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Archaeology Clearance (SHPO) Coastal Zone Certification (DLCD) Endangered Species Act Permits (US !

S" #$ S) loodplain Permits (Local) Corps of Engineers Permits (Section %& and'or (&() DSL ill and )emo*al Permits Historical ' C+lt+ral )eso+rces Appro*al (SHPO" H!A) Air ,+ality (DE,) Land Use Permits (Local) Local Permits $agn+son-Ste*ens Act clearance (#$ S" US !S) $aterials So+rce Permit (DO.A$/) $igratory 0ird and Eagle Permit (APH/S) #oise 1ariance Permit Section ((f) and'or 2(f) clearance ( H!A) Solid !aste Letter of A+thori3ation permit Storm 4ater Permit Using E5plosi*es in !aters of the States US6 Decommissioning #otification Utility Permits !aste4ater Permit

Discussion of Environmental Conditions A disc+ssion of each en*ironmental reso+rce category sho+ld 7e incl+ded in the E0)8 or each discipline" the disc+ssion sho+ld generally o+tline the follo4ing" 7ased on the findings incl+ded in the en*ironmental reso+rces technical reports or memos" and according to the g+idance presented in Appendi5 A of this doc+ment9

Statement of presence or a7sence of en*ironmental reso+rces (Archaeology" Historic" 0iology'ESA" !etlands" etc)" or description of potentially effected residences'7+sinesses or other en*ironmental constraints (Ha3mat" Air ,+ality $aintenance Area" #oise" etc)8 Short description of reso+rces or affected properties" if present 1al+e ran:ing or significance of reso+rces (i8e8 high'lo4 ;+ality 4etlands" potentially eligi7le'not eligi7le for #)HP" etc)8 Appro5imate cost and time to mitigate reso+rces" if potentially affected 7y pro<ect (refer" =En*ironmental $itigation Estimates> disc+ssion on page 2)8 $apping ade;+ate to sho4 pro<ect designer the location of each reso+rce in eno+gh detail to allo4 for a*oidance'minimi3ation design alternati*es (refer" =.eographic /nformation System S+pport> disc+ssion on page 2)8 )eference to 6echnical )eport or other doc+mentation indicating preparer and date" to s+pport the concl+sions and'or recommendations incl+ded in E0)8

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Justification of Null Results

!hen it is determined that there are no reso+rces present for a specific en*ironmental discipline" or that there is no potential to affect specific types of en*ironmental reso+rces" the E0) sho+ld contain a 7rief statement <+stifying the n+ll res+lts for that discipline" and doc+menting that an en*ironmental professional s+pports that determination8 or e5ample" if there are no historic reso+rces present in the pro<ect area" the E0) 4o+ld indicate9

No historic resources present in project area (refer, PA memo by Leslie Schwab, 10/ /0!"# Environmental Mitigation Estimates

!hen there is potential for a pro<ect to affect an en*ironmental reso+rce" information sho+ld 7e pro*ided in the E0) indicating estimated costs and timeline to mitigate the potential effects8 or e5ample" if the pro<ect may encroach +pon an archaeological site" the E0) sho+ld indicate appro5imate costs to do a reco*ery effort for the site" and ho4 long it 4o+ld ta:e to complete8 Li:e4ise" if there is a potential to affect a 4etland area" information sho+ld 7e incl+ded in the E0) estimating the cost to mitigate the 4etland impacts" ie" ?@&"&&& per acre" and the additional time re;+ired to de*elop the mitigation is appro5imately AA months8

Geographic Information System Support

All pro<ect mapping and reso+rce data collection sho+ld 7e prepared in accordance 4ith ODO6 ./S Data $anagement Standards8 (#ote9 Until the ./S standards are completed" mapping sho+ld 7e prepared on the most efficient mapping reso+rces a*aila7le" incl+ding aerial" topographic" straight-line" and other pro<ect area maps as appropriate to ill+strate the *ario+s en*ironmental reso+rces or constraints8)


