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WebSphere Lombardi Edition Proof of Concept (POC)

What is a WebSphere Lombardi Edition Proof of Concept? sdfsdfsdfsdfs

A Proof of Concept (POC) is designed to demonstrate the value of WLE in the context of your usiness! POCs have een used y many of our clients as an important and necessary step in the evaluation of the WLE "usiness Process #anagement $ystem ("P#$)! %he POC provides a detailed understanding of our product as &ell as the s'ills re(uired to use it! At )"#* &e feel it is critical for every POC to focus on experiencing the capabilities and differentiation of WLE in all phases of a process life+cycle* including, process modeling and implementation process execution process monitoring and visi ility process analysis and optimi-ation )ntegral to all of these capa ilities is the collaboration between b siness and !" fostered y WLE! )n addition to highlighting colla oration during modeling and implementation* &e also use .play ac's/ to demonstrate the colla oration &ith end+users in the iterative development and deployment of your process! We also elieve that the hands#on experience and ed cation in a POC offers the est &ay to understand 'ey capa ilities and differences et&een "P#$ products 0 it is not 1ust a (uestion of if the product does it, ut also how the product does it. Our POC agenda dedicates most of the time to educating your team* and &e strongly encourage hands+on participation! Additionally* our agenda typically includes time for discussions on topics such as security* scala ility and relia ility* integration* configuration management* and supported platforms!

What $a%es a &ood Process Example in a POC?

%he POC focuses on a process example from your usiness! %he est process examples are ones that are familiar to you and your team! )t is very helpful for you to understand ho& the process &or's today* &ho performs the process steps* &hich systems are involved* and &here there are areas for improvement2 )t is also important that the process example can e used to demonstrate the various capa ilities of WLE* and help you understand the s'ills re(uired to use them! 3ood candidate processes include (at least one instance of), 4uman activities* especially &here .process coaching/ can occur for end users! Wor'flo& et&een human users! $ystem activities that can e automated! Access to external data! Process rules* used to determine dynamic routing ased on process data! #anaging process events! #anaging multiple complex process application pro1ects 5e+use of common components across pro1ects 6eployment of process applications to production %he process example does not have to e too complex 0 it only ta'es a couple of user interface flo&s* data ase calls* events* and so on* to demonstrate ho& to model and implement processes

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WebSphere Lombardi Edition Proof of Concept (POC)

in WLE! And the process example should not e so simple that it is missing important process constructs that you &ill &ant to see and understand during your evaluation!

'ow (iffic lt is it to Change a Process?

5eal usiness processes change all the time! And the changes can e re(uired at any time 0 driven y external usiness re(uirements* changes in regulations* or significant opportunities for process improvement! A ma1or consideration of ongoing process improvement and maintenance is ho& easy (or difficult) it is to ma'e changes to a process over time! )n WLE POCs* &e intentionally focus on ho& easy it is to determine &hat to change in a process* assess the impact of changes* implement those changes* and roll those changes into production* using our .play ac'/ approach!

What Else Sho ld We )oc s On in the POC?

5eal+time process visi ility* process performance trac'ing* and process analysis and optimi-ation are 'ey capa ilities that truly ena le management of your usiness processes! )"# POCs &ill sho& you ho& to ena le and define process trac'ing and reporting for oth real+time monitoring* and analysis ; optimi-ation using historical and in+flight process performance data!

'ow will we manage a complex *P$ program with m ltiple process pro+ects?
%he a ility to manage multiple process development pro1ects and manage all the assets across these pro1ects &hile maximi-ing re+use is a 'ey component to "P# program success! )"# &ill demonstrate advance versioning and process application deployment capa ilities! )"# has helped many enterprise customers move from single "P# pro1ects to effective "P# programs and "P# centers of excellence that deploy multiple "P# pro1ects in a repeata le manner! )"# &ill discuss specific customer use cases and ho& the product capa ilities support these est practices!

What ,bo t !ntegrating to o r !n#ho se S-stems?

