he genera' contro' of the go&ernment (i'' be a 'itt'e more detai'ed and 4) the administrati&e officers shou'd preferab'y remain the ser&ants of state go&ernments )on-authori(ed municipalities < the sma'' municipa'ities cannot be permitted to administer primary education in their areas (i'' ha&e to be treated at a sti'' 'o(er 'e&e' *illa$es- the po(ers and duties of &i''age schoo' committees shou'd be di&ided into t(o groups= the first group (i'' inc'ude a'' those po(ers (hich a &i''age committee (i'' ha&e as soon as it is formed+ and the second group (i'' inc'ude a'' those po(ers (hich can be conferred on it by the District )choo' ,oard + in &ie(s of its efficiency District +chool ,oards- the po(er and duties of these bodies shou'd be simi'ar to those of the Municipa' )choo' ,oards 6 8inance /he union go&ernment shou'd assign specific grants for uni&ersa' and compu'sory primary education in the states A sum not 'ess than E"B of the tota' education e0penditure of the state shou'd be spent on primary education )tate grants to 'oca' bodies on account of primary education shou'd be based on a combination of proportiona' grant (used to secure a broad e1ua'i5ation as (e'' as to pro&ide for rapid e0pansion)+ a specia' grant for bac%(ard or necessitous areas+ the specific purpose grants 9rants for a'' primary education < (hether &o'untary or compu'soryshou'd be statutory /he municipa' acts shou'd be amended so as to ma%e the 'e&y of a'' education cess ob'igatory or municipa'ities to ear mar% a specified proportion of their tota' re&enue for primary education a'' funds thus ear mar%ed for primary education shou'd be entit'ed to recei&e grant in aid according to ru'es

In &i''age panchayats a portion of the tota' re&enue shou'd be earmar%ed for primary education E Appro&ed schoo's >oca' bodies associated (ith the administration of primary education shou'd ordinari'y be in charge of a'' primary schoo's in their areas+ (hether maintained under their direct contro' or managed by pri&ate agencies /he authority to contro' and guide the pri&ate primary schoo' in there areas shou'd genera''y &est in the 'oca' bodies themse'&es /he state go&ernment shou'd retain a fe( po(ers to themse'&es (ith a &ie( to seeing that no hardship are caused to pri&ate schoo's shou'd &est concurrent'y in the state go&ernments+ 'oca' bodies and managements *egarding grant or (ithdra(a' of recognition to a pri&ate schoo' /he committee suggested that $) /he inspecting officers of the department shou'd be re1uired to carry out+ in the first instance+ an in&estigation into e&ery proposa' for the grant or (ithdra(a' of recognition to a pri&ate primary schoo' !) /he schoo' board concerned shou'd consider the report of such in&estigation and then decide (hether recognition shou'd or shou'd not be granted or shou'd be (ithdra(n and+ Any party aggrie&ed by the order of the )choo' ,oard shou'd ha&e the right to prefer an appea' to the director of education or to any other specified officer A /he authority to grant recognition shou'd a'so be authority to sanction 9rant in aid

Mudaliar commission or secondary Education Commission (1 !--1 !.#/i'' $#6! number of commissions had been appointed to sur&ey Indian education= a'' of (hich dea't incidenta''y (ith certain aspect aspects of secondary education ,ut no Commission had so far been appointed to sur&ey the prob'ems of secondary education /he centra' ad&isory board of education in its meeting he'd in $#2# and $#6$ recommended the appointment of a commission for secondary education

/he go&ernment of India= according'y appointed the secondary education commission+ under the chairmanship of Dr A >a%shmans(ami Muda'iar + then @ice- Chance''or of Madras .ni&ersity %he terms of reference 'ere as follo's /o en1uire into and report on the present position of )econdary education in India in a'' its aspects= and )uggest measures for its reorgani5ation and impro&ement (ith particu'ar reference to $ the aims+ organi5ation+ and content of secondary education ! its re'ationship to Primary ,asic and -igher Education= 4 the inter re'ation of secondary schoo's of different types= 2 other a''ied prob'ems )o that a sound and reasonab'e uniform system of secondary education suited to our needs and resources may be pro&ided for the (ho'e country /he commission submitted its report in :une $#64 %he recommendations re$ardin$ educational administration 'ere as follo'sDuration of secondary education- the fo''o(ing ne( organi5ationa' structure for secondary education after the four or fi&e years of Primary or :unior ,asic Education= A Midd'e or :unior )econdary or )enior ,asic stage (hich shou'd co&er a period of 4 years= A -igher )econdary stage (hich shou'd co&er a period of 2 years -igh schoo's and higher secondary schoo's < the commission pointed that as it (i'' not be possib'e to con&ert a'' e0isting high schoo's into higher secondary schoo's in the near future )o in the case of such schoo's+ it said that+ the prob'em (ou'd be to impro&e their efficiency (ithin their present structure and recommended for the reconstruction of the curricu'um and methods of education /he considerab'e impro&ements (ere a'so needed to ma%e them more efficient and to enab'e them to be con&erted u'timate'y into