Appendi A! "echnical Documentation Guidance

NOTE: Complete Procedural Guidance for each environmental discipline is available on the ODOT FTP site. Lin s to Procedural Guidance! "tandardi#ed "copes of $or ! and %e&ulator' Compliance documentation e(amples and forms are provided on the ODOT Geo)Environmental $ebsite. *http:++,,,.ore&on.&ov+ODOT+-$.+GEOEN/0%ON1ENT2L+3 Air #uality
Doc+ment 4hether the AP/ is located in an air ;+ality attainment area" a nonattainment area" or a maintenance area8 /f it is located in a non-attainment or maintenance area" specify for 4hat poll+tant8 Doc+ment if the pro<ect in*ol*es adding lanes" increases capacity" signali3ation" channeli3ation" and'or alignment changes8 /f the pro<ect incl+des these elements" note that an Air ,+ality 6echnical )eport may 7e re;+ired8 Doc+ment if the pro<ect is in9 (specify the respecti*e planning period of the most recently appro*ed S6/P" )6P" $6/P) a State 6ransportation /mpro*ement Program (S6/P)" the )egional 6ransportation Plan ()6P)" And the $etropolitan 6ransportation /mpro*ement Plan ($6/P)8 (Note$ %f the project is in an &P' area, the project shoul( be in the S)%P, the *)P, an( &)%P# %f the project is in a non+&P' area, the project shoul( be in the S)%P#" /f the pro<ect is located in a non-attainment'maintenance area" contact the appropriate agency responsi7le for the regional conformity analysis to ans4er the follo4ing9 o !as the pro<ect incl+ded in the regional conformity analysisB o !as it identified as a regionally significant pro<ect" a 6a7le C or a 6a7le D pro<ect of the 6ransportation Conformity )+leB /f the pro<ect is in a non-attainment or maintenance area descri7e 4hat additional 4or: needs to 7e done d+ring the pro<ect de*elopment phase to 7e in compliance8 )egional conformity determinationB Pro<ect le*el conformity determinationB CO hot spot analysisE or P$-%& hot spot analysis S6/P')6P'6/P amendment re;+iredB

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Archaeology E(istin& Conditions

Cond+ct 7ac:gro+nd records and literat+re search to determine if there are any pre*io+sly recorded sites in the pro<ect impact area8 6his sho+ld also incl+de tri7al coordination8 Cond+ct a field re*ie4'preliminary s+r*ey8 /f an archaeological site(s) is identified" cond+ct a Phase % pedestrian s+r*ey 4ith possi7le s+7s+rface pro7ing8 Note9 /f sites are fo+nd they need to 7e e*al+ated8 6ri7al coordination 4ill 7e done 7y ODO6 archaeology staff8 Doc+ment e5isting conditions incl+ding9 o 6ri7al information (if appropriate) o Historic'ethnographic'past research o C+lt+ral and historic conte5t o .eologic'geographic setting o C+rrent and past ecological en*ironment Setting incl+ding *egetation" *isi7ility" soils" topography" 4ater (type" direction" and aspect) Section of ;+ad map (SHPO )e;+irement) along 4ith encompassing legal descriptions8

/ncl+de any so+rces +sed to prepare technical report'memo8 Doc+ment any phone con*ersations 4ith tri7es" reso+rce agencies" property o4ners" etc8 Copies of completed site forms and isolated finds 4ill 7e a*aila7le on re;+est from the ODO6 archaeology staff8 (6his information is considered confidential8)

