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Pinocchio Politics

The Art of Lying in Government (And what you can do about it.)
By David Alan Smith

What can be said about politics that hasnt already been said? Still, it is a subject that pervades everyones lives whether one is interested in it or not. On that basis, we find it helpful to perhaps look a bit more deeply into the methods commonly used by those whose lifes work is dedicated to minding others affairs instead of their own. A somewhat cynical view of government is a healthy one, just as it is with anything else which has from time to time been at the root of all mens evils, for it is has been substituted for individual self-governance since its inception. Any form of control over ones own ability to develop and utilize their own critical analysis with conscious intention rather than react to outside influences imposed by others is a detriment to any hope of peace and harmony in the world at large. We have been created with complex autonomous system, built into every human being which allows the internal workings of his body to function perfectly without so much as a moments though towards how many beats of his heart will be needed during the day, how many enzymes will be required for each physical process acting within the 300 trillion cells of his body, and the numerous other activities which go on continuously behind the scenes of every one of us, every day. It is natural then, for us to expect that life goes on without too much concern on our part to live freely and without interference or interruption by us in this part of our existence. So then, it would seem fitting that in our social lives we should expect the same harmony of expression to follow between individual humans as with individual cells of the body, right? As the saying goes, In a perfect worldwe could expect this, but we seem retarded as a species on this planet in learning the necessary lessons that would make this a reality and not a myth. Let us then take a moment to examine the cracks in the cement which holds our man-made world together, for Nature takes care of herself and the world will go on whether or not we are intelligent enough to continue on our journey with her in the future. By examining our not-so-perfect world, we may arrive at some newly formed conclusions which will help steer this government we all interface with back on course of our Founding Fathers who knew too well the problems inherent in any form of governmental rule.

The best place to start is with the fundamental process of what the purpose is of any government, which is to control its people in its land. Why do we say this? By the very definition of the word, government, which is two Latin words, gubernatio, to control, and mente, or mind. Simply stated, Mind Control. Now
one may argue that is all just nonsense and the provenance of the word had no such intended meaning, but I say that every word every devised by man, in any language ever used was created for a purpose, and not one word was ever created capriciously, or without thought. This is a maxim of all language as everything else, thought precedes form.

Lets get even more basic in our attempt to understand a complex subject Words are the clay the forms our world and whether you understand this or not, the analogy operates in this way nonetheless. The nature of communication is one of perception. Our reception, our internalization of any communication whether auditory or visual, however, is only as good as our minds ability to comprehend the meanings of the things we read, hear or see. The thoughts of others, conveyed by language (or art) are transmitted with intention, whether we understand that intention or not. Deliberate misuse of words, or by using words which have be highjacked from their original meaning, allows governments to control it people and this is their main tool of deception. Every child today is familiar with the story of Pinocchio, the classical fable of how dreams and wishes can come true, if the proper amount of energy is put into the effort. Fables contain certain essential lessons to be learned by the narrative, and this lesson in the story of Pinocchio was that inevitably when a person tells a lie, a consequence will follow. Even though most people today have an unmistakable distrust for their government, not too many realize the way that their own thoughts have helped those whom they distrust continue to misuse their positions of authority and contribute to the growing problem of a world hell-bent on self-destruction. With a better understanding of just how we all use words in everyday communication in our private lives, one is more likely to not fall prey to the shameful misuse of words by those who wish to control you. The key lies in language and the words themselves, not just in the fabrication of lies and duplicitous methods of less-evolved persons. We have been taught, from the years of inveigled thinking due to the degradation of our educational process of just what the real problem is. It is our intent that you may find out a thing or two about yourself, and how you can alter your thinking, and your life in ways that propagate others to do the same, leading us all out of a world of muddleminded -children to a brighter and more purposeful existence for us all.