-igher )econdary )choo's /hese impro&ements shou'd inc'ude the pro&ision of better 1ua'ified and more carefu''y se'ected personne'+ better e1uipment+ better 'aboratory and 'ibrary faci'ities and better organi5ation of co- curricu'ar acti&ities In addition+ the scheme of di&ersified courses of study shou'd a'so introduce as far as possib'e /here shou'd be specia' criteria for < $ Accommodation+ ! E1uipment+ 4 Fua'ifications of the staff+ 2 )a'aries and 9rades+ and

6 Ade1uate finances to ensure that the institution (i'' continue to function efficient'y It said that such assurance must be offered either by the management itse'f or be pro&ided on the basis of he'p guaranteed by the )tate and Centra' 9o&ernments Inspection of )choo's $ /he true ro'e of an Inspector (ou'd be to study the prob'ems of each schoo' and &ie( them comprehensi&e'y in the conte0t of educationa' ob3ecti&es+ to formu'ate suggestions for impro&ement and he'p the teachers to carry out his ad&ice and recommendations ! In addition of direct recruitment+ inspectors shou'd a'so be dra(n fromteachers of ten yearsD e0perience+ head masters of high schoo's and+ du'y 1ua'ified staff of training co''eges (ho may be a''o(ed to (or% as such for a period of 4 to 6 years Management of schoo's$ /he managing boards of a'' schoo's shou'd be registered and shou'd consist of a 'imited number of persons (ith the head master as an e/officio member ! No member of the Managing board shou'd direct'y or indirect'y interfere (ith the interna' administration of the schoo' )choo' bui'ding and E1uipment <

$ the open spaces a&ai'ab'e in cities must be conser&ed to be uti'i5ed as a p'ayground by groups of schoo's ! Norma'+ in designing bui'dings for schoo's+ care shou'd be ta%en to see that an area of not 'ess than $" s1 ft is pro&ided per student in the c'ass room 4 /he optimum number of boys to be admitted to any c'ass shou'd be 4" and the ma0imum shou'd not in any case e0ceed 2"= the optimum number in the (ho'e schoo' shou'd be 6"" (hi'e the ma0imum shou'd not e0ceed A6" -ours of (or%ing and &acations$ as a ru'e the tota' number of (or%ing days in a schoo' shou'd not be 'ess than !""+ the (or%ing hours per (ee% shou'd be at 'east 46 periods of about 26 minutes each= the schoo' shou'd (or% regu'ar'y for si0 days in a (ee%+ one of the days being a ha'f day (hen the teachers and the student might meet informa''y and (or% together on &arious e0tra curricu'ar and socia' pro3ects 8inance$ A cess ca''ed the industria' education cess be 'e&ied+ the amount co''ected to be uti'i5ed for the furtherance of technica' and &ocationa' education at the secondary stage ! /he center shou'd assume a certain amount of direct responsibi'ity for the contemp'ated reorgani5ation of secondary education and gi&e financia' aid for the purpose Education Commission (1 01-00# or 2othari Commission /he uni1ue feature of this commission (as not to 'imit its in1uiry to any specific sector or aspect of education as the ear'ier commissions had done but to ha&e a comprehensi&e re&ie( of the entire educationa' system Another feature of this commission is its firm be'ief that education is the most po(erfu' instrument of nationa' de&e'opment /he report has been appropriate'y entit'ed Ceducation and nationa' de&e'opmentD /he commission recommended on &arious issues regarded the secondary education system

%he main recommendations in the area of educational administration are as follo's Common school system- a common schoo' system of pub'ic education shou'd be introduced %en years of +choolin$ of 3eneral education- the first ten years of schoo'ing shou'd co&er a primary stage of se&en or eight years and a 'o(er secondary stage of three or t(o years pro&iding a course of genera' education (ithout any specia'i5ation Instructional days in schools- the number of instructiona' days in a year shou'd be increased to about !42 for schoo's and !$E for co''eges and pre-primary schoo's 4olidays to be minimi5ed %he li&raries and la&oratories5 (or%shops craft sheds+ etc+ shou'd be opened a'' the year round Ade6uate num&er of scholarships for the top ten percent of the students in educationa' institutions 7esidential facilities for the students 8rovision for the day study centers for those students (ho do not ha&e ade1uate faci'ities for study at home Developmental plan for each district for secondary education considering the e0isting and perspecti&e needs of e0pansion 9reedom to school for E0perimenta' Curricu'a %'o sets of curricula shou'd be prepared by )tate ,oards of schoo' education- ad&anced and ordinary %hree or four te/t &oo:s for each su&ject Esta&lishin$ of +chool comple/es )ei$h&ourhood +chool at the 'o(er primary stage