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0otanical )eso+rces9 Access a*aila7le information to determine the li:elihood that ESA state or federal listed or candidate plants are located on the pro<ect site (e8g" O)#H/C data7ase" US !S ;+arterly lists)8 Chec: 4ith local agencies and federal land agencies (if appropriate) to determine if specific s+r*eys are re;+ired8 Perform site *isits d+ring the appropriate gro4ing seasons to doc+ment and map ESA state or federal listed or candidate plants and any critical ha7itat" or to doc+ment the a7sence of 7otanical reso+rces of concern8 Ha7itat Assessments can s+7stit+te for s+r*eys 4hich cannot 7e completed d+ring the gro4ing season8 #o5io+s !eeds9 Access a*aila7le information to determine the li:elihood that no5io+s 4eeds are located on the pro<ect site (e8g8" O)#H/C data7ase" ODA 4eed list" USDA APH/S 4eed maps)8 Perform site *isits d+ring the appropriate gro4ing seasons to doc+ment and map no5io+s 4eeds +sing the ODA #o5io+s !eed )ating System" or to doc+ment the a7sence of 4eeds of concern8 Ha7itat Assessments can s+7stit+te for s+r*eys 4hich cannot 7e completed d+ring the gro4ing season8 !ildlife (incl+des 6errestrial /n*erte7rates)9 Access a*aila7le information to determine the li:elihood that ESA state or federal listed or candidate 4ildlife species are located on the pro<ect site or 4ill impacted 7y the pro<ect (e8g8" O)#H/C data7ase" US !S ;+arterly lists" OD ! lists" 6he Aerces Society)8 Chec: 4ith local agencies and federal land agencies (if appropriate) to determine if specific s+r*eys are re;+ired8 Perform site *isits and s+r*eys to doc+ment the presence'a7sence of state and federal ESA listed 4ildlife speciesE s+r*eys m+st 7e cond+cted according to appropriate reg+latory protocols or methodologies8 Doc+ment the importance of 4ildlife crossings in the pro<ect area" if appropriate8 Doc+ment if *egetation 4ill 7e remo*ed and if 7irds'7ats nest or roost on transportation str+ct+res (7ridges'c+l*erts) for potential $06A concerns8 ish and A;+atic )eso+rces9 Access a*aila7le information to determine the li:elihood that ESA state or federal listed or candidate fish species (incl+ding ESUs) or their critical ha7itats are located on the pro<ect site or 4ill impacted 7y the pro<ect (e8g8" O)#H/C data7ase" US !S ;+arterly lists" #$ S lists and ESU maps" OD ! lists)8 Perform site *isits and s+r*eys to doc+ment the presence'a7sence of state and federal ESA listed 4ildlife species (incl+ding ESUs) and to map their critical ha7itats (if present)E s+r*eys m+st 7e cond+cted according to appropriate reg+latory protocols or methodologies8 Scope drainage conditions in the pro<ect area and doc+ment 4hether any ish Passage State Stat+te Ftrigger conditionsF are met (O)S @&G8@H@)8
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%a&ardous Materials
Use =Ha3ardo+s $aterials Corridor St+dy> report template located on the ODO6 6P site8 )eference the Ha3ardo+s $aterials Corridor St+dy or S+r*ey $emo" incl+ding name of preparer and date Statement of ha3ardo+s materials present or a7sent Descri7e ha3ardo+s materials and location" if present Descri7e recommendations" incl+ding mitigation cost estimates" as needed8

E5ample lang+age9 ODO6 )egion IA Ha3$at .ro+p cond+cted a Ha3ardo+s $aterials Corridor St+dy for the pro<ect JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ (Key I JJJJJ)8 6he p+rpose of the assessment 4as to identify potential en*ironmental conditions (so+rces of ha3ardo+s materials) that co+ld impact Pro<ect constr+ction8 or details regarding this in*estigation and itLs findings" refer to the F.a/ar(ous &aterials 0orri(or Stu(y$ Project Name, 1ey 2$ 33333, .wy, &P, 0ity, 0ounty, 4ate5 Select either9 No 6in(ing 'ption 6his Corridor St+dy did not identify any potential en*ironmental conditions that 4o+ld li:ely impact the proposed constr+ction or right of 4ay ac;+isitions 4ithin the Pro<ect Corridor8 Unless the scope of the Pro<ect changes" no f+rther in*estigation is recommended8 /f the scope of the Pro<ect changes to incl+de additional e5ca*ation or right of 4ay ac;+isition" please contact the )egion Ha3$at Coordinator8 Or9 List Potential 7n8ironmental 0on(itions %(entifie( 6he Corridor St+dy identified the follo4ing potential en*ironmental conditions that co+ld impact the proposed constr+ction or right of 4ay ac;+isitions9 M )hree L9S) sites, two acti8e gasoline stations an( a (ry cleaners a(jacent to the Project 0orri(or an( coul( ha8e contaminate( soil an( groun(water within the propose( construction areas M &ercury 8apor lamps an( treate( timbers are present an( woul( re:uire special han(ling if they re:uire remo8al or replacement# M etc# 0ased on these findings" ODO6 Ha3$at .ro+p recommends the follo4ing9
Page ;