Chapter 1
Mind your tongue.
When I was a child, my grandmother used to constantly remind me of my over-use of the word, I, in my correspondence to her. She would often say, You begin every sentence with the word I and it makes you look very self-centered! She was right, too, by the way. How I formulated my sentences was the by-product of how my mind thought out what to say, and by repetition, became my master. How many products today use the word, I in their name? iPad, iPhone, iPod for example. Do you really think the marketing geniuses in Apple just picked that name out of a hat? Not a chance! By appealing to the selfish nature of the individual, it conveys a sense of importance and ego-building to be at the center of your universe. As one develops an ear for what one is saying, then one becomes more aware of just what others are saying. This is crucial when listening to what your government is telling you. It is not necessary to come to the conclusion that all politicians lie, once you realize that everyone lies. It is more relevant and useful to know WHEN you hear a lie, and WHEN you are being lied to. You begin by listening to just how you use words, and more specifically, just what the words you use really mean. This may seem too childish or too silly for some to comprehend, but I assure you, it is not! We all use words every day without really knowing just what those words really mean. What I am talking about is the provenance of the word, or its original meaning as it was first used, not what it has become corrupted to in our everyday parlance. The significance of this is hidden from ninety-nine percent of educated people today. We were not taught in public education that words contain power or energy. They are not just sounds coming into our ears or blots of ink on a piece of paper or pixels on a computer screen, far from it! Your thoughts that you think are nothing more than the composite programming of the thoughts of others, which you have unwittingly regurgitated as your own. Our language spoken today contains many words that were used centuries ago, but have much different meanings than when they were first created. When you alter a thing, does it become a new thing, or merely a changed thing? Thats right; it is just a different version of its original composition, but the essential remains intact. When you add cream to your coffee, is it no longer coffee? Of course not! Does the wooden table you eat off of not still have the cell structure of the tree it came from within it? Absolutely! There is but one Creator of this universe and all that is in it, we are merely recreating what He put here in the first place. So if we are just recreating, lets have some fun (recreation) in doing so. So it is the same with words, which represent energy or power of things. If you saw a cup of something brownish-looking on a counter in a restaurant and didnt know just where it came from, would you take it up and drink it? I think not. You would want to have your own fresh cup of coffee, wouldnt you? Why? Because you know that if you dont know where it came from (its provenance), it may hurt you, thats why! So why would you treat the words you have at your disposal with any less respect?

We all have been taught trust our parents or other people of authority when we were growing up. This is a good thing when we dont have the capacity to critically evaluate our own thinking when we are children, providing that love and caring is administered in the process. But as we grow and become older, we should be able to discern for ourselves what is useful to us in our own lives and not depend on the information presented to us in the same way that we did as a child. And yet, this is precisely what many of us do, and this the root cause of much of the worlds problems today. We wouldnt know how to spot a lie if it walked up to us and hit us in the face! Why is this? Are all of us less intelligent than our parents? Perhaps, perhaps not, but there is a definite connection between how they (or their parents) were taught and how you are taught today. This is the topic of the next chapter of this book. What you believe and what you know.

Chapter 2
To believe, or not to believe, that is the question.
To paraphrase Shakespeare, it really is the question. Although most of us use our brains to think, we really are not thinking at all. Now this may seem outrageous to many, who really are convinced that they are thinking all the time, about their jobs, their families, or their bank accounts, but only rarely are they engaging the part of their brains that actually perform critical thinking. What do I mean by critical thinking? I mean original thought. Engaging that specific part of your brain, the frontal cortex, which enable you to rationally decide for yourself. Our behavior is determined by two distinctly different kinds of brain activity, conscious thought, and subconscious thought. It may surprise you to know that as high as 90 % of what we act out upon is driven by our unconscious thoughts and not our conscious thinking at all! Our brains are like computers, which are only capable of putting out that which has been put in, or programmed into the computer. This is a good thing, for if we got up in the morning and had to decide by rational choice, every single thing we had to do every moment from then on, we would be mentally exhausted or stressed out beyond repair before lunchtime. This is why habits are formed. But habits are in and of themselves, neutral, neither good nor bad. But we can either create good habits or form bad ones by the process which programmed the habit in the first place.

By using our ability to critically analyze a subject, we can derive rational conclusions, based on intelligent choices at our disposal. But this is only true if we comprehend everything that is part and parcel of our thought process. For example, if you dont understand a particular word in a sentence or being said to you, you cannot possible know what is being conveyed to you. You may believe that you do, but that is only because you havent taken the time to investigate the true meaning of what it is that is in question. Being able to discern what is only repeated from memory (and may be incorrect in its formation as a thought which is true) and consciously analyzing what is going on at present are not the same thing. This is the difference between knowing something and believingsomething.

