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Peace in Peril!.Ralph Adams Cram Warns Us All

Dark Forces That May Cheat The Dangerous Bolshevist and Im¬
of Its perialist Minorities That Must
II Be .Watched
By Ralph Adams Cram only- salvation would, be a conscious and as liberty, and every state must be per¬ in the form of imperialism or of interna»
WHILE any settlement of united action on the part of Great Brit¬ mitted and guaranteed absolute sover¬ tionalism, any force the. works against
Europe that will be consonant ain, Prance, the United States and Japan eignty. The function of the coordinat¬ this self-conscious nationality must be
with, the principles of justice, toward providing Russia with that secur¬ ing power would be the determining and bitterly opposed. Financial, political and
enduring in its nature, and In ity of administration and that financial enforcing of international law, no more industrial imperialism on the one hand,
jjlóf guarantee of a reasonable peace, and industrial assistance which she
a and noless. Within their own borders Bolshevik-Marxian internationalism on
gpgt be dependent on the unloosing and pressingly demands and which would and in their relationships with other the other, will work with might and
ßtabllshing of spiritual forces, this must make impossible the interpénétration
and exploitation toward which Germany
states each one of the new states of main, and not without accord, to prevent
ill be guaranteed by material changes Europe should have absolute liberty of this re-creation of sane and wholesome
.jjjch will show themselves in the form is now aiming. action. Nothing but the violation of the nationalism, and on both sides we shall
fl new frontiers delimiting new states Partition of the former German Em¬ international law of Europe should sub¬ see.we. already see.that Semitic influ¬
?jart will be very far from pre-war con¬ pire, therefore, remains the only safety ject them to coercive action on the part ence which has and always will be the
ations. Every spiritual thing must for Europe, but it must be. partition of the central force. foe of nationality.
Igre its material manifestation in time, without annexation. Againsfc the sub¬ For the 6ake of the future, in justice
mi there is no greater menace to the jection of racial groups to alien sov¬
Between Scylla to the peoples now accomplishing their
forld to-day than the extension of an ereignty the Allies have stood firmly and and Charybdis emancipation, it is absolutely imperative
jnarphous sentimentality that takes no must stand firmly for the future. Par¬ The world to-day hangs between two
that the break-up of Middle Europe along
count of physical expression or material tition without annexation" does not, how¬ national lines be definitely assured, and
gaarantees. ever, exclude the return of stolen terri¬ menacing threats. On the one hand, the this can be achieved only through the
reactionary, status quo ante, standpat¬
Prior to tho falling of the Central tory. That Alsace-Lorraine, the Tren- ter, imperialistic designs of those who
free» voice of the several peoples, unin¬
Earopean house of cards, I urged, as the tino, Trieste, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Posen, have learned nothing from the war; on
fluenced by the sinister imperialist-inter¬
ealy just material basis of settlement, the Schleswig and Silesia will be lopped off nationalist influences already at work.
the other, the Bolshevist pacifist con¬
hlsttnig out of the name and fact of the from the German monster is now as¬ As things stand at the moment it is
spiracy of those who have learned too
German Empire and the Austro-Hun- sured, but the process of decentraliza¬ much and learned it wrong. Between
probably neither expedient nor possible
ïjrian Empire from the map of Europe, tion cannot stop here. The name "Ger¬ these two stools society may well fall to
to say openly that these malignant fac¬
and the substitution of a large number man Empire" must be eliminated from the ground, Both are working overtime
tors actually are, but increasingly the
d independent states reconstituted on the map, and in its place there should at the present moment, and their plot-
public is coming to recognize their na¬
the basis of the unit of human scale. be a Saxony, a Hanover, an East Prus¬ tings are showing results in unexpected
ture. "Eternal vigilance is the price of
Since then, the miraculous happenings in sia, a new Palatinate and a southern places. The refusal/of real aid to Rus¬
safety." Let the people watch jealously
what once was Austria-Hungary have Catholic state made up of Bavaria, sia; the conspiracy now developing
the éventa as they occur, and work to
apparently taken th» necessary initiative tria Württemberg and Baden. German Aus¬ against a great, independent Poland;
«counteract those that are reactionary
from the Allies, and returned it must be made an isolated and inde¬ or revolutionary the moment they show
awty the working out of plans for a great war
to the hands of the peoples most immedi¬ pendent state, as must be also the com¬ of markets and tariffs following the
themselves in the open, is more
ately concerned. Austria-Hungary has ponent parts of Germany referred to
above. treaty of peace; the manifest tendency
often the case.can be traced operating
in the dark.
case to an end, and in place thereof we toward a perpetuation of our present
hire already a new Bohemia (somewhat autocratic government and a further im-
iftctedly termed Czecho-Slovakia),
Hungary, a greater Serbia (also given
An End to All
Imperialism perializing of trade and industry; the
recrudescence of humanitarian senti-
Citizen Must Take
the novel title of Jugo-Slavia) and an The day of imperialism in government, mentaljsm toward a defeated enemy. There is no place where the Imperial¬
Austria vacillating between «independence in industry, in finance, in education, in all these, are evidences of the joint ist-Pacifist or the Bolshevist-Humani¬
and incorporation in a dissolving Ger¬ social affairs is at an end. Unless this workings of two bittefrly opposed forces, tarian virus is working more insidiously
man Empire. destruction of imperialism has been ac¬ either of which, if victorious, would than here in America. Four well known
complished through the war, then we mean the downfall ofyCivilization. and widely circulated weekly papers, out¬
wardly opposed, but inwardly at one, are
Still a Winning
have failed to learn the lesson of the*
war. The gross aggregates of highly
differentiated nationalities masquerading
Are We ta Lose