M Additional site specific research to complete a Phase % the meets the AS6$ E%@CN&& standard for I properties an(/or M A magnetometer and gro+nd penetrating radar s+r*ey to determine the presence of s+spected US6s at I locations an(/or M A s+7s+rface in*estigation on or ad<acent to each area of property ac;+isition or proposed e5ca*ation an(/or M A s+r*ey to determine the n+m7er and si3e of merc+ry *apor lamps ' light 7allasts ' treated tim7ers ' etc8 that re;+ire remo*al and prepare contract special pro*isions for handling and disposal of these materials8 /f the scope of the Pro<ect changes to incl+de additional e5ca*ation or right of 4ay ac;+isition" please contact the )egion Ha3$at Coordinator8 )eport preparation cond+cted 7y JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ8 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJ Signat+re Date 6echnical re*ie4 cond+cted 7y JJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Signat+re JJJJJ" )8.8 JJJJJJJJJJJJ Date

Corporate re*ie4 cond+cted 7y JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ8 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJ Signat+re Date )egistered .eologist Stamp9

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%istoric Resources

Cond+ct a local historic site in*entory re*ie4 and SHPO literat+re search8 Cond+ct a field re*ie4'preliminary s+r*ey8 Doc+ment e5isting conditions incl+ding9 o Definition of the Area of Potential Effect (APE) o Site location information o Photographs of potential historic property(s) incl+ding addresses8 o Doc+ment if the reso+rce is potentially eligi7le for listing in the #ational )egister (#)HP) and is potentially a ((f) property8 o $ap incl+ding locations of potential historic reso+rces8
o o Estimate cost and time to mitigate" if #)HP eligi7le reso+rces are affected8 #ame of C+lt+ral )eso+rces Specialist 4ho prepared the information" incl+ding reference to any memos or technical reports 4hich 4ere prepared s+pporting the determinations stated in the E0)8

/ncl+de any so+rces +sed to prepare this report8 Doc+ment any phone con*ersations or inter*ie4s 4ith reso+rce agencies or property o4ners8 Doc+ment any field research 4ith location maps and a ta7le that incl+des photographs" /D n+m7er" property address'ta5 lot" constr+ction date" reso+rce type and #ational )egister stat+s8

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'and (se
)e*ie4 pro<ect to determine its compati7ility 4ith DLCD state 4ide goals in partic+lar .oal C (Land Use Planning)" .oal D O ( (Agric+lt+ral O orest Lands)" goal G (Economic De*elopment) and .oal %C (6ransportation)8 )e*ie4 the pro<ect for consistency 4ith the Oregon High4ay Plan policy regarding the state high4ay freight system" lifeline ro+tes" efficiency of freight mo*ement" land +se and transportation" scenic 7y4ays" high4ay mo7ility standards" en*ironmental reso+rces" and scenic reso+rces8 (Other policies may also 7e applica7le8) )e*ie4 and determine pro<ect consistency 4ith local land +se plans and 3oning ordinances8 /ndicate ho4 this pro<ect is compati7le8 )e*ie4 and determine pro<ect consistency 4ith local <+risdiction transportation plans" if s+ch doc+ments e5ist8 ($ost <+risdictions are re;+ired to ha*e a transportation plan +nder Oregon Planning La48) $eet 4ith city and co+nty planning staffs to9 o Descri7e the pro<ect and o7tain planning and 3oning information8

o O7tain site specific permitting information8 o Determine if any special pro*isions in the local planning and 3oning ordinances are applica7le" 4hich may need special reports or application proced+res8 /f ederal lands are in*ol*ed refer to agency maps and corresponding management plans and reports8 6al: to agency personnel on specific pro<ect iss+es and re;+irements8