In order to secure continuous improvement in standards+ ade1uate machinery shou'd be set up at the state and nationa' 'e&e's Minimum pay scale for %eachers at schoo' stage be 'aid do(n by the 9o&ernment of India It a'so recommended for same pay for different Mana$ements /he creation of Indian Education +ervice (as a'so recommended by this commission Education should &e $iven a statutory &asis e&ery (here and in a'' sectors and that an Education act shou'd be passed in a'' the states and .nion /erritories Wor: e/perience as an inte$ral part of primary education

)ational Committee on 1";-;. educational structure (1 <.# Gn the recommendations of the Education Commission $#E2-EE+ the $"H!H4 structure (as incorporated in the statement of the Nationa' Po'icy on Education+ $#E7 /he structure (as discussed and endorsed by a number of A'' India 8orums on education inc'uding the CA,E 8or a number of years+ the detai's of the imp'ementation of the ne( pattern cou'd not be (or%ed out In $#A4+ /he 9o&ernment of India+ Ministry of Education and )ocia' Ie'fare+ appointed a Nationa' Committee to formu'ate practica' measures for introducing the proposed educationa' structure a'' o&er the country As a resu't of the report of the Committee+ a beginning (as made by the Centra' ,oard of )econdary Education+ Ne( De'hi+ to introduce this pattern in some of the schoo's affi'iated to it )ince then the scheme has been accepted in princip'e by a'' the states and .nion /erritories )ational 8olicy on Education= 1 >0 /he document JCha''enge of EducationK($#76) (as debated in the country at &arious conferences+ seminars and study circ'es A detai'ed ana'ysis (as made of a'' the communications and recommendations recei&ed in the Ministry /hereafter+ the M-*D brought out a re&ised document JNationa'

Po'icy on Education $#7E- A PresentationD It (as re&ised in the 'ight of discussions and the CDraft Nationa' Po'icy on Education $#7E (as fina''y adopted Main 7ecommendations of )8E5>0 Nationa' system of education= (hich en&isaged on a common educationa' structure Minimum 'e&e' of 'earning for each stage of education Gperation ,'ac%board (i'' be underta%en for the impro&ement of primary schoo' a'' o&er the country 7amamurti 7evie' Committee (1 /erms of reference$ /o re&ie( the Nationa' Po'icy on Education+ $#7E and its imp'ementation= ! /o ma%e recommendations regarding re&ision of the po'icy= 4 /o recommend action necessary for imp'ementation of re&ised po'icy (ithin time frame /he recommendations of the report cou'd not be gi&en their due consideration in &ie( of the change of the 9o&ernment at the centre CA,E Committee or ?anardhana 7eddy Committee (1 -# "#

/he Chairman of the CA,E appointed a Committee on 4$ st :u'y+ $##$+ to re&ie( the imp'ementation of &arious parameters of NPE /he recommendations (ere as fo''o(s$ A standing CA,E committee for education of the )CsL)/s and other educationa''y bac%(ard sections shou'd be constituted= educationists from these groups shou'd ha&e representation in that Committee ! Common )choo' )ystem- ,oth the Center and the )tate shou'd ta%e determined action in this regard /he pri&i'eged schoo's shou'd accept socia' accountabi'ity by sharing their faci'ities and resources (ith other institutions+ ta%ing up community acti&ities+ and faci'itating access to chi'dren of the disad&antaged groups

4 Na&odaya @idya'ayas shou'd be setup in each district 2 Ear'y Chi'dhood Care and Education- /he Angan(adi (or%ers shou'd p'ay e0panded ro'e and shou'd be the foca' point for a number of acti&ities and support ser&ices for (omen and chi'dren+ such as chi'd care+ fami'y (e'fare+ nutrition and hea'th It a'so ta'%ed about recruitment and training of Angan(adi (or%ers to discharge the e0panded ro'e 6 Management of Education- the District ,oard of Education shou'd be set up and operationa'ised e0peditious'y E Constitution of specia'i5ed )tate >e&e' Educationa' /ribuna's

/hus Educationa' Administration after independence in India gradua''y he'ped the education system to gro(

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