Beliefs are mutable, knowing is fixed. Your beliefs can (and should) change as you gain more knowledge and information about things that affect your life. But what you know will not change, nor should it, because these things will always be true, and you can depend on them to help you in your daily life. You know what gravity is, belief in it is useless. If you choose not to believe in it and decide to jump off a ten story building, the results will be the same, your belief notwithstanding. It is not necessary to know everything about everything just to get by, but the more you know the better life for you will be. Only by utilizing your ability to critically analyze a thing, will you be able to know it. You know how to tie your shoes, and although there was a time in your life when you did not, now you do and the thought is fixed in you forever, it has become a good habit. Should you become incapacitated and lose some of your faculties, you still will know how to tie your shoes whether you can perform the act of tying them or not. But most of what people consider thinking is really just recalling what they were taught, without critical thought at the time, and therefore are just beliefs, and consequently, not necessarily true. Any good politician knows this. This is the fertile ground in which politics operate. Politicians know, (and I mean know) when they are lying and yet do so regardless in order to garnish support for their agendas. By playing on your gullible beliefs, they are counting on you not to use your critical thought processes to analyze what they are selling you, and will put your faith and trust in them. They learn an entirely different language than you or I in order to do so. They use certain trigger words that evoke emotional responses in you, rather than have you calmly decide for yourself just what to do. They know that you will react to this stimulus, rather than to respond or consider the issues that need your attention. There is a monumental difference between responding (thinking rationally) and reacting (often emotionally) to any given stimulus. One may be familiar with Pavlovs experiments with dogs, but not too familiar with the fact that he was employed by Joseph Stalin to find a way that he could better control his people in Russia in the last century. I find it amazing that our current President got elected and then re-elected by those who firmly believe in his words, yet may not like what he has done to the country or their lives in general. He is a master at his craft, but is craft is those of words and not of substance. Being a superior orator does not mean that one has the means to run a government properly. There is still more unknown about this man than any other President we have ever had, no matter how many years have separated us from them, and much is hidden by Executive Order and his own doing. Yet will still go on believing and not thinking about anything important. Sometimes we learn a lot by looking deeply for answers and finding that what we are looking for has be deliberately withheld from us. There are few men and women in the government who are acting on behalf of their electorate. Unfortunately for us there is no benefit to one good apple in the barrel, as there is detriment of even just having one bad one. One has to look far and wide to find a government fully stocked with competent, sincere and trustworthy public servants. Since the conditioning of the populace to listen to talking heads on TV or celebrity pundits instead of researching and finding out for themselves what is a

right and proper course for our country to take, we blindly follow our governments illogical and mostly destructive path without a hint of what is really going on.

Chapter 3
If it looks like a duck
When one has spent a lifetime believing a certain thing to be true, it is very difficult for him or her to accept that their paradigms may be incorrect. Like a house built on sand, his constructed reality shifts as the world changes, and he has little to hold on to that remains secure in himself, yet can only cling to the beliefs that his world was built upon. Not having the benefit of knowing what is true from what is false, leaves him at the mercy of the storytellers which come up with answers and solutions for him, because he never learned how to think for himself. Confucius said, over 3000 years ago, When words lose their meaning, men lose their freedom. Another saying of his I wish to share with you is this: Men are not controlled by men, but by signs and symbols. This wise saying should have important resonance for us today. These signs and symbols are the words and images we have been taught to believe in for thousands of years. The definition of any word can be changed by its use, but the original meaning will stay the same. The power or energy put into its creation never goes away, any more that your coffee is no longer coffee just by the fact that you added cream to it. Can you see how this can distort and alter ones reality? How can this knowledge be used by you to prevent you from being beguiled into believing something which is untrue when you hear or read it? The answer is simple on one hand, but complex on the other. But re-educating yourself, you can free yourself from many ill-formed conclusions and false beliefs that you many have been carrying around with you for a very long time. This is the hard part, it will take the rest of your life to do this, so dont despair, just get started now! It is not a very well-known fact that in the United States of America, shortly after the forming of our new country, that no government elected official could be a lawyer. Why? Because all lawyers took sworn oaths of allegiance to the Crown of England, and since England was our enemy, would cause a conflict of interests with the newly formed United States of America. How could you trust your elected official if he or she took an oath that superseded his one to this United States of America? Today, in America, there are Governors, Mayors, Sheriffs, and numerous other positions held by individuals who have put their own political agendas before their sworn commitment to serve the people who put them there. If sad fact, many have not even take any oath at all. Knowledge of this should enrage or at least stir a feeling of disgust that this is the accepted norm for governments at all levels from State to Federal in this country today. But this is not the end of the story. This should only be

the beginning. To change our government, we must first change ourselves. Without competent communities, there can be no pool to draw out competent representatives.