E(istin& Conditions Pro*ide a description of the area regarding the nat+ral and manmade feat+res seen on the landscape8 /t sho+ld 7e a descripti*e narrati*e 4hich gi*es the reader a general feel for the landscape and 4hatPs on it8 )e*ie4 the local 6ransportation System Plan (6SP) or the )6P ()egional 6ransportation Plan" if applica7le) and the Oregon High4ay Plan )e*ie4 3oning and comprehensi*e plan )e*ie4 state4ide planning goals Doc+ment e5isting conditions incl+ding9
Page >

o Local planning departments(s) and as: for 4ritten inp+t on 4hether the pro<ect is in compliance 4ith local planning and 3oning and if not" 4hat land +se actions are needed8 o Conformance or nonconformance 4ith the local 6SP and'or the )6P8 o /dentify land designations in the in the pro<ect area8 o /dentify any possi7le goal e5ceptions and possi7le plan amends8 o /dentify any possi7le land +se permits that may 7e re;+ired8 (/t sho+ld 7e noted that ODO6 does not need a local 7+ilding permit8) Zoning'Comprehensi*e Plan $ap8

(#ote9 or most pro<ects" Land Use determinations can 7e prepared 7y the )egion En*ironmental Coordinator in a manner similar to normal Part D preparation8) %eferences /ncl+de any land planning or reso+rce agency doc+ments +sed to prepare the technical report8 /f a permit is needed identify the local ordinance (name" citation n+m7er) that re;+ires it8 Doc+ment any phone con*ersations or face to face meeting 4ith planning department" reso+rce agencies" property o4ners and so forth8 /f at all possi7le get any local staff determinations in 4riting8

Page 10

6raffic noise has the potential to affect the pro<ect design if noise mitigation is necessary or" if a*oidance is desira7le thro+gh grade changes or the 4asting of e5cess c+t materials in 7erm constr+ction8 6he constr+ction of 7erms or so+nd 4alls can re;+ire additional easements or right-of-4ay ac;+isition8 6he constr+ction of noise 4alls along sho+lders may mean a change in the pro<ect typical sections for the area 4here the 4alls 4o+ld 7e constr+cted8 #oise st+dies are re;+ired 4hene*er one or more of the follo4ing conditions occ+r9 6he constr+ction 4ill in*ol*e creation of an additional lane of thro+gh traffic8 6his also applies to the constr+ction of a passing lane or HO1 lane8 6he constr+ction res+lts in an aco+stically significant increase in noise d+e to a shift in the hori3ontal or *ertical alignment of the road4ay8 6he constr+ction 4ill create a ne4 road4ay on a ne4 alignment8 6his also applies to on or off ramps8 6he constr+ction 4ill remo*e aco+stic shielding (i8e8 em7an:ments" dense stands of trees and *egetation" 7+ildings etc8) that c+rrently significantly red+ce noise to a receptor8