Real Democracy?
striving to undermine the instinctive
sense of justice of the American people
So far as this member of the European under the imperial titles of unity must At present there are tnose wno are by means of specious humanitarianism, a
allisuice is concerned, the necssary proc- be brought to an end, and the beginning prepared to accept at its own valuation plausible liberalism, and a very compe¬
tent assumption of intellectual and
esg of disintegration has taken place, and may be made here in the territories of anything that calls itself a republic or ethical
the equally necessary process of réinté¬ a defeated and utterly discredited enemy. a. democratic government, from red Bol¬ superiority. The danger point of
gration is under way. The procedure The greatness of the German peoples shevism in Russia to political autocracy civilization did not lie at the first or the
tan not be permitted to rest here. If, was the greatness of the small states. among the various allies. Slaves of second crossing of the Marne, it exists
through the devious plottings of the Bol¬ Saxony, Bavaria, Franconia, Swabia. words and phrases, we miss the truth in the future, and at the council table
shevist-Pacifist faction Germany con¬ and no true greatness has developed un¬ and the fact, and our danger is the where the terms of peace are to be de¬
tinues to exist as a unit, with German der German imperialism; only a gross greater thereby. termined.
Austria added, and Holland also if the and conscienceless force which, oblivious The treatment of Central Europe So far as the people of the United
States are concerned, there is not the
conspiracy now in process succeeds, then of the difference between right and after the war is a test case, and the map
Germany has won the war, ultimately if wrong, oblivious of justice, oblivious of that follows therefrom will be indicative slightest doubt where they stand. They
not immediately, for she will still remain every element of liberty and freedom, of safety or of peril, as the case may be. want justice for every people in Europe,
a powerful, centralised force, strategi¬ has striven to establish the hegemony If all Poland.German, Russian, Aus¬ whichever way the sword cuts, whether
cally placed, and in an admirable position of the world under the supremacy of not incorporated in one sover¬ for the carving out of a great Poland
te reestablish herself as a dominating Prussianism. eign state, with Danzig as its seaport; in glory and honor and in compensa¬
«snomic and political influence through if all the Southern Slavs are not guar¬ tion for centuries of oppression, or the
Escape for anteed absolute independence; if the carving up of the putrefying empires of
toe interpénétration of Russia, the com¬
ponent parts of the old Austria-Hungary,
sod the Balkan States, toward which
No the Evildoer Czecho-Slavs are not reconstituted in an Austria-Hungary, Turkey and German;?.
independent state ; if Schleswig is not re¬ They want neither Imperialism nor Bol¬
sta is already looking. To quote from what I have already turned to Denmark and Alsace-Lorraine shevism in Europe or in America, and
written on the subject: to France; if the Turk is not driven out those that try to enforce either will get
The process of fission under way to
the south must be continued through name "Without the blotting out of the of Europe forever; and if the occupied short shrift.
and the fact of Germany this portions of Germany, west of the
^ the Baltic and the North Sea, and if would be impossible, and the same is
tie German peoples do not carry out true of Austria-Hungary, for *he has
tàis process by their own initiative, then not escaped, and cannot escape, üi¿
Rhine, are not erected into an inde¬
pendent sovereignty, then the future of Enlightened
Must Rule
it mast be imposed on them by the Peace odium that attaches to her ally and Germany is assured. If the people will demand a reunited
( «inference. The crazy Bolshevism now overlord. From the first day of the The partition of Germany is then as and sovereign Poland
war.and before.Germany has fol¬ coterminous with
The Victor's imperative as the partition of Austria- the Polish race, the expulsion of the
rampant is only a passing phase. It« has lowed a cynical and consistent policy
Probably been initiated, and is being fos¬ of violating every law of honor, every
Thanksgiving Î Hungary, now practically accomplished. Turk from Europe, independence for
The exact delimitation of the future
tered, by the very powers that precipi- custom of decency. She has «said, frontiers is another
Palestine and Armenia, the delimitation
teied the war. It is a red herring drawn 'Evil,a be thou myof good,' and has built described is not penalization but possi¬ dinating force is, of course, necessary. "league of nations" is that this might be which may take a long matter,
and one of frontiers in the Balkans and the for¬
across the trail of persistent imperialism.
up pyramid lies, brutality and ble redemption." Not a weak and impotent Hague tri-" time finally to de¬ mer Austria-Hungary in accordance with
crime, unparalleled in history, that constituted as, or tend to become, a termine. This
Once the German armies are safely back would brand forever the name and na¬ With the substitution for the gros.s buna], but a real force, though not one involves the question of the free wish of the various peoples, and
sovereign imperium. "Internationalism" what constitutes real nationality. The
within German territory order will re¬ tionality of 'German.' To the end of and discredited imperialisms of many that can be permitted to interfere with such as this the world cannot admit or the permanent partition of Germany into
paie its sway, very possibly under a time this word can only stand as the states of human scale, a central, coör- local sovereignty. The danger of the prime factor in this is the will of the at least four independent states
endure. Nationality is as sacred a thing they
restored monarchy, and once more Ger¬ incarnation of malignant falsity and people freely expressed. Against this will probably get what they want.
obscene bloodthirstiness, aggravated the Allies cannot stand, even if they had
many will become the eternal menace to and intensified by a kind, of devilish the desire which, manifestly, is not the
otherwise, imperialism and Bolshevik-
a free and consummate ingenuity. There is Pacifism may very well so far control
no penalty man could devise to impose
upon her so ruthless and annihilating
FEATURES WITHIN case. Nationality is not
entirely condi-
tioned by language, religion, ethnic
the decisions of the peace conference