Chapter 4
Its the name game, not the blame game

It is imperative to know exactly at whose door the problem rests, for only to blame others will accomplish nothing. We have been coerced into playing the blame game too long. The Hegelian Dialectic is long overdue to have its tires rotated. Divide and conquer needs to be replaced with join and compliment. The Golden (Calf) Rule needs to be retired and the Original Golden Rule be substituted in its place. Those who have the gold, who rule today, will only fade into obscurity if we who have more than gold wake up to face our own true destinies. The only reason for the powerful elite to rule is to have a world filled with incompetent, lazy people. Remove the problem and the answer presents itself for all to see. The problem is ignorance, and the solution is closer to you than the nose on your face. No, I am not calling anyone stupid. Ignorance is absence of the truth; stupidity is refusal to accept the truth by believing in a lie. Everyone, including this author is subject to the rules and laws that govern this universe, not the rules of men. Become aware of the difference, and free yourself and your mind from the prison of inequity that binds us to a world dominated by a few pathological troublemakers. Nature provides solutions to all her children, including plants and minerals as well. Change is inevitable; the kind of change is affected by all who inhabit this beautiful little planet we live in. All great teachers have taught the same lesson for thousands of years, one of love and harmony among peoples, but still the world spins on an axis which has a distinct wobble. It is time to bring this axis we all revolve around into a more perfect alignment with the center of the universe. We are the cells of our universal consciousness, each capable of affecting the entire hologram of our cosmos. Cancers form when individual cells are not in communication with the body and replicate clones of themselves and eventually destroy their host unless the conditions in the body surrounding them are balanced. This is all that is needed for the cancer to die off and be replaced with healthy cells. So too is our future determined on a global scale. The cancerous infections we collectively are affected by are slowly being arrested by the knowledge that a new paradigm is gradually being accepted by people all over the world today. Fear of cancer feeds the cancer, but understanding its nature and knowing that the solution resides in the surrounding cells provides us with a peace of mind that the future is not in the hands of the parasites, but in our own.

Chapter 5
Its time to lose some wait

No, I did not misspell the word. I use this example to refresh your mind in the need to look at the hidden meanings that lie in common words we read every day. It is time to lose some wait (procrastination, laziness, lying around, etc.) and get on with doing something constructive with our lives. While we all go about trying to pay our bills, keep our families safe and healthy in an ever-threating world around us, we need to apply the lessons learned from the above message, and do this without delay. The number of diet books on the market today in America probably out-numbers many other kinds of books in the bookstores and yet many suffer from being over-weight. I reference this weight problem because the solution is very much aligned with the subject of deception in the world around us. Much of what goes into our bodies is being altered by the producers of the worlds food supply in such a manner which affects our hormones which in turn affects our metabolism and consequently our health. Regardless of the why behind this problem, and without reverting back to playing the blame game, the answer is still within each one of us. Whatever goes into your mouth, affects your health. Know this. Examine your diet, and do your homework as to what is good for you and what is not. No matter how powerful a lobby is in congress to legislate against the good will and good health of its people, the companies which provide food are powerless at the market place if they cannot sell it. Those who live by the Golden (Calf) Rule will die by it. We who live and breathe the True Golden Rule will survive by it.

Chapter 6
Inside out works for me
When I was a small boy, I had the reputation at school as the boy who always wore his T-shirts inside out. This was not a conscious fashion statement by me, rather an oversight brought on by sloppiness and not keeping my clothes folded neatly in my drawers. Nonetheless, bad habits remain with us for a long time, until we decide to do something about them. I occasionally find myself wearing a T-Shirt inside out, but its a rare thing, but still it is a reminder of the laws of Nature and how they affect our lives. Until we are masters of turning ourselves inside-out and examining our own beliefs, we will fall prey to those in government who use our incompetence to their own personal advantage. Their power resides in our own weaknesses, so know this and do something about it today. May peace bump into you on your way to enlightenment, and remember there are no strings on you, except the ones you place upon yourself.

David Alan Smith 2014


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