/f none of the a7o*e occ+r a traffic noise st+dy is not re;+iredQ /f any of the a7o*e occ+r a noise st+dy is re;+iredQ 6he ;+estion that m+st then 7e ans4ered is" are there noise sensiti*e de*elopments close eno+gh to the road4ay to ha*e potential for noise impactB #oise sensiti*e de*elopments consist of homes" 7+sinesses" par:s" schools" ch+rches or playgro+nds that c+rrently e5ist" or that are planned" designed or programmed8 Planned designed or programmed generally refers to 7+ilding permits iss+ed8 /f s+ch de*elopment is present some 7asic ;+estions as to the nat+re of the de*elopment m+st then 7e ans4ered8 or e5ample" is the de*elopment a residential s+7di*ision or mo7ile home par:B Does the de*elopment ha*e direct access to the road4ay" thro+gh dri*e4ays or streets 4hich 4o+ld limit or eliminate potential noise mitigationB At this early stage in pro<ect design it might 7e reasona7le to ass+me that a near7y de*elopment has potential for noise impact8 /f that is the case" a ;+ic: estimate of the potential cost of pro*iding noise mitigation can 7e made 7y estimating the cost for a 4all the length of the de*elopment8 6he cost of s+ch mitigation can then 7e estimated 7y m+ltiplying the length of the 4all in feet times the height of the 4all (+se %2 feet) and m+ltiplying that s;+are footage 7y ?C&8 6his is only a 7all par: estimate for ro+gh dollar *al+e consideration8 6he final design 4ill re;+ire a traffic noise st+dy complete 4ith a 4all design8 0y no means are these ro+gh considerations to 7e made p+7lic8 #o implied promise of noise mitigation is to 7e made +ntil a comprehensi*e noise st+dy is accomplished that incl+des an in depth mitigation analysis8

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or pro<ects 4here a noise st+dy is not re;+ired" the )ECs or other preparers may +se the follo4ing statement in the noise section of the E0)9 6he proposed pro<ect 4ill not add a thro+gh lane of traffic" constr+ct a ne4 road4ay on a ne4 alignment" res+lt in an aco+stically significant shift in the road4ay alignment" or 7ring a7o+t a ne4 traffic noise impact8 6herefore" a traffic noise st+dy is not re;+ired8 (*ef$ '4') Noise &anual, Appen(i? A" /f a ;+estion arises d+ring this process ODO6Ps Aco+stical +nit sho+ld 7e contacted8

E(istin& Conditions
/dentify Sensiti*e #oise )eceptors (S#)S) 4ithin the AP/ o An S#) is defined as a +se that may 7e impacted 7y increased noise and'or *i7ration ca+sed 7y increased traffic *ol+mes or speeds or 7y a reconfig+red e5isting road4ay directing traffic in a manner that increases noise or *i7ration8 o S+r*eyed S#)s sho+ld incl+de the follo4ing9 )esidential (single-family homes" m+ltifamily homes" mo7ile homes" apartments8 Senior 'care residential facilities $otels'hotels Hospitals Schools and play gro+nds Li7raries Places of 4orship 1i7ration sensiti*e ind+strial'commercial facilities Par:s" campgro+nds" and recreational facilities

/s there a shift in hori3ontal or *ertical alignmentB /f there is determine the amo+nt of shift

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Does the pro<ect increase the n+m7er of thro+gh tra*el lanesB ()e*ie4 Part % O C of the pro<ect prospect+s or tal: to the pro<ect team leader8) /s a ne4 road4ay 7eing proposed on a ne4 alignmentB Are there any :no4n noise pro7lems or complaintsB /f there are 4hat are they and 4here are they locatedB !ill this pro<ect res+lt in the remo*al of topographical feat+res 4hich c+rrently shield receptorsB Appro5imate n+m7er of 7+ildings 'acti*ity areas 4ithin C&& feet of the proposed right-of4ay lineB

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Section )*f+,-*f+
E isting Conditions

)esearch ;+ad maps" city and co+nty maps to identify p+7lic par:s" recreation lands" or 4ildlife and 4aterfo4l ref+ges8 Contact local planning and'or par:s departments to identify par:s and recreation areas" 4hether they are significant to their o*erall par: and recreation o7<ecti*es" +sage" etc8 Contact the State Par:s Planning and .rants Pro<ect Officer and local par:s and recreations to determine if special f+nding has 7een +sed to de*elop the par: (e8g8" Section 2(f)" Land and !ater +nds)8 Cond+ct site *isit8 Coordinate 4ith C+lt+ral )eso+rces to *erify if ((f) doc+mentation may 7e needed for any historic properties'str+ct+res8 Doc+ment e5isting conditions incl+ding map of potential Section ((f)'2(f) reso+rces8


