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Programme: BA/FD Graphic Design and Illustration Assignment Title: Design an Interactive Product Module Title: Interactive Design

Assignment Number: Two Start Date: 25/11/2013 Assessor:

Andrew Way/Kamal Gohil

Year/Stage: 2 Assessment Team:

Andrew Way

Module Code: FDGP202 Credit Rating: 20

Module Deadline Date: 28/01/2014 2.00pm

Feedback to Student Date: 19/02/2013 Assessment Method: 100% coursework

Learning Outcomes: Ref No1 No2 No3 No4 Module Aims:

1. Demonstrate creativity through research, ideas and concepts and designs in relation to interactive development. 2. Explore, utilise and integrate various hardware and software programmes to achieve a final digital product. 3. Present work in an appropriate interactive format. Additionally, FD route students will be able to: 4. Integrate selected aspects of the work into a developing portfolio designed for use within the workplace.

To support narrative content through the development of storyboarding creation skills and techniques. Develop an understanding of the technological application and integration of a combination of software and hardware. Develop an awareness of contemporary practitioners, styles and Interactive web based applications. To introduce time-based media management and editing skills.

Assignment Aims/Introduction:
The module will cover the narrative elements in design and creation through paper-based design techniques. The development and understanding of combining and integrating various hardware and software programmes to create a digital interactive product. Through a programme of research, the module will develop the students knowledge and awareness of contemporary design within an interactive environment. Taught sessions will result in the acquisition of creative design and technical skills related to essential hardware and software used to construct a digital interactive product.

Indicative Assessment Grading Criteria: Please refer to the Indicative Grading Matrix held in the Programme Handbook.

Within this module we will look at the various developments in visual design communication to a wide electronic media audience, and the use of re-usable content. The internet and its ongoing developments in software and hardware have meant that the way designers communicate information to an audience is constantly changing. With the development of technology progressing at an ever-increasing rate the internet is now much easier for the user to interact with and obtain instant access to information. Mobile technology and hardware are now seen as the future of new media communication, with Apple and the iPhone/iPad dictating the race (at the moment). Google and Android have quickened the technological pace with the Android market and apps, building an ever-increasing following. With this emerging technology offline is now becoming the new buzzword, as consumer demand moves application design to a different level. Within this project we will look at the jargon and technology that make up interactive media, where is technology heading, and we will begin to learn solutions utilizing various software to develop for these platforms. You will design and build an interactive product that communicates information on one of the following: 1) Porsche cars. 2) Vivienne Westwood. 3) Plymouth Shopping Centre. 4) Prometheus movie. 5) Plymouth College of Art. 6) The future of interactive technology. When developing your interactive product, consideration of target audience, trends in design/technology and your own career pathway should be researched and adopted into the development sketchbook to show and reflect how this has impacted on your own design strategy. Ongoing communication with lecturer is essential in allowing feedback to you in the progression of your designs and the content of the product.

Link to Learning Outcome




Student work required for this assignment

Your Final work must contain: Research/sketchbook showing good/bad design examples on your chosen subject, and reasons why. Research/ sketchbook showing the development of your own website/or interactive product designs. Interactive pages and content that link together to create the product.

5) Plymouth College of Art. 6) The future of interactive technology. When developing your interactive product, consideration of target audience, trends in design/technology and your own career pathway should be researched and adopted into the development sketchbook to show and reflect how this has impacted on your own design strategy. Ongoing communication with lecturer is essential in allowing feedback to you in the progression of your designs and the content of the product.

Student work required for this assignment

Your Final work must contain: Research/sketchbook showing good/bad design examples on your chosen subject, and reasons why. Research/ sketchbook showing the development of your own website/or interactive product designs. Interactive pages and content that link together to create the product. Your own design work as content for the site, in the form of photographs, text, etc. Utilizing/integrating software: InDesign/Photoshop/ Illustrator/ Dreamweaver/ QuickTime/ Flash/ Video encoder/ Adobe Air/cloud based technology software and storage. Final product will be shown in an individual presentation (6 mins) each the following week of the deadline day to lecturer from 2.00pm.

Reading / Resource List (Please refer to the Definitive Module Record [DMR]):
Core Reading/Resources: Gtz, V. (2002) Grids for the Internet and other digital media. Switzerland: AVA. Ilex. Hahn. J. (2010) Application Development: Strategies for Efficient Mobile Design and Delivery. Woodhead Publishing Ltd Krisztian, G. & Schlempp-Ulker, N. (2006) Visualising ideas:from scribbles to storyboards. London: Thames & Hudson. Additional Reading/Resources: Journals: Computer arts Digital creativity Digit Digital video IDN magazine On-line Resources:

Internal Moderation of Assignment Brief

Name of Programme IM (Capitals): Name of Learning Skills IM (Capitals):



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