R From Germany
ussia Mnst be Saved as the leaving to her people the name
of 'German' or the retention on the
characteristics, economic interests 01
strategic frontiers, or even by all of
that all that has been gained by the
world will be sacrificed and the scene

& must not be forgotten that Ttoasia is,

map of Europe of the
name of 'Ger¬ Bismarck, Beer and Modern Germany.Page 2 these taken together. set for another and a more
The Avenue of the Allies.Paintings by Childe Hassam. Page 3
a°d unless drastic steps are taken in
position will remain, fh» territory
"*re Germany win recuperate her
"The world cannot look forward to
Perspectives.By Ralph Block. ..Page 3
The Congress of Versailles.By Frank H. Simonds.Page 4
This is no crazy dream. The people
of France and England and America and
Italy and Belgium are sound; they will
a central Europe as an international There is such a thing as national per
*»kn fortunes through industrial ex¬ pariah, ostracized, outlawed and buried Reconstruction at Home.By Theodore Knappen.Page 5 j want the just thing, which for once is also
citation. The intervention of a » in the oblivion of its own sins. In sonality, a national soul, built up ol the expedient thing. Against them the
st°red Holland lying between the two some way the fine old qualities of Sax¬ Wages and Peacer.By Professor H. J. Davenport.Page 6 many factors, and as real as it is dif malignant and sinister
minority cannot
Citorias win avafl nothing as a pre¬ ony and Thuringia, of Swabia and Ba¬ A Ray of Hope in the German Revol ution. Page 7 ficult of determination from without stand. If
they can make their will
uve. The Russian« know that they varia, of Franconia and the Rhine- Against this the new "Internationalism' known, and their power
land, must be rediscovered and re¬ The Real Cost of the War in Dollars and Lives. .'. Page 7 operative, then
sets its face, and this is, therefore, on« the world may be saved from
'_*.to be so exploited by Goranaaiy, and
la th«
stored and used as a basis on which
The Salute, a French War Story, Translated by W. L. McPherson. Page of the most sinister influences operativ» otherwise.this is the catastrophe,
light of the Bolshevik alternative may be built up a life that will ex¬ 8 day of minorities.
The Tribune Institute.Pages 10,

ky regard witn calnmeHB the future piate an interlude of infamy and re¬ to-day. Out of the world must come ai and a faction, if it is
¦<*** apparently lies before them. The
store to a once great race, its forfeited
self-respect. Partition such as that
11, 12 even more emphatic nationalism thai sufficiently impu-
dent and aggressive, can make ***** sacri¬
any that was known before, and whether fices of the of no
war a

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