/ncl+de any so+rces +sed to prepare technical report8 Doc+ment any phone con*ersations 4ith reso+rce agencies" property o4ners" etc8

Page 1-

E isting Conditions

Cond+ct site *isit8 .ather information on access" ta5 re*en+es" neigh7orhoods" 7+sinesses" ser*ices" and other social amenities +sing e5isting doc+ments s+ch as comprehensi*e plans" pre*io+s en*ironmental st+dies and cens+s data8 /ndicate reference so+rces +sed" and doc+ment any phone con*ersations 4ith reso+rce agencies" property o4ners" etc8

Doc+ment e5isting conditions addressing the follo4ing economic iss+es as appropriate9 Pop+lation R Descri7e local and regional pop+lation" incl+ding c+rrent cens+s data8 Ho+sing R Descri7e the ho+sing mar:et (ho+sing types" shortages" and a*aila7ility of afforda7le ho+sing) in the pro<ect area and pro<ect *icinity8 Descri7e esta7lished residential areas in the pro<ect *icinity8 Economy R Descri7e the general economic climate" incl+ding median ho+sehold income and po*erty stat+s (ind+stries" employment" to+rism) in the pro<ect area and esta7lished 7+siness districts in the pro<ect *icinity8 )elocation and )ight-of-!ay R State the n+m7er of residences" 7+sinesses" and comm+nity ser*ice facilities that may 7e impacted or re;+ire relocation as a res+lt of the pro<ect8

Doc+ment e5isting conditions addressing the follo4ing social iss+es as appropriate9 Protected Pop+lations and En*ironmental S+stice R Descri7e racial composition" po*erty le*el" and age of the pop+lation in the region or pro<ect area (demographics) compared to pro<ect *icinity8 /dentify minority or lo4 income pop+lations that co+ld 7e disproportionately and ad*ersely effected 7y the pro<ect8 Comm+nity Ser*ices R Descri7e ser*ices a*aila7le in the pro<ect area (schools" ch+rches" medical facilities" fire and police facilities" cemeteries" and go*ernmental instit+tions)8 #eigh7orhood Cohesion R Descri7e neigh7orhood cohesion and lin:ages 4ith comm+nity facilities (ch+rches" schools" etc8)8 )ecreation R Descri7e recreational opport+nities in the pro<ect area" incl+ding areas that are not formally designated for recreation 7+t that are +sed as s+ch8

(#ote9 or most pro<ects" Socioeconomics determinations can 7e prepared 7y the )egion En*ironmental Coordinator in a manner similar to normal Part D preparation8)

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.ater #uality
E isting Conditions

Doc+ment e5isting conditions incl+ding9

Description of )ecei*ing !aters 6ype (stream" la:e" gro+nd4ater" 4etland) Hydrology !ater ;+ality condition and stat+s (6$DL" D&Dd list" sole so+rce a;+ifer" 4ellhead protection 3one) Physical condition )iparian condition 0eneficial Uses As defined 7y DE, Locally important +ses (domestic or m+nicipal 4ater inta:es etc8) 6hreatened or endangered a;+atic species loodplain lood4ay %&& year floodplain @&& year floodplain Soils Permea7ility Erodi7ility !atershed land+se and *egetation co*er Percentage de*eloped" agric+lt+re" +nde*eloped E5isting High4ay acilities Pro<ect e5isting imper*io+s s+rface area Drainage facilities description 6ype E5tent !ater ;+ality effecti*eness 6reatment Opport+nities Assessment of pro<ect area for treatment options Permits other than #PDES held 7y ODO6 /ndian )eser*ation #PDES %C&&-C from EPA )eser*ation specific permits Clean !ater Act Section (&% Certification'!ater ,+ality appro*al (for pro<ects 4ith C!A (&('DSL )emo*al- ill permits U/C (+ndergro+nd in<ection control system) permit for discharge to gro+nd4ater Local S+risdiction permits" as appropriate8