Every real+&orld process interacts &ith existing systems! Our customers can testify that they have numerous systems that are integrated to their WLE processes 0 ranging from in+house homegro&n applications* to <rd+party enterprise applications! %ime constraints in a typical POC &ill not allo& us to exhaustively prove all possi le technical integrations = ut &e do &ant to demonstrate our WLE integration frame&or'* &hich is ased on standard technologies and is extremely .open/! We &ill &or' &ith you to determine a fe& examples that sho& ho& connectors to your 'ey systems can e (uic'ly defined and configured in WLE! And &e &ill also e prepared to discuss the roader topics of enterprise integration and .fit/* including leveraging your messaging infrastructure* security systems* and preferred execution platforms in WLE deployments!

What !f We 'a.e ,dditional "echnical Proof Points?

%here may e a num er of technical proof points that you feel strongly a out including in your evaluation* ut may not easily fit in the mainstream POC agenda* or may re(uire the participation

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WebSphere Lombardi Edition Proof of Concept (POC)

of some speciali-ed )"# resources! >or example* you may &ant to prove more time+consuming integrations* or installation and configuration on your preferred app server and O$! )n these cases* &e &ill e happy to discuss ho& &e can ma'e arrangements to address the additional technical proof points! %his often occurs follo&ing the POC experience* after having determined that WLE and )"# are indeed your preferred platform and vendor* and that you &ould li'e to ma'e the continued investment in evaluating the technical feasi ility of WLE!

What )acilities Will We /eed to 'ost the POC?

We are e(uipped to ring WLE pre+installed on porta le )"# POC servers* if desired! Or &e can install WLE on your hard&are and data ases! We typically use our .Express/ installer for POC purposes! %he Express installer is designed for (uic' installation of WLE Enterprise Edition on an em edded application server running on Windo&s* accessing your choice of $?L $erver* Oracle* or )"# 6"8 @6" data ases! %he hard&are and soft&are re(uirements for WLE clients and servers on Windo&s are found in the appendix! A conference room &ith pro1ector* etc! is also strongly recommended for a productive experience!

What People Will We /eed to 'ost the POC?

A productive and successful POC can only e achieved &ith your active involvement! We recommend that you have at least 8 people dedicated full+time to &or'ing &ith our team side+ y+ side during a POC! @sually* one of these people is more technical* and one of them is more usiness focused! )n addition* during the daily .play ac's/* &e recommend participation y additional usiness users and managers to see the process development and provide feed ac'! >or the focused discussion topics during the POC* &e invite your net&or' security* infrastructure* and 6"A staff to attend!

What !s a "-pical ,genda for a POC?

A standard WLE POC consists of the follo&ing A parts, :! $tart from scratch* uild and execute the example process Playback #1 8! )terate on the process and ma'e changes Address discussion %opics Playback #2 <! Bisi ility* 5eporting* Optimi-ation Playback #3 A! Executive presentation 6epending on your availa ility* the num er of topics to e addressed* the complexity of the process* and the num er of 'ey participants* these .core/ parts of the POC agenda &ill span : to < days! %he POC activities are typically closed &ith an Executive Presentation! %his provides a means for a roader audience to revie& the 'ey learnings and results of the POC* including an end+to+ end demonstration of the .final play ac'!/ %his is a usiness focused presentation lasting C9+:89 minutes! 6epending on the audience* this may include a detailed technical discussion!

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WebSphere Lombardi Edition Proof of Concept (POC)

A fe& days after the POC* &e &ill produce a .Post+POC Pac'age/ that includes a presentation and screenshots of the POC highlights that can e shared &ith those that &ere not a le to participate! An example POC agenda is found in the attached appendix!

0 estions?
Please let us 'no& if you have any (uestions or concerns! )"# elieves it is critical for us to &or' &ith you to deliver a POC experience that provides all the information you need to ma'e an informed "P#$ evaluation and selection! The IB tea! looks forward to worki"# with you$

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