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HORSE FORCE. Relaxing body gel-balsam for joints and muscles.5 ml.

Relaxing body gel-balsam for joints Horse Force established on the basis of only natural ingredients. Effective with the ain of various origins in the bac!" muscles" ligaments and joints" radiculitis. #ut can be used for the revention of muscle surge after exercise. $ctive com onents% &e ermint oil with a high content of menthol im roves the enetration of active ingredients of the gel-balsam dee ly into the muscles and joints. 'itamin E is a owerful antioxidant that slows the aging rocess of the s!in" revents the formation of blood clots and hel s them resor tion" romotes healing of the s!in and reduces the ris! formation of scar tissue. 'itamin E is im ortant for red blood cells" it im roves cell res iration and enhances endurance. (avender oil has a general tonic effect. )el-balsam has a leasant texture" moisturi*es the s!in and im roves its elasticity. &ossesses strong analgesic action for ain sym toms of diseases and injuries of the musculos!eletal system. Effective for the treatment and reventive care for ain in the muscles" ligaments and joints of different origin. +t is effective for the revention of muscle surge after exercise. &romotes relaxation. Recommended for massage. ,ethod of a lication% $ ly the gel-balsam on your s!in and rub with light massage movements twice a day. -o not use on damaged s!in" avoid contact with mucous membranes. Relaxare organism gel-balsam entru articula.ii /i de muscles.011 ml.Relaxare organism gelbalsam entru rosturi 2al vigoare stabilit doar ingrediente naturale. Eficiente cu durerea de diverse origini 3n s ate" mu/chii" ligamentele /i articula.iilor" radiculita. -ar oate fi folosit entru a reveni musculare cre/tere du 4 exerci.iu.2om onente active% ,enta ulei cu un con inut ridicat de mentol 3mbun4t4.e/te enetrare de ingrediente active de gel-balsam rofund 3n mu/chi /i articula.ii.'itamina E este un uternic antioxidant care incetineste rocesul de imbatranire a ielii" revine formarea de cheaguri de s5nge /i 3i ajut4 resorbtia" romovea*4 de vindecare a ielii /i reduce riscul formarea de tesut cicatricial. 'itamina E este im ortant entru celulele ro/ii din s5nge" 3mbun4t4.e/te rocesul res ira.iei celulare /i 3mbun4t4.e/te re*istenta.6lei din lavand4 are un efect general tonic.)el balsam are o textur4 l4cut4" hidratea*a ielea si imbunatateste elasticitatea. $re ac.iune uternic analge*ice entru durere sim tome de boli /i le*iuni ale sistemului musculo-scheletice. Eficiente de 3ngrijire reventiv4 i de tratament entru dureri 3n mu/chi" ligamente /i articula.ii de origine diferite. Este eficient entru revenirea musculare cre/tere du 4 exerci.iu. &romovea*a relaxarea. Recomandat entru masaj.,etoda de a licare% a lica.i gel-balsam e iele si frecati cu masaj usor mi/c4rile de dou4 ori e *i. 6tili*a.i e iele deteriorate" entru a evita contactul cu mucoasele.

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