/ncl+de any so+rces +sed to prepare technical report8 Doc+ment any phone con*ersations 4ith reso+rce agencies" property o4ners" etc8

Page 1;

.etlands and other .aters of the (/S/ and State

Determination that 4etlands are present or a7sent 4ithin the AP/- 7ased on Corps of Engineers %GHN !etland Delineation $an+al (pro*ide in ta7le) or areas that meet the criteria for 4etland in accordance 4ith the %GHN Corps of Engineers !etlands $an+al" a determination as to 4hether s+ch 4etland areas are <+risdictional +nder state and federal reg+lations8 /f <+risdiction is not readily apparent"
state 4hy and 4hat steps need to 7e ta:en to ma:e the determination (e8g8 additional field data" timing" reg+latory agency site *isit" etc8)

Short description of 4etlands in the AP/ (Co4ardin classification" dominant *egetation type'species" appro5imate si3e or e5tent (if appropriate) 0riefly descri7e the ;+ality of 4etlands in the AP/- 7e s+re to note 4hether 4etlands located 4ithin e5isting right of 4ay differ in ;+ality than those o+tside8 Use 7est professional <+dgment (0PS) and doc+ment reasoning8 /f 4etland reso+rces occ+r on 7oth sides of a high4ay or str+ct+re" ran: these reso+rces in order to help a designer ma:e informed choices regarding design changes8 Use 0PS and doc+ment reasoning8 /dentify potential a*oidance and minimi3ation meas+res #ote the cost of mitigation if 4etlands 4ithin the AP/ are impacted" and note 4hether the pro<ect site is located 4ithin the ser*ice area of a mitigation 7an: /ncl+de a map that sho4s the location of o7ser*ed 4etlands" 4ater4ays" and other 7odies of 4ater occ+rring 4ithin the AP/ #ote any areas 4ithin the AP/ that 4ere not in*estigated" and 4hy8 /ncl+de reference to any technical reports or memos" indicating name of specialist responsi7le for determinations" and date of report'memo8

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0isual Resources

)esearch ;+ad maps" city and co+nty maps to identify ederal Scenic High4ay or 6o+r )o+te and indicate designation9 #ational Scenic 0y4ay" All-American )oad" Oregon Scenic 0y4ay" Oregon 6o+r )o+te" or Oregon $emorial Dri*eE Oregon Scenic !ater4ays and #ational !ild and Scenic )i*ersE ederal" State or Local par:s and recreation or conser*ation lands (incl+des #ational Historic and Scenic 6rails" 4ildlife sanct+aries" ref+ges and preser*es" L7each landL)8 Determine if there is a US S or 0L$ $anagement Plan8 Doc+ment so+rces of data +sed and methods +sed to research and collect data8 Contact ODO6Ls District $aintenance Office and determine if there a *egetation management plan for the area8 Contact local agency to determine design re*ie4 re;+irements8 Cond+ct site *isit and photograph e5isting conditions" incl+ding *ie4 areas8 Doc+ment e5isting conditions incl+ding map of potential Section ((f)'2(f) reso+rces8 ollo4 H!A g+idelines and 1is+al )eso+rce 6emplate ()oadside De*elopment Design $an+al) to identify and descri7e reso+rces" potential impacts8 /ncl+de photographs of the pro<ect area and s+rro+nding *ie4s8 Key photographed *ie4s to map8


/ncl+de any so+rces +sed to prepare technical report8 Doc+ment any phone con*ersations 4ith reso+rce agencies" property o4ners" etc8 ederal and State stat+tes dealing 4ild and scenic ri*ers" national scenic 7y4ays" national historic and scenic trails" and state 'federal 4ildlife ref+gees and sanct+aries8 ederal and state management agency plans dealing 4ith the reso+rces in ;+